122 research outputs found


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    In this article, the author analyzes the relation between the media,the employees in the media and the politician and state officials, i.e. on several examples the author analyzes how much national interests and official statements have influence on the media reports. The author also analyzes how much those interests could have influence on wrong informations and how much that could keep crimes on secret. The word is about the example of Srebrenica on one side, and on the other side about crimes that were committed around Srebrenica, but against Serbs. The crimes against Serbs were kept on secret, but the crimes against Muslims were exaggerated. The general conclusion is that there is no pluralism of informations when the word is about the national and geostrategic interests. An example of that could be found in the Yugoslav experience, the Gulf-war, the Russia-Georgia war, etc. However, we could talk about pluralism of informations, when the word is about internal affairs in the societies in which the freedom of expression of different religious, political, philosophical, moral values and concepts exists.U članku se analizira odnos između medija, poslenika u njima i zvaničnika, odnosno, na nekoliko primera, analizira se koliko na izveÅ”tavanje medija, kada je reč o nacionalnoj politici, utiču nacionalni interesi i stavovi zvaničnika. Zatim koliko ti interesi mogu uticati ne samo na krivo informisanje o nekom događaju u zainteresovanoj zemlji nego i na prećutkivanje zločina, na primeru Srebrenice i birčanskoj kraja počinjenog nad Srbima, s jedne, i pruveličavanje zločina počinjenog nad muslimanima, s druge strane. OpÅ”ti je zaključak da pluralizma informisanja, izuzev u iznimnmi slučajevima, nema kada su u pitanju nacionalni i geostrateÅ”ki interesi. Suprotno ovom, o pluralizmu informisanja, kada je reč o unutraÅ”njim zbivanjima, mo žemo govoriti u onim druÅ”tvima u kojima postoji sloboda propagiranja različičitih političkih, religijskih, filozofskih, interesnih, vrednosnih i moralnih koncepcija ili doktrina

    Legal culture in contemporary Serbia: Structural analysis of attitudes towards the rule of law

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    The article analyzes the support for the rule of law among Serbian citizens. The research data show that support for the rule of law depends on the structural socio-economic position of respondents and their position on the transition winners and losers scale i.e., the level of fulfillment of their interests in the new system. There is differentiation among better educated respondents. Those who benefited from the new system recognize the importance of the rule of law. Others, due to their knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the system, are more disappointed and more critical towards it

    Atmospheric processing of iron carried by mineral dust

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    Nutrification of the open ocean originates mainly from deposited aerosol in which the bio-avaliable iron is likely to be an important factor. The relatively insoluble iron in dust from arid soils becomes more soluble after atmospheric processing and, through its deposition in the ocean, could contribute to marine primary production. To numerically simulate the atmospheric route of iron from desert sources to sinks in the ocean, we developed a regional atmospheric dust-iron model that included parameterization of the transformation of iron to a soluble form caused by dust mineralogy, cloud processes and solar radiation. When compared with field data on the aerosol iron, which were collected during several Atlantic cruises, the results from the higher-resolution simulation experiments showed that the model was capable of reproducing the major observed patterns

    Left ventricular noncompaction: Clinical-echocardiographic study

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    Background/Aim. Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) is a disorder in endomyocardial morphogenesis, seen either isolated (in the absence of other cardiac anomalies) or in association with congenital heart disease and some neuromuscular diseases. Intrauterine arrest of the compaction of myocardial fibers is postulated to be the reason of LVNC. Recognition of this condition is extremely important due to its high mortality and morbidity that lead to progressive heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias and thromboembolic events. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and clinical presentation of LVNC among consecutive outpatients according to clinical and echocardiographyic findings. Methode. A total of 3,854 consecutive patients examined at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases within a period January 2006 - January 2007 were included in the study. All the patients underwent echocardiographic examination using the same equipment (Vivid 7, GE Medical System). Echocardiographic parameters and clinical presentation in patients with echocardiographic criteria for LVNC were analyzed. Results. Analyzing 3,854 consecutive outpatients, using two-dimensional Color Doppler echocardiography from January 2006 to January 2007, 12 patients met the criteria for LVNC. Seven of them were male. The mean age at diagnosis was 45 Ā± 15 years. Analyzing clinical manifestation of LVNC it was found that seven patients had signs of heart failure, six had arrhythmias with no embolic events. Conclusion. Our results suggest that the real prevalence of LVNC may be higher than expected. New studies have to be done to solve this problem

    Oblique surface waves at an interface of metal-dielectric superlattice and isotropic dielectric

