248 research outputs found

    Tomosynthesis in pulmonary cystic fibrosis

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    The aims of this thesis were to investigate whether chest tomosynthesis might be used in pulmonary cystic fibrosis, to design and validate a tomosynthesis scoring system, and to determine the effective dose from chest tomosynthesis in children. In a prospective study starting in 2008 clinical chest radiography or computed tomography (CT) were supplemented with a tomosynthesis examination of the lungs. Tomosynthesis findings were characterized in comparison with radiography and CT findings, and used to design a scoring system for tomosynthesis. Conversion factors for paediatric chest tomosynthesis were determined by Monte Carlo simulations and used to estimate the effective dose from the registered dose-area-product from the patient examinations included in the study. The typical imaging findings of pulmonary cystic fibrosis were much better depicted with tomosynthesis compared with radiography. Most pulmonary changes visualised with computed tomography could also be evaluated well with tomosynthesis. A dedicated tomosynthesis scoring system was designed and validated, and proved to be robust. Bronchiectasis and mucus plugging are the most specific pulmonary changes of cystic fibrosis, and were in a review of commonly used radiological scoring systems generally considered the most important scoring components. For chest tomosynthesis in children the conversion factor was considerably higher for young children than previously reported for adults. The conversion factor increased with increasing tube energy and filtration. The mean paediatric effective dose from posteroanterior chest tomosynthesis was 0.17 mSv, which is about 40 times less than recently reported effective doses from paediatric chest CT. Using the previously reported conversion factor for adults the paediatric effective dose was estimated to 0.11 mSv. Consequently, when using conversion factors not adapted to children for paediatric examinations, the radiation dose may be underestimated. Anteroposterior exposures should be avoided, as the effective dose is approximately three times higher than for posteroanterior exposures. In these studies tomosynthesis has been shown to be a valuable tool for monitoring pulmonary cystic fibrosis, as typical imaging findings of this lung disease are well depicted and the radiation dose is low. The dedicated scoring system may improve diagnostic precision. At our radiology department, tomosynthesis now has to a great extent replaced radiography in the follow-up of these patients. CT is only performed in selected cases. Further studies are planned to determine the roles of tomosynthesis and CT in the evaluation of cystic fibrosis lung disease

    Att Ätervinna eller ÄterbÀra - en utredning av konkursboets möjligheter att Äterta egendom som frÄnhÀnts bolaget

