214 research outputs found


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    U uvodnom dijelu rada obrazlaže se što je javno privatno partnerstvo (JPP), njegovi karakteristični elementi, ugovorni oblici i njihovi modeli. U radu se odgovara na pitanje o načinu zaduženja javnog sektora i o tome tko snosi rizik izgradnje. U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na primjenu projekata JPP-a u Hrvatskoj opisane su Smjernice Vlade RH i prikazana je Uredba o davanju prethodne suglasnosti za sklapanje ugovora. Tim je dokumentima određeno i tko mogu biti sudionici u JPP-u.The notion of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), its typical elements, as well as the related contract forms and models, are presented in the initial part of the paper. The authors indicate in which way public sector can be indebted, and which subjects have to assume the construction risk. Guidelines given by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and the Edict on approvals needed prior to contract signing, are presented in the section of the paper focusing on the implementation of PPP projects in Croatia. The participants in PPP projects are also defined in these documents.Les notions de partenariat public privé (PPP), ses éléments typiques, ainsi que les formes et les modèles de contrat correspondantes, sont présentées dans la partie initiale de l'ouvrage. Les auteurs indiquent de quelle manière le secteur publique peut s'endetter, et quels sujets doivent prendre le risque de construction. Les directives données par le gouvernement de la République de Croatie, et l'ordonnance sur les approbations à obtenir avant la signature du contrat, sont présentées dans la section de l'ouvrage portant sur l'implémentation de projets PPP en Croatie. Les participants dans les projets PPP sont également définis dans ces documents.Im einleitenden Teil der Artikels erklärt man was die öffentlich private Partnerschaft (JPP), deren charakteristische Elemente, Vertragsformen und deren Modelle sind. Im Artikel beantwortet man die Frage über die Verpflichtungsart des öffentlichen Sektors und darüber wer das Risiko des Ausbaus trägt. Im Teil des Artikels der die Anwendung der JPP - Projekte in Kroatien behandelt beschreibt man die Richtlinien der Regierung der Republik Kroatien und die Verordnug über das Erbringen der vorhergehenden Zustimmung für das Abschliessen des Vertrags. Mit diesen Dokumenten bestimmt man wer Teilnehmer im JPP sein kann

