115 research outputs found

    The Self-Made Entrepreneur: Marxist Analysis Of White Tiger

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    Abstract American capitalism and its values have the capability to influence global economies with the rise of the internet and information technology. However, films like White Tiger allow for a more intersectional examination at how people of color are influenced by class issues outside of the United States. The objective of this paper is to critically examine how the proletariat is represented in White Tiger and apply Marxist concepts in order to identify the hegemonic ideologies created within institutions and culture in India. By using a Marxist analysis of semiotics, the animal metaphors, the smile facade, and studying the superstructure paints a bigger picture of how the proletariat can flip roles and reclaim power as the newly formed bourgeoisie. As a result, White Tiger recreates the self-made entrepreneur in a response to the colonial influenced social classification system while presenting technological advancements and start-ups as a solution that recreates the powerful influence capitalism has in maintaining economic tensions and the desire to become the ruling class

    The Ukrainian Immigrant Experience in South Carolina

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    The following paper focuses on the Ukrainian immigrant community living in the Upstate region of South Carolina and the vast differences in immigrant experiences of former and more recent Ukrainian Immigrants. Ukrainians have been migrating to the US since the late 1800s, but unfortunately, there are few studies available on this ethnic group. To give readers a background on the topic, this paper first documents the history of Ukrainian immigration to the US by describing and comparing the four waves of Ukrainian migration to the United States. The following section introduces a questionnaire, created to collect data on the Ukrainian immigrants living in Upstate, South Carolina. This questionnaire was created based on recent studies, and several Ukrainian immigrants from within the community were individually interviewed. Topics of geographics, religion, language, and community involvement are covered in the questionnaire. The questionnaire results are used to explore the characteristics of 4th wave Ukrainians in the US. The results support the hypothesis that 4th wave Ukrainians differ significantly from the previous waves of Ukrainian immigrants, in characteristics including push and pull factors, religion, culture, and language


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    Abstract. A digital signal processing based on a representation over various algebraic systems is discussed. Theorems of spectral decomposition of a multiple-valued function are formulated. Examples of the function decomposition are given

    Foreign policy strategy of Ukraine in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war

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    The military invasion of the aggressor state into Ukraine is one of the most relevant topics in the recent Ukrainian and world academic literature because the results of the conflict will affect not only national interests but also the security and well-being of other states. Ukraine’s foreign policy strategy plays a significant role in the further development of the conflict. It improves relations with other states, obtaining support in the fight against the aggressor, restoring Ukraine's integrity and citizens' safety, counteracting the food crisis, etc. The study aims to determine the main strategic directions of Ukraine’s foreign policy, the characteristics of its legislative support, and its current state. The research used the following methods: economic and statistical analysis, the establishment of causal relationships, and the comparative method. The study identified and described six main directions of Ukraine’s foreign policy. Legislative documents that enshrine the outlined directions were identified. The government’s steps in specific directions were described. The statistical characteristics of individual areas of Ukraine’s foreign policy were outlined. The state of some aspects of Ukraine’s foreign policy before the war and after the full-scale invasion was compared. Ukraine’s prospects for achieving the desired results in the specified areas were assessed


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    The paper describes computer device which records electrical signals of quantity humans systems under various physiological testing. The device undertakes the real time analysis using modern methods of a biostatistics. The main phases of the mathematical analysis by applying of MedStatand BioStatNeuro software packages are considered.В статье дано описание компьютерного комплекса, позволяющего проводить мультипараметрическую регистрацию физиологических показателей при предъявлении различных тестирующих нагрузок, а также их анализ в режиме «on-line» с использованием современных методов биостатистики. Рассмотрены основные этапы математического анализа полученных в результате тестирования показателей в пакетах статистического анализа MedStat и нейросетевого анализа BioStatNeuro.У статті описаний комп'ютерний комплекс, що дозволяє проводити мультипараметричну реєстрацію фізіологічних показників при пред'явленні різних тестуючих навантажень, а також їх аналіз у режимі «on-line» з використанням сучасних методів біостатистики. Розглянуті основні етапи математичного аналізу отриманих в результаті тестування біомедичних даних в пакетах статистичного аналізу MedStat та нейромережевого аналізу BioStatNeuro

    Vasodilator effect of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) in the conditions of bone tissue formation by the method of discrete traction in congenital segmental pathology

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    The development of the limbs in patients with congenital segmental defects is associated with defects in the vascular system of the same segment. In this case, vascular endothelial growth factors that participate in physiological angiogenesis may have effect on bone tissue formation in ontogenesis and participate in endochondral ossification. In this regard, the aim of the study was to compare the quantitative changes in growth factors (VEGF) and the contractile properties of arterioles under conditions of discrete distraction for congenital pathology of the lower leg bones. Materials and methods Subjects of the study were 12 patients with congenital pseudarthrosis of the lower leg (ICD-10 Q 74.0). Their serum was analyzed using an enzyme immunoassay. Microcirculation in the calf skin was examined by laser flowmetry (BLF21, Transonic Systems Inc., USA). We used the findings obtained from the study of blood serum in 103 somatically healthy people for control. Results Significant imbalance in serum concentrations of endothelial factors and their receptors was detected in the subjects with congenital pathology. As a result of surgical treatment, the imbalance of secretion of vascular growth factors and their receptors increased. Vasodilator effect in the precapillary vessels in the zone of the operated segment in patients with congenital pathology was not revealed by surgical intervention