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    We investigate the existence and the dispersion characteristics of surface waves that propagate at an interface between metal-dielectric superlattice and isotropic dielectric. Within the long wavelength limit, when the effective-medium approximation is valid, the superlattice behaves like a uniaxial plasmonic crystal with the main optical axes perpendicular to the metal-dielectric interfaces. We demonstrate that if such a semi-infinite plasmonic crystal is cut normally to the layer interfaces and brought into the contact with semi-infinite dielectric, a new type of surface modes can appear. The propagation of such modes obliquely to the optical axes occurs under favorable conditions that regard thicknesses of the layers, as well as the proper choice of dielectric permittivity of the constituent materials. We show that losses within the metallic layers can be substantially reduced by making the layers sufficiently thin. At the same time, a dramatic enlargement of the range of angles for oblique propagation of the new surface modes is observed. This can lead, however, to the field non-locality and consequently to the failure of the effective-medium approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Genesis of the Islamic State and its reflections on the security of Western Balkan countries

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    All Western Balkan countries are, more or less, affected by the problem of modern day Islamic extremism and terrorism, which is, directly or indirectly, associated with the activity of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The development of this terrorist organization is characterized by specific social conditions, created after the liquidation of Bin Laden, which practically minimized the role of Al-Qaeda as a global representative of Islamic terrorism. State-forming pretensions of the Islamic state, as a militant organization, indicate political goals, among which the most ambitious of all goals stands out - the creation of a Sunni- Muslim state with a Caliphate as the official form of government. The number of combatants, paramilitary and para-state structures indicate an unparalleled level of sophistication and the highest degree of organization that has ever been seen in a terrorist organization. Repatriated combatants from the Islamic State, who originate from the Western Balkans, represent an undisputable security challenge and a generator of violent extremist views, embodied in the examples of last yearā€™s attacks on a police station in Zvornik, and clashes in Kumanovo. The current problem of uncontrolled influx of migrants who arrive from regions which are either under control of the Islamic State, or influenced by it, can reflect significant security consequences on the countries of the European Union, in which these migrants are settling in, but also on the transit countries of the Western Balkans

    Characterization of aliphatic hyperbranched polyesters by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

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    U okviru ovog rada prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja opsega sporednih proizvoda (ciklika) kod hidroksi-funkcionalnih alifatskih hiperrazgranatih poliestara primenom MALDI-TOF masene spektrometrije. Istovremeno su opisani i osnovni principi MALDI-TOF masene spektrometrije i dat je kratak literaturni pregled.In this work, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry was used for the characterization of aliphatic hyperbranched polyesters (AHBP), synthesized from 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)propionic acid (bis-MPA) and di-trimethylolpropane. From the obtained results it was concluded that it was not possible to take complete advantages of MALDI-TOF MS in this particular case, since the AHBP used in this work were polydisperse. The intensity of the signals from the high mass tail of these samples (pseudo generation higher than four) was underestimated and insufficient to distinguish it from the baseline and to use it for the analysis of the spectra. As a consequence of that, lower values of the Mn were obtained. At the same time, Mw were also underestimated, which led to very low values of the polydispersity index. On the other hand, it was possible to obtain molar masses of individual molecules from the MALDI-TOF mass spectra of AHBP and to qualitatively determine the extent of cyclization (side reactions) at each degree of polymerization. Using the adequate set of equations and results obtained from MALDI-TOF mass spectra of AHBP, every signal from the spectra was identified. The obtained results show that formation of poly(bis-MPA), intramolecular esterification and intramolecular etherification occurred as side reactions during the synthesis of these polyesters. The relative amount of the cycles increases with the number of pseudo generation (from the second up to the fifth pseudo generation). It was also observed that the relative proportion of the signals which represent cyclic structures increases with the increasing degree of polymerization. In this work the basic principles of MALDI-TOF MS are also presented, as well as, a review of adequate published articles.Ovo je rad Jasne Džunuzović

    Substantial enlargement of angular existence range for Dyakonov-like surface waves at semi-infinite metal-dielectric superlattice

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    We investigated surface waves guided by the boundary of a semi-infinite layered metal-dielectric nanostructure cut normally to the layers and a semi-infinite dielectric material. Using the Floquet-Bloch formalism, we found that Dyakonov-like surface waves with hybrid polarization can propagate in dramatically enhanced angular range compared to conventional birefringent materials. Our numerical simulations for an Ag-GaAs stack in contact with glass show a low to moderate influence of losses.This research was funded by the Qatar National Research Fund under the project NPRP 09-462-1-074, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project TEC2009-11635, and by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science under the projects III 45016 and TR 32008
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