    Gründe für die Aussetzung der Zahlung von Bankgarantien auf erstes Anfordern

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    Otkad su prihvaćene kao instrument međunarodnih trgovačkih poslova, bankarske garancije na poziv nailazile su na otpor onih koji su bili najviše izloženi rizicima povezanim s njihovim izdavanjem. Razlozi za te otpore bili su tome što su banke morale bez pogovora platiti iznos iz garancije na jednostavni poziv korisnika, bez obzira na opravdanost njegovih zahtjeva. Jedini opravdani razlog za neplaćanje bila je dokazana prevara, ali ne i ostali razlozi i činjenice iz temeljnog posla. Kao posljedica tih otpora, Međunarodna trgovačka komora u Parizu izdala je 1978. godine Ujednačena pravila za ugovorne garancije. Cilj Pravila bio je izmijeniti trgovačku praksu neopozivog plaćanja na prvi poziv i zamijeniti je plaćanjem na temelju arbitražne ili sudske presude. Taj pokušaj nije uspio i praksa nije nikada prihvatila ta pravila. Ipak, pokušaji slabljenja garancija na poziv nisu prestali. Posljednjih dvadesetak godina došlo je do nekoliko arbitražnih odluka koje su stale na stajalište da se korisnicima ne bi smjelo dopustiti da pozivaju bankarske garancije na plaćanje počevši od časa kad započne arbitražni postupak između nalogodavatelja i korisnika. Tim su se odlukama pridružili i neki autori, koji podupiru to stajalište. Autor ovog članka smatra da ne postoji opravdanje za takvo stajalište, budući da su garancije na poziv dane korisnicima kao osiguranje za njihove troškove i štete nastale kao posljedica radnji nalogodavatelja, bez obzira na vrijeme kad ih ovi odluče pozvati na plaćanje.Ever since the first demand bank guarantees were accepted as an instrument of international trade transactions, they were met with resistance from those who were primarily exposed to the risks connected with their issuance. The reasons for the resistance were in the fact that banks were obliged to pay the amount of such guarantees on the first and simple demand of the beneficiaries, regardless of the justification of such demands. The only justified reasons for the refusal to pay was fraud, but no other possible reasons and facts from the underlying transactions were accepted. As a consequence of this resistance, the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris issued the Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees in 1978. The purpose of the Uniform Rules was to change the commercial practice of first demand guarantees and replace it with payment on the basis of an arbitral or judicial award. However, this attempt did not succeed and the commercial practice has never accepted these Uniform Rules. Nevertheless, the attempts to weaken the payment obligation of the first demand guarantees were not discontinued. In the last two decades, a few arbitral awards took the position that the beneficiaries should be prevented from calling on the first demand guarantees starting from the moment when the arbitral proceedings between the beneficiaries and applicants were initiated. These decisions were supported by writings of certain scholars. The author believes that there is no justification for such course of action, since the first demand guarantees were given to the beneficiaries as an assurance of the relief for possible costs and damages they have incurred as a result of applicants’ actions, regardless of the time when they decide to call on the guarantees.Seit ihrer Einführung als Instrument internationaler Handelsgeschäfte stoßen Bankgarantien auf erstes Anfordern auf den Widerstand jener, die von den mit ihrer Ausstellung verbundenen Risiken am meisten betroffen sind. Die Gründe für diesen Widerstand liegen in der Tatsache, dass die Banken den Garantiebetrag auf einfache Anforderung des Begünstigten, ungeachtet der Berechtigung seiner Forderungen, ohne Einrede zahlen mussten. Der einzige zulässige Grund für die Zahlungsverweigerung war nachweislicher Betrug, nicht aber andere Gründe und Tatsachen aus dem Grundgeschäft. Als Folge dieser Widerstände wurde 1978 durch die Internationale Handelskammer in Paris die Einheitliche Richtlinie für Vertragsgarantien erlassen, deren Zweck es war, die Handelspraxis der unwiderruflichen Zahlung auf erstes Anfordern abzuändern und durch die Zahlung auf Grund eines Schiedsspruches oder gerichtlichen Urteils zu ersetzen. Der Versuch scheiterte, die Richtlinie hat sich in der Praxis nie durchgesetzt. Dennoch haben die Bestrebungen, die Rolle der Garantien auf erstes Anfordern zu schwächen, nie aufgehört. In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten wurde in mehreren Schiedssprüchen der Standpunkt bezogen, Begünstigte sollten Bankgarantien auf erstes Anfordern nicht schon in Anspruch nehmen dürfen, sobald das Schiedsverfahren zwischen Auftraggeber und Begünstigtem aufgenommen ist. Diese Entscheidungen wurden von einigen Autoren begrüßt. Nach Ansicht des Autors dieser Arbeit ist ein solcher Standpunkt nicht gerechtfertigt, da die Garantien auf erstes Anfordern den Begünstigten zur Sicherung ihrer Kosten und ihnen als Folge von Handlungen des Auftraggebers entstandener Schäden dienen sollen, gleich wann sie sich entschließen, letzteren zur Zahlung aufzufordern

    Partner trajnim vrijednostima

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    O temi sponzoriranja kulture, a pogotovo o specijaliziranom poglavlju sponzoriranja muzeja, u Hrvatskoj postoji vrlo malo literature. To je odraz činjenice da postoji i relativno malo dobrih primjera sponzoriranja kulture i muzeja

    Die Einstellung von Schülern der mittleren Reife gegenüber Sport und Sportunterricht sowie deren Alkohol- und Zigarettenkonsum – Unterschiede in Bezug auf Alter und Geschlecht

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    Na uzorku od 171 učenika i 693 učenice Prirodoslovne škole Vladimira Preloga u Zagrebu provedeno je istraživanje koje je imalo za cilj utvrditi postoje li razlike između učenika i učenica u stavu prema tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi i tjelesnom vježbanju i sportu te u konzumiranju alkoholnih pića i pušenju. Rezultat ukazuje kako postoji statistički značajna razlika između analiziranih skupina. Mladići imaju pozitivniji stav prema tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi i sportu od djevojaka. Oni u većem postotku konzumiraju alkoholna pića redovito jednom ili više puta tjedno, dok djevojke imaju veću naviku pušenja. U analiziranim varijablama uočen je negativan trend s obzirom na dob. Što su stariji, srednjoškolci sve učestalije piju alkoholna pića, sve više puše i sve manje vole nastavu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture, sport i tjelesno vježbanje.The research conducted on the sample of 171 male students and 693 female students in the High School of Science "Vladimir Prelog" from Zagreb aimed at finding out whether there are differences between the male and female students regarding their attitude towards physical education and exercise, alcohol drinking and smoking. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference between the analysed groups. Male students have a more positive attitude towards physical education and sport than the female ones. A higher percentage of boys regularly consume alcoholic drinks once or several times a week, while the girls are more addicted to smoking. The analysed variables show a negative trend regarding the age. The older high school students get, the more frequently they drink alcohol, and they smoke more and get increasingly less interested in Physical Education, sport and exercise.An einer Stichprobe von 171 Schülern und 693 Schülerinnen der Schule für Naturkunde Vladimir Prelog in Zagreb wurde eine Untersuchung durchgeführt, die zum Ziel hatte, festzustellen, ob es Unterschiede zwischen den Einstellungen der Schüler und Schülerinnen gegenüber Sport, Sportunterricht und Alkohol- und Zigarettenkonsum gibt. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass ein statistisch bedeutender Unterschied zwischen den analysierten Gruppen besteht. Die Einstellung der Jungen gegenüber Sportunterricht und Sport ist positiver als die der Mädchen. Die Jungen konsumieren in einem höheren Prozentsatz alkoholische Getränke regelmäßig einmal oder mehrmals wöchentlich, während die Mädchen öfter zur Zigarette greifen. In analysierten Variablen wurde eine negative Tendenz im Bezug auf das Alter bemerkt. Je älter die Schüler sind, desto öfter trinken sie alkoholische Getränke, sie rauchen immer mehr und mögen weniger den Sportunterricht, Sport und Turnen

