86 research outputs found

    Chemoselective imaging of mouse brain tissue via multiplex CARS microscopy

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    The fast and reliable characterization of pathological tissue is a debated topic in the application of vibrational spectroscopy in medicine. In the present work we apply multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (MCARS) to the investigation of fresh mouse brain tissue. The combination of imaginary part extraction followed by principal component analysis led to color contrast between grey and white matter as well as layers of granule and Purkinje cells. Additional quantitative information was obtained by using a decomposition algorithm. The results perfectly agree with HE stained references slides prepared separately making multiplex CARS an ideal approach for chemoselective imaging

    Raman spectroscopy and CARS microscopy of stem cells and their derivatives

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    The characterisation of stem cells is of vital importance to regenerative medicine. Failure to separate out all stem cells from differentiated cells before therapies can result in teratomas – tumours of multiple cell types. Typically, characterisation is performed in a destructive manner with fluorescent assays. A truly non-invasive method of characterisation would be a major breakthrough in stem cell-based therapies. Raman spectroscopy has revealed that DNA and RNA levels drop when a stem cell differentiates into other cell types, which we link to a change in the relative sizes of the nucleus and cytoplasm. We also used Raman spectroscopy to investigate the biochemistry within an early embryo, or blastocyst, which differs greatly from colonies of embryonic stem cells. Certain cell types that differentiate from stem cells can be identified by directly imaging the biochemistry with CARS microscopy; examples presented are hydroxyapatite – a precursor to bone, and lipids in adipocytes


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    Our solar system's largest planet is huge enough that all of the system's other planets could fit inside it. Although Jupiter has been known since ancient times, scientists are still learning exciting new information about the planet and its satellites today. In fact, several of its moons are now believed to have oceans below their icy surfaces. Chapters focus on topics such as Jupiter's orbit and rotation, rings, atmosphere, and moons, as well as on the space missions that have helped us get a closer look at the planet and its moons over the past decades

    Von zumbusch psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is a disease of the skin that is characterized by the presence of papular andscaly lesions. It is a clinical history of a woman of 38 years old who consulted forclinical manifestations of three days of evolution, consisting of sudden appearance oflesions such as erythematous, desquamative, confluents and widespread plaques thatreached to compromise more than 90% of the total body surface. These lesions wereof pruriginous and painful character. The patient had signs of systemic inflammatoryresponse given by leukocytosis and tachypnea. To check the case, medical record,analysis and laboratory exams of the patient, it was considered as Clinical- Impressions:(A) Pustular psoriasis of Von Zumbusch. (B) Steven Johnson Syndrome secondary to aningestion of Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Pustular psoriasis of Von Zumbusch is thevariant of generalized psoriasis with more risk of severe consequences. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2012;3(2):327-332RESUMEN:La psoriasis es una enfermedad de la piel que se caracteriza por la presencia de lesionespapuloescamosas. Se presenta la historia clínica de una mujer de 38 años de edad quienconsultó por cuadro clínico de tres días de evolución, consistente en aparición súbitade lesiones tipo placas, eritematosas, descamativas, confluentes y generalizadas quellegaron a comprometer más del 90% de la superficie corporal total. Estas lesiones erande carácter pruriginoso y doloroso. La paciente presentó signos de respuesta inflamatoriasistémica, dados por leucocitosis y taquipnea. Al revisar el caso, antecedentes, análisisy estudios de laboratorio de la paciente, se consideró como impresiones clínicas: (A)psoriasis pustulosa de Von Zumbusch, (B) Síndrome de Steven Johnson secundario aingesta de trimetropin-sulfametoxazol. La psoriasis pustulosa de Von Zumbusch es lavariante de la psoriasis generalizada con más riesgo de complicaciones severas. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2012;3(2):327-33

    A new materialist governance paradigm for tourism destinations

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    Until the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth of tourism had confronted many destinations with policy decisions that had impacted regional ecosystems and the quality of life of their resident population. To counter the threats driven by dominant tourism growth models, a number of tourism scholars have called for revisiting the philosophical foundation upon which tourism activities are developed. Informed by debates in philosophy and the wider social sciences, including tourism scholarship, this conceptual paper, therefore, suggests an alternative governance paradigm for tourism destinations, which is articulated in four propositions that reflect a new materialist perspective. These propositions are a monist post-anthropocentric ontology, a participatory epistemology, resilient forms of tourism and participation as methodologies, and social eudaimonia as societal value. The core argument presented in this paper is that the Anthropocene requires tourism destinations to espouse alternative governance approaches drawing from ideas emerging from new materialist scholarship

    Attention to fat- and thin-related words in body-satisfied and body-dissatisfied women before and after thin model priming.

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    Understanding the cognitive processes underlying body dissatisfaction provides important information on the development and perpetuation of eating pathology. Previous research suggests that body-dissatisfied women process weight-related information differently than body-satisfied women, but the precise nature of these processing differences is not yet understood. In this study, eye-gaze tracking was used to measure attention to weight-related words in body-dissatisfied (n = 40) and body-satisfied (n = 38) women, before and after exposure to images of thin fashion models. Participants viewed 8-second displays containing fat-related, thin-related, and neutral words while their eye fixations were tracked and recorded. Based on previous research and theory, we predicted that body-dissatisfied women would attend to fat-related words more than body-satisfied women and would attend to thin-related words less. It was also predicted that exposure to thin model images would increase self-rated body dissatisfaction and heighten group differences in attention. The results indicated that body-dissatisfied women attended to both fat- and thin-related words more than body-satisfied women and that exposure to thin models did not increase this effect. Implications for cognitive models of eating disorders are discussed
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