184 research outputs found

    Immune response to Helicobacter pylori and its association with dynamics of chronic gastritis and epithelial cell turnover in antrum and corpus

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    Peensoole barjääri läbilaskvus, seda mõjutada võivad tegurid ja selle määramise meetodid

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    Toitainete omandamise seisukohalt on peensool inimkeha olulisim elund. Peensoole läbilaskvus tähendab igasuguste ainete võimet läbida epiteeli, isegi kui neile vastav transpordivalk puudub. Kuivõrd peensoole läbilaskvus on dünaamiline, suuresti mikrobioomist sõltuv ja mitmete haigusseisundite sümptomaatika kujundaja, on oluline osata seda usaldusväärselt määrata ning tulemusi teaduspõhiselt tõlgendada. Selleks kasutatakse eelkõige in vivo meetodeid, näiteks sahhariidide manustamisel põhinevaid aktiivseid teste. Alternatiivina on võimalik määrata biomarkerite taset veres, uriinis või roojas. Kasutatavad markerid on näiteks kalprotektiini, zonuliini, tsitrulliini ja klaudiin-3 tasemed, kuid nende puuduseks jääb madal spetsiifilisus, vähene tõenduspõhisus või testidest tulenevad ebatäpsused määramisel

    Vascular endothelial growth factor exression in uterine cervical cancer: correlation with clinicopathologic characteristics and survival

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    Aim: This retrospective study was performed to determine the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in cervical cancer cells, and to examine its correlation with clinicopathologic characteristics and survival of patients. Methods: Seventy-five paraffinembedded primary tumors were stained immunohistochemically for VEGF expression, which was analysed semiquantitatively. Results: The significant correlation between VEGF expression and stages of disease, as well as pelvic lymph node metastasis was observed. There were determined a negative correlations between VEGF expression in tumor cells and both overall and disease-free survival. Conclusion: VEGF expression in human cervical cancer may be used as a diagnostic parameter in the clinic. Our results are in accordance with literature data showing association of VEGF overexpression in tumor with a poorer patient survival

    Meditsiiniline immunoloogia Eestis. Arengutendentse ja saavutusi kuni 1980. aastateni

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    Ajaloolises ülevaates on käsitletud immunoloogiateadmiste kujunemist viimase kahe ja enama sajandi jooksul kuni 1990. aastateni. Nii nagu mujalgi, oli nende teadmiste areng esmajärjekorras tihedalt seotud mikrobioloogia ning nakkushaiguste profülaktika ja ravimeetodite arenguga. Hiljem immunoloogia uurimis- ja rakendusvaldkonnad laienesid ning alates 1970. aastatest tehti Eestis juba rohkesti allergia, autoimmuunsuse, infektsiooni ja vähiimmunoloogia uurimistööd. Sel ajal oli üheks oluliseks verstapostiks Eesti Immunoloogide Seltsi asutamine 1984. aastal.Eesti Arst 2016; 95(8):523–52

    Роль нетрадиційних джерел енергії у формуванні ринкової економіки України

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    Автором обґрунтовується положення, що, починаючи з другої половини ХХІ століття у світовій енергетиці повинно статися суттєве підвищення ролі невичерпних та поновлюваних джерел енергії. Аналіз перспектив розвитку економіки України свідчить, що це питання є актуальним

    Immune responses to bile-tolerant Helicobacter species in patients with chronic liver diseases, a randomized population group, and healthy blood donors

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    Bile-tolerant Helicobacter species such as Helicobacter pullorum, Helicobacter bilis, and Helicobacter hepaticus are associated with hepatic disorders in animals and may be involved in the pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases (CLD) in humans. Antibody responses to cell surface proteins of H. pullorum, H. bilis, and H. hepaticus in serum samples from patients with CLD, a randomized population group, and healthy blood donors were evaluated by using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results were compared with the antibody responses to Helicobacter pylori. For analysis of a possible cross-reactivity between bile-tolerant Helicobacter species and H. pylori, sera from a subpopulation of each group were absorbed with a whole-cell extract of H. pylori and retested by ELISA. Results before absorption showed that the mean value of the ELISA units for H. pullorum was significantly higher in patients with CLD than in healthy blood donors (P = 0.01). Antibody reactivity to cell surface protein of H. hepaticus was also significantly higher in the CLD patients than in the healthy blood donors and the population group (P = 0.005 and P = 0.002, respectively). Following the absorption, antibody responses to H. pullorum decreased significantly in all three groups (P = 0.0001 for CLD patients, P = 0.0005 for the population group, and P < 0.0001 for the blood donors), indicating that cross-reactivity between H. pylori and other Helicobacter spp. occurs. The antibody responses to H. hepaticus and H. bilis in CLD patients remained high following absorption experiments compared to ELISA results before absorption. The significance of this finding requires further investigations

