459 research outputs found

    Delocalized Entanglement of Atoms in optical Lattices

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    We show how to detect and quantify entanglement of atoms in optical lattices in terms of correlations functions of the momentum distribution. These distributions can be measured directly in the experiments. We introduce two kinds of entanglement measures related to the position and the spin of the atoms

    Quantum simulators, continuous-time automata, and translationally invariant systems

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    The general problem of finding the ground state energy of lattice Hamiltonians is known to be very hard, even for a quantum computer. We show here that this is the case even for translationally invariant systems. We also show that a quantum computer can be built in a 1D chain with a fixed, translationally invariant Hamitonian consisting of nearest--neighbor interactions only. The result of the computation is obtained after a prescribed time with high probability.Comment: partily rewritten and important references include

    Entanglement distillation by dissipation and continuous quantum repeaters

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    Even though entanglement is very vulnerable to interactions with the environment, it can be created by purely dissipative processes. Yet, the attainable degree of entanglement is profoundly limited in the presence of noise sources. We show that distillation can also be realized dissipatively, such that a highly entanglement steady state is obtained. The schemes put forward here display counterintuitive phenomena, such as improved performance if noise is added to the system. We also show how dissipative distillation can be employed in a continuous quantum repeater architecture, in which the resources scale polynomially with the distance

    Quantum Metropolis Sampling

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    The original motivation to build a quantum computer came from Feynman who envisaged a machine capable of simulating generic quantum mechanical systems, a task that is believed to be intractable for classical computers. Such a machine would have a wide range of applications in the simulation of many-body quantum physics, including condensed matter physics, chemistry, and high energy physics. Part of Feynman's challenge was met by Lloyd who showed how to approximately decompose the time-evolution operator of interacting quantum particles into a short sequence of elementary gates, suitable for operation on a quantum computer. However, this left open the problem of how to simulate the equilibrium and static properties of quantum systems. This requires the preparation of ground and Gibbs states on a quantum computer. For classical systems, this problem is solved by the ubiquitous Metropolis algorithm, a method that basically acquired a monopoly for the simulation of interacting particles. Here, we demonstrate how to implement a quantum version of the Metropolis algorithm on a quantum computer. This algorithm permits to sample directly from the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian and thus evades the sign problem present in classical simulations. A small scale implementation of this algorithm can already be achieved with today's technologyComment: revised versio

    Ensemble Quantum Computation with atoms in periodic potentials

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    We show how to perform universal quantum computation with atoms confined in optical lattices which works both in the presence of defects and without individual addressing. The method is based on using the defects in the lattice, wherever they are, both to ``mark'' different copies on which ensemble quantum computation is carried out and to define pointer atoms which perform the quantum gates. We also show how to overcome the problem of scalability on this system

    Ground state cooling of atoms in optical lattices

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    We propose two schemes for cooling bosonic and fermionic atoms that are trapped in a deep optical lattice. The first scheme is a quantum algorithm based on particle number filtering and state dependent lattice shifts. The second protocol alternates filtering with a redistribution of particles by means of quantum tunnelling. We provide a complete theoretical analysis of both schemes and characterize the cooling efficiency in terms of the entropy. Our schemes do not require addressing of single lattice sites and use a novel method, which is based on coherent laser control, to perform very fast filtering.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    An Effective Model for Engaging Faculty and Undergraduate Students in Neuroscience Outreach with Middle Schoolers

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    Engaging undergraduate students in science outreach events is critical for improving future communication between scientists and community members. Outreach events are opportunities for faculty and undergraduates to utilize active learning strategies to engage non-scientists in scientific questions and principles. Through careful design of outreach events, undergraduate students can practice science communication skills while reaching populations of the public that remain underserved and underrepresented in scientific fields. Here we describe a classroom outreach event designed to give a broad overview of the field of neuroscience to middle school students of all backgrounds by delivering the content in school, during school hours. Through a variety of active learning strategies, middle school students learned about basic structures of the brain and their corresponding functions. Additionally, these students participated in demonstrations during which they generated and tested their own hypotheses and learned about sensory transmission and responses. We designed the lesson to meet the educational goals for middle school students, fulfilling the criteria for the Next Generation Science Standard MS-LS1-8 (NGSS Lead States, 2013). We evaluated the impact of the event on both undergraduate student instructors and middle school participants. Our results demonstrate that these outreach events effectively deliver new content to middle school students while also reinforcing the importance and value of outreach to undergraduate instructors

    Activating NPPT distillation with an infinitesimal amount of bound entanglement

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    We show that bipartite quantum states of any dimension, which do not have a positive partial transpose, become 1-distillable when one adds an infinitesimal amount of bound entanglement. To this end we investigate the activation properties of a new class of symmetric bound entangled states of full rank. It is shown that in this set there exist universal activator states capable of activating the distillation of any NPPT state.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, 1 figure, references correcte

    In vacuo detection of XUV photons at the ESR using a movable cathode system

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    Construction and test of a detection system for forward emitted XUV photons

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