11 research outputs found

    Biosorption potential of activated sludge in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment

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    Iako su farmaceutici prisutni u okoliÅ”u već desetljećima njihova se razina počela kvantificirati posljednjih 15 godina te predstavljaju ā€žnove onečiŔćujuće tvariā€œ u okoliÅ”u. Farmaceutici u otpadnim vodama predstavljaju problem jer su farmakoloÅ”ki aktivni, otporni na razgradnju i imaju dugi vijek trajanja. BioloÅ”ka obrada je najprihvatljiviji način uklanjanje farmaceutika iz otpadnih voda. U ovom radu proveden je proces bisorpcije farmaceutske otpadne vode s aktivnim muljem u fazi endogene respiracije. Pokusi P1 i P2 provedeni su Å”aržnim uvjetima pri početnim koncentracijama farmaceutske otpadne vode S01 = 2228,9 Ā± 413,4 mg L^-1 i S02 = 1589,9 Ā± 161,3 mg L^-1 te pri različitim početnim koncentracijama aktivnog mulja od 3,27 Ā± 0,13 g L^-1 do 7,50 Ā± 0,68 g L^-1. Tijekom pokusa određivane su koncentracije supstrata i aktivnog mulja, pH-vrijednost, temperatura i testovi toksičnosti. Učinkovitost procesa biosorpcije iznosila je do 11,0 % u P1 i 14,6 % u P2.Although pharmaceuticals are present in the environment for several decades, in the last 15 years their levels started being quantified. Pharmaceuticals in the environment are classified as "new emerging contaminants". Because of their pharmacological activity, degradation resistance and long retention time, pharmaceuticals in wastewater represent an increasing concern over the environmental risks. Biological treatment is the most acceptable way of their removal from the wastewater. In this paper the process of biosorption of pharmaceutical wastewater on the activated sludge in endogenous respiration phase was conducted. Experiments P1 and P2 were conducted in batch conditions at initial concentrations of pharmaceutical wastewater S01 = 2228.9 Ā± 413,4 mg L^-1 and S02 = 1589.9 Ā± 161,3 mg L^-1 with different initial concentrations of active sludge from 3.27 Ā± 0.13 g L^-1 to 7.50 Ā± 0.68 g L^-1. During experiments, monitoring of substrate and activated sludge concentrations, pH-level, temperature and toxicity tests were performed. Maximum biosorption efficiency was 11.0 % in P1 and 14.6 % in P2

    Biosorption potential of activated sludge in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment

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    Iako su farmaceutici prisutni u okoliÅ”u već desetljećima njihova se razina počela kvantificirati posljednjih 15 godina te predstavljaju ā€žnove onečiŔćujuće tvariā€œ u okoliÅ”u. Farmaceutici u otpadnim vodama predstavljaju problem jer su farmakoloÅ”ki aktivni, otporni na razgradnju i imaju dugi vijek trajanja. BioloÅ”ka obrada je najprihvatljiviji način uklanjanje farmaceutika iz otpadnih voda. U ovom radu proveden je proces bisorpcije farmaceutske otpadne vode s aktivnim muljem u fazi endogene respiracije. Pokusi P1 i P2 provedeni su Å”aržnim uvjetima pri početnim koncentracijama farmaceutske otpadne vode S01 = 2228,9 Ā± 413,4 mg L^-1 i S02 = 1589,9 Ā± 161,3 mg L^-1 te pri različitim početnim koncentracijama aktivnog mulja od 3,27 Ā± 0,13 g L^-1 do 7,50 Ā± 0,68 g L^-1. Tijekom pokusa određivane su koncentracije supstrata i aktivnog mulja, pH-vrijednost, temperatura i testovi toksičnosti. Učinkovitost procesa biosorpcije iznosila je do 11,0 % u P1 i 14,6 % u P2.Although pharmaceuticals are present in the environment for several decades, in the last 15 years their levels started being quantified. Pharmaceuticals in the environment are classified as "new emerging contaminants". Because of their pharmacological activity, degradation resistance and long retention time, pharmaceuticals in wastewater represent an increasing concern over the environmental risks. Biological treatment is the most acceptable way of their removal from the wastewater. In this paper the process of biosorption of pharmaceutical wastewater on the activated sludge in endogenous respiration phase was conducted. Experiments P1 and P2 were conducted in batch conditions at initial concentrations of pharmaceutical wastewater S01 = 2228.9 Ā± 413,4 mg L^-1 and S02 = 1589.9 Ā± 161,3 mg L^-1 with different initial concentrations of active sludge from 3.27 Ā± 0.13 g L^-1 to 7.50 Ā± 0.68 g L^-1. During experiments, monitoring of substrate and activated sludge concentrations, pH-level, temperature and toxicity tests were performed. Maximum biosorption efficiency was 11.0 % in P1 and 14.6 % in P2

    Inhaled Pharmacologic Therapy for Treatment of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

