426 research outputs found

    Sustainable production of root and tuber crops (potato, sweet potato, indigenous potato, cassava) in southern Africa

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    Africa, including South Africa, is faced with a problem of increasing rural poverty that leads to increasing urbanisation, joblessness, crime, food insecurity and malnutrition. Root and tuber crops such as sweet potato and potato, as well as cassava and indigenous potato are important crops for food security. The latter are also important due to their tolerance to marginal conditions. Potato and sweet potato are of great economic value in South Africa, with well-organised marketing chains and, for potato, a large processing industry. There is one cassava starch extraction factory in operation in South Africa. A number of diseases are of importance in potato in South Africa: early blight, late blight, bacterial wilt, scab and virus. Insect pests such as tuber moth and leaf miner are also constraints. In sweet potato the occurrence of viruses and weevils, as well as the availability of healthy planting material are the most important limiting factors in production. African Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) caused by a virus, is a problem in growing cassava. Plant biotechnology applications offer a number of sustainable solutions. Basic applications such as in vitro genebanking where large numbers of accessions can be maintained in a small space, meristem cultures to produce virus-free plants and mass propagation of popular cultivars in order to make planting material available for sustainable production. More advanced biotechnology applications that may be of value are molecular marker technology and genetic engineering. The latter can play a role in overcoming virus and potato tuber moth in potato, in resistance to CMD in cassava and possibly in sweet potato to incorporate virus and weevil resistance

    Numerical simulations of composite supernova remnants for small σ\sigma pulsar wind nebulae

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    Composite supernova remnants consist of a pulsar wind nebula located inside a shell-type remnant. The presence of a shell has implications on the evolution of the nebula, although the converse is generally not true. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. The first aim is to determine the effect of the pulsar's initial luminosity and spin-down rate, the supernova ejecta mass, and density of the interstellar medium on the evolution of a spherically-symmetric, composite supernova remnant expanding into a homogeneous medium. The second aim is to investigate the evolution of the magnetic field in the pulsar wind nebula when the the composite remnant expands into a non-uniform interstellar medium. The Euler conservation equations for inviscid flow, together with the magnetohydrodynamic induction law in the kinematic limit, are solved numerically for a number of scenarios where the ratio of magnetic to particle energy is σ<0.01\sigma < 0.01. The simulations in the first part of the paper is solved in a one-dimensional configuration. In the second part of the paper, the effect of an inhomogeneous medium on the evolution is studied using a two-dimensional, axis-symmetric configuration

    Impact of urbanisation on Serum lipid profiles -the thusa survey

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    Objective. To examine the impact of urbanisation on lipid profiles of black South Africans, stratified for HIV status.Design. Cross-sectional population-based survey.Setting. North West province of South Africa.Subjects. A representative sample of 1854 apparently healthy volunteers aged ≥ 15 years, was recruited from 37 randomly selected sites throughout the province. Subjects were stratified into five urbanisation strata (S): Sl rural villages, S2 farms, S3 informal housing or 'squatter camps', S4 urban townships, and S5 surburban housing.Outcome measures. Demographic, physical activity and dietary intake information was collected using validated and culture-sensitive questionnaires. Anthropometric measurements and lipid analyses were determined using standardised methodology.Results. The results revealed significantly lower mean(95% confidence interval) total serum cholesterol (TC) levels in HIV-negative men in Sl -S4 compared with S5 (S1 3.91 (3.77- 4.05) v. S5 4.79 (4.54- 5.04) mmol/1). In HIV-negative women, TC levels were significantly lower in Sl - S3 than in S4 and S5 (S1 4.05 (3.94- 4.17) v. S5 4.79 (4.59- 5.00) mmol/1). The same trends were seen for serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) and triglycerides and in HIV-positive subjects. Binary logistical analysis indicated that the main factor responsible for the increased TC levels seemed to be increased body mass index (BMI) due to decreased physical activity. Conclusions. Serum lipid levels increased with urbanisation although they remained within levels recommended for ther populations. This may, however, become an important health problem in future if preventive strategies are not implemented. Culturally sensitive physical activity programmes to decrease BMI, targeted at professional me and women, and women in urban townships, seem to constitute the most appropriate intervention

    Institutionalizing diversity and inclusion engaged marketing (DIEM) for multicultural marketplace wellbeing

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    Within an institutional theory framework, this paper identifies three interconnected fields of the marketing institution – research, education, and practice – that contribute to advancing the diversity and inclusion discourse in promoting multicultural marketplace wellbeing. Conducting three studies, one in each field and across contexts in three continents, we identify barriers that inhibit effective implementation of diversity and inclusion initiatives in today’s multicultural marketplaces. These barriers exist within and across fields and pertain to cultural-cognitive (shared meanings), normative (normative factors), and regulatory (rules and systems) pillars supporting the existence or transformation of institutions. From our research findings, we provide specific guidance for institutional work within marketing’s fields and policy developments needed to advance diversity and inclusion engaged marketing (DIEM) for enhancing multicultural marketplace wellbeing

    Association of variants at BCL11A and HBS1L-MYB with hemoglobin F and hospitalization rates among sickle cell patients in Cameroon

