2,123 research outputs found

    Optomechanical Transduction and Characterization of a Silica Microsphere Pendulum via Evanescent Light

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    Dissipative optomechanics has some advantages in cooling compared to the conventional dispersion dominated systems. Here, we study the optical response of a cantilever-like, silica, microsphere pendulum, evanescently coupled to a fiber taper. In a whispering gallery mode resonator the cavity mode and motion of the pendulum result in both dispersive and dissipative optomechanical interactions. This unique mechanism leads to an experimentally observable, asymmetric response function of the transduction spectrum which can be explained using coupled-mode theory. The optomechanical transduction, and its relationship to the external coupling gap, are investigated and we show that the experimental behavior is in good agreement with the theoretical predictions. A deep understanding of this mechanism is necessary to explore trapping and cooling in dissipative optomechanical systems.Comment: 5 page

    Performance Evaluation of Traveling Wave Fault Locator for a 220kV Hoa Khanh-Thanh My Transmission Line

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    This paper presents the traveling wave based fault location methods of SEL-400L, and SFL-2000 available on the market for a 66.9km, 220kV Hoa Khanh-Thanh My transmission line in Central Viet Nam, such as single-ended, and double-ended, all of which rely on measurements from inductive CTs and capacitive VTs. Focus was given on the building process of a Matlab Simulink model to evaluate these methods. Current and voltage signals were sent to an analog Chebyshev type II filter which passes higher frequency signals at 3kHz and rejects low frequencies signal at 50Hz. After that, these output signals are used in Clarke's transformation for getting 0 and α components. The detail coefficient of the selected components after DWT using Db4 wavelet at decomposition level 1 can be used to determine the fault types, the direction of fault and propose a crest-wave comparison solution to identify exactly the adjacent bus' reflected wave from the fault point's reflected wave for the fault location. Finally, the accuracy of fault location on the transmission line is reviewed by varying various parameters like fault type, fault location and fault resistance on a given power system model

    Lunar drill footplate and casing

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    To prevent hole collapse during lunar drilling operations, a casing has been devised of a graphite reinforced polyimide composite which will be able to withstand the lunar environment. Additionally, this casing will be inserted into the ground in segments two meters long which will penetrate the regolith simultaneously with the auger. The vertical action of the mobile platform will provide a downward force to the casing string through a special adaptor, giving the casing the needed impetus to sink the anticipated depth of ten meters. Casing segments will be connected with a simple snap arrangement. Excess casing will be cut off by a cylindrical cutting tool which will also transport the excess casing away from the hole. A footplate will be incorporated to grasp the auger rod string during rod segment additions or removals. The footplate grasping mechanism will consist of a set of vice-like arms, one end of each bearing threaded to a common power screw. The power screw will be threaded such that one end's thread pitch opposes that of the other end. The weight of the auger and rod string will be transmitted through the arms to the power screw and absorbed by a set of three ball bearing assemblies. The power screw will be driven by a one-half horsepower brushless motor actuated by radio control. The footplate will rest on four short legs and be anchored with pins that are an integral part of each leg

    Differential diagnosis of dna viruses related to reproductive disorder on sows by multiplex-pcr technique

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    The newly emerged diseases caused by ASFV and PCV3 and their confirmed prevelance in Vietnam whereas most of available common commercial methods such as ELISA or realtime PCR designed for detecting single pathogen per reaction, highlighted a necessity for another diagnostic method to simultaneously detect and differentiate DNA viruses that are related to reproductive failures in sow herds including PCV2, PCV3, PPV, ASFV. In this communication, a diagnostic multiplex-PCR (mPCR) was established with pathogen-specific primers selected from previous studies and another set of primers designed for COX1 gene serving as an internal amplification control (IAC). The predicted products of PCV2, PCV3, PPV, ASFV and IAC were 702 bp, 223 bp, 380 bp, 278 bp and 463 bp, respectively. After optimization, the mPCR functioned specifically at 62°C. Results revealed the consistent detection limit at 100 copies/gene/reaction. In application, 185 serum samples from sows were used to examine the presence of the related pathogens. mPCR results showed that the mono-infection rate of PCV2, PCV3, PPV, and ASFV was 0% (0/185), 40% (74/185), 28.1% (52/185), and 48.1% (89/185), respectively. Regarding coinfection rate, the data indicated that coinfections of 2, 3 and 4 pathogens were 20%, 8.1% and 0% accordingly. In conclusion, the mPCR assay was successfully established and ready to serve for diagnosis of PCV2, PCV3, PPV and ASFV infection in reality with high specificity and sensitivity. It is a good contribution to a better understanding of the epidemiology of these diseases in swine

    Интеллектуальная радиосеть с нечеткой конфигурацией

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    В статье обсуждаются возможности применения одноранговой радиосети стандарта IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) диапазона 2,4 ГГц для работы системы, состоящей из группы малогабаритных мобильных роботов и одного командного пункта. Основная задача группы роботов – проведение разведки во время спасательных операций после техногенных и природных катастроф и аварий. Для сохранения управляемости отдельными роботами и системой в целом предлагается повысить «интеллект» системы связи за счет гибкой маршрутизации каналов между командным пунктом и конкретным мобильным роботом с тем, чтобы иметь систему с автоматическим, интеллектуальным восстановлением канала обмена данных.У статті обговорюються можливості застосування однорангової радіомережі стандарту ІЕЕ 802.15.4 (ZigBee) діапазону 2,4 Ггу для роботи системи, що складається з групи малогабаритних мобільних роботів та одного командного пункту. Основна задача групи роботів – проведення розвідки під час рятувальних операцій після техногенних та природних катастроф і аварій. Для збереження керованості окремими ротами та системою в цілому пропонується підвищити інтелект системи зв’язку за рахунок гнучкої маршрутитизації каналів між командним пунктом та конкретним мобільним роботом з тим, щоб мати систему з автоматичним, інтелектуальним відновлюванням каналу обміну даних.In the article the possibilities of application peer-to-peer radio networks of standard IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) a range of 2,4 GHz for work of the system consisting of small-sized mobile robots group and one command point are discussed. The primary goal of group of robots – is carrying out of investigation during rescue operations after technogenic and natural accidents and failures. For controllability preservation by separate robots and system as a whole, it is offered to raise “intelligence” of a communication system at the expense of flexible routeing of channels between command point and the concrete mobile robot to have system with automatic, intellectual restoration of the channel of data exchange