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    Kronična opstruktivna plućna bolest karakterizirana je trajnom, progresivnom opstrukcijom diÅ”nih putova uzrokovanom upalnom reakcijom u tim putovima i plućnom parenhimu na inhalacijske toksične čestice ili dim. Osnovni su ciljevi farmakoloÅ”kog liječenja KOPB-a smanjenje simptoma, učestalosti i težine egzacerbacija te poboljÅ”anje podnoÅ”enja fizičkog napora i zdravstvenog statusa. Osnova farmakoloÅ”kog liječenja stabilnoga simptomatskog KOPB-a jesu bronhodilatatori (beta-agonisti i antikolinergici) sami ili u kombinaciji s inhalacijskim kortikosteroidima (ICS). Za pacijente koji imaju trajne simptome preporučuje se redovita primjena dugodjelujućih bronhodilatatora. Oni znatno poboljÅ”avaju plućnu funkciju, kvalitetu života vezanu uza zdravlje i smanjuju učestalost egzacerbacija u usporedbi s placebom. Ukupno gledajući, dugodjelujući muskarinski antagonisti (LAMA) dovode do većeg poboljÅ”anja parametara plućne funkcije, smanjenja učestalosti akutnih egzacerbacija uz manje neželjenih događaja u odnosu prema dugodjelujućim beta2-agonistima (LABA). U pacijenata čija bolest nije dobro kontrolirana primjenom monoterapije preporučuje se kombinacijska terapija koja se sastoji od dva dugodjelujuća bronhodilatatora različita mehanizma djelovanja. Kombinacijska terapija LABA-LAMA znatno poboljÅ”ava plućnu funkciju, simptome i zdravstveni status s obzirom na monoterapiju. Sigurnosni profil kombinacije LAMA-LABA usporediv je s LABA-om i LAMA-om kada se daje kao monoterapija. U pacijenata koji su skloni egzacerbacijama kombinacija ICS-a s LABA-om učinkovitija je nego bilo koja od ovih komponenata samostalno u poboljÅ”anju plućne funkcije, zdravstvenog statusa i smanjenja učestalosti egzacerbacija. U bolesnika s teÅ”kim i jako teÅ”kim stupnjem KOPB-a i poviÅ”enim rizikom od egzacerbacija trojna terapija koja se sastoji od ICS-a, LABA-e i LAMA-e dodatno poboljÅ”ava plućnu funkciju, reducira učestalost egzacerbacija i smanjuje zaduhu u odnosu prema kombinaciji ICS-LABA.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by persistent airflow obstruction caused by chronic inflammatory response of the airways and the lung parenchyma to noxious particles or gases. The main goals of pharmacologic therapy are to reduce symptoms and the frequency and severity of exacerbations as well as to improve exercise tolerance and health status. The mainstays of drug therapy of stable symptomatic COPD are inhaled bronchodilators (beta-agonists and anticholinergics) alone or in combination with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Regular use of long-acting bronchodilators is recommended for the management of patients with persistent symptoms. Compared to placebo, long-acting bronchodilators significantly improve lung function and health-related quality of life while reducing exacerbation rates. Overall, long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) lead to greater improvement in lung function parameters, reduction in acute exacerbation rates and fewer adverse effects compared with long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABAs). In patients whose disease is not sufficiently controlled with monotherapy, guidelines recommended combination therapy involving two long-acting bronchodilators with differing modes of action. Compared with monotherapy, LAMA/LABA combination therapy significantly improves lung function, symptoms and health status. The safety profile of the LAMA/LABA combination therapy is similar to the safety profiles of LABAs and LAMAs when administered as monotherapy. In patients prone to exacerbations, an ICS combined with LABA is more effective than either component alone in improving lung function, health status and reducing exacerbations. In patients with severe to very severe COPD and increased exacerbation risk, triple therapy consisting of ICS, LABAs and LAMAs additionally improves lung function, reduces exacerbation rates and dyspnea compared to ICS/LABA combination therapy

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Prevencija komplikacija nakon laparoskopske operacije jajnika

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    Bolesti jajnika se javljaju u oko jedne trećine žena diljem svijeta. NajčeŔće su to ciste jajnika, sindrom policističnih jajnika i karcinom jajnika. Jedan dio pacijentica biti će podvrgnut kirurÅ”kim zahvatima. Laparoskopska kirurgija je moderna kirurÅ”ka tehnika u kojoj se operacije izvode daleko od njihove lokacije kroz male rezove na drugim mjestima u tijelu. Operativna laparoskopija postala je standardni pristup za većinu ginekoloÅ”kih operacija uključujući i bolesti jajnika. Laparoskopski pristup je sve popularnija kirurÅ”ka metoda iz nekoliko razloga koji uključuju mogućnost izvođenja u ambulantnim uvjetima, kraću hospitalizaciju kada je ista neophodna, bolji kozmetički ishod, brži oporavak i raniji povratak normalnim aktivnostima te manji rizik od stvaranja postoperativnih priraslica. Međutim, kao i kod svakog kirurÅ”kog zahvata, i kod izvođenja laparoskopije mogu se pojaviti komplikacije koje su grupiraju u tri kategorije; komplikacije pristupa, fizioloÅ”ke komplikacije pneumoperitoneuma i komplikacije operativnog zahvata. Isto tako, moguće su i komplikacije koje nastaju nakon zahvata, a uključuju bol, respiratorne i kardiovaskularne komplikacije, incizijsku herniju, duboku vensku trombozu i infekciju ulaznog mjesta troakara i/ili ulaznog mjesta laparoskopske sonde. Medicinska sestra je osoba koja će prva uočiti pojavu komplikacija i promjene zdravstvenog stanja. Međutim, medicinska sestra mora posjedovati specifično znanje vezano za laparoskopsku operaciju te poznavati koje se komplikacije mogu pojaviti nakon operacije. Intervencije medicinske sestre uključuju pripremu bolesnice za laparoskopsku operaciju, praćenje stanja pacijentice nakon zahvata, rano uočavanje komplikacija te edukaciju pacijentice prilikom otpusta kuć

