511 research outputs found

    Fats are glossy but does glossiness imply fatness? The influence of packaging glossiness on food perceptions

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    This research brings together two research streams, one focusing on the influence of a diverse set of packaging attributes (e.g., shape, size, color, etc.) on perceptions of packaged food and the second one on the up- and downsides of using glossy materials, which are often studied in a non-food context. The current research deals with the influence of glossy (versus matte) food packages on consumers' perceptions of the food inside the package. With one online survey and one quasi-experiment, we show that consumers draw inferences on the food's fat level from the package surface, in that glossy packages are seen as a signal of fatness. This association is specific; consumers do not associate glossiness with every unhealthy product aspect. Sugar levels are unaffected by the package surface. However, due to the higher inferred fat level, a product in a glossy package is perceived to be less healthy, less tasty, and low in quality and product expensiveness. Thus, these findings suggest that glossy (versus matte) food packages mainly serve as a signal of negative product qualities

    The effectiveness of online recommendations for private labels versus national brands

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    This research reveals that consumers, when recommended with products online, are more inclined to switch to private labels, compared to national brands. We present two studies demonstrating this effect and propose that it occurs because recommendations serve more as a signal of quality for private labels than for national brands

    Universidade empreendedora e transferência de conhecimento e tecnologia

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of entrepreneurial University formed by different dimensions in the context of a University. The study object was graduate students of a University in Santa Catarina. The results show that the dimensions of the entrepreneurial university: mobilizing research, industry collaboration, informalities and industries interaction, form the entrepreneurial University, as well as influence the entrepreneurial activities of high education institutions. The studied university has a low level of entrepreneurial activity, demonstrating from the explored model the need for different indicators for a university to be entrepreneurial. It is suggested the model reapplication in different universities, in order to check entrepreneurial activities in other higher education institutions.Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a influência da universidade empreendedora formada por diferentes dimensões no contexto de uma universidade. O objeto de estudo selecionado foram estudantes de graduação uma instituição de ensino superior de Santa Catarina. Os resultados encontrados comprovam que as dimensões da universidade empreendedora: mobilização de pesquisa, colaboração da indústria, informalidades e interação das indústrias formam a universidade empreendedora, bem como influenciam nas atividades empreendedoras da mesma. A universidade estudada apresenta baixo nível de atividade empreendedora, comprovando a partir do modelo a necessidade de diferentes indicadores para que uma universidade seja empreendedora. Sugere-se então a reaplicação do modelo em outras universidades para que haja uma verificação da intensidade das atividades empreendedoras em outras instituições de ensino superior

    Avaliação da viabilidade de substituição do latão por ligas de alumínio, com e sem camada de anodização em sistema de proteção de equipamentos elétricos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico, de Ciências Exatas e Educação. Engenharia de MateriaisA aplicação de componentes de proteção em equipamentos elétricos tem o intuito de bloquear a entrada de partículas sólidas e líquidos para garantir o adequado funcionamento do equipamento bem como aumentar sua vida útil. A busca por eficiência mantendo as propriedades de interesse e reduzindo custo e o impacto ambiental é um desafio para as empresas. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a possibilidade da utilização de ligas de alumínio, extrudada e fundida, com e sem camada de anodização na substituição do latão em um componente de proteção devido as suas características de leveza, resistência à corrosão e custo inferior. Para tanto, os materiais em tela foram avaliados do ponto de vista da microdureza, caracterização química e estrutural, da resistência à corrosão em névoa salina e da resistência ao desgaste sob condições operacionais. Os resultados obtidos, tomando por referência o latão, demonstram que a liga de Al extrudada com camada de anodização de 11,28 µm ± 1,07 de espessura obteve resultados superiores em relação à resistência à corrosão e ao desgaste. As ligas de Al, tanto fundida quanto extrudada, sem camada de anodização, não atenderam aos requisitos tanto em termos de resistência à corrosão quanto ao desgaste. A liga de Al fundida com camada de anodização apresentou heterogeneidade de espessura e presença de poros na camada, afetando diretamente as características superficiais como a rugosidade e seu desempenho na resistência à corrosão e ao desgaste. Neste contexto, este trabalho prospectivo inicial indica a possibilidade da substituição do latão pela liga de Al extrudada com camada de anodização. Uma análise de custos preliminar indica a possibilidade de redução de custo de aproximadamente 52,8% nos custos de produção do componente anualmente para a empresa, além de atingir uma redução de consumo de energia e geração de resíduos por tratar-se de um material mais leve e reciclável.The application of protection components in electrical equipment is intended to block the entry of solid particles and liquids to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment as well as increase its useful life. The search for efficiency keeping the interest properties and reducing cost and environmental impact is a challenge for companies. In this work was evaluated the possibility of using aluminum alloys, extruded and cast, with and without anodizing layer in the replacement of brass in a protection component due to its characteristics of lightness, corrosion resistance and lower cost. Therefore, the materials were evaluated from the point of view of microhardness, chemical and structural characterization, corrosion resistance in salt spray and wear resistance under operational conditions. The results obtained, taking brass as a reference, demonstrate that the aluminum alloy extruded with an anodizing layer of 11.28 µm ± 1.07 in thickness obtained superior results in relation to corrosion and wear resistance. Aluminum alloys, both cast and extruded, without an anodizing layer, did not meet the requirements in terms of corrosion and wear resistance. The aluminum alloy cast with anodizing layer showed heterogeneity in thickness and presence of pores in the layer, directly affecting the surface characteristics such as roughness and its performance in corrosion and wear resistance. In this context, this initial prospective work indicates the possibility of replacing brass by aluminum alloy worked with an anodizing layer. A preliminary cost analysis indicates the possibility of a cost reduction of approximately 52.8% in the production costs of the component annually for the company, in addition to achieving a reduction in energy consumption and waste generation because it is a more lightweight and recyclable

    The Coo effect in the international brand positioning strategy

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    Purpose: This study aims to develop a model in order to understand how Chinese companies strategically position their brands, considering the causes of the country of origin (COO) effect, when going through the process of internationalization. Design/methodology/approach: The study approach a qualitative case study that incorporates two different Chinese companies with subsidiaries settled in Brazil. It was conducted depth interviews with different components of the studied firms. Findings: In this way, it was developed a model that try to explain the positive and/or negative effect of general attributes from China (labor market, institution framework and education) on the brand positioning divers (value preposition, points of leverage, primary target and image reinforcement), which influences on the cost-benefit strategy approach of the brands when positioning internationally. Research limitations/implications: Considering that this research is a qualitative study of two Chinese companies, further qualitative and quantitative studies would be fruitful to the validity of the presented model. Originality/value: In order to contribute to the academic field, it was found that this research present a unique model considering different causes of the COO effect that might affect the international branding positioning

    Biologische Vielfalt für Deinen Erfolg

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    BIOLOGISCHE VIELFALT FÜR DEINEN ERFOLG Biologische Vielfalt für Deinen Erfolg / Gattenlöhner, Udo (Rights reserved) ( -