49 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The present study clarifies the effect of locally isolated Eimeria species on chickens in central Vietnam. Oocysts of Eimeria species were isolated from feces suspected to be infected with coccidiosis in 3 farms in Huong Thuy district, Thua Thien Hue province. A total of 54 2-week-old chickens were randomly allocated to 2 groups: 3 replicates containing 9 chickens in each replicate. The chicken in group 1 were orally inoculated with 2×104 isolated oocysts of Eimeria species, while the chickens in group 2 were inoculated with PBS as a control. Growth performance, oocyst output, gross lesions, and histopathological lesions were measured at 5, 10 and 28 days after infection. The chicks in group 1 showed general signs of ruffled feathers, anorexia, huddling together with diarrhea and/or bloody dropping from 4–7 days post-infection. Feed intake, growth performance and body weight in group 1 were lower than those of the control chicks. The oocyst was detected in the feces of chicks in group 1 from 6–14 days post-infection, among them, the number of oocysts reach the peak at 8 days post-infection. At day 5 post-infection, the most damaged part of the intestine is the ceca with a large amount of blood in the ceca content. The histopathological lesions were detected clearly by HE staining at day 5 and 10 post-infection. In conclusion, the locally isolated oocysts of Eimeria species have high virulence to the chickens. The present study provides useful information related to the pathogenicity of Eimeria species which may contribute to coccidiosis diagnosis and treatment in poultry production.Keywords: Eimeria, coccidiosis, infection, central Vietna

    Kinetics of cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers in paediatric dengue shock syndrome

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    Glycocalyx disruption and hyperinflammatory responses are implicated in the pathogenesis of dengue-associated vascular leak, however little is known about their association with clinical outcomes of patients with dengue shock syndrome (DSS). We investigated the association of vascular and inflammatory biomarkers with clinical outcomes and their correlations with clinical markers of vascular leakage. We performed a prospective cohort study in Viet Nam. Children ≥5 years of age with a clinical diagnosis of DSS were enrolled into this study. Blood samples were taken daily during ICU stay and 7–10 days after hospital discharge for measurements of plasma levels of Syndecan-1, Hyaluronan, Suppression of tumourigenicity 2 (ST-2), Ferritin, N-terminal pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP), and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP). The primary outcome was recurrent shock. Ninety DSS patients were enrolled. Recurrent shock occurred in 16 patients. All biomarkers, except NT-proBNP, were elevated at presentation with shock. There were no differences between compensated and decompensated DSS patients. Glycocalyx markers were positively correlated with inflammatory biomarkers, haematocrit, percentage haemoconcentration, and negatively correlated with stroke volume index. While Syndecan-1, Hyaluronan, Ferritin, and ST-2 improved with time, ANP continued to be raised at follow-up. Enrolment Syndecan-1 levels were observed to be associated with developing recurrent shock although the association did not reach the statistical significance at the P < 0.01 (OR = 1.82, 95% CI 1.07–3.35, P = 0.038). Cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers are elevated in DSS, correlate with clinical vascular leakage parameters and follow different kinetics over time. Syndecan-1 may have potential utility in risk stratifying DSS patients in ICU

