92 research outputs found

    Nuotolinio mokymo(si) turinio projektavimo modelis: kokybės vertinimo dimensijos ir veiksniai

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    The article addresses the problem that distance learning / teaching curriculum designers do not apply distance learning / teaching curriculum designing theories, and they do not estimate the needs of distance learning / teaching organization process. The majority of factors influencing distance learning / teaching curriculum quality are theoretically supported, but they are not applied by distance learning / teaching curriculum authors in Lithuania.The aim of the research is to prepare distance learning / teaching curriculum designing model on the basis of distance learning / teaching curriculum quality assessment factors and dimensions.The authors reveal the importance of distance learning / teaching curriculum designing quality assessment dimensions for distance learning/ teaching curriculum designing in the first part of the article. Distance learning / teaching curriculum quality assessment factors are identified in the second part of the article and they are correlated with the learning / teaching strategy consistency dimension. The last part is dedicated to present the model of distance learning / teaching curriculum designing, based on quality assessment factors.The conclusions of the research present consistent results with the theoretical parts of the paper: the importance of the dimesnion of distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality assessment for distance learning/ teaching curriculum designing, their interrelation with quality assessment factors, as well as their integration into distance learning / teaching curriculum designing model.Profesorius socialinių mokslų (edukologijos)habilituotas daktarasVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinių mokslų fakultetoEdukologijos katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 KaunasTel. (8 37) 32 78 21Profesorė socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituota daktarėVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinių mokslų fakultetoEdukologijos katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 KaunasTel. (8 37) 32 78 21Socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarėVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinių mokslų fakultetoEdukologijos katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 KaunasTel. (8 37) 32 78 21Straipsnyje pristatomi konceptualaus nuotolinio mokymo(si) turinio projektavimo tyrimo rezultatai. Straipsnio autoriai taiko nuotolinio mokymo(si) turinio projektavimo kokybės vertinimo dimensijų sampratą ir tiria nuotolinio mokymo(si) turinio kokybės vertinimo veiksnius. Nuotolinio mokymo(si) turinio kokybės vertinimo veiksniai materializuoja kokybės vertinimo dimensijas ir jų raišką. Tyrimo metu pasirinkta mokymosi strategijos nuoseklumo dimensija ir nustatyti jos raiškai priskirti nuotolinio mokymo(si) turinio kokybės vertinimo veiksniai. Tais kokybės vertinimo veiksniais pagrįstas šio tyrimo rezultatas – nuotolinio mokymo(si) turinio projektavimo modelis

    El uso de analíticas del aprendizaje para implicar a los estudiantes: la mejora de las prácticas docentes mediante interacciones informadas

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    Student engagement is one of the most relevant topics within the academic and research community nowadays. Higher education curriculum, teaching and learning integrate new technology- supported learning solutions. New methods and tools enhance teacher and learner interactions and influence learner engagement positively. This research addresses the need to explore new ways of improving teaching practices to better engage students with the help of learning analytics. The paper investigates how university teachers use the data from learning analytics to observe learners and to engage them in online learning. Qualitative inquiry was chosen to approach the research problem, and semi-structured interviews with the teachers using (blended) online learning were conveyed to explore teacher practices in students’ behaviour and engagement observations online, disclosing teachers’ abilities to understand the challenging learner engagement process based on the data from learning analytics. The new evidence provided by this research highlights the successful practices in the use of learning analytics data to observe students’ behaviour and engagement and to inform teachers on the presence needed in order to develop learner–centred activities and to make curriculum changes. The limitation of this study lies in the fact that the different online teaching experiences that research participants had might have restricted their understanding of the use of LA data for curriculum development and learners’ engagement.La implicación de los estudiantes constituye en la actualidad uno de los temas más relevantes entre la comunidad académica e investigadora. El currículo, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la educación superior integra soluciones de aprendizaje apoyadas en las nuevas tecnologías. Los nuevos métodos y herramientas aumentan las interacciones docente-discente e influyen positivamente en la implicación estudiantil. Esta investigación aborda la necesidad de explorar nuevas maneras de mejorar las prácticas docentes para conseguir una mayor implicación de los estudiantes con la ayuda de analíticas de aprendizaje. El artículo indaga sobre cómo utilizan los profesores universitarios los datos proporcionados por las analíticas del aprendizaje para observar a los estudiantes y para atraerlos hacia el aprendizaje online. Se optó por la investigación cualitativa para abordar el problema de investigación y se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas con los docentes que usan el aprendizaje online (mixto) a fin de conocer las prácticas docentes en cuanto a las observaciones online sobre el comportamiento y la implicación estudiantil, revelando las capacidades de los profesores a la hora de entender el desafío que supone el proceso de atraer la atención de los estudiantes basándose en los datos procedentes de analíticas del aprendizaje. Las nuevas evidencias que proporciona esta investigación ponen de relieve las prácticas de éxito en el uso de analíticas del aprendizaje para observar la conducta y la implicación de los estudiantes y para informar a los profesores acerca de la presencia necesaria de cara al desarrollo de actividades centradas en los discentes y a la introducción de cambios en el currículo. La limitación del presente estudio reside en que las distintas experiencias de aprendizaje online que tenían los participantes en la investigación podía restringir la comprensión del uso de las AA para el desarrollo curricular y la implicación estudiantil.European Social Fund (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0189, 09.3.3-LMT-K-712