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    A bankruptcy may evoke less appropriate acts from both the debtor and the creditors. A debtor may try to favour himself, or a relative, by transferring assets out of the company before the company’s bankruptcy. A creditor on the other hand may, due to his concern to suffer great financial losses, put pressure on the debtor about payment of his debts, which puts the creditor in a better position than the other creditors in the bankruptcy. To prevent disloyal actions is a consistent theme in the insolvency law. A significant part of the bankruptcy act, (konkurslagen), are therefore the rules that prevent the parts from committing unwanted acts in a bankruptcy, alternatively that corrects the damage that has been caused by an already taken act. In this context it’s usually spoken about creditor protecting rules, which mainly can be found in 17:3 in the companies act (aktiebolagslagen), and the 4th chapter of the bankruptcy act. These rules provide for equal treatment of the creditors and intend to prevent improper conducts taken by the debtor. Indirectly, even the debtor obtains protection by the creditor protecting rules since they make it easier for the debtor to resist the pressure from a single creditor about payment. This essay gives an account of the bankruptcy estate’s possibilities to, through the application of above-mentioned legislations, recover fortune that has left the company by improper or illegal acts. Initially the essay will account for the bankruptcy (insolvency) law, historically and contemporary. Thereafter the essay will focus on the parts of the legislation that concerns and provides for the possibilities to refund acts and transactions made by a company in connection with an upcoming bankruptcy, thereby referring to the 4th chapter of the bankruptcy act and the 17th chapter of the companies act. Of relevance in this context is also the term insolvency. The determination of the time of insolvency affects which transactions that can be subject to refunding. An understanding of the term insolvency is of fundamental importance to be able to assess the prospects for success with an action of refund. For this reason, this essay account for the interpretation and meaning of the term insolvency. The essay ends in an analysis of the material and the facts that have been the basis for the essay. The material and facts are commented and interpreted before it all comes to a conclusion. The conclusions that have been made concerning the two alternative methods are thereafter interlaced with the conclusions and comments about the meaning of and application of the insolvency term. The essay shows that the relevant regulations in both legal acts to some extent represent two sides of the same coin. The regulations differ at many essential points, but at the same time they operate for the same purpose and leads to, more or less, the same legal effects. The differences between the alternatives do although demand an assessment of the chances of success with each alternative. The circumstances of each case, e.g. time of insolvency, determine whether of the legal refund systems that should be invoked.En konkurs kan frammana mindre lĂ€mpliga ageranden hos bĂ„de borgenĂ€r och gĂ€ldenĂ€r. En gĂ€ldenĂ€r kan för egen, eller nĂ€rstĂ„endes, vinning tĂ€nkas söka undandra tillgĂ„ngar frĂ„n bolaget innan dess konkurs. En borgenĂ€r Ă„ sin sida kan i oron för att lida stora förluster vidta betalningspĂ„tryckningar mot gĂ€ldenĂ€ren. Detta leder till att denne borgenĂ€r gynnas i förhĂ„llande till resterande borgenĂ€rer. Att motverka illojala ageranden utgör ett genomgĂ„ende tema i konkursrĂ€tten. En viktig del av konkursrĂ€tten utgörs dĂ€rför av regleringar som förhindrar oönskade ageranden i en konkurs, alternativt stĂ€ller till rĂ€tta den skada som uppstĂ„tt genom redan företagen rĂ€ttshandling. I sammanhanget brukar det talas om borgenĂ€rsskyddsregler vilka frĂ€mst Ă„terfinns i 17 kap. ABL och 4 kap. KL. Reglerna skyddar borgenĂ€rerna genom att föreskriva likabehandling mellan borgenĂ€rerna samt genom att förhindra otillbörligt agerande frĂ„n gĂ€ldenĂ€rens sida. Indirekt fĂ„r bestĂ€mmelserna ocksĂ„ en gĂ€ldenĂ€rsskyddande effekt genom att sĂ€kra och stĂ€rka denne frĂ„n betalningspĂ„tryckningar frĂ„n en enskild borgenĂ€r. Konkursreglerna utgĂ„r frĂ„n att nĂ€r flera borgenĂ€rer inte kan fĂ„ full tĂ€ckning för sina fordringar förlusten i princip ska fördelas proportionellt i förhĂ„llande till storleken av varje borgenĂ€rs fordran. Denna uppsats redogör för ett konkursbos möjligheter att genom ABL respektive KL ta tillbaka egendom som frĂ„nhĂ€nts bolaget genom otillbörliga eller olagliga metoder. Inledningsvis kommer uppsatsen kortfattat redogöra för konkursrĂ€tten bĂ„de historiskt och idag. Fokus kommer dĂ€refter övergĂ„ till de delar av konkursrĂ€tten som behandlar möjligheten till Ă„terbĂ€ring, (Ă„tervinning), av rĂ€ttshandlingar och transaktioner som företagits frĂ„n ett bolag – nĂ€mligen KL och dess 4 kap. samt ABL och dess 17 kap. Av betydelse i sammanhanget Ă€r Ă€ven begreppet obestĂ„nd. FaststĂ€llandet av obestĂ„nd inverkar pĂ„ vilka transaktioner som kan bli föremĂ„l för Ă„terbĂ€ring. FörstĂ„else för obestĂ„ndsbegreppet Ă€r avgörande för att kunna bedöma utsikterna till framgĂ„ng med en talan om Ă„terbĂ€ring. Uppsatsen redogör av denna anledning för tolkningen och innebörden av begreppet obestĂ„nd. Uppsatsen avslutas med en sammanfattande analys av rĂ€ttslĂ€get. I analysen kommenteras och tolkas det material och den fakta som lagts till grund för uppsatsen för att sedan summeras i en slutsats. Sammanfattningen av regelsystemen sammanflĂ€tas omsider med slutsatser och kommentarer om innebörden och tillĂ€mpningen av obestĂ„ndsbegreppet. Uppsatsen pĂ„visar att de aktuella bestĂ€mmelserna i ABL respektive KL till viss del utgör tvĂ„ sidor av samma mynt. Regleringarna skiljer sig Ă„t pĂ„ mĂ„nga vĂ€sentliga punkter samtidigt som de verkar för samma syfte och föranleder i stort sĂ€tt samma rĂ€ttsverkningar. Skiljaktigheterna mellan alternativen krĂ€ver dock en bedömning av chanserna för framgĂ„ng med respektive alternativ. OmstĂ€ndigheterna i varje enskilt fall, t.ex. obestĂ„ndstidpunkt, avgör om ABL eller KL bör Ă„beropas i första hand

