726 research outputs found

    Tendencies in development of teacher’s continuous education

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    Обозначены изменения в системе непрерывного образованияThe article describes the changes of the continuous education syste

    Characters of the lateral-line system and their use in taxonomy of Paralichthys, Hippoglossina and Lioglossina (Paralichthyidae, Pleuronectiformes)

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    A morphological study of eight species of Paralichthys, two species of Hippoglossina, and Lioglossina tetrophthalma, has revealed head lateral-line canal topography differences of taxonomic value. In species of Paralichthys, segment of the supraorbital canal in nasale of the blind side is connected with other canals and canaliculi are ramified, whereas in species of Hippoglossina this segment is not connected and canaliculi are not ramified. These different character states corroborate the generic distinction between Paralichthys and Hippoglossina. The connection of the supraorbital canal in nasale of the blind side with other canals and ramified canaliculi found in L. tetrophthalma and P. oblongus are against regarding them as Hippoglossina species. It appears necessary to restore the monotypic genus Lioglossina and to place P. oblongus in the genus Paralichthys until new morphological or molecular data are obtained. Paralichthys species vary in the degree of ramification of canaliculi, presence or absence of infraorbital canal segment in the lacrimale of the ocular side and posterior line of CST. Differences in lateral-line canal topography of H. macrops and H. bollmani were not found.Fil: Voronina, E. P.. Russian Academy of Sciences; RusiaFil: Díaz de Astarloa, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentin

    Pharmacological management of immune and oxidative disturbances in patients with encephalopathy on the background of hypertension

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    Inclusion of a comprehensive drug treatment of patients with discirculatory encephalopathy cerebrolysin combination with meksidol normalizes the concentration of C3 and C4 components of the complement system, IgG, malondialdehyde, catalase activity, total antioxidant activity of blood serum, corrects, but not to the level of standards, the contents of cytokines (TNF, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-18, IFγ, IL-2, IL-17), complement component C5, IgA, acylhydrohyperoxide, neopterin and increases anti-inflammatory cytokine

    The influence of foreign borrowings in business and tourist vocabulary on student's LSP learning

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    The article is devoted to the problem of the constant changes in linguistic preferences and influence of western culture because of the process of westernization, especially in business and tourist spheres. The aim of the article is to investigate new tendencies in the foreign words borrowings and their establishment in the Russian language. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the study of theoretical and practical material on this subject. Due to the study, it was revealed that the process of westernization has both positive and negative influence on language enrichment in business and tourist spheres. This article may be useful for a wide range of readers, students, scientists, linguists in the study of contemporary processes occurring in the Russian traditional culture and in compiling dictionaries in the field of English for specific purposes. Foreign borrowings became an important layer of the Russian language and may benefit the process of language education among the students of different faculties. The enrichment of the Russian language with new terminology makes the process of teaching language for specific purposes' easier

    Westernization of Russian culture by media products

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    © Serials Publications.Relevance of the problem is determined by the fact that in the era of globalization western culture constantly influences the Russian culture. Mainly via different mass cultural products, for example movies, television. The article is aimed at the study of the examples of positive and negative influence of westernization on Russian culture, including language culture, and the means of its implementation. The main method of the research was studying theoretical information about this topic and the examples illustrating this phenomenon. As the result of the research it was found out that most of the researches consider westernization as a negative process and. They think that it threatens original Russian culture as well as rich Russian language. This article can be interesting to a wide range of readers, students, cultural scientists, linguists, political scientists while studying modern process going on with traditional Russian culture

    Peculiarities of sorption isotherm and sorption chemisms of caesium by mixed nickel-potassium ferrocyanide based on hydrated titanium dioxide

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    Sorption isotherm of caesium from tap water by mixed nickel-potassium ferrocyanide based on hydrated titanium dioxide is obtained for a wide range of concentrations of caesium. It is shown that there are three types of specificity to caesium sorption sites in this sorbent. Sorption chemisms of caesium are studied, factors conditioned high sorption capacity of the sorbent are revealed. It is shown that occupation of sorption sites I and II is well approximated by Langmuir equilibrium and this process can be described within the bounds of theory of ion exchange. The expected sorption chemism of caesium by sorption sites III at high concentrations of caesium (>50 mg L-1) is precipitation of mixed nickel-caesium ferrocyanide in pore space of the sorbent. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary

    People's trust in the field of pensions: the sociological analysis

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    Авторы статьи анализируют такую характеристику социального взаимодействия органов власти граждан и предпринимателей как доверие. Ими обоснованы методологические подходы, применяемые при изучении доверия. Также они приводят результаты проведения фокус-групп, посвященных пенсионной реформе и действиям граждан относительно пенсионных накоплений.The authors analyze a characteristic of social interaction of citizens and government and business as a trust. They justifies the methodological approaches, used in the study of trust. They also report the results of the focus - groups, dealing with pension reform and citizens' actions with respect to pension savings

    About readiness for project activity in preschool education

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    The article reveals the aspects of readiness for the implementation of project activities in the field of education. The general design approaches are considered, where the stages of project development are highlighted: analysis of the situation (with identification, clarification of the problem), definition of the concept (goal-setting), activity planning, mobilization of necessary resources, the actual implementation of the project (methods for achieving the goal), monitoring the implementation of the project and evaluating progress , if necessary, building the project's potential, achieving the result and analyzing it.В статье раскрываются аспекты готовности к реализации проектной деятельности в сфере образования. Рассматриваются общие подходы к проектированию, где освещены этапы разработки проекта: анализ ситуации (с выявлением, уяснением проблемы), определение концепции (целеполагание), планирование деятельности, мобилизация необходимых ресурсов, собственно реализация проекта (методы достижения цели), мониторинг осуществления проекта и оценка продвижения, при необходимости наращивание потенциала проекта, достижение результата и его анализ

    Cognitive models of concepts transformation in some German sports terms borrowed from English

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    The article examines the linguistic aspects of the process of borrowing terms from the English language into the sports sphere of the German language from the perspective of a cognitive approac

    Role of Antonymy in Conceptualization of Sound Characteristics in Russian Language

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    On the basis of the ideographic dictionary data, semantic relations within the framework of synonymic-antonymic complexes in the denotative-ideographic group “Sound Characteristics” in the modern Russian language are considered. The symmetry / asymmetry of these relations is shown. Specifics of conceptualization of the characteristics of the sound in the aspect of relations of opposites is revealed. The study was conducted in the framework of the project of Big Comprehensive Ideographic Dictionary of Synonymic and Antonymic Complexes under the direction of L. G. Babenko. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the antonymy in the field of sound is considered comprehensively, in interaction with synonymic connections, as well as in the aspect of lexicographic representation. The material of the study was seven synonymic and antonymic complexes: blagozvuchnyy - neblagozvuchnyy, vnyatnyy - nevnyatnyy, vysokiy - nizkiy, gromkiy - tikhiy, zvonkiy - glukhoy, pronzitelnyy - myagkiy, protyazhnyy - otryvistyy . The differences in the “fullness” of synonymic-antonymic oppositions and the ratio of synonyms and antonyms in them are noted. It is shown that an important parameter for the oppositions under consideration is the objective / subjective nature of the feature. The types of antonymy oppositions implemented in the field of sound are considered: contradictory oppositions name mutually exclusive characteristics of sound; contrary oppositions have gradable parameter in semantics, which causes the opposition; contrary nature of these oppositions is emphasized by the presence of derivatives of the verbal oppositions of vector type