150 research outputs found


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    The author considers the issues of formation of postmodernism as a cultural phenomenon, as well as its influence on the personal selffulfilment in conditions of transformation of culture


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    The importance of forming communicative competence through the lens of nonfiction texts is considered in the article. Several directions are offered - exercises on forming the culture of publicistic speech of students in the process of learning German, and the effectiveness of using the basic communicative method of teaching a foreign language in higher pedagogical education. Communication is defined as communication, combination, transmission, and perception of information in interpersonal relationships that implies a communication process. The norm of communication depends on adherence to certain moral qualities and the culture of speech of the interlocutors, in our case students. Today, as ever, foreign language is becoming an effective factor in the socio-economic, scientific, technical, and cultural progress of society. In the article, nonfiction texts are also considered as one of the factors in the formation of nonfiction speech in student youth. The culture of nonfiction, after all, is the meaning of language and its use in the whole set of functional styles inherent in it. After all, according to the authors, the texts of newspaper and journalistic journalism most strongly encourage students to exchange ideas and opportunities for creative self-realization, formation of critical thinking, associative thinking, and spontaneous foreign language


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    The importance of forming communicative competence through the lens of nonfiction texts is considered in the article. Several directions are offered - exercises on forming the culture of publicistic speech of students in the process of learning German, and the effectiveness of using the basic communicative method of teaching a foreign language in higher pedagogical education. Communication is defined as communication, combination, transmission, and perception of information in interpersonal relationships that implies a communication process. The norm of communication depends on adherence to certain moral qualities and the culture of speech of the interlocutors, in our case students. Today, as ever, foreign language is becoming an effective factor in the socio-economic, scientific, technical, and cultural progress of society. In the article, nonfiction texts are also considered as one of the factors in the formation of nonfiction speech in student youth. The culture of nonfiction, after all, is the meaning of language and its use in the whole set of functional styles inherent in it. After all, according to the authors, the texts of newspaper and journalistic journalism most strongly encourage students to exchange ideas and opportunities for creative self-realization, formation of critical thinking, associative thinking, and spontaneous foreign language


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    Purpose. Today, website localization is of utmost importance due to the global trend prevailing in modern Internet communication. Depending on the nature of products and services being promoted via web platforms, localization patterns vary in their scale and verbal means. In any case, localized versions provide customers with access to authentic sources of information about world brands. The present paper deals with the concept of localization within the scope of linguistics and verbal content management. We have made an attempt to prove the need of differentiating English-language content for each of the English-speaking countries included into the websites’ structure of localized options and to reveal the verbal means and techniques of text localization.Methodology and research materials. We have used the texts of four global multilingual websites, each of them promoting a certain type of brand. The methods applied include the contextual analysis, comparative analysis and pragmatic analysis.Results. The main results of the present research consist in describing the mechanisms of localized content creation within one website and within the space of one language, i.e. English. We have made conclusion on the relevance of website and text in particular localization into English and on the need of differentiating between two levels on which localization can be performed – intratextual and intertextual.Practical implications. The obtained results may be applied in large-scale projects of websites localization.Цель. На сегодняшний день необходимость локализации онлайн-ресурсов обусловлена глобализирующей тенденцией развития интернет-коммуникации. Стратегии локализации варьируются в зависимости от характера реализуемых посредством интернет-платформ продуктов и услуг, однако в любом случае локализованные версии предоставляют потенциальным клиентам доступ к достоверным источникам информации о мировых брендах. Целью настоящего исследования является изучение феномена локализации с лингвистической точки зрения применительно к вербальному контенту международных сайтов. В статье предпринимается попытка обоснования необходимости дифференции англоязычного контента для каждой из англоязычных стран, включенных в структуру локализованных версий сайтов, и выявить вербальные средства, за счет которых осуществляется данный процесс.Методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют методы контекстуального, сравнительного и прагматического анализа.Результаты. В результате проведенного исследования были описаны механизмы создания локализованного контента в рамках одного сайта и в пространстве одного языка – английского. В статье делается вывод о значимости локализации сайта и текста, в частности, на английский язык и о необходимости дифференциации между двумя уровнями, на которых может осуществляться локализация – уровень текста и интертекстуальный уровень.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в сфере осуществления масштабных проектов локализации различных видов международных сайтов

    Russian Military Construction Against the Background of Militarization of her Allies and Opponents, and its Trial by War

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    The author analyses Russian military reforms of the late 19th and early 20thcenturies and their influence on the efficiency of the army and the behavior of the lower ranks in military action. Strategic failures of the national army in the early twentieth century are explained by the fact that even in the modernized armed forces military service was not the same for all groups of citizens. These aspects of the Russian experience are compared to military reforms among the Great War’s other belligerents. The notion of the military as ‘the armed nation’ came in two variants. In Great Britain, the 1916 law on universal conscription and the effective mobilization of the civilian population became possible due to the high levels of public support for the political system, the proclaimed values of their country, and a national-civil identity. The German model, by contrast, was built on the foundation not of political integration but of the nation’s identification with its army. Russia chose this model but was unable consistently to implement it, primarily because of the extremely low literacy rate among the lower social classes. The low quality of recruits made it necessary to maintain long periods of service for most of the lower ranks. This resulted in a lack of loyalty on the side of the conscripts, and in a negative attitude not only towards military service but also towards the state that established the heavy standards of military duty. The feeling of social injustice was reinforced by the spartan regime that lower class soldiers encountered, while well-educated conscripts - as a rule, from the upper strata of Russian society - were treated better. This discontent increased during the unsuccessful war, further alienating the mass of the conscripts from autocracy and its army

    Risks and barriers for Norwegian companies on the Russian oil-and-gas market

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    Mastergradsoppgave i Energy management - Høgskolen i Bodø, 200

    South-Siberian mountain mires: Perspectives on a potentially vulnerable remote source of biodiversity

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    Changes in climate, land-use and pollution are having disproportionate impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity of arctic and mountain ecosystems. While these impacts are well-documented for many areas of the Arctic and alpine regions, some isolated and inaccessible mountain areas are poorly studied. Furthermore, even in well-studied regions, assessments of biodiversity and species to environmental change are biased towards vascular plants and cryptogams, particularly bryophytes are far less represented. This paper aims to document the environments of the remove and inaccessible Altai-Sayan mountain mires and particularly their bryofloras where threatened specias exist and species new to the regional flora are still being found. As these mountain mires are relatively inaccessible, changes in drivers of change ad their ecosystem and biodiversity impacts have not been monitored. However, the remoteness of the mires has so far protected them and their species. In this study, we describe the mires, their bryophyte species and the expected impacts of environmental stressors to bring attention to the urgency of documenting change and conserving these pristine ecosystems