29 research outputs found

    Exact slip-buckling analysis of two-layer composite columns

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    A mathematical model for slip-buckling has been proposed and its analytical solution has been found for the analysis of layered and geometrically perfect composite columns with inter-layer slip between the layers. The analytical study has been carried out to evaluate exact critical forces and to compare them to those in the literature. Particular emphasis has been placed on the influence of interface compliance on decreasing the bifurcation loads. For this purpose, a preliminary parametric study has been performed by which the influence of various material and geometric parameters on buckling forces have been investigated. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Locking-free two-layer Timoshenko beam element with interlayer slip

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    A new locking-free strain-based finite element formulation for the numerical treatment of linear static analysis of two-layer planar composite beams with interlayer slip is proposed. In this formulation, the modified principle of virtual work is introduced as a basis for the finite element discretization. The linear kinematic equations are included into the principle by the procedure, similar to that of Lagrangian multipliers. A strain field vector remains the only unknown function to be interpolated in the finite element implementation of the principle. In contrast with some of the displacement-based and mixed finite element formulations of the composite beams with interlayer slip, the present formulation is completely locking-free. Hence, there are no shear and slip locking, poor convergence and stress oscillations in these finite elements. The generalization of the composite beam theory with the consideration of the Timoshenko beam theory for the individual component of a composite beam represents a substantial contribution in the field of analysis of non-slender composite beams with an interlayer slip. An extension of the present formulation to the non-linear material problems is straightforward. As only a few finite elements are needed to describe a composite beam with great precision, the new finite element formulations is perfectly suited for practical calculations. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Fire analysis of timber composite beams with interlayer slip

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    The purpose of this paper is to model the behaviour of timber composite beams with interlayer slip, when simultaneously exposed to static loading and fire. A transient moisture-thermal state of a timber beam is analysed by the Luikov equations, and mechanical behaviour of timber composite beam is modelled by Reissner's kinematic equations. The model can handle layers of different materials. Material properties are functions of temperature. The thermal model is validated against the experimental data presented in the literature. Generally, the model provides excellent agreement with the experimental data. It is shown that the material properties of timber play an important role in the fire resistance analysis of timber structures when exposed to fire

    "The Easternization of the West"

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    V sodobnem svetu smo priča spreminjanju in preobrazbi tega, kar je "naše" in kar je "tuje", po zaslugi globalizacije. Kultura – kot laboratorij smisla – se je tako primorana ves čas prilagajati, spreminjati, preobraziti ali upirati. Glavno vlogo v tem besedilu prevzemata dve civilizaciji, Vzhod in Zahod, poudarek pa je na spreminjanju in preobrazbi druge. V magistrskem delu s pomočjo teoretske analize raziskujem, kakšnim sodobnim kulturnim spremembam je podvržen Zahod od šestdesetih let 20. stoletja dalje in kaj se pri tem dogaja z Zahodom. Britanski sociolog Colin Campbell v svojem delu "Povzhodnjenje zahoda" zagovarja tezo, da se v zahodni miselnosti dogajajo temeljne spremembe, ki spreminjajo zahodni etos in pogled na svet. Celotni tradicionalni zahodni nazor naj bi se vzhodniziral in tradicionalno zahodno kulturno paradigmo je nadomestila vzhodna. S pomočjo komparativne metode nadalje soočim Campbellovo teorijo z nekaterimi najglasnejšimi kritikami te teorije ter s predhodnikom, palestinsko-ameriškim literarnim teoretikom, kritikom in aktivistom Edwardom W. Saidom, avtorjem teorije Orientalizma. V njej Said zagovarja tezo, da vsa znanja o Vzhodu, ki se akumulirajo na Zahodu, predstavljajo zgolj interpretacije, ki so močno podvržene regulaciji ter obvladovanju s strani zahodnih imperativov, perspektiv in ideoloških predsodkov. Znanja Zahoda o Vzhodu tako ne temeljijo na resnici in dejstvih, temveč na različnih stereotipih. Posledično govorimo o reproduciranju kulturne hegemonije in potemtakem zagotovo ne moremo govoriti o povzhodnjenju Zahoda.In modern world we are witnessing changes and transformations of what is \u27ours\u27 and what is \u27foreign\u27. Cultures, as a laboratory of meaning, is thus forced to constantly adapt, change, transform or resist. In the presented text the main role is given to two civilizations, the East and the West, and the emphasis is on the changes and transformations of the latter – the West. With theoretical analysis, I investigate what kind of modern cultural changes the West has undergone since 1960s and what is happening to the West throughout this process. British sociologist Colin Campbell in his work defends the thesis that fundamental changes are taking place in the Western mentality, which are changing the Western ethos and the traditional Western ethos and worldview. The entire traditional Western viewpoint was easternized and the traditional Western cultural paradigm was replaced by an Eastern one. Using the comparative method, I further confront Campbell´s theory with some of the most vocal critics of this theory and with the theory of Orientalism, which presents the diametric opposite of what Campbell called in his work the easternization of the West. All the knowledge West possesses about the East is mere representations that are heavily subject to regulations and control by Western imperatives, perspectives and ideological prejudices. As a result, we are talking about the reproduction of cultural hegemony, and therefore we certainly cannot talk about the easternization of the West