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic variation at loci influencing adult levels of HbF have been shown to modify the clinical course of sickle cell disease (SCD). Data on this important aspect of SCD have not yet been reported from West Africa. We investigated the relationship between HbF levels and the relevant genetic loci in 610 patients with SCD (98% HbSS homozygotes) from Cameroon, and compared the results to a well-characterized African-American cohort. Methods and FINDINGS: Socio-demographic and clinical features were collected and medical records reviewed. Only patients >5 years old, who had not received a blood transfusion or treatment with hydroxyurea were included. Hemoglobin electrophoresis and a full blood count were conducted upon arrival at the hospital. RFLP-PCR was used to describe the HBB gene haplotypes. SNaPshot PCR, Capillary electrophoresis and cycle sequencing were used for the genotyping of 10 selected SNPs. Genetic analysis was performed with PLINK software and statistical models in the statistical package R. Allele frequencies of relevant variants at BCL11A were similar to those detected in African Americans; although the relationships with Hb F were significant (p <.001), they explained substantially less of the variance in HbF than was observed among African Americans (∼ 2% vs 10%). SNPs in HBS1L-MYB region ( HMIP ) likewise had a significant impact on HbF, however, we did not find an association between HbF and the variations in HBB cluster and OR51B5/6 locus on chromosome 11p, due in part to the virtual absence of the Senegal and Indian Arab haplotypes. We also found evidence that selected SNPs in HBS1L-MYB region ( HMIP ) and BCL11A affect both other hematological indices and rates of hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: This study has confirmed the associations of SNPs in BCL11A and HBS1L-MYB and fetal haemoglobin in Cameroonian SCA patients; hematological indices and hospitalization rates were also associated with specific allelic variants

    Sequential ¹⁸F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (¹⁸F-FDG PET) scan findings in patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis during the course of treatment—a prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Initial studies of tuberculosis (TB) in macaques and humans using ¹⁸F-FDG positron emission tomography (PET) imaging as a research tool suggest its usefulness in localising disease sites and as a clinical biomarker. Sequential serial scans in patients with extrapulmonary TB (EPTB) could inform on the value of PET-CT for monitoring response to treatment and defining cure. PATIENTS AND METHODS: HIV-negative adults with EPTB from eight sites across six countries had three ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT scans: (i) within 2 weeks of enrolment, (ii) at 2 months into TB treatment and (iii) at end of ATT treatment. Scanning was performed according to the EANM guidelines. ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT scans were performed 60 ± 10 min after intravenous injection of 2.5–5.0 MBq/kg of ¹⁸F-FDG. FINDINGS: One hundred and forty-seven patients with EPTB underwent 3 sequential scans. A progressive reduction over time of both the number of active sites and the uptake level (SUVmax) at these sites was seen. At the end of WHO recommended treatment, 53/147 (36.0%) patients had negative PET/CT scans, and 94/147 (63.9%) patients remained PET/CT positive, of which 12 patients had developed MDR TB. One died of brain tuberculoma. INTERPRETATION: Current ⁸F-FDG PET/CT imaging technology cannot be used clinically as a biomarker of treatment response, cure or for decision-making on when to stop EPTB treatment. PET/CT remains a research tool for TB and further development of PET/CT is required using new Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific radiopharmaceuticals targeting high-density surface epitopes, gene targets or metabolic pathways

    PET/CT features of extrapulmonary tuberculosis at first clinical presentation: a cross-sectional observational ¹⁸F-FDG imaging study across six countries

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    BACKGROUND: A large proportion of the huge global burden of Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) are treated empirically without accurate definition of disease sites, and extent of multi-organ disease involvement. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging using 18F-FDG in TB could be a useful imaging technique for localising disease sites and extent of disease. METHODS: We conducted a study of HIV-negative adult patients with a new clinical diagnosis of EPTB across 8 centres located in 6 countries: India, Pakistan, Thailand, South Africa, Serbia, and Bangladesh to assess the extent of disease and common sites involved at first presentation. 18F-FDG PET/CT scans were performed within 2 weeks of presentation. FINDINGS: A total of 358 patients with EPTB (189 females; 169 males) were recruited over 45 months. Age range 18-83 years (females: median 30 years; males: median 38 years). 350/358 (98%) patients (183 female, 167 male) had positive scan. 118/350 (33.7%) had a single extrapulmonary site and 232/350 (66.3%) had more than one site (organ) affected. Lymph nodes, skeletal, pleura and brain were common sites. 100/358 (28%) of EPTB patients had 18F-FDG PET/CT positive sites in the lung. 110 patients were 18F-FDG PET/CT positive in more body sites than were noted clinically at first presentation and 160 patients had the same number of positive body sites. INTERPRETATION: 18F-FDG PET/CT scan has potential for further elucidating the spectrum of disease, pathogenesis of EPTB, and monitoring the effects of treatment on active lesions over time, and requires longitudinal cohort studies, twinned with biopsy and molecular studies

    The MusiQual treatment manual for music therapy in a palliative care inpatient setting

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    This article presents the treatment manual developed during the MusiQual feasibility study carried out in Belfast by Queen’s University Belfast, Every Day Harmony Music Therapy, and Marie Curie Northern Ireland. The MusiQual study considered the feasibility of a multicentre randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy in improving the quality of life of hospice inpatients (protocol: McConnell et al. results: Porter et al.). The procedures in the manual are based fully on those implemented by the Music Therapists during the feasibility study, and it also incorporates the theoretical model defined and published following the realist review of the literature (McConnell and Porter). The manual is presented in the format in which it would be used in the potential future phase III multicentre randomised control trial. It represents a flexible approach to provide enough scope for practicing therapists to adapt their interventions to individual clients as is best practice in music therapy. It aims to provide stable guidelines both to ensure treatment fidelity in a future trial of music therapy for palliative care inpatients and to act as a relevant guide for Music Therapists practicing in this field