
Model-based Development of Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures


The aerospace domain, very much similar to other cyber-physical systems domains such as automotive or automation, is demanding new methodologies and approaches for increasing performance and reducing cost, while maintaining safety levels and programmability. While the heterogeneous multi-core architectures seem promising, apart from certification issues, there is a solid necessity for complex toolchains and programming processes for exploiting their full potential. The ARGO (WCET-Aware PaRallelization of Model-Based Ap-plications for HeteroGeneOus Parallel Systems) project is addressing this challenge by providing an inte-grated toolchain that realizes an innovative holistic approach for programming heterogeneous multi-core sys-tems in a model-based workflow. Model-based design elevates systems modeling and promotes simulation with the executing these models for verification and validation of the design decisions. As a case study, the ARGO toolchain and workflow will be applied to a model-based Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) development. EGPWS is a readily available system in current aircraft which provides alerts and warnings for obstacles and terrain along the flight path utilizing high resolution terrain databases, Global Positioning System and other sensors-. After a gentle introduction to the model-based development approach of the ARGO project for the heterogeneous multi-core architectures, the EGPWS and the EGPWS systems modelling will be presented

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