    Presentation of anatomical structures when imaging the lumbar spine anteroposterior and posteroanterior

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    Uvod: Pri prikazu anatomskih struktur ledvene hrbtenice je najbolj dostopna diagnostična metoda rentgensko slikanje. Standardni radiografski pregled za oceno ledvenega dela hrbtenice vključuje anteroposteriorno in stransko projekcijo. Po potrebi se lahko izvede slikanje hrbtenice pod različnimi koti. Pomembno je, da prikažemo vse kar protokol slikanja ledvene hrbtenice zahteva. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati in oceniti po kriterijih za kakovost rentgenograma anatomske strukture ledvene hrbtenice pri rentgenskem slikanju v AP in PA legi ter pri spremembi kota med hrbtom in podlago do 45 stopinj. Metode dela: Prva metoda je bila deskriptivna. Vključevala je pregled domače in tuje strokovne literature pridobljene v knjižnici Zdravstvene fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Osrednji knjižnici Mozirje ter na spletu. Druga metoda je bila raziskovalno delo, pri katerem smo s pomočjo fantoma primerjali prikaze anatomskih struktur pri ledveni hrbtenici, ko je le ta pod različnimi koti. Rezultati: Medvretenčni prostori so na PA sliki bolj odprti. Na PA sliki vidimo pri L1 in L2 bolj enojne strukture telesa kot na AP sliki. Z večanjem kota pride do vse večje povečave leve strani, ki je v vsakem naslednjem rentgenogramu bolj dvignjena od podlage. Širina vretenca se spreminja z vsakim posnetkom, največje odstopanje se pojavi pri 10° in 30° kotu. Razberemo, da je v osnovnem položaju desen odrastek daljši od levega, najmanjša razlika med njima je pri 5° podlogi. Sakroiliakalna sklepa se začneta rotirati. Rotacija je vidna tudi po križničnih linah, ki se vse bolj odmikajo k podloženi levi strani. Desni SIS se na vseh rentgenogramih prekriva in je zaprt, medtem ko se levi do 20° kota odpira, nato pa pride do prekrivanja in je zaprt. Trni ledvenih vretenc se s podlaganjem pomikajo proti levi strani, do 30° kota so še vidni na telesu vretenca, pod večjim kotom pa jih že vidimo iz polstranskega prikaza. Razprava in zaključek: Anatomske strukture se pri majhnih spremembah položaja fantoma ali kota prikažejo drugače. Z večanjem kota med podlago in fantomom prihaja do vse večje distorzije velikosti in oblike, rentgenogrami pa niso več simetrični. Pomembna je natančna nastavitev pacienta, s tem mu prihranimo dozo in omogočimo, da so rentgenogrami ocenjeni in odčitani kakovostno.Introduction: The most available diagnostic method when presenting the anatomic structures of the lumbar spine is radiography. The standard radiographic examination used for the evaluation of the lumbar spinal region includes anteroposterior and lateral projection. If needed, the spinal imaging can be performed at different angles. It is essential that everything the lumbar spine protocol requires is presented. Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate and assess the anatomic structures of the lumbar spine in AP and PA position, and the difference at the angle between the back and the grounding up to 45°, according to the radiography quality criterium. Methods: The first method used was descriptive, including an overview of Slovenian and foreign professional literature, obtained from the library of the Zdravstvena fakulteta in Ljubljana, and the Osrednja knjižnica Mozirje library, as well as sources online. The second method used was research work where we compared the demonstrations of anatomic structures of the lumbar spine when positioned at different angles with the help of the phantom. Results: The intervertebral space in the PA view is more open. The PA view shows more unified structures of the body at L1 and L2 compared to the AP view. With the extension of the angle comes an extended magnification of the left side, which is lifted more from the support in every following radiograph. The width of the vertebra changes with every imaging, the biggest deviation being at 10° and 30°. We discern that in the basic position the right spinous process is longer than the left one, the smallest difference between them being at 5° support. The sacroiliac joints begin to rotate. The rotation is also visible in cruciate ligaments which tend to move to the supported left side. The right SIS is overlapped in all radiographs and it is closed, while the left one opens up to 20°, then it overlaps and closes. The spinous process of the lumbar vertebrae, when supported, tends to move to the left side. Up to 30°, the spinous process is visible on the body of the vertebraat a bigger angle, however, it is visible from the oblique view. Discussion and conclusion: The anatomic structures are shown differently even when dealing a small change in the position of the phantom or the angle. The increase of the angle between the support and the phantom causes bigger and bigger distortion of size and shape, the radiographs are not symmetrical anymore. The precise setting of the patient is importantby doing so, we reduce the radiation dose and enable the radiographs to be evaluated and read qualitatively