    Antibiotic use and prescription and its effects on Enterobacteriaceae in the gut in children with mild respiratory infections in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A prospective observational outpatient study.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Treatment guidelines do not recommend antibiotic use for acute respiratory infections (ARI), except for streptococcal pharyngitis/tonsillitis and pneumonia. However, antibiotics are prescribed frequently for children with ARI, often in absence of evidence for bacterial infection. The objectives of this study were 1) to assess the appropriateness of antibiotic prescriptions for mild ARI in paediatric outpatients in relation to available guidelines and detected pathogens, 2) to assess antibiotic use on presentation using questionnaires and detection in urine 3) to assess the carriage rates and proportions of resistant intestinal Enterobacteriaceae before, during and after consultation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were prospectively enrolled in Children's Hospital 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and diagnoses, prescribed therapy and outcome were recorded on first visit and on follow-up after 7 days. Respiratory bacterial and viral pathogens were detected using molecular assays. Antibiotic use before presentation was assessed using questionnaires and urine HPLC. The impact of antibiotic usage on intestinal Enterobacteriaceae was assessed with semi-quantitative culture on agar with and without antibiotics on presentation and after 7 and 28 days. RESULTS: A total of 563 patients were enrolled between February 2009 and February 2010. Antibiotics were prescribed for all except 2 of 563 patients. The majority were 2nd and 3rd generation oral cephalosporins and amoxicillin with or without clavulanic acid. Respiratory viruses were detected in respiratory specimens of 72.5% of patients. Antibiotic use was considered inappropriate in 90.1% and 67.5%, based on guidelines and detected pathogens, respectively. On presentation parents reported antibiotic use for 22% of patients, 41% of parents did not know and 37% denied antibiotic use. Among these three groups, six commonly used antibiotics were detected with HPLC in patients' urine in 49%, 40% and 14%, respectively. Temporary selection of 3rd generation cephalosporin resistant intestinal Enterobacteriaceae during antibiotic use was observed, with co-selection of resistance to aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones. CONCLUSIONS: We report overuse and overprescription of antibiotics for uncomplicated ARI with selection of resistant intestinal Enterobacteriaceae, posing a risk for community transmission and persistence in a setting of a highly granular healthcare system and unrestricted access to antibiotics through private pharmacies. REGISTRATION: This study was registered at the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trials Number registry under number ISRCTN32862422: http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN32862422

    Viral Etiology of Encephalitis in Children in Southern Vietnam: Results of a One-Year Prospective Descriptive Study

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    Viral encephalitis is associated with high morbidity and mortality in Vietnam. However little is known about the causes of the disease due to a lack of diagnostic facilities in this relatively resource-poor setting. Knowledge about the etiologies and clinical outcome of viral encephalitis is necessary for future design of intervention studies targeted at improvement of clinical management, treatment and prevention of the disease. We report the viral agents, clinical outcome and prognostic factors of mortality of encephalitis in children admitted to a referral hospital for children in southern Vietnam. We show that about one third of the enrolled patients die acutely, and that mortality is independently associated with patient age and Glasgow Coma Scale on admission. Japanese encephalitis, dengue virus and enterovirus (including enterovirus 71) are the major viruses detected in our patients. However, more than half of the patients remain undiagnosed, while mortality in this group is as high as in the diagnosed group. This study will benefit clinicians and public health in terms of clinical management and prevention of childhood encephalitis in Vietnam

    A generic assay for whole-genome amplification and deep sequencing of enterovirus A71

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    Enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) has emerged as the most important cause of large outbreaks of severe and sometimes fatal hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) across the Asia-Pacific region. EV-A71 outbreaks have been associated with (sub)genogroup switches, sometimes accompanied by recombination events. Understanding EV-A71 population dynamics is therefore essential for understanding this emerging infection, and may provide pivotal information for vaccine development. Despite the public health burden of EV-A71, relatively few EV-A71 complete-genome sequences are available for analysis and from limited geographical localities. The availability of an efficient procedure for whole-genome sequencing would stimulate effort to generate more viral sequence data. Herein, we report for the first time the development of a next-generation sequencing based protocol for whole-genome sequencing of EV-A71 directly from clinical specimens. We were able to sequence viruses of subgenogroup C4 and B5, while RNA from culture materials of diverse EV-A71 subgenogroups belonging to both genogroup B and C was successfully amplified. The nature of intra-host genetic diversity was explored in 22 clinical samples, revealing 107 positions carrying minor variants (ranging from 0 to 15 variants per sample). Our analysis of EV-A71 strains sampled in 2013 showed that they all belonged to subgenogroup B5, representing the first report of this subgenogroup in Vietnam. In conclusion, we have successfully developed a high-throughput next-generation sequencing-based assay for whole-genome sequencing of EV-A71 from clinical samples

