18 research outputs found

    Model-based Development of Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures

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    The aerospace domain, very much similar to other cyber-physical systems domains such as automotive or automation, is demanding new methodologies and approaches for increasing performance and reducing cost, while maintaining safety levels and programmability. While the heterogeneous multi-core architectures seem promising, apart from certification issues, there is a solid necessity for complex toolchains and programming processes for exploiting their full potential. The ARGO (WCET-Aware PaRallelization of Model-Based Ap-plications for HeteroGeneOus Parallel Systems) project is addressing this challenge by providing an inte-grated toolchain that realizes an innovative holistic approach for programming heterogeneous multi-core sys-tems in a model-based workflow. Model-based design elevates systems modeling and promotes simulation with the executing these models for verification and validation of the design decisions. As a case study, the ARGO toolchain and workflow will be applied to a model-based Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) development. EGPWS is a readily available system in current aircraft which provides alerts and warnings for obstacles and terrain along the flight path utilizing high resolution terrain databases, Global Positioning System and other sensors-. After a gentle introduction to the model-based development approach of the ARGO project for the heterogeneous multi-core architectures, the EGPWS and the EGPWS systems modelling will be presented

    Association between biliary complications and technique of hilar division (extrahepatic vs. intrahepatic) in major liver resections

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    BACKGROUND: Division of major vascular and biliary structures during major hepatectomies can be carried out either extrahepatically at the porta hepatic or intrahepatically during the parenchymal transection. In this retrospective study we test the hypothesis that the intrahepatic technique is associated with less early biliary complications. METHODS: 150 patients who underwent major hepatectomies were retrospectively allocated into an intrahepatic group (n = 100) and an extrahepatic group (n = 50) based on the technique of hilar division. The two groups were operated by two different surgical teams, each one favoring one of the two approaches for hilar dissection. Operative data (warm ischemic time, operative time, blood loss), biliary complications, morbidity and mortality rates were analyzed. RESULTS: In extrahepatic patients, operative time was longer (245 ± 50 vs 214 ± 38 min, p < 0.05) while the overall complication rate (55% vs 52%), hospital stay (13 ± 7 vs 12 ± 4 days), bile leak rate (22% vs 20%) and mortality (2% vs 2%) were similar compared to intrahepatic patients. However, most (57%) bile leaks in extrahepatic patients were grade II (leaks that required non-operative interventional treatment, while most (70%) leaks in the intrahepatic group were grade I (leaks that resolved and presented two injuries (4%) of the remaining bile ducts (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Intrahepatic hilar division is as safe as extrahepatic hilar division in terms of intraoperative blood requirements, morbidity and mortality. The extrahepatic technique is associated with more severe bile leaks and biliary injuries

    A Data Compression Hardware Accelerator Enabling Long-Term Biosignal Monitoring Based on Ultra-Low Power IoT Platforms

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    For highly demanding scenarios such as continuous bio-signal monitoring, transmitting excessive volumes of data wirelessly comprises one of the most critical challenges. This is due to the resource limitations posed by typical hardware and communication technologies. Driven by such shortcomings, this paper aims at addressing the respective deficiencies. The main axes of this work include (a) data compression, and (b) the presentation of a complete, efficient and practical hardware accelerator design able to be integrated in any Internet of Things (IoT) platform for addressing critical challenges of data compression. On one hand, the developed algorithm is presented and evaluated on software, exhibiting significant benefits compared to respective competition. On the other hand, the algorithm is fully implemented on hardware providing a further proof of concept regarding the implementation feasibility with respect to state-of-the art hardware design approaches. Finally, system-level performance benefits, regarding data transmission delay and energy saving, are highlighted, taking into consideration the characteristics of prominent IoT platforms. Concluding, this paper presents a holistic approach based on data compression that is able to drastically enhance an IoT platform’s performance and tackle efficiently a notorious challenge of highly demanding IoT applications such as real-time bio-signal monitoring

    Leben hat Gewicht: Die Stadtbibliothek Annaberg-Buchholz informiert ĂŒber Essstörungen

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    Wer in Bibliotheken mit Informationsvermittlung und Ausleihe zu tun hat, der kennt auch einige Sorgen und Nöte der Besucher. Seit lĂ€ngerem fĂ€llt auf, dass BĂŒcher und Zeitschriften zum Thema Essstörungen von jungen MĂ€dchen still, aber intensiv genutzt werden. MĂŒtter fragen nach Ratgebern und suchen Informationen und AufklĂ€rung

    On Developing a Novel Versatile Framework for Heterogeneous Home Monitoring WSN networks

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    The ability to deploy efficient and versatile WSN networks in the home environment is and will remain in the years to come a cornerstone objective in wireless networking. Respective services are continuously expanding requiring novel design and implementation approaches able to cover all relative present and even more importantly future requirements. This paper aims to present and convey knowledge and experience gained from such an effort in the context of home monitoring. Respective discussion covers all relative aspects and analyzes all critical challenges addressed ranging from identification and specification of the main requirements, to possible implementation approaches considered and finally the actual development undertaken. The final outcome considering the WSN home monitoring infrastructure as well as extracted knowledge and practical conclusions can be proven useful for further extending such an endeavour or even pursuing a different approach