    ErkÀnnandet och jakten pÄ sanningen - En rÀttsvetenskaplig utredning rörande erkÀnnandets utveckling i processrÀttshistorien

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att, ur ett rÀttshistoriskt perspektiv, granska hur erkÀnnandet som bevismedel hanterats och vÀrderats i den historiska rÀttsprocessen med fokus pÄ processen I brottmÄl. I centrum för analysen stÄr erkÀnnandets innebörd och bevisvÀrde i förhÄllande till de bevisrÀttsliga principerna legal bevisteori respektive fri bevisvÀrdering. IngÄende utreds ocksÄ hur övriga historiska samhÀllsförÀndringar och hÀndelser inverkat pÄ bevisrÀtten. ErkÀnnandets stÀllning i rÀttsprocessen har förÀndrats över tid, precis som de krav som uppstÀllts för ett erkÀnnandes giltighet. Detta framgÄr tydligt efter jÀmförelse med dÄtida och nutida rÀttsregler, domböcker och praxis. ErkÀnnandets utveckling och funktion I rÀttsprocessen genom historien har frÀmst berott pÄ tre centrala faktorer; Sveriges kristnande, vÄr samhÀllsutveckling samt receptionen av utlÀndska rÀttsregler, principer och kulturer. Dessa tre faktorer har dÀrför stÄtt i fokus för utredningen och anvÀnts som utgÄngspunkter för att skapa en lÀttöverskÄdlig helhetsbild över erkÀnnandets historia i rÀttsprocessen. Uppsatsen redogör dÀrför för historiska hÀndelser och Àndringar av samhÀllsstruktur vilka pÄverkat svensk bevisrÀtt. Genom att granska utlÀndska rÀttssystem och rÀttskulturer och jÀmföra dessa med den svenska bevisrÀtten Àr det tydligt att det svenska rÀttssystemet i betydande omfattning inspirerats av, och recipierat, rÀtt frÄn system lÄngt utanför vÄra egna grÀnser. Inledningsvis presenterar uppsatsen en översiktlig genomgÄng av de tvÄ bevisrÀttsprinciperna. Det Àr nödvÀndigt att lÀsaren innehar förstÄelse för evisrÀttsprincipernas innebörd innan erkÀnnandet behandlas dÄ det rÄder fundamentala skillnader mellan hantering och vÀrdering av bevis i de olika processformerna. Den legala bevisteorin innebÀr strikta regler för tillÄtna bevismedel och vÀrderingen av dessa medan den fria bevisprövningen överlÀmnar bade prövning och vÀrdering Ät domstolen. ErkÀnnandet kom att inta en sÀrstÀllning inom bevisrÀttsprocessen och tillerkÀndes ett bevisvÀrde betydligt högre Àn resterande bevismedel. En nÀstan manisk jakt pÄ erkÀnnande har dÀrmed i perioder förekommit i domarnas strÀvan att avsluta mÄl. Denna uppsats Àmnar besvara upphovet till denna sÀrstÀllning, hur sÀrstÀllningen har pÄverkat bevisrÀtten samt om denna intensiva jakt kan ha lett till felaktiga domar och maktmissbruk hos rÀttsutövare.The purpose of this paper is to critically review the confession as evidence in a legal and historical perspective by looking at how it has been handled and valued historically in the lawsuit, focusing on the criminal process. The core of the analysis comprises the meaning of the confession and its value as evidence in relation to the procedural principles; the legal proof theory and the principle of free evaluation, respectively how other important changes in society have affected the law of evidence. The status of the confession within a lawsuit has changed over time, just as the requirements set for a valid confession. This is evident after a comparison between present law and established praxis versus the same material in earlier days. Three key factors have primarily influenced the development and the function of the confession in the lawsuit; the Christianization of Sweden, the development of the Swedish society and the reception of foreign rules, principles and cultures. These factors will thereby be in focus in this paper and form the base for the compilation in order to obtain an overview of the history of confessions. The paper will thereby examine happenings and changes in the society that have affected the Swedish law of evidence. By analysing foreign legal systems and cultures with the Swedish system it appears obvious that the Swedish legislators significantly been inspired and influenced by laws and principles from the continent. Initially the essay gives an overall exposition of the two principles of the law of evidence. It is essential to give the reader an understanding of the content of these principles before the confession itself is examined. This understanding is required since the divergence between the two principles are fundamental for the lawsuit and the value of confession. The legal proof theory sets up strict rules for permitted evidence and how it should be valued while the principle of free evaluation leaves those decisions to the court. The confession obtained a unique position within the lawsuit and was given a value as evidence significantly higher than the other types of evidence. An intense chase for confessions has thereby taken place in the courts ambition to hold someone responsible for the charge. This paper has intended to analyse this unique position, how the position has affected the law of evidence and if this intense chase after confessions may have contributed to incorrect convictions and power abuse within the courts and judges

    Radiography, tomosynthesis, CT and MRI in the evaluation of pulmonary cystic fibrosis: an untangling review of the multitude of scoring systems.