    Nuotolinio mokymo(-si) turinio kokybės reflektyvaus vertinimo projektavimas

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    Lifelong learning became a must skill in Europe and all over the World that are affected by rapid social, technological and economical changes in nowadays. Qualitative training and learning process is influenced by many factors that should be carefully examined during the curriculum design phases, as well as during the learning/ teaching process. Distance learning and teaching is the efficient means to implement strategic aims of the system of education: to create learning possibilities for all society members, to contribute to designing effective learning/ teaching process, as well as to ensure more flexile organization of learning activities. While new distance learning/ teaching forms are getting more and more popular, they should be reviewed regularly applying a consistent quality evaluation methodology based on quality criteria and indicators, and distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality should be examined before each learning/ teaching process. There are some examples of quality assessment methodology prepared for distance learning/ teaching curriculum assessment in Lithuania on practical level allowing assessing distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality before accreditation procedure, however, such factors as analysis of other existing resources for realisation of curriculum online, effectiveness of chosen curriculum design and factors, influencing learning/ teaching process having the current design options, are not assessed at all. Quality assessment methodology cannot be exhaustive, unless quality assessment factors are not defined and indicated. Distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality reflective assurance model designed in this research integrates both, distance learning/ teaching curriculum design, as well as distance learning/ teaching organization processes. Applicability of the factors influencing distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality, identified during scientific literature analysis, as well as the importance of their applicability are measured during an experiment, as well as during expert evaluation.Sparčių socialinių, technologinių ir ekonominių pokyčių veikiamoje Europoje mokymasis visą gyvenimą tapo būtinybe. Nuotolinis mokymas(-is) (NM) puikiai sprendžia strateginių švietimo sistemos siekių įgyvendinimą, sukuriant mokymosi galimybes ir efektyvesnį mokymo(-si) procesą, užtikrinant lankstesnį mokymo(-si) veiklos organizavimą. Naujai atsirandančioms NM formoms turi būti taikoma kokybės kriterijų bei rodiklių sistema, o NM turinio kokybė turi būti įvertinama prieš kiekvieną mokymo(-si) organizavimą. Lietuvoje parengtos NM turinio kokybės vertinimo metodikos leidžia įvertinti jo kokybę prieš jo akreditaciją, tačiau pasirinktų NM turinio realizavimo formų ir NM turinio projektavimo strategijos efektyvumas ir poveikis mokymo(-si) organizavimo procesui lieka neįvertinti. Mokymo(-si) turinio kokybės vertinimo proceso metu neužtikrinama konstruktyvaus mokymo(-si) samprata, nes nėra įvertinama, ar NM turinys leis mokymo(-si) organizatoriams savarankiškai veikti individualiose, nenumatytose situacijose mokymo(-si) organizavimo metu. Tačiau kokybės vertinimo metodika negali būti parengta kol nėra nustatyti ir apibendrinti veiksniai, įtakojantys NM turinio kokybę Disertacijoje projektuojamas NM turinio kokybės reflektyvus vertinimo modelis sujungia NM turinio projektavimo ir mokymo(-si) organizavimo procesus. Tyrime nagrinėjamos NM turinio projektavimo teorijos, identifikuojamos turinio kokybės vertinimo dimensijos, operacionalizuojami kokybės vertinimo veiksniai, kurių pritaikomumas tikrinimas eksperimento ir ekspertinio vertinimo būdu. Siekiama įvertinti ne tik teorinių NM turinio kokybės vertinimo veiksnių pritaikomumą, bet ir jų svarbos suvokimą. Tyrimo rezultatai lems NM turinio projektavimo ir mokymo(-si) organizavimo procesų kokybės vertinimo procedūras. Disertacijos metu parengtas modelis yra reflektyvaus kokybės vertinimo proceso pobūdžio.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    A designer's log : case studies in instructional design : [recenzija]

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    When instructional designers and teachers think of Donald A. Schön’s ideas about “reflective practitioners,” we should read Michael Power‘s A Designer’s Log. I admire the way in which Power, as a “reflective practitioner,” records his analysis of his practice as a responsible professional: what he can do, what he is doing, and what he should do in order to assist teachers and faculty members at a dual-mode university to apply instructional design to online and blended learning. The book is organized into three major areas: Introduction, The Case Studies, and Synthesis and Final Prototype. In the introduction, the author describes principles embodied in the instructional design model that he uses in practice, challenges he encounters at his dual-mode institution, and the prototype development process. These become the milestones for the 10 case studies that form the central focus of the book.[...]Edukologijos tyrimų institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Designing Distance Learning / Teaching Curriculum Quality Reflective Assurance

