31 research outputs found

    Low diversity and host specificity in the gut microbiome community of Eciton army ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dorylinae) in a Costa Rican rainforest

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    Neotropical army ants of the genus Eciton are top arthropod predators in tropical rainforests. Microbial symbionts, including Unclassified Firmicutes (UF) and Unclassified Entomoplasmatales (UE), are associated with this genus and likely play a significant role in the biology of these ants. While previous work focused on associations of army ants and gut microbes across large geographic scales, here we report a community survey of the gut microbes colonizing the six sympatric Eciton army ant species in a single Costa Rican location. Furthermore, we characterized the gut microbiota associated with different army ant castes in the swarm-raiding species Eciton burchellii. We employed a combination of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) amplicon sequencing as well as fluorescence and electron microscopy to identify gut microbes and to verify their presence in ant guts. We also measured the diversity and interaction specificity of the ant-gut microbe interaction network. The two most dominant operational taxonomic unit (OTU) phylotypes in all species were related to UF and UE previously found in army ants, followed by OTUs assigned to the genus Weissella. Furthermore, the worker castes of E. burchellii shared similar gut microbiota, also dominated by UF and UE phylotypes. Overall, we found a low diversity of gut microbes and a low interaction specificity between army ants and microbes at the community level, mainly because most microbe strains were detected in various Eciton species. The fluorescence in-situ hybridization analyses documented the presence of the two dominant phylotypes within ant guts, and electron microscopy located bacterial biofilms in the hindgut near the microvilli. Their morphology suggests that these bacteria probably belong to the dominant phylotypes UF and UE. Taken together, our results confirm that the Eciton gut microbiome is consistently dominated by a few species of specialized bacteria that may improve nutrient uptake efficiency of host ants. Further research should employ multi-omics and culture-dependent strategies to fully understand the role of these potential symbionts in ant ecophysiology

    Species-level predation network uncovers high prey specificity in a Neotropical army ant community

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    Army ants are among the top arthropod predators and considered keystone species in tropical ecosystems. During daily mass raids with many thousand workers, army ants hunt live prey, likely exerting strong top‐down control on prey species. Many tropical sites exhibit a high army ant species diversity (>20 species), suggesting that sympatric species partition the available prey niches. However, whether and to what extent this is achieved has not been intensively studied yet. We therefore conducted a large‐scale diet survey of a community of surface‐raiding army ants at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. We systematically collected 3,262 prey items from eleven army ant species (genera Eciton, Nomamyrmex and Neivamyrmex). Prey items were classified as ant prey or non‐ant prey. The prey nearly exclusively consisted of other ants (98%), and most booty was ant brood (87%). Using morphological characters and DNA barcoding, we identified a total of 1,103 ant prey specimens to the species level. One hundred twenty‐nine ant species were detected among the army ant prey, representing about 30% of the known local ant diversity. Using weighted bipartite network analyses, we show that prey specialization in army ants is unexpectedly high and prey niche overlap very small. Besides food niche differentiation, we uncovered a spatiotemporal niche differentiation in army ant raid activity. We discuss competition‐driven multidimensional niche differentiation and predator–prey arms races as possible mechanisms underlying prey specialization in army ants. By combining systematic prey sampling with species‐level prey identification and network analyses, our integrative approach can guide future research by portraying how predator–prey interactions in complex communities can be reliably studied, even in cases where morphological prey identification is infeasible

    A remarkable legion of guests: Diversity and host specificity of army ant symbionts

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    Tropical rainforests are among the most diverse biomes on Earth. While species inventories are far from complete for any tropical rainforest, even less is known about the intricate species interactions that form the basis of these ecological communities. One fascinating but poorly studied example are the symbiotic associations between army ants and their rich assemblages of parasitic arthropod guests. Hundreds of these guests, or myrmecophiles, have been taxonomically described. However, because previous work has mainly been based on haphazard collections from disjunct populations, it remains challenging to define species boundaries. We therefore know little about the species richness, abundance and host specificity of most guests in any given population, which is crucial to understand co‐evolutionary and ecological dynamics. Here, we report a quantitative community survey of myrmecophiles parasitizing the six sympatric Eciton army ant species in a Costa Rican rainforest. Combining DNA barcoding with morphological identification of over 2,000 specimens, we discovered 62 species, including 49 beetles, 11 flies, one millipede and one silverfish. At least 14 of these species were new to science. Ecological network analysis revealed a clear signal of host partitioning, and each Eciton species was host to both specialists and generalists. These varying degrees in host specificities translated into a moderate level of network specificity, highlighting the system's level of biotic pluralism in terms of biodiversity and interaction diversity. By providing vouchered DNA barcodes for army ant guest species, this study provides a baseline for future work on co‐evolutionary and ecological dynamics in these species‐rich host-symbiont networks across the Neotropical realm

    The social integration of a myrmecophilous spider does not depend exclusively on chemical mimicry

