403 research outputs found

    Large-scale electronic structure theory for simulating nanostructure process

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    Fundamental theories and practical methods for large-scale electronic structure calculations are given, in which the computational cost is proportional to the system size. Accuracy controlling methods for microscopic freedoms are focused on two practical solver methods, Krylov-subspace method and generalized-Wannier-state method. A general theory called the 'multi-solver' scheme is also formulated, as a hybrid between different solver methods. Practical examples are carried out in several insulating and metallic systems with 10^3-10^5 atoms. All the theories provide general guiding principles of constructing an optimal calculation for simulating nanostructure processes, since a nanostructured system consists of several competitive regions, such as bulk and surface regions, and the simulation is designed to reproduce the competition with an optimal computational cost.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. To appear in J. Phys. Cond. Matt. A preprint PDF file in better graphics is available at http://fujimac.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/lses/index_e.htm

    Organisatiecultuur, een nieuw wondermiddel?

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    Op 24 januari jongstleden werd in de sociale faculteit door de Haagse projectorganisatie Tangram een Bedrijfs/Organisatiecultuurdag gehouden. Op deze dag kwamen vijf sprekers aan het woord , die ingingen op het fenomeen organisatiecultuur . De dag werd geleid door prof. dr. A. Bekke, die een kort openingswoord hield. Vervolgens kwamen een cultureel antropoloog, een organisatiepsycholoog en een organisatiesocioloog aan het woord. Na dit theoretische gedeelte kwamen twee sprekers uit de praktijk verte1Ien over hun ervaringen met het wijzigen van een organisatiecultuur

    Linear Algebraic Calculation of Green's function for Large-Scale Electronic Structure Theory

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    A linear algebraic method named the shifted conjugate-orthogonal-conjugate-gradient method is introduced for large-scale electronic structure calculation. The method gives an iterative solver algorithm of the Green's function and the density matrix without calculating eigenstates.The problem is reduced to independent linear equations at many energy points and the calculation is actually carried out only for a single energy point. The method is robust against the round-off error and the calculation can reach the machine accuracy. With the observation of residual vectors, the accuracy can be controlled, microscopically, independently for each element of the Green's function, and dynamically, at each step in dynamical simulations. The method is applied to both semiconductor and metal.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B. A PDF file with better graphics is available at http://fujimac.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/lses

    Application of block Krylov subspace algorithms to the Wilson-Dirac equation with multiple right-hand sides in lattice QCD

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    It is well known that the block Krylov subspace solvers work efficiently for some cases of the solution of differential equations with multiple right-hand sides. In lattice QCD calculation of physical quantities on a given configuration demands us to solve the Dirac equation with multiple sources. We show that a new block Krylov subspace algorithm recently proposed by the authors reduces the computational cost significantly without loosing numerical accuracy for the solution of the O(a)-improved Wilson-Dirac equation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Light hadron spectroscopy in two-flavor QCD with small sea quark masses

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    We extend the study of the light hadron spectrum and the quark mass in two-flavor QCD to smaller sea quark mass, corresponding to mPS/mV=0.60m_{PS}/m_{V}=0.60--0.35. Numerical simulations are carried out using the RG-improved gauge action and the meanfield-improved clover quark action at β=1.8\beta=1.8 (a=0.2a = 0.2 fm from ρ\rho meson mass). We observe that the light hadron spectrum for small sea quark mass does not follow the expectation from chiral extrapolations with quadratic functions made from the region of mPS/mV=0.80m_{PS}/m_{V}=0.80--0.55. Whereas fits with either polynomial or continuum chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) fails, the Wilson ChPT (WChPT) that includes a2a^2 effects associated with explicit chiral symmetry breaking successfully fits the whole data: In particular, WChPT correctly predicts the light quark mass spectrum from simulations for medium heavy quark mass, such as m_{PS}/m_V \simgt 0.5. Reanalyzing the previous data %at mPS/mV=0.80m_{PS}/m_{V}=0.80--0.55 with the use of WChPT, we find the mean up and down quark mass being smaller than the previous result from quadratic chiral extrapolation by approximately 10%, mudMSˉ(μ=2GeV)=3.11(17)m_{ud}^{\bar{\rm MS}}(\mu=2 {GeV}) = 3.11(17) [MeV] in the continuum limit.Comment: 33 page