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    The paper presents the procedure of account and analysis of Herst's expo-nent for series of biomedical data. The estimation of Herst's exponent for analysis of stabilo-gramms is realized. The modification of associations by the quantization time is found. It testifies to a possibility to use this value as a degree of motion organization.В статье приведена методика рассчета и анализа показателя Херста при изучении биомедицинских процессов. Проведен рассчет изучаемого показателя при анализе стабилограмм. Установлено изменение характера зависимости данного показателя от времени дискретизации ряда, что свидетельствует о возможности его использования для оценки степени организации движения.У статті представлена методика розрахунку і аналізу показника Херста при аналізі стабілограм. Встановлено зміну характеру залежності даного показника від часу дискретизації ряду, что свідчить про можливість його використання для оцінки ступеня організації руху


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    The paper treats contemporary rock music (especially genres of heavy metal and black metal) in the countries with Muslim majority. The ambivalence of the attitude to singing and music in Islam is reflected in the paper and the main theological positions on the issue are presented. Methodologically basing on K. Kan-Harris’s concept of heavy metal as a transgressive practice, rock music popularity with modern Islamic youth is seen as a reflection of Islamic regions social transgression. The paper briefly presents the history of rock music in Islamic countries, discusses the work of particular groups in its connection to religion, demonstrates that the widespread popularity of rock music in Muslim regions is tightly linked to Muslim youth current problems: through music they try to overcome the conservatism of traditional society, national and religious disunity, to draw attention to gender inequality, to achieve freedom of expression, to find a new identity in the changing world.Данная работа посвящена анализу современной рок-музыки (особенно, жанров heavy metal и black metal) стран с мусульманским большинством. В статье отражена амбивалентность отношения к пению и музыке в исламе, представлены основные богословские позиции по этому поводу. Основываясь на концепции heavy metal как трансгрессивной практики,предложенной К.Кан-Харрисом, увлечение современной исламской молодежи рок-музыкой как отражение социальной трансгрессии исламских регионов. В статье кратко история истории рок-музыки в исламских странах, рассмотренное творчество группы в его взаимосвязи с религией, выявлено, что широкое распространение рок-музыки обусловлено ее тесной связью с актуальными проблемами, волнующими современную мусульманскую молодежь. Так, через музыку осуществляется попытка преодолеть консерватизм традиционного общества, национальную и религиозную разобщенность, привлечь внимание к вопросам гендерного неравенства, добиться свободы самовыражения, обрести новую идентичность в условиях меняющегося мир

    Ранние и отдаленные неврологические осложнения химиотерапии в онкологии (обзор литературы)

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    An analysis of the clinical manifestations of complications caused by the toxic effect of chemotherapeutic drugs used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms was carried out. The variety of clinical symptoms that develop against the background of chemotherapy for malignant neoplasms leads to difficulties in differential diagnosis of a primary neurological disease and the identification of complications during treatment. The severity of these complications depends on a number of factors, including the drug used, its dosage and duration of use, the use of various methods of combination therapy and radiation methods, as well as the presence of comorbid pathology in patients. A clear understanding of the mechanisms of development of neurotoxicity and timely diagnosis of such conditions is a priority task of modern clinical medicine Modern methods of treating patients with malignant neoplasms should be based on a multidisciplinary medical approach, including a set of measures to prevent unwanted toxic effects of treatment, stratify individual mortality risks and develop methods of rehabilitation and medical examination.Проведен анализ клинических проявлений осложнений, обусловленных токсическим действием, применяемых при лечении злокачественных новообразований химиотерапевтических препаратов. Разнообразие клинической симптоматики, развивающейся на фоне химиотерапии злокачественных новообразований, приводит к трудностям в проведении дифференциальной диагностики первичного неврологического заболевания и выявлении осложнения на фоне лечения. Тяжесть данных осложнений зависит от ряда факторов, в том числе применяемого препарата, его дозировки и длительности применения, использования различных методик комбинированной терапии и лучевых методов, а также наличия у пациентов коморбидной патологии. Четкое понимание механизмов развития нейротоксичности и своевременная диагностика таких состояний является приоритетной задачей современной клинической медицины. Современные методы лечения пациентов с ЗНО, должны основываться на мультидисциплинарном врачебном подходе, включающем комплекс мероприятий по предотвращению нежелательных токсических эффектов лечения, стратификации индивидуальных рисков летальности и разработке методов реабилитации и диспансеризации