    X veikliosios medžiagos poveikis celiulito pažeistai odai

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    Increased fat cell accumulation due to overweight creates an aesthetic problem, resulting in cellulite. Active substance X penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin affected by cellulite, activates microcirculation, optimizes the effect of active substances, and reduces cellulite in affected areas of the body. The aim. Assessing the effect of active substance X on cellulite-damaged thigh skin. The research method. Two study participants were selected by targeted screening, meeting the study criteria: female gender, aged 20-25, having stage II-III cellulite, without any contraindications that would prevent procedures with X active substance. A course of 6 procedures is planned. According to the procedure protocol, the frequency of the procedures is performed every 2-3 days depending on the stage of cellulite. During the research stages, the following tools are used: a client card,a measuring tape, a calliper, and photogrammetry. The obtained data is archived and analysed. The results and conclusions. Positive changes in the signs of the two-component X active substance were observed in both study participants after a course of six procedures. The cellulite of the T1 study participant progressed from stage III liposclerosis with hardening to stage II fibrous cellulite. The T2 study participant progressed from stage II fibrous cellulite to stage I oedematous cellulite.Riebalų ląstelių padidėjimas dėl antsvorio kelia estetinę problemą – atsiranda celiulitas. X veiklioji medžiaga prasiskverbia į celiulito paveiktą gilesnį odos sluoksnį, suaktyvina mikrocirkuliaciją, optimizuoja veikliųjų medžiagų poveikį, mažina celiulito pažeistas kūno vietas. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti X veikliosios medžiagos poveikį celiulito pažeistai šlaunų odai. Metodai. Tikslinės atrankos būdu atrinktos 2 tyrimo dalyvės (T1 ir T2), atitinkančios tyrimo kriterijus: moteriškoji lytis, 20–25 metų amžius, II–III celiulito stadija, neturi kontraindikacijų, dėl kurių nebūtų galima atlikti procedūrų su X veikliąja medžiaga. Numatomas atlikti 6 procedūrų kursas. Remiantis procedūrų protokolu, procedūros atliekamos kas 2–3 dienas, priklausomai nuo celiulito stadijos. Tyrimo etapuose naudojama: kliento kortelė, centimetrinė juosta, kaliperis, fotonuotraukos. Gauti duomenys archyvuojami ir analizuojami. Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados. Naudojant dviejų komponentų X veikliąją medžiagą, ženklūs teigiami pokyčiai abiem tyrimo dalyvėms pasireiškė po šešių procedūrų kurso. T1 tyrimo dalyvei celiulitas iš liposklerozės sukietėjimo (III stadija) perėjo į skaidulų celiulitą (II stadija). T2 tyrimo dalyvei iš skaidulų celiulito (II stadija) perėjo į edeminį celiulitą (I stadija)


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    Češki pravni povjesničar Karel Kadlec i Hrvat Baldo Bogišić bili su dobri stari prijatelji i mnogo su se dopisivali nastavljajući time tradiciju hrvatsko-čeških kulturnih i znanstvenih veza. Njihovo prijateljstvo bilo je tipično prijateljstvo dvaju znanstvenika iz druge polovice i kraja XIX. st. kad su se otvarale knjižnice, kad je poštanska služba postala bolja, tako i promet pa su znanstvenici češće putovali. Baldo Bogišić je putovao i boravio u inozemstvu više od ijednog drugog hrvatskog znanstvenika. On je napisao na tisuće pisama, Kadlecu i drugima. S Kadlecom je izmjenjivao publikacije, znanstvene spoznaje. Sve je bilo motivirano slavenskom uzajamnošću, pojmom koji je stvorio Jan Kollar, koji je čak i došao u Zagreb.Baldo Bogišić und Karel Kadlec, beide Rechtshistoriker waren langjährige Freunde und wechselten oft und gerne Briefe, in denen sie die Fragen ihrer Forschungsarbeiten besprachen. Ihr Briefwechsel ist ein bedeutendes Kapitel der verzweigten Beziehungen kroatischer und tschechischer Intellektueller im 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jh. Ein weiterer Briefschreiber an Kadlec war der bedeutende südkroatische Archäologe don Frane Bulić, der aber Forschungen von Kadlec bemängelte

    Energy Effective Membrane-less Technology for High Pressure Hydrogen Electro-chemical Generation

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    Water electrolysis process for hydrogen generation is widely used in various branches of industry. But it has disadvantages like important energy consumption and utilization of separate membranes, which limit the generated gases pressure.This article describes the hydrogen and oxygen generation technology excluding the separating ion-exchange membranes and providing high gases pressure due to applying the variable valence metal chemically active electrodes as well as due to separating in time and space the electrolytic processes of water decomposition for gases liberation.The electrolyzer based on this technology surpasses all of the known analogues by the level of technical decisions, simplicity of mounting and servicing, reliability and safety