708 research outputs found

    Organizational excellence: approaches, models and their use at Czech organizations

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    Purpose: The paper brings a set of original information related to analysis and description of the current state in the area of excellence models implementation in Czech organisations. It defines these terms, analyses results of special research in Czech organisations and proposes a comprehensive and generic framework how to achieve the organisational excellence. The principal goal of this paper is to present the main possibilities, benefits, limitations and risks related to the practical use of excellence models in Czech organisations. Methodology/Approach: Brainstorming conferences, field research and relevant data analysis, seminars with quality professionals and other managers, comparative literature analysis and interviews were used to reach the principal goal. Findings: The organisational excellence concept is now widely discussed and implemented throughout the world. Unlike, the real situation in most Czech organizations is rather else. Level of knowledge and overall people awareness related to this concept and various excellence models is very low. This finding supports the assumption that is necessary to change company culture towards never-ending excellence effort in Czech organisations by way of systematic knowledge (including best practices) sharing among all levels of organizations staff. Research Limitation/implication: Special research activities focused on analysis and description of current state in area of excellence models implementation, which was performed on a sample of 321 Czech organisations (with more than 20% response rate). Such level of response rate was seriously influenced by the fact that practical use of various excellence models in Czech organisations is rather limited in present days. However, we can suppose the obtained results should be valid or interesting also for another organization, not only in the Czech Republic. Originality/Value of paper: The paper brings an original set of information from special market research as well as the development of a creative and generic framework of the organisational excellence tailored to Czech organisations. Category: Research paperWeb of Science222644

    Digital microphone signal processing

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    Cílem této práce je implementace digitálních decimačních filtrů do programovatelného hradlového pole. Součástí práce je také popis technologie MEMS včetně srovnání mikrofonů s technologií MEMS různých výrobců. Další část textu je také věnována sigma-delta modulaci. Stěžejní částí práce je ovšem návrh a implementace digitálních filtrů CIC a FIR pro zpracování signálu z digitálního mikrofonu, včetně simulací a ověření vlastností navržených filtrů v programu Matlab.The aim of this work is to implement digital filters into programmable gate array. The work also includes a description of the MEMS technology, including comparisons with the technology of MEMS microphones from various manufacturers. Another part is devoted to the Sigma-delta modulation. The main section is the design and implementation of digital CIC and FIR filters for signal processing of digital microphone, including simulation and verification of properties of the proposed filter in Matlab.

    A study of quality assessment in higher education within the context of sustainable development: A case study from Czech Republic

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    Quality has become an increasingly important and critical success factor at higher education institutions, particularly universities. Numerous discussions have been held about education quality in the context of sustainable development. However, the quality of that education strongly depends on the overall quality of the management system which operates at schools. The principal aim of this article is to present the approaches to the quality management systems' development and their assessment at universities, and share some lessons learned from this area of research. Some possibilities of the ISO 9001 standard's implementation, as well as the application of excellence models as a response to community demands, will be discussed, especially in the context of the recently-introduced Act No. 111/1998 Coll on Higher Education Institutions, which requires quality assurance and quality evaluation. A case study from The VSB-Technical University of Ostrava shows approaches, results and effects of the quality management system implementation.Web of Science1211art. no. 476

    Stochastic optimization of laboratory test workflow at metallurgical testing centers

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    The objective of the paper is to present a way to shorten the time required to perform laboratory tests of materials in metallurgy. The paper finds a relation between the time to perform a test of materials and the number of technicians carrying out the test. The relation can be used to optimize the number of technicians. The approach is based on probability theory, as the amount of material to be tested is unknown in advance, and uses powerful modelling techniques involving the generalized estimating equations.Web of Science55478277

    Measurement and Evaluation of Business Performance

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na měření a hodnocení finanční výkonnosti podniku Alza.cz a.s. s jedním z konkurenčních podniků Electro World s.r.o. v letech 2017-2019 a návrhům na její zlepšení. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. Teoretická část vymezuje pojmy a definuje ukazatele finanční analýzy. Druhá část je analytická, kde se pomocí vzorců uvedených v teoretických východiscích vypočítají hodnoty jednotlivých ukazatelů. Závěrečná část práce předkládá návrhy a doporučení na zlepšení finanční situace společnosti.This bachelor´s thesis is aimed at measurement and evaluation of the financial effectiveness of the selected company Alza.cz a.s. with one of its competitor Electro World s.r.o. in the period from 2017 to 2019 and proposals to its improvements. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The theoretical part defines concepths of financial analysis and financial ration. Second part is analytical, where the values of the individual indicators are calculated using the formulas given in the theoretical bases. The final part presents proposals and recommendations to improve the financial situation of the selected company.

    Use of quality planning methods in optimizing welding wire quality characteristics

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    The quality of a product is given by the extent, to which the product meets customer requirements. It is generally accepted that the extent, to which the product meets such customer requirements, and, consequently, the resulting quality of the product itself, substantially depend on the early stages of the product lifecycle, i.e. on the design and development stages. Appropriate means for eff ective product quality planning can be found among quality management methods and tools. These methods are typically employed in engineering production and automotive industry. This paper focuses on exploring the potential of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Failure Mode and Eff ect Analysis (FMEA) methods for use in metallurgical production, an industrial branch where they have not been commonly employed as yet.Web of Science52453252

    Payment Systems in the European Union

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    Import 19/10/2011Finanční sektor má nemalý podíl na celé ekonomice. Současný stav využívání finančních služeb v Evropské unii se stal účinnějším a více sjednoceným než v období 90. let 20. století. Platební systémy hrají důležitou roli v procesu finanční integrace v Evropské unii. Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je, za pomoci metod dedukce, komparace a metody heuristické, statistické a chronologické, analyzovat a zhodnotit míru současné integrace platebních systémů v Evropské unii podle vybraných ukazatelů množství a hodnoty plateb prováděných platebním systémem pro platby velkých hodnot založeného na procesu průběžného zpracování plateb, tzv. TARGET a také prováděných v rámci Jednotné platební oblasti zvané SEPA. Hlavní hypotézou diplomové práce je, že integrace platebních systémů v Evropské unii je na vysoké úrovni. Bylo nutné stanovit obecnou strukturu pro psaní diplomové práce, která zahrnovala definici finančního systému a finančních trhů, definici plateb a platebních systémů, a definici finanční integrace a integrace platebních systémů v Evropské unii.Financial sector has no small part in the whole economic. Current state of using financial services in the European Union has become more efficient and harmonised than in the nineties of the 20th century. Payment systems play significant role in the financial integration of the EU. The main objective of this Diploma Thesis is to, by using the methods of deduction, comparison and using the heuristic, statistical and chronological methods, analyse and evaluate the level of the current integration of the payment systems in the EU according to the choosen indicators of the ammount and the value of the payments realized throught the large-value payment system based on the real-time gross settlement of the payments called TARGET and through the single euro payment area called SEPA. The main hypothesis of the Diploma Thesis is that the integration of the payment systems in the European Union is on a high level. It was necessary to make the common framework for the writing Diploma Thesis which includes definitions of the financial system and the financial markets, payments and the payments systems, financial integration and integration of the payments systems of the EU.120 - Katedra evropské integracevelmi dobř

    Optical communication interface for LaserGame

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem komunikačního rozhraní v infračerveném pásmu elektromagnetických vln, které bude použitelné pro laser game.This work deals with the design of the communication interface in the infrared band of electromagnetic waves, which will be applicable to the laser game.