4,428 research outputs found

    Formation of Transmembrane Helices In Vivo—Is Hydrophobicity All that Matters?

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    Multiple Determinants Direct the Orientation of Signal–Anchor Proteins: The Topogenic Role of the Hydrophobic Signal Domain

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    The orientation of signal–anchor proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane is largely determined by the charged residues flanking the apolar, membrane-spanning domain and is influenced by the folding properties of the NH2-terminal sequence. However, these features are not generally sufficient to ensure a unique topology. The topogenic role of the hydrophobic signal domain was studied in vivo by expressing mutants of the asialoglycoprotein receptor subunit H1 in COS-7 cells. By replacing the 19-residue transmembrane segment of wild-type and mutant H1 by stretches of 7–25 leucine residues, we found that the length and hydrophobicity of the apolar sequence significantly affected protein orientation. Translocation of the NH2 terminus was favored by long, hydrophobic sequences and translocation of the COOH terminus by short ones. The topogenic contributions of the transmembrane domain, the flanking charges, and a hydrophilic NH2-terminal portion were additive. In combination these determinants were sufficient to achieve unique membrane insertion in either orientation

    A Receptor Component of the Chloroplast Protein Translocation Machinery

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    The chloroplast outer envelope protein OEP86 functions as a receptor in precursor protein translocation into chloroplasts. Sequence analysis suggests that the precursor of OEP86 is directed to the chloroplast outer envelope by a cleavable, negatively charged, and unusually long amino-terminal peptide. This presequence is unlike other potential targeting signals and suggests the existence of another membrane insertion pathway. Insertion of precursor OEP86 required the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate and the existence of surface exposed chloroplast membrane components, and it was not competed by another precursor protein destined for the internal plastid compartments

    Different sec-requirements for signal peptide cleavage and protein translocation in a model E. coli protein

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    AbstractWe describe a secretory E. coli protein with a novel phenotype: signal peptide cleavage is largely unaffected whereas chain translocation is efficiently blocked under conditions where SecA, a central component of the secretory machinery, is rendered non-functional, and we have traced this phenotype to the presence of a mildly hydrophobic segment located ~30 residues downstream of the signal peptide. When this segment is deleted, normal SecA-dependent signal peptide cleavage and chain translocation is observed; when its hydrophobicity is increased, it becomes a permanent membrane anchor with cleavage of the signal peptide and membrane insertion both being SecA-independent. These findings suggest that the initial insertion of the signal peptide across the membrane can be uncoupled from the translocation process proper

    A turn propensity scale for transmembrane helices.

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    Using a model protein with a 40 residue hydrophobic transmembrane segment, we have measured the ability of all the 20 naturally occurring amino acids to form a tight turn when placed in the middle of the hydrophobic segment. Turn propensities in a transmembrane helix are found to be markedly different from those of globular proteins, and in most cases correlate closely with the hydrophobicity of the residue. The turn propensity scale may be used to improve current methods for membrane protein topology prediction

    A neural network method for identification of prokaryotic and eukaryotic signal peptides and prediction of their cleavage sites

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    We have developed a new method for identification of signal peptides and their cleavage sites based on neural networks trained on separate sets of prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequences. The method performs significantly better than previous prediction schemes, and can easily be applied on genome-wide data sets. Discrimination between cleaved signal peptides and uncleaved N-terminal signal-anchor sequences is also possible, thoughwith lower precision. Predictions can be made on a publicly available WWW server. Present address: Novo Nordisk A/S, Scientific Computing, Building 9M1, Novo Alle, DK-2880 Bagsværd, Denmark Introduction Signal peptides control the entry of virtually all proteins to the secretory pathway, both in eukaryotes and prokaryotes (von Heijne, 1990; Gierasch, 1989; Rapoport, 1992). They comprise the N--terminal part of the amino acid chain, and are cleaved off while the protein is translocated through the membrane. The common structure of signal peptides from variou..

    Different conformations of nascent polypeptides during translocation across the ER membrane

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    BACKGROUND: In eukaryotic cells, proteins are translocated across the ER membrane through a continuous ribosome-translocon channel. It is unclear to what extent proteins can fold already within the ribosome-translocon channel, and previous studies suggest that only a limited degree of folding (such as the formation of isolated α-helices) may be possible within the ribosome. RESULTS: We have previously shown that the conformation of nascent polypeptide chains in transit through the ribosome-translocon complex can be probed by measuring the number of residues required to span the distance between the ribosomal P-site and the lumenally disposed active site of the oligosaccharyl transferase enzyme (J. Biol. Chem 271: 6241-6244).Using this approach, we now show that model segments composed of residues with strong helix-forming properties in water (Ala, Leu) have a more compact conformation in the ribosome-translocon channel than model segments composed of residues with weak helix-forming potential (Val, Pro). CONCLUSIONS: The main conclusions from the work reported here are (i) that the propensity to form an extended or more compact (possibly α-helical) conformation in the ribosome-translocon channel does not depend on whether or not the model segment has stop-transfer function, but rather seems to reflect the helical propensities of the amino acids as measured in an aqueous environment, and (ii) that stop-transfer sequences may adopt a helical structure and integrate into the ER membrane at different times relative to the time of glycan addition to nearby upstream glycosylation acceptor sites

    TIM23-mediated insertion of transmembrane alpha-helices into the mitochondrial inner membrane

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    While overall hydrophobicity is generally recognized as the main characteristic of transmembrane (TM) alpha-helices, the only membrane system for which there are detailed quantitative data on how different amino acids contribute to the overall efficiency of membrane insertion is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of eukaryotic cells. Here, we provide comparable data for TIM23-mediated membrane protein insertion into the inner mitochondrial membrane of yeast cells. We find that hydrophobicity and the location of polar and aromatic residues are strong determinants of membrane insertion. These results parallel what has been found previously for the ER. However, we see striking differences between the effects elicited by charged residues flanking the TM segments when comparing the mitochondrial inner membrane and the ER, pointing to an unanticipated difference between the two insertion systems. Keywords: CoxVa , membrane protein , Mgm1p , mitochondria , TIM2

    Turns in transmembrane helices – determination of the minimal length of a “helical hairpin” and derivation of a fine-grained turn propensity scale

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    We have recently reported a first experimental turn propensity scale for transmembrane helices. This scale was derived from measurements of how efficiently a given residue placed in the middle of a 40 residue poly(Leu) stretch induces the formation of a "helical hairpin" with two rather than one transmembrane segment. We have now extended these studies, and have determined the minimum length of a poly(Leu) stretch compatible with the formation of a helical hairpin. We have also derived a more fine-grained turn propensity scale by (i) introducing each of the 20 amino acid residues into the middle of the shortest poly(Leu) stretch compatible with helical hairpin formation, and (ii) introducing pairs of residues in the middle of the 40 residue poly(Leu) stretch. The new turn propensities are consistent with the amino acid frequencies found in short hairpin loops in membrane proteins of known 3D structure