    Phase 3, Randomized, 20-Month Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Bimatoprost Implant in Patients with Open-Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension (ARTEMIS 2)

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    Objective- To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering efficacy and safety of 10 and 15 µg bimatoprost implant in patients with open-angle glaucoma (OAG) or ocular hypertension (OHT). Methods- This randomized, 20-month, multicenter, masked, parallel-group, phase 3 trial enrolled 528 patients with OAG or OHT and an open iridocorneal angle inferiorly in the study eye. Study eyes were administered 10 or 15 µg bimatoprost implant on day 1, week 16, and week 32, or twice-daily topical timolol maleate 0.5%. Primary endpoints were IOP and IOP change from baseline through week 12. Safety measures included treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) and corneal endothelial cell density (CECD). Results- Both 10 and 15 µg bimatoprost implant met the primary endpoint of noninferiority to timolol in IOP lowering through 12 weeks. Mean IOP reductions from baseline ranged from 6.2–7.4, 6.5–7.8, and 6.1–6.7 mmHg through week 12 in the 10 µg implant, 15 µg implant, and timolol groups, respectively. IOP lowering was similar after the second and third implant administrations. Probabilities of requiring no IOP-lowering treatment for 1 year after the third administration were 77.5% (10 µg implant) and 79.0% (15 µg implant). The most common TEAE was conjunctival hyperemia, typically temporally associated with the administration procedure. Corneal TEAEs of interest (primarily corneal endothelial cell loss, corneal edema, and corneal touch) were more frequent with the 15 than the 10 µg implant and generally were reported after repeated administrations. Loss in mean CECD from baseline to month 20 was ~ 5% in 10 µg implant-treated eyes and ~ 1% in topical timolol-treated eyes. Visual field progression (change in the mean deviation from baseline) was reduced in the 10 µg implant group compared with the timolol group. Conclusions- The results corroborated the previous phase 3 study of the bimatoprost implant. The bimatoprost implant met the primary endpoint and effectively lowered IOP. The majority of patients required no additional treatment for 12 months after the third administration. The benefit-risk assessment favored the 10 over the 15 µg implant. Studies evaluating other administration regimens with reduced risk of corneal events are ongoing. The bimatoprost implant has the potential to improve adherence and reduce treatment burden in glaucoma

    Similarité psychologique et non disponibilité comme variables de la substitution de marque

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    Un domaine relativement peu exploré en marketing est l'étude des réactions du consommateur quand leur marque préférée n'est pas disponible. A notre connaissance, seul Peckham en a fait l'investigation (1). En interviewant 1173 acheteurs, il a trouvé qu'environ 58% des consommateurs déclarent vouloir acheter une marque substitut quand leur marque préférée n'est pas disponible. Parmi ceux qui acceptent de prendre une marque substitut, il est intéressant de constater que cette acceptation varie selon les types de produit. Par exemple, 33% des consommateurs acceptent de se substituer une autre marque de dentifrice, 43% agissent de même pour le café instantané, 50% pour les détergents et 70% pour les tissus de toilette (2). Les raisons évoquées par ces acheteurs sont diverses, allant de la publicité à l'importance de l'achat. A notre avis, cette substitution est due au fait qu'en général, ces consommateurs perçoivent les marques qu'ils achètent comme étant voisines l'une de l'autre. Il est évident que cela dépend du type de produit et que d'autres facteurs entrent aussi en ligne de compte dans cette substitution. Dans cette recherche, nous nous proposons d'étudier la substitution de marque lorsque la marque préférée n'est pas disponible et notre variable principale sera la similarité entre les marques telle que perçue par les consommateurs ; la similarité étant le degré de ressemblance perçu entre deux marques par un consommateur. Cette étude se compose de quatre parties. Dans la première nous chercherons à définir notre problème, dans la seconde nous tenterons d'établir une base théorique, dans la troisième nous développerons notre méthodologie et dans la dernière nous interprêterons les résultats obtenus

    Phage typing of Vibrio strains from different geographic sources

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