    Structural relationships between interpersonal competencies, dispositions towards laughter and ridicule, and positive relations

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    Namen raziskave je bil preveriti mediatorsko vlogo odnosov do posmeha in šaljenja med medosebnimi kompetencami in pozitivnimi medosebnimi odnosi. Na priložnostnem vzorcu 476 udeležencev sem uporabil vprašalnik o odnosih do posmeha in šaljenja PhoPhiKat-45, vprašalnik empatije IRI (lestvici zavzemanje perspektive in empatična skrb), vprašalnik socialne inteligentnosti TSIS in vprašalnik psihološkega blagostanja RPWB (lestvica pozitivni medosebni odnosi). Prileganje modela sem preveril s strukturnim modeliranjem in na podlagi rezultatov obdržal model delne mediacije. V raziskavi sem zavrnil hipotezo, da lahko z odnosi do posemeha in šaljenja mediiramo povezanost med medosebnimi kompetencami in pozitivnimi medosebnimi odnosi. Model delne mediacije ima zato bolj šibko empirično podporo, čeprav lahko z njim relativno dobro pojasnimo vhodne podatke. Ugotovil sem, da je socialna inteligentnost ključen napovednik odnosov do posmeha in šaljenja. Rezultati nudijo podporo hipotezi, da je socialna inteligentnost orodje, ki ga lahko posameznik uporablja v prosocialne (adaptivni humor) ali antisocialne namene (neadaptivni oz. agresivni humor). V nasprotju s pričakovanji sem ugotovil, da se gelotofobija (strah pred posmehom) pozitivno povezuje s procesiranjem socialnih informacij, kar bi lahko pomenilo, da gelotofobisti ločijo posmeh od smeha. Bistveno vlogo pri napovedovanju pozitivnih medosebnih odnosov imajo socialne veščine, medtem ko je vpliv odnosov do posmeha in šaljenja zanemarljiv, kar postavlja humor v novo perspektivo. Zaradi nizke veljavnosti notranje strukture vprašalnika TSIS je potrebno vprašalnik revidirati in zaključke študije validirati na drugem vzorcu.The purpose of this study was to examine the mediator effects of dispositions towards laughter and ridicule between interpersonal competencies and positive relations. The study included a convenience sample of 476 participants who completed the following questionnaires: Dispositions towards laughter and ridicule PhoPhiKat-45, Interpersonal Reactivity Index IRI (perspective taking and empathy scales), Tromso Social Intelligence Scale TSIS and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales RPWB (positive relations scale). Results of the structural equation modelling showed that the partially mediated model fits the data better than the fully mediated model. In addition, I discovered no support for the mediation role of dispositions towards laughter and ridicule in the partially mediated model. The partially mediated model therefore lacked empirical support. Results supported the hypothesis that social intelligence is a tool, which may be used for both prosocial (adaptive humour) and antisocial purposes (maladaptive humor). Contrary to my expectations, the relationship between social information processing and gelotophobia is positive, which could indicate that people with excessive fear of being laughed at can perhaps distinguish between laughter and ridicule. Furthermore, social skills were the only statistically significant predictor of positive relations in the model. Dispositions towards laugther and ridicule had negligible role in predicting positive relations. To sum up, previous studies may have overstated the effect humor has on the quality of interpersonal relationships. However, my conclusions are limited because of the poor internal structure validity of the TSIS. Further studies are needed to validate my findings