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    Numerous animals have evolved effective mechanisms to integrate into and exploit ant societies. Chemical integration strategies are particularly widespread among ant symbionts (myrmecophiles), probably because social insect nestmate recognition is predominantly mediated by cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). The importance of an accurate chemical mimicry of host CHCs for social acceptance recently has been demonstrated in a myrmecophilous silverfish. In the present study, we investigated the role of chemical mimicry in the myrmecophilous spider Gamasomorpha maschwitzi that co-occurs in the same host, Leptogenys distinguenda, as the silverfish. To test whether spiders acquire mimetic CHCs from their host or not, we transferred a stable isotope-labeled hydrocarbon to the cuticle of workers and analyzed the adoption of this label by the spiders. We also isolated spiders from hosts in order to study whether this affects: 1) their chemical host resemblance, and 2) their social integration. If spiders acquired host CHCs, rather than biosynthesizing them, they would be expected to lose these compounds during isolation. Spiders acquired the labeled CHC from their host, suggesting that they also acquire mimetic CHCs, most likely through physical contact. Furthermore, isolated spiders lost considerable quantities of their CHCs, indicating that they do not biosynthesize them. However, spiders remained socially well integrated despite significantly reduced chemical host similarity. We conclude that G. maschwitzi depends less on chemical mimicry to avoid recognition and aggressive rejection than the silverfish previously studied, suggesting that the two myrmecophiles possess different adaptations to achieve social integration

    Community Sampling and Integrative Taxonomy Reveal New Species and Host Specificity in the Army Ant-Associated Beetle Genus Tetradonia (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae).

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    Army ant colonies host a diverse community of arthropod symbionts. Among the best-studied symbiont communities are those of Neotropical army ants of the genus Eciton. It is clear, however, that even in these comparatively well studied systems, a large proportion of symbiont biodiversity remains unknown. Even more striking is our lack of knowledge regarding the nature and specificity of these host-symbiont interactions. Here we surveyed the diversity and host specificity of rove beetles of the genus Tetradonia Wasmann, 1894 (Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Systematic community sampling of 58 colonies of the six local Eciton species at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, combined with an integrative taxonomic approach, allowed us to uncover species diversity, host specificity, and co-occurrence patterns of symbionts in unprecedented detail. We used an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphological and genetic analyses, to delineate species boundaries. Mitochondrial DNA barcodes were analyzed for 362 Tetradonia specimens, and additional nuclear markers for a subset of 88 specimens. All analyses supported the presence of five Tetradonia species, including two species new to science. Host specificity is highly variable across species, ranging from generalists such as T. laticeps, which parasitizes all six local Eciton species, to specialists such as T. lizonae, which primarily parasitizes a single species, E. hamatum. Here we provide a dichotomous key along with diagnostic molecular characters for identification of Tetradonia species at La Selva Biological Station. By reliably assessing biodiversity and providing tools for species identification, we hope to set the baseline for future studies of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics in these species-rich host-symbiont networks

    Differential host defense against multiple parasites in ants

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    Host-parasite interactions are ideal systems for the study of coevolutionary processes. Although infections with multiple parasite species are presumably common in nature, most studies focus on the interactions of a single host and a single parasite. To the best of our knowledge, we present here the first study on the dependency of parasite virulence and host resistance in a multiple parasite system. We evaluated whether the strength of host defense depends on the potential fitness cost of parasites in a system of two Southeast Asian army ant hosts and five parasitic staphylinid beetle species. The potential fitness costs of the parasites were evaluated by their predation behavior on host larvae in isolation experiments. The host defense was assessed by the ants' aggressiveness towards parasitic beetle species in behavioral studies. We found clear differences among the beetle species in both host-parasite interactions. Particular beetle species attacked and killed the host larvae, while others did not. Importantly, the ants' aggressiveness was significantly elevated against predatory beetle species, while non-predatory beetle species received almost no aggression. As a consequence of this defensive behavior, less costly parasites are more likely to achieve high levels of integration in the ant society. We conclude that the selection pressure on the host to evolve counter-defenses is higher for costly parasites and, thus, a hierarchical host defense strategy has evolved that depends on the parasites' impact

    Studying the Complex Communities of Ants and Their Symbionts Using Ecological Network Analysis

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    Ant colonies provide well-protected and resource-rich environments for a plethora of symbionts. Historically, most studies of ants and their symbionts have had a narrow taxonomic scope, often focusing on a single ant or symbiont species. Here we discuss the prospects of studying these assemblies in a community ecology context using the framework of ecological network analysis. We introduce three basic network metrics that we consider particularly relevant for improving our knowledge of ant-symbiont communities: interaction specificity, network modularity, and phylogenetic signal. We then discuss army ant symbionts as examples of large and primarily parasitic communities, and symbiotic sternorrhynchans as examples of generally smaller and primarily mutualistic communities in the context of these network analyses. We argue that this approach will provide new and complementary insights into the evolutionary and ecological dynamics between ants and their many associates, and will facilitate comparisons across different ant-symbiont assemblages as well as across different types of ecological networks