    Application of ecological fertilizers (PEG) in vineyards for the period 2018.-2022.

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    U radu je dat prikaz učinka petogodišnje provedbe operacije 10.1.15. PEG (primjena ekoloških gnojiva) s posebnim naglaskom na vinogradarstvo koje je bilo najzastupljenije unutar skupine višegodišnjih nasada i činilo je 60% prijavljenih površina, dok su voćnjaci, maslinici i mješoviti trajni nasadi zajedno činili preostalih 40%. Najučinkovitija županija 2018. godine bila je Požeško-slavonska, dok su se u narednim godinama povećavale površine u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj, Osječko-baranjskoj i Istarskoj županiji. Ove četiri županije bile su dominantne po osnovi korištenja PEG-a tako da su nakon pet godina provedbe (2022.) zajedno imale 84% vinogradarskih površina prijavljenih u PEG-u (a sve ostale županije 16%), dok su njihove površine u Arkodu činile 45% ukupnih vinogradarskih površina. Godišnje prijave vinogradarskih površina u PEG kretale su se od 1.023 ha (2018.) do 5.564 ha (2022.) bilježeći stalni porast. Pripadajuća novčana vrijednost kretala se od 576.263 eura (2018.) do 3.133.800 eura (2022.), sveukupno 10.408.203 eura (78.420.607 kn). Uvođenje i provedba PEG-a u vinogradarstvu imala je značajne ekološke, tehnološke i financijske učinke. Ostaje otvoreno pitanje „Zašto PEG nije transformiran u Eko shemu, ugrađen u Pravilnik o IAKS mjerama 2023. i dat na moguće korištenje proizvođačima u 2023.?The paper presents the effect of the five-year operation on 10.1.15. AEF (application of eological /organic/ fertilizers) with a special emphasis on viticulture, which was the most represented within the group of perennial plantations and accounted for 60% of the reported areas, while orchards, olive groves and mixed permanent plantations together accounted for the remaining 40%. The most efficient county in 2018 was Požega-Slavonia, while in the following years the areas in Vukovar-Srijem, Osijek-Baranja and Istria counties increased. These four counties were dominant in terms of the use of AEF so that after five years of implementation (2022) they together had 84% of vineyard areas registered in AEF (and all other counties 16%), while their areas in LPIS accounted for 45% of total vineyard areas. Annual registrations of vineyard areas in AEF ranged from 1,023 ha (2018) to 5,564 ha (2022), recording a constant increase. The corresponding monetary value ranged from EUR 576,263 (2018) to EUR 3,133,800 (2022), a total of EUR 10,408,203 (HRK 78,420,607). The introduction and implementation of AEF in viticulture had significant ecological, technological and financial effects. The question remains open, "Why was the AEF not transformed into an Eco scheme, incorporated into the Ordinance on IAKS measures in 2023 and and given to producers for possible use in 2023?

    Public-Private Partnership and its implementation in Croatia

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    U uvodnom dijelu rada obrazlaže se što je javno privatno partnerstvo (JPP), njegovi karakteristični elementi, ugovorni oblici i njihovi modeli. U radu se odgovara na pitanje o načinu zaduženja javnog sektora i o tome tko snosi rizik izgradnje. U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na primjenu projekata JPP-a u Hrvatskoj opisane su Smjernice Vlade RH i prikazana je Uredba o davanju prethodne suglasnosti za sklapanje ugovora. Tim je dokumentima određeno i tko mogu biti sudionici u JPP-u.The notion of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), its typical elements, as well as the related contract forms and models, are presented in the initial part of the paper. The authors indicate in which way public sector can be indebted, and which subjects have to assume the construction risk. Guidelines given by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and the Edict on approvals needed prior to contract signing, are presented in the section of the paper focusing on the implementation of PPP projects in Croatia. The participants in PPP projects are also defined in these documents

