102 research outputs found

    Ett Governance perspektiv på styrning i energiforskningspolitik. Hur utformas den finska energiforskningspolitiken, vem styr och vem är ansvarig?

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Avhandlingen syfte är att undersöka om den finska energiforskningspolitiken uformas enligt principerna för Democratic Network Governance. Avhandlingen grundar sig långt på den forskningen som bedrivs i Danmark i Center of Democratic Network Governance. Mera specifikt undersöker man hur styrningen av energiforskningspolitiken fungerar med hjälp av variablerna transparens, kontroll och styrning. Energiforskningspolitiken har inte tidigare undersökts ur denna synvinkel. Avhandlingen grundar sig på litteraturstudier och intervjuer med beslutsfattare och påverkare i den finska energiforskningspolitiken. Enligt resultaten fungerar styrningen av energiforskningspolitiken i Finland enligt principerna för demokratisk nätverksstyrning. Detta är inte på grund av ett medvetet val att göra systemet mera demokratiskt utan på grund av att öka på effektiviteten och konkurenskraften

    Who stay unwillingly in a job?

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    The paper examines the antecedents of intentions to quit, job search, and actual job switches during a five-year follow-up period. We use a representative random sample of all Finnish employees (N = 2800). The data both contain information on intentions to quit and on-the-job search from a cross-section survey and records employees’ actual job switches from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the survey. Specifically, we study the contribution of adverse working conditions (harms, hazards, uncertainty, physically and mentally heavy work), work organization (promotion prospects, discrimination, supervisor support) and ease-of-movement factors (mental health, wage level, regional unemployment). According to the estimates, adverse working conditions, poor promotions prospects, discrimination, poor supervisor support and mental health symptoms are positively related to unwillingly staying in a job, since these variables increase the probability of turnover intentions or job search but not actual job switches.Quit intentions; job search; job separation

    Purchases of prescription drugs before an alcohol-related death : A ten-year follow-up study using linked routine data

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    Background: Physician's intention to prescribe drugs could potentially be used to improve targeting of alcohol interventions and enhanced disease management to patients with a high risk of severe alcohol-related harm within outpatient settings. Methods: Comparison of ten-year incidence trajectories of 13.8 million reimbursed purchases of prescription drugs among 303,057 Finnish men and women of whom 7490 ultimately died due to alcohol-related causes (Ale+), 14,954 died without alcohol involvement (Alc-), and 280,613 survived until the end of 2007. Results: 5-10 years before death, 88% of the persons with an Alc+ death had received prescription medication, and over two-thirds (69%) had at least one reimbursed purchase of drugs for the alimentary tract and metabolism, the cardiovascular system, or the nervous system. Among persons with an Alc+ death, the incidence rate (IR) for purchases of hypnotics, and sedatives was L38 times higher (95% confidence interval (C1):1.32,1.44) compared to those with an Alc death, and 4.07 times higher (95%C1:3.92,4.22) compared to survivors; and the IR for purchases of anxiolytics was 1.40 times higher (95%Ck1.34,1.47) compared to those with an Ale death, and 3.61 times higher (95%C1:3.48,3.78) compared to survivors. Conclusions: Using physician's intention to prescribe drugs affecting the alimentary tract and metabolism, cardiovascular system and nervous system could potentially be used to flag patients who might benefit from screening, targeted interventions or enhanced disease management. In particular, patients who are to be prescribed anxiolytics, hypnotics, and sedatives, and antidepressants may benefit from enhanced interventions targeted to problem drinking.Peer reviewe

    Who stay unwillingly in a job?

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    The paper examines the antecedents of intentions to quit, job search, and actual job switches during a five-year follow-up period. We use a representative random sample of all Finnish employees (N = 2800). The data both contain information on intentions to quit and on-the-job search from a cross-section survey and records employees’ actual job switches from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the survey. Specifically, we study the contribution of adverse working conditions (harms, hazards, uncertainty, physically and mentally heavy work), work organization (promotion prospects, discrimination, supervisor support) and ease-of-movement factors (mental health, wage level, regional unemployment). According to the estimates, adverse working conditions, poor promotions prospects, discrimination, poor supervisor support and mental health symptoms are positively related to unwillingly staying in a job, since these variables increase the probability of turnover intentions or job search but not actual job switches

    Assessing pollution in the Kola river, northwestern Russia, using metal concentrations in water and bryophytes

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    Intensive Cu-Ni and Fe mining and smelting in northwestern Russia constitutes a potential risk of pollution in the Kola River. We assessed the degree of pollution along the Kola River by means of overall water quality evaluation and analysis of metals in water samples (dissolved and particulate fractions) and aquatic mosses. The observed pollutant levels were compared with those in the unpolluted reference rivers. The results indicate relatively low overall contamination in the Kola River, although Cu and Ni levels are elevated relative to the reference data. Furthermore, PCA ordination models identified clear metal concentration patterns along the river. Al, Cd, Co, Fe, Pb and Zn exhibited an almost continuous increase from the headwaters to the river mouth, whereas As, Ba, Cu, Mn and Ni showed their highest concentrations in the headwaters, close to the mining areas, relatively low concentrations in the middle parts of the river and elevated concentrations at the river mouth. Bryophyte analysis appeared to be more sensitive tool for metal pollution assessment than metal concentrations in the river

    Who stay unwillingly in a job?

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    The paper examines the antecedents of intentions to quit, job search, and actual job switches during a five-year follow-up period. We use a representative random sample of all Finnish employees (N = 2800). The data both contain information on intentions to quit and on-the-job search from a cross-section survey and records employees’ actual job switches from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the survey. Specifically, we study the contribution of adverse working conditions (harms, hazards, uncertainty, physically and mentally heavy work), work organization (promotion prospects, discrimination, supervisor support) and ease-of-movement factors (mental health, wage level, regional unemployment). According to the estimates, adverse working conditions, poor promotions prospects, discrimination, poor supervisor support and mental health symptoms are positively related to unwillingly staying in a job, since these variables increase the probability of turnover intentions or job search but not actual job switches

    Suomalainen huumekuolema 2007 : Poikkitieteellinen tutkimus oikeuslääketieteellisistä kuolinsyyasiakirjoista

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    Nimekesivulla myös: Nuorisotutkimusverkost

    Developmental disturbances in early life stage mortality (M74) of Baltic salmon fry as studied by changes in gene expression

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    BACKGROUND: We have studied alterations of gene expression associated with naturally-occurring early life stage mortality (M74) in Baltic salmon using a cDNA microarray and real time PCR. M74-affected fry have several typical neurological, cardiovascular and pathological symptoms. They are also characterized by low thiamine content and show signs of oxidative stress. RESULTS: Affected fry can be divided into three major groups with early, intermediate or late onset of mortality. If mortality starts during the first third of the yolk-sac stage, virtually all the responses are compatible with stress, which rapidly leads to the common terminal responses. If death occurs during the second third of the yolk sac stage, the terminal stage is preceded by a decrease in globin gene expression, which leads to internal hypoxia when the animals grow and shift from skin- to gill-breathing. Fry will eventually proceed to the terminal responses. The group developing M74 most slowly appears to compensate for reduced oxygen delivery by downregulation of metabolism, and hence some fry can escape death. CONCLUSION: Our study is the first demonstration of diverse transcriptional responses to a naturally-occurring developmental disturbance. Since many of the genes differentially expressed in M74-fry are evolutionarily conserved, the M74 of Baltic salmon can serve as a model for developmental disturbances and environmental stress responses in vertebrates in general
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