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    Sparčių socialinių, technologinių ir ekonominių pokyčių veikiamoje Europoje mokymasis visą gyvenimą tapo būtinybe. Nuotolinis mokymas(-is) (NM) puikiai sprendžia strateginių švietimo sistemos siekių įgyvendinimą, sukuriant mokymosi galimybes ir efektyvesn�� mokymo(-si) procesą, užtikrinant lankstesnį mokymo(-si) veiklos organizavimą. Naujai atsirandančioms NM formoms turi būti taikoma kokybės kriterijų bei rodiklių sistema, o NM turinio kokybė turi būti įvertinama prieš kiekvieną mokymo(-si) organizavimą. Lietuvoje parengtos NM turinio kokybės vertinimo metodikos leidžia įvertinti jo kokybę prieš jo akreditaciją, tačiau pasirinktų NM turinio realizavimo formų ir NM turinio projektavimo strategijos efektyvumas ir poveikis mokymo(-si) organizavimo procesui lieka neįvertinti. Mokymo(-si) turinio kokybės vertinimo proceso metu neužtikrinama konstruktyvaus mokymo(-si) samprata, nes nėra įvertinama, ar NM turinys leis mokymo(-si) organizatoriams savarankiškai veikti individualiose, nenumatytose situacijose mokymo(-si) organizavimo metu. Tačiau kokybės vertinimo metodika negali būti parengta kol nėra nustatyti ir apibendrinti veiksniai, įtakojantys NM turinio kokybę Disertacijoje projektuojamas NM turinio kokybės reflektyvus vertinimo modelis sujungia NM turinio projektavimo ir mokymo(-si) organizavimo procesus. Tyrime nagrinėjamos NM turinio projektavimo teorijos, identifikuojamos turinio kokybės vertinimo dimensijos, operacionalizuojami kokybės vertinimo veiksniai, kurių pritaikomumas tikrinimas eksperimento ir ekspertinio vertinimo būdu. Siekiama įvertinti ne tik teorinių NM turinio kokybės vertinimo veiksnių pritaikomumą, bet ir jų svarbos suvokimą. Tyrimo rezultatai lems NM turinio projektavimo ir mokymo(-si) organizavimo procesų kokybės vertinimo procedūras. Disertacijos metu parengtas modelis yra reflektyvaus kokybės vertinimo proceso pobūdžio.Lifelong learning became a must skill in Europe and all over the World that are affected by rapid social, technological and economical changes in nowadays. Qualitative training and learning process is influenced by many factors that should be carefully examined during the curriculum design phases, as well as during the learning/ teaching process. Distance learning and teaching is the efficient means to implement strategic aims of the system of education: to create learning possibilities for all society members, to contribute to designing effective learning/ teaching process, as well as to ensure more flexile organization of learning activities. While new distance learning/ teaching forms are getting more and more popular, they should be reviewed regularly applying a consistent quality evaluation methodology based on quality criteria and indicators, and distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality should be examined before each learning/ teaching process. There are some examples of quality assessment methodology prepared for distance learning/ teaching curriculum assessment in Lithuania on practical level allowing assessing distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality before accreditation procedure, however, such factors as analysis of other existing resources for realisation of curriculum online, effectiveness of chosen curriculum design and factors, influencing learning/ teaching process having the current design options, are not assessed at all. Quality assessment methodology cannot be exhaustive, unless quality assessment factors are not defined and indicated. Distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality reflective assurance model designed in this research integrates both, distance learning/ teaching curriculum design, as well as distance learning/ teaching organization processes. Applicability of the factors influencing distance learning/ teaching curriculum quality, identified during scientific literature analysis, as well as the importance of their applicability are measured during an experiment, as well as during expert evaluation.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Discussing learner dis/satisfaction

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    Education institutions are faced with the necessity to develop online learning to provide learning possibilities for different target public, reaching remote learners. Teachers and trainers, as well as course designers develop online learning content to fulfill institutional needs, learners' needs, and professional needs. Though lots of resource are accommodated for course design and delivery, online teaching and learning content quality still remains to be the hot issue in the world of education. Learners' satisfaction and feedback results become indicators of online course quality. The article deals with analysis of the factors influencing learners' satisfaction and dynamic improvement of learning process, based on eliminating dissatisfaction reasonsKauno technologijos universiteta

    Learning Analytics: a Metacognitive Tool to Engage Students

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    The research described in this book searches for the answers on how learners learn in todays open and networked learning environments and how learners, educators, institutions, and researchers can best support this process. There is sufficient data available on virtual learning environments, provided by learning analytics, on student and teacher behaviour and performance, but there is no common practice among teachers in higher education for using this data to improve the learning and teaching process. Learning analytics and data may inform and improve open and online learning from the point of view of teacher and learner awareness about their behaviour and their learning and teaching methods. The idea of describing learning analytics as a metacognitive tool, suggesting a development of metacognitive decision-making skills in teacher education, and focusing on learning design in higher education by using data from learning analytics served as the main focus of this research. The aim of the research was to create the model of application of learning analytics method as a metacognitive tool to enhance student success. The aim of the research was reached through theoretical and empirical objectives, namely: describing the learning analytics method as a metacognitive tool revealing teacher metacognitive practices in application of learning analytics in teaching and learning, as well as learning design and creating the model of application of learning analytics as a metacognitive tool to enhance student success. This research study is the result of the research project “Open Online Learning for Digital and Networked Society (3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0189)”