    Biosorption potential of activated sludge in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment

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    Iako su farmaceutici prisutni u okoliÅ”u već desetljećima njihova se razina počela kvantificirati posljednjih 15 godina te predstavljaju ā€žnove onečiŔćujuće tvariā€œ u okoliÅ”u. Farmaceutici u otpadnim vodama predstavljaju problem jer su farmakoloÅ”ki aktivni, otporni na razgradnju i imaju dugi vijek trajanja. BioloÅ”ka obrada je najprihvatljiviji način uklanjanje farmaceutika iz otpadnih voda. U ovom radu proveden je proces bisorpcije farmaceutske otpadne vode s aktivnim muljem u fazi endogene respiracije. Pokusi P1 i P2 provedeni su Å”aržnim uvjetima pri početnim koncentracijama farmaceutske otpadne vode S01 = 2228,9 Ā± 413,4 mg L^-1 i S02 = 1589,9 Ā± 161,3 mg L^-1 te pri različitim početnim koncentracijama aktivnog mulja od 3,27 Ā± 0,13 g L^-1 do 7,50 Ā± 0,68 g L^-1. Tijekom pokusa određivane su koncentracije supstrata i aktivnog mulja, pH-vrijednost, temperatura i testovi toksičnosti. Učinkovitost procesa biosorpcije iznosila je do 11,0 % u P1 i 14,6 % u P2.Although pharmaceuticals are present in the environment for several decades, in the last 15 years their levels started being quantified. Pharmaceuticals in the environment are classified as "new emerging contaminants". Because of their pharmacological activity, degradation resistance and long retention time, pharmaceuticals in wastewater represent an increasing concern over the environmental risks. Biological treatment is the most acceptable way of their removal from the wastewater. In this paper the process of biosorption of pharmaceutical wastewater on the activated sludge in endogenous respiration phase was conducted. Experiments P1 and P2 were conducted in batch conditions at initial concentrations of pharmaceutical wastewater S01 = 2228.9 Ā± 413,4 mg L^-1 and S02 = 1589.9 Ā± 161,3 mg L^-1 with different initial concentrations of active sludge from 3.27 Ā± 0.13 g L^-1 to 7.50 Ā± 0.68 g L^-1. During experiments, monitoring of substrate and activated sludge concentrations, pH-level, temperature and toxicity tests were performed. Maximum biosorption efficiency was 11.0 % in P1 and 14.6 % in P2

    Lasting Peripheral and Central Effects of Botulinum Toxin Type A on Experimental Muscle Hypertonia in Rats

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    Recent animal experiments suggested that centrally transported botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) might reduce an abnormal muscle tone, though with an unknown contribution to the dominant peripheral muscular effect observed clinically. Herein, we examined if late BoNT-A antispastic actions persist due to possible central toxin actions in rats. The early effect of intramuscular (i.m.) BoNT-A (5, 2 and 1 U/kg) on a reversible tetanus toxin (TeNT)-induced calf muscle spasm was examined 7 d post-TeNT and later during recovery from flaccid paralysis (TeNT reinjected on day 49 post-BoNT-A). Lumbar intrathecal (i.t.) BoNT-A–neutralizing antiserum was used to discriminate the transcytosis-dependent central toxin action of 5 U/kg BoNT-A. BoNT-A-truncated synaptosomal-associated protein 25 immunoreactivity was examined in the muscles and spinal cord at day 71 post-BoNT-A. All doses (5, 2 and 1 U/kg) induced similar antispastic actions in the early period (days 1–14) post-BoNT-A. After repeated TeNT, only the higher two doses prevented the muscle spasm and associated locomotor deficit. Central trans-synaptic activity contributed to the late antispastic effect of 5 U/kg BoNT-A. Ongoing BoNT-A enzymatic activity was present in both injected muscle and the spinal cord. These observations suggest that the treatment duration in sustained or intermittent muscular hyperactivity might be maintained by higher doses and combined peripheral and central BoNT-A action