8 research outputs found

    Systematic Assessment of Maps as Source Information in Landscape Change Research

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    A methodology is proposed for systematic map assessment to contribute to landscape-change research. Two major topic areas are dealt with, namely: content, quality and usefulness of landscape information on different maps; and methods used in the spatial conversion of maps into digital systems (e.g. geographical information systems). The major focus is on information about physical landscape characteristics (e.g. land cover) and land uses. The approach was tested using a sequence of nine large- and medium-scale basic maps of the island of Ruissalo in SW Finland from between 1690 and 1998. Fundamental differences were found in the thematic consistency of landscape information, mainly related to the scale, purpose and generalization of landscape information on different maps. Spatial matching was tested for a set of three old maps using four image rectification functions. The results showed that spatial matching of old maps is difficult, and success in rectification is influenced by many factors. Evaluation and selective transformation of landscape information from maps and the use of supportive information from other sources can assist in landscape-change analysis based on map sequences.</p

    Forest management and public perceptions -visual versus verbal information.

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    Forest and landscape management measures have impacts on the amenity value of forests. People may have certain attitudes towards management, in particular near urban areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts on scenic beauty and recreational value of five different management practices: small clear cutting, thinning, removal of undergrowth, natural state, and traditionally managed cultural landscape. In order to compare visual perceptions with preconceptions, two evaluation methods, visual presentation (pictures produced by image-capture technology) and verbal questions were used. Scenic beauty and recreational value were assessed from slides in which management measures were presented by the pairwise comparison technique. The results indicate that scenic beauty and recreational preferences differ considerably from each other. In the study areas, small clear cuttings had the most positive effect on scenic beauty and natural state had most positive effect on recreational value. Furthermore, preconceptions concerning different silvicultural measures did not consistently correspond to perceptions based on the assessment of visual images. This fact supports the use of visual presentation methods in future preference studies as well as in participatory forest planning projects.</p

    Diakoniatyön taloudellisen avun asiakkaat Nurmon kappeliseurakunnassa vuosina 2012-2015

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    Vuorela, Niina. Diakoniatyön taloudellisen avun asiakkaat Nurmon kappeliseurakunnassa vuosina 2012–2015. Kevät 2016, 45 sivua. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Pori. Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Diakonisen sosiaalityön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sosionomi (AMK), diakonin virkakelpoisuus. Tutkin Nurmon kappeliseurakunnan diakoniatyön taloudellisen avun asiakkaita vuosina 2012–2015. Erityisenä tutkimuskohteena olivat ne asiakkaat, jotka olivat saaneet taloudellista apua kaikkina kyseessä olevina vuosina. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, eroaako pitkäaikaisten asiakkaiden ryhmä muusta asiakasjoukosta ja minkälaista heidän tuen tarpeensa on ollut. Tutkimukseen käytetty aineisto kerättiin Katrina Diakonia -ohjelmistosta ja Nurmon kappeliseurakunnan diakoniatyöntekijöiden ylläpitämistä taulukoista vuosilta 2012–2015. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvantitatiivinen. Nurmon kappeliseurakunta on myöntänyt vuosittain taloudellista apua 141–182 henkilölle. Pitkäaikaisavustettuja tutkimuksen ajankohtana oli yhteensä 59 henkilöä. Taloudellisesti avustettuja näinä neljänä vuotena oli kaikkiaan 308 henkilöä. Pitkäaikaisavustetut muodostivat tästä joukosta noin viidesosan. Vuositasolla laskettuna pitkäaikaisten asiakkaiden määrä vaihtelee reilusta 32 prosentista lähes 42 prosenttiin. Taloudellista apua Nurmon kappeliseurakunnan diakoniatyö on myöntänyt vuosien 2012–2015 aikana yhteensä 143 507,62 euroa, josta pitkäaikaisille oli myönnetty yli 75 000 euroa. Pitkäaikaisavustettu on saanut keskimäärin 304,45 euroa vuodessa. Vuonna 2015 avustettuja oli 175 henkilöä, joista naisia oli noin kaksi kolmas-osaa. Suurin asiakasryhmä oli iältään 30–64-vuotiaat. Yli 65-vuotiaita oli reilu 10 prosenttia tuen saajista. Yksinhuoltajien ja yksin asuvien taloudet olivat yhteensä lähes 75 prosenttia kaikista avustettavista. Asiakkaista suurin osa oli työelämän ulkopuolella. Selkeästi toiseksi suurin ryhmä olivat eläkeläiset.ABSTRACT Vuorela, Niina. Clients who received financial aid in Nurmo chapel 2012-2015. 45 p. Language: Finnish. Spring 2016. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Social Services, Option in Diaconal Social Work. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services. The aim of this study is clients who received financial aid in Nurmo chapel 2012-2015. This research concentrates especially on clients who have received aid in all years in question. This research will show if the long term clients differ from other clients and what kind of support they need. Material was gathered from the computer program Katrina Diakonia and from Nurmo chapel diaconal workers´ Excel files from the years 2012-2015. Research is quantitative. Nurmo chapel granted financial aid each year to 141-182 people. Long term clients were 60 people in total. All number of all clients during these four years were 308 people in total. Long term clients are about one fifth of all clients. Per year the proportion of long term clients varies from 32 percent to 42 percent. Nurmo chapel diaconal workers have granted in total of 143 507,62 € of financial aid. For long term clients, the sum was over 75 000 €. Long term clients received on average of 304,45 € per year. In the year 2015 there were 175 clients. Two thirds of these were the woman. The largest group was the people of 30-64 years of age. About 10 percent of clients people were under 65 years old. Almost 75 percent of clients were single parents or living alone. Most of the clients were not working. The second largest group were the retired

    Säilyvätkö maiseman monet arvot nykyisillä luonnonsuojelualueilla?

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    Landscapes at risk? : the future of areas of outstanding natural beauty, Edward Holdaway & Gerald Smart, Spon (2001

    Cartographic traditions and the future of digital maps: A Finnish perspective

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    In this article, we examine changes and trends in Finnish cartography using examples from the history of map-making and from our own empirical landscape research. Three major issues of data sources, combined uses of spatial data, and interactive spatial information services are emphasised. The Finnish map-making tradition illustrates well the close linkage between cartography, society, and surveying techniques. Sweden and Russia influenced the mapping traditions until the twentieth century. Geographers published the world&rsquo;s first National Atlas in 1899. Comprehensive state-run mapping has characterised Finnish cartography from the early twentieth century onwards. New techniques and data have modernised map-making, but the recent convergence of automated positioning, wireless communication, and digital spatial information handling are currently creating previously non-existing ways of cartographiccommunication. Spatial or geographic information systems enable the collection, management, and analyses of spatial information for a wide variety of uses. The contents and means of delivering cartographic information to the public is broadening and new digital spatial information services are designed for resource management, retailing, and tourism. A critical examination of data quality, visualisation, and the ethical and sociological consequences of these trends are needed to sustain the Finnish cartographic tradition in the Information Age