    Public-Private Partnership and its implementation in Croatia

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    U uvodnom dijelu rada obrazlaže se što je javno privatno partnerstvo (JPP), njegovi karakteristični elementi, ugovorni oblici i njihovi modeli. U radu se odgovara na pitanje o načinu zaduženja javnog sektora i o tome tko snosi rizik izgradnje. U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na primjenu projekata JPP-a u Hrvatskoj opisane su Smjernice Vlade RH i prikazana je Uredba o davanju prethodne suglasnosti za sklapanje ugovora. Tim je dokumentima određeno i tko mogu biti sudionici u JPP-u.The notion of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), its typical elements, as well as the related contract forms and models, are presented in the initial part of the paper. The authors indicate in which way public sector can be indebted, and which subjects have to assume the construction risk. Guidelines given by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and the Edict on approvals needed prior to contract signing, are presented in the section of the paper focusing on the implementation of PPP projects in Croatia. The participants in PPP projects are also defined in these documents

    Unusual presentation of cactus spines in the flank of an elderly man: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Splinters and spines of plant matter are common foreign bodies in skin wounds of the extremities, and often present embedded in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. Vegetative foreign bodies are highly inflammatory and, if not completely removed, can cause infection, toxic reactions, or granuloma formation. Older patients are at increased risk for infection from untreated plant foreign bodies. The most common error in plant splinter and spine management is failure to detect their presence.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Here we report a case of cactus spines in an 84-year-old Caucasian man presenting on the right flank as multiple, red papules with spiny extensions. This presentation was unusual both in location and the spinous character of the lesions, and only after punch biopsy analysis was a diagnosis of cactus matter spines made.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our patient presented with an unusual case of cactus spines that required histopathology for identification. Skin lesions with neglected foreign bodies are a common cause of malpractice claims. If not removed, foreign bodies of the skin, particularly in elderly individuals, can result in inflammatory and infectious sequela. This report underscores the importance of thoroughly evaluating penetrating skin lesions for the presence of foreign bodies, such as splinters and spines.</p

    Quality management: reduction of waiting time and efficiency enhancement in an ENT-university outpatients' department

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    Background Public health systems are confronted with constantly rising costs. Furthermore, diagnostic as well as treatment services become more and more specialized. These are the reasons for an interdisciplinary project on the one hand aiming at simplification of planning and scheduling patient appointments, on the other hand at fulfilling all requirements of efficiency and treatment quality. Methods As to understanding procedure and problem solving activities, the responsible project group strictly proceeded with four methodical steps: actual state analysis, analysis of causes, correcting measures, and examination of effectiveness. Various methods of quality management, as for instance opinion polls, data collections, and several procedures of problem identification as well as of solution proposals were applied. All activities were realized according to the requirements of the clinic's ISO 9001:2000 certified quality management system. The development of this project is described step by step from planning phase to inauguration into the daily routine of the clinic and subsequent control of effectiveness. Results Five significant problem fields could be identified. After an analysis of causes the major remedial measures were: installation of a patient telephone hotline, standardization of appointment arrangements for all patients, modification of the appointments book considering the reason for coming in planning defined working periods for certain symptoms and treatments, improvement of telephonic counselling, and transition to flexible time planning by daily updates of the appointments book. After implementation of these changes into the clinic's routine success could be demonstrated by significantly reduced waiting times and resulting increased patient satisfaction. Conclusion Systematic scrutiny of the existing organizational structures of the outpatients' department of our clinic by means of actual state analysis and analysis of causes revealed the necessity of improvement. According to rules of quality management correcting measures and subsequent examination of effectiveness were performed. These changes resulted in higher satisfaction of patients, referring colleagues and clinic staff the like. Additionally the clinic is able to cope with an increasing demand for appointments in outpatients' departments, and the clinic's human resources are employed more effectively

    A generic method to develop simulation models for ambulance systems

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    In this paper, we address the question of generic simulation models and their role in improving emergency care around the world. After reviewing the development of ambulance models and the contexts in which they have been applied, we report the construction of a reusable model for ambulance systems. Further, we describe the associated parameters, data sources, and performance measures, and report on the collection of information, as well as the use of optimisation to configure the service to best effect. Having developed the model, we have validated it using real data from the emergency medical system in a Brazilian city, Belo Horizonte. To illustrate the benefits of standardisation and reusability we apply the model to a UK context by exploring how different rules of engagement would change the performance of the system. Finally, we consider the impact that one might observe if such rules were adopted by the Brazilian system