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    The first radiographic scoring system for pulmonary cystic fibrosis was presented in 1958. Since then a multitude of scoring systems for radiography and computed tomography (CT) have been presented, recently also for tomosynthesis and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim of the current review was to analyse and compare the plethora of scoring systems for cystic fibrosis, especially regarding which scoring components are considered most important

    X-Ray Microanalysis of Epithelial and Secretory Cells in Culture

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    Cell cultures can be used to study ion transport processes. X-ray microanalysis of cell cultures at the cellular level gives interesting information that can complement electrophysiological and tracer studies. In this paper, methods for culturing and preparing a variety of epithelial and secretory cells (fibroblasts, insulinoma cells, bovine mammary epithelial cells, colon cancer cells) for X-ray microanalysis are presented. Results show that sometimes cell cultures are not homogeneous with respect to ion content or reaction to physiological stimuli. In colon cancer cell cultures, a high K and a low K cell subpopulation was found; these subpopulations also differed with respect to other elements. As examples of biological applications, chloride efflux was studied in fibroblasts and colon cancer cells, and strontium uptake in insulinoma cells. Chloride efflux from colon cancer cells is stimulated by cyclic AMP and vaso-active intestinal peptide (VIP), and can be inhibited by pretreatment of the cells with phorbol myristate acetate, which downregulates the cAMP-regulated chloride efflux mechanism

    The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group Central Register : 6,000 patients after 25 years of monitoring of referral and treatment of extremity and trunk wall soft-tissue sarcoma

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    Purpose - We wanted to examine the potential of the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) Central Register, and evaluate referral and treatment practice for soft-tissue sarcomas in the extremities and trunk wall (STS) in the Nordic countries. Background - Based on incidence rates from the literature, 8,150 (7,000-9,300) cases of STS of the extremity and trunk wall should have been diagnosed in Norway, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden from 1987 through 2011. The SSG Register has 6,027 cases registered from this period, with 5,837 having complete registration of key variables. 10 centers have been reporting to the Register. The 5 centers that consistently report treat approximately 90% of the cases in their respective regions. The remaining centers have reported all the patients who were treated during certain time periods, but not for the entire 25-year period. Results - 59% of patients were referred to a sarcoma center untouched, i.e. before any attempt at open biopsy. There was an improvement from 52% during the first 5 years to 70% during the last 5 years. 50% had wide or better margins at surgery. Wide margins are now achieved less often than 20 years ago, in parallel with an increase in the use of radiotherapy. For the centers that consistently report, 97% of surviving patients are followed for more than 4 years. Metastasis-free survival (MFS) increased from 67% to 73% during the 25-year period. Interpretation - The Register is considered to be representative of extremity and trunk wall sarcoma disease in the population of Scandinavia, treated at the reporting centers. There were no clinically significant differences in treatment results at these centers.Peer reviewe

    Frequent deletion of the CDKN2A locus in chordoma: analysis of chromosomal imbalances using array comparative genomic hybridisation

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    The initiating somatic genetic events in chordoma development have not yet been identified. Most cytogenetically investigated chordomas have displayed near-diploid or moderately hypodiploid karyotypes, with several numerical and structural rearrangements. However, no consistent structural chromosome aberration has been reported. This is the first array-based study characterising DNA copy number changes in chordoma. Array comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) identified copy number alterations in all samples and imbalances affecting 5 or more out of the 21 investigated tumours were seen on all chromosomes. In general, deletions were more common than gains and no high-level amplification was found, supporting previous findings of primarily losses of large chromosomal regions as an important mechanism in chordoma development. Although small imbalances were commonly found, the vast majority of these were detected in single cases; no small deletion affecting all tumours could be discerned. However, the CDKN2A and CDKN2B loci in 9p21 were homo- or heterozygously lost in 70% of the tumours, a finding corroborated by fluorescence in situ hybridisation, suggesting that inactivation of these genes constitute an important step in chordoma development
