11,760 research outputs found

    Dust absorption and scattering in the silicon K-edge

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    The composition and properties of interstellar silicate dust are not well understood. In X-rays, interstellar dust can be studied in detail by making use of the fine structure features in the Si K-edge. The features in the Si K-edge offer a range of possibilities to study silicon-bearing dust, such as investigating the crystallinity, abundance, and the chemical composition along a given line of sight. We present newly acquired laboratory measurements of the silicon K-edge of several silicate-compounds that complement our measurements from our earlier pilot study. The resulting dust extinction profiles serve as templates for the interstellar extinction that we observe. The extinction profiles were used to model the interstellar dust in the dense environments of the Galaxy. The laboratory measurements, taken at the Soleil synchrotron facility in Paris, were adapted for astrophysical data analysis and implemented in the SPEX spectral fitting program. The models were used to fit the spectra of nine low-mass X-ray binaries located in the Galactic center neighborhood in order to determine the dust properties along those lines of sight. Most lines of sight can be fit well by amorphous olivine. We also established upper limits on the amount of crystalline material that the modeling allows. We obtained values of the total silicon abundance, silicon dust abundance, and depletion along each of the sightlines. We find a possible gradient of 0.06±0.020.06\pm0.02 dex/kpc for the total silicon abundance versus the Galactocentric distance. We do not find a relation between the depletion and the extinction along the line of sight.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Investigating the interstellar dust through the Fe K-edge

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    The chemical and physical properties of interstellar dust in the densest regions of the Galaxy are still not well understood. X-rays provide a powerful probe since they can penetrate gas and dust over a wide range of column densities (up to 1024 cm−210^{24}\ \rm{cm}^{-2}). The interaction (scattering and absorption) with the medium imprints spectral signatures that reflect the individual atoms which constitute the gas, molecule, or solid. In this work we investigate the ability of high resolution X-ray spectroscopy to probe the properties of cosmic grains containing iron. Although iron is heavily depleted into interstellar dust, the nature of the Fe-bearing grains is still largely uncertain. In our analysis we use iron K-edge synchrotron data of minerals likely present in the ISM dust taken at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. We explore the prospects of determining the chemical composition and the size of astrophysical dust in the Galactic centre and in molecular clouds with future X-ray missions. The energy resolution and the effective area of the present X-ray telescopes are not sufficient to detect and study the Fe K-edge, even for bright X-ray sources. From the analysis of the extinction cross sections of our dust models implemented in the spectral fitting program SPEX, the Fe K-edge is promising for investigating both the chemistry and the size distribution of the interstellar dust. We find that the chemical composition regulates the X-ray absorption fine structures in the post edge region, whereas the scattering feature in the pre-edge is sensitive to the mean grain size. Finally, we note that the Fe K-edge is insensitive to other dust properties, such as the porosity and the geometry of the dust.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Determining atmospheric electric fields using MGMR3D

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    Cosmic-ray particles impinging on the atmosphere induce high-energy particle cascades in air, an Extensive Air Shower (EAS), emitting coherent radio emission. This emission is affected by the presence of strong electric fields during thunderstorm conditions. To reconstruct the atmospheric electric field from the measured radio footprint of the EAS we use an analytic model for the calculation of the radio emission, MGMR3D. In this work we make an extensive comparison between the results of a microscopic model for radio emission, CoREAS, to obtain an improved parametrization for MGMR3D in the presence of atmospheric electric fields, as well as confidence intervals. The approach to extract the electric field structure is applied successfully to an event with a complicated radio footprint measured by LOFAR during thunderstorm conditions. This shows that, with the improved parametrization, MGMR3D can be used to extract the structure of the atmospheric electric field.Comment: The paper is accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Fast Algorithm for Finding the Eigenvalue Distribution of Very Large Matrices

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    A theoretical analysis is given of the equation of motion method, due to Alben et al., to compute the eigenvalue distribution (density of states) of very large matrices. The salient feature of this method is that for matrices of the kind encountered in quantum physics the memory and CPU requirements of this method scale linearly with the dimension of the matrix. We derive a rigorous estimate of the statistical error, supporting earlier observations that the computational efficiency of this approach increases with matrix size. We use this method and an imaginary-time version of it to compute the energy and the specific heat of three different, exactly solvable, spin-1/2 models and compare with the exact results to study the dependence of the statistical errors on sample and matrix size.Comment: 24 pages, 24 figure

    Alpha-decay Rates of Yb and Gd in Solar Neutrino Detectors

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    The α\alpha-decay rates for the nuclides 168,170,171,172,173,174,176^{168,170,171,172,173,174,176}Yb and 148,150,152,154^{148,150,152,154}Gd have been estimated from transmission probabilities in a systematic α\alpha-nucleus potential and from an improved fit to α\alpha-decay rates in the rare-earth mass region. Whereas α{\alpha}-decay of 152^{152}Gd in natural gadolinium is a severe obstacle for the use of gadolinium as a low-energy solar-neutrino detector, we show that α{\alpha}-decay does not contribute significantly to the background in a ytterbium detector. An extremely long α{\alpha}-decay lifetime of 168^{168}Yb is obtained from calculation, which may be close to the sensitivity limit in a low-background solar neutrino detector.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; An author name was correcte

    Lepton Flavor Violation: Constraints from exotic muon to electron conversion

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    The exotic neutrinoless μ−−e−\mu^- - e^- nuclear conversion is studied within the conventional extensions of the standard model as well as in the minimal supersymmetric (SUSY) models with and without R-parity conservation. The dependence of the μ−−e−\mu^- - e^- conversion rates on the nucleon and nuclear structure is consistently taken into account. Using our calculated transition matrix elements and the available experimental data on the branching ratio Rμe−R_{\mu e^-} for 48^{48}Ti and 208^{208}Pb as well as the expected experimental sensitivity for 27^{27}Al employed as a target in the planned at Brookhaven μ−−e−\mu^--e^- conversion (MECO) experiment, we extract very severe constraints for the flavor violation parameters. We especially emphasize on the constraints resulting for SUSY R-parity violating parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Based on the Invited talk given by T.S. Kosmas at the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics(NANP'99), Dubna, Russia, 199

    Measurement of the circular polarization in radio emission from extensive air showers confirms emission mechanisms

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    We report here on a novel analysis of the complete set of four Stokes parameters that uniquely determine the linear and/or circular polarization of the radio signal for an extensive air shower. The observed dependency of the circular polarization on azimuth angle and distance to the shower axis is a clear signature of the interfering contributions from two different radiation mechanisms, a main contribution due to a geomagnetically-induced transverse current and a secondary component due to the build-up of excess charge at the shower front. The data, as measured at LOFAR, agree very well with a calculation from first principles. This opens the possibility to use circular polarization as an investigative tool in the analysis of air shower structure, such as for the determination of atmospheric electric fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    EQUIPT: protocol of a comparative effectiveness research study evaluating cross-context transferability of economic evidence on tobacco control

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    This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Tobacco smoking claims 700 000 lives every year in Europe and the cost of tobacco smoking in the EU is estimated between €98 and €130 billion annually; direct medical care costs and indirect costs such as workday losses each represent half of this amount. Policymakers all across Europe are in need of bespoke information on the economic and wider returns of investing in evidence-based tobacco control, including smoking cessation agendas. EQUIPT is designed to test the transferability of one such economic evidence base-the English Tobacco Return on Investment (ROI) tool-to other EU member states
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