    Lattice field theory simulations of graphene

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    We discuss the Monte Carlo method of simulating lattice field theories as a means of studying the low-energy effective theory of graphene. We also report on simulational results obtained using the Metropolis and Hybrid Monte Carlo methods for the chiral condensate, which is the order parameter for the semimetal-insulator transition in graphene, induced by the Coulomb interaction between the massless electronic quasiparticles. The critical coupling and the associated exponents of this transition are determined by means of the logarithmic derivative of the chiral condensate and an equation-of-state analysis. A thorough discussion of finite-size effects is given, along with several tests of our calculational framework. These results strengthen the case for an insulating phase in suspended graphene, and indicate that the semimetal-insulator transition is likely to be of second order, though exhibiting neither classical critical exponents, nor the predicted phenomenon of Miransky scaling.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Published version freely available if accessed via http://physics.aps.org/articles/v2/3

    Application of stochastic programming to reduce uncertainties in quality-based supply planning of slaughterhouses

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    To match products of different quality with end market preferences under supply uncertainty, it is crucial to integrate product quality information in logistics decision making. We present a case of this integration in a meat processing company that faces uncertainty in delivered livestock quality. We develop a stochastic programming model that exploits historical product quality delivery data to produce slaughterhouse allocation plans with reduced levels of uncertainty in received livestock quality. The allocation plans generated by this model fulfil demand for multiple quality features at separate slaughterhouses under prescribed service levels while minimizing transportation costs. We test the model on real world problem instances generated from a data set provided by an industrial partner. Results show that historical farmer delivery data can be used to reduce uncertainty in quality of animals to be delivered to slaughterhouses

    Krylov Subspace Method for Molecular Dynamics Simulation based on Large-Scale Electronic Structure Theory

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    For large scale electronic structure calculation, the Krylov subspace method is introduced to calculate the one-body density matrix instead of the eigenstates of given Hamiltonian. This method provides an efficient way to extract the essential character of the Hamiltonian within a limited number of basis set. Its validation is confirmed by the convergence property of the density matrix within the subspace. The following quantities are calculated; energy, force, density of states, and energy spectrum. Molecular dynamics simulation of Si(001) surface reconstruction is examined as an example, and the results reproduce the mechanism of asymmetric surface dimer.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; corrected typos; to be published in Journal of the Phys. Soc. of Japa

    An iterative method to compute the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential

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    The overlap Dirac operator at nonzero quark chemical potential involves the computation of the sign function of a non-Hermitian matrix. In this talk we present an iterative method, first proposed by us in Ref. [1], which allows for an efficient computation of the operator, even on large lattices. The starting point is a Krylov subspace approximation, based on the Arnoldi algorithm, for the evaluation of a generic matrix function. The efficiency of this method is spoiled when the matrix has eigenvalues close to a function discontinuity. To cure this, a small number of critical eigenvectors are added to the Krylov subspace, and two different deflation schemes are proposed in this augmented subspace. The ensuing method is then applied to the sign function of the overlap Dirac operator, for two different lattice sizes. The sign function has a discontinuity along the imaginary axis, and the numerical results show how deflation dramatically improves the efficiency of the method.Comment: 7 pages, talk presented at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4 2007, Regensburg, German

    Appropriate medication use in Dutch terminal care:study protocol of a multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial (the AMUSE study)

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    Background: Polypharmacy is common among patients with a limited life expectancy, even shortly before death. This is partly inevitable, because these patients often have multiple symptoms which need to be alleviated. However, the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in these patients is also common. Although patients and relatives are often willing to deprescribe medication, physicians are sometimes reluctant due to the lack of evidence on appropriate medication management for patients in the last phase of life. The aim of the AMUSE study is to investigate whether the use of CDSS-OPTIMED, a software program that gives weekly personalized medication recommendations to attending physicians of patients with a limited life expectancy, improves patients’ quality of life. Methods: A multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial will be conducted among patients with a life expectancy of three months or less. The stepped-wedge cluster design, where the clusters are the different study sites, involves sequential crossover of clusters from control to intervention until all clusters are exposed. In total, seven sites (4 hospitals, 2 general practices and 1 hospice from the Netherlands) will participate in this study. During the control period, patients will receive ‘care as usual’. During the intervention period, CDSS-OPTIMED will be activated. CDSS-OPTIMED is a validated software program that analyses the use of medication based on a specific set of clinical rules for patients with a limited life expectancy. The software program will provide the attending physicians with weekly personalized medication recommendations. The primary outcome of this study is patients’ quality of life two weeks after baseline assessment as measured by the EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL questionnaire, quality of life question.Discussion: This will be the first study investigating the effect of weekly personalized medication recommendations to attending physicians on the quality of life of patients with a limited life expectancy. We hypothesize that the CDSS-OPTIMED intervention could lead to improved quality of life in patients with a life expectancy of three months or less. Trial registration: This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT05351281, Registration Date: April 11, 2022).</p