26 research outputs found

    Беларуская лінгвістычная тэрміналогія: праблемы фіксацыі і функцыянавання

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    Belarusian linguistic terminology: some problems of functioning and fixation The article considers functioning and fixation of the Belarusian linguistic terminology. Scientific papers, textbooks for schools and universities, terminological and general­purpose dictionaries are under consideration. Brief excursus on the history of the Belarusian linguistics showed the diversity and randomness of the terms creation processes. Contradictions in the views of linguists on the development of the Belarusian linguistics and terminology were revealed: on the one hand, the orientation on Russian terminological system, on the other hand there is an intention to turn terminology to the national direction. Simultaneously internationalization of terminology, the process typical for other Slavic languages, occurs. This article demonstrates inconsistencies in the use of Belarusian terms indefinite pronoun and definite/indefinite article (and some other terms) in scientific, educational literature and in various dictionaries. The article argues that Russian terminological system prevails in education and subsequently affects the discourse of Belarusian linguistics. The author believes that another problem of Belarusian terminology is a relatively small amount of a Belarusian linguistics discourse and limited subjects of studies, which does not allow to settle the terms. In these difficult circumstances, an appeal to the experience of other Slavic languages with a more developed system of terminology and with an extensive linguistic discourse can help

    Беларуская лінгвістычная тэрміналогія: праблемы фіксацыі і функцыянавання

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    Belarusian linguistic terminology: some problems of functioning and fixationThe article considers functioning and fixation of the Belarusian linguistic terminology. Scientific papers, textbooks for schools and universities, terminological and general­purpose dictionaries are under consideration.Brief excursus on the history of the Belarusian linguistics showed the diversity and randomness of the terms creation processes. Contradictions in the views of linguists on the development of the Belarusian linguistics and terminology were revealed: on the one hand, the orientation on Russian terminological system, on the other hand there is an intention to turn terminology to the national direction. Simultaneously internationalization of terminology, the process typical for other Slavic languages, occurs.This article demonstrates inconsistencies in the use of Belarusian terms indefinite pronoun and definite/indefinite article (and some other terms) in scientific, educational literature and in various dictionaries.The article argues that Russian terminological system prevails in education and subsequently affects the discourse of Belarusian linguistics.The author believes that another problem of Belarusian terminology is a relatively small amount of a Belarusian linguistics discourse and limited subjects of studies, which does not allow to settle the terms.In these difficult circumstances, an appeal to the experience of other Slavic languages with a more developed system of terminology and with an extensive linguistic discourse can help

    Планировочные модели характерных типов экологических парков на территории белорусского Полесья (с петельной, линейной и рассредоточенной планировкой)

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    В статье отражены особенности планировки экологических паров разных типов, особенности планировки дорожно-тропиночной сети, размещения объектов экологического образования и туристско-рекреационного обслуживания посетителей экологических парков и учтены природно-ландшафтные и экологические условия Белорусского Полесья

    The Cytotoxic Effect of Curcumin in Rhabdomyosarcoma Is Associated with the Modulation of AMPK, AKT/mTOR, STAT, and p53 Signaling

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    Approximately 7% of cancers arising in children and 1% of those arising in adults are soft tissue sarcomas (STS). Of these malignancies, rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common. RMS survival rates using current therapeutic protocols have remained largely unchanged in the past decade. Thus, it is imperative that the main molecular drivers in RMS tumorigenesis are defined so that more precise, effective, and less toxic therapies can be designed. Curcumin, a common herbal supplement derived from plants of the Curcuma longa species, has an exceptionally low dietary biotoxicity profile and has demonstrated anti-tumorigenic benefits in vitro. In this study, the anti-tumorigenic activity of curcumin was assessed in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines and used to identify the major pathways responsible for curcumin’s anti-tumorigenic effects. Curcumin treatment resulted in cell cycle arrest, inhibited cell migration and colony forming potential, and induced apoptotic cell death. Proteome profiler array analysis demonstrated that curcumin treatment primarily influenced flux through the AKT-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT), AMP-dependent kinase (AMPK), and p53 associated pathways in a rhabdomyosarcoma subtype-specific manner. Thus, the strategic, combinational therapeutic targeting of these pathways may present the best option to treat this group of tumors

    Некаторыя аспекты ўпарадкавання шматмоўнай картатэкі ключавых слоў нетэрміналагічнага характару ў бібліяграфічнай базе iSybislaw і аптымізацыі яе выкарыстання

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    Abstrakt wystąpienia przygotowanego na konferencję "Nowoczesne systemy slawistycznej informacji bibliograficznej – dziś i jutro" (Warszawa, 8-9 października 2015 r.). Organizatorzy konferencji: Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Komisja Bibliograficzna przy Międzynarodowym Komitecie Slawistów

    School fees and social situation of students

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    This masters thesis deals with the problem in the present educational system of the Czech Republic and the methods for its solution by the means of reformation of the educational system. In this thesis the social, economical and financial situation of the students is discussed, as well as the difference between the public high schools and private high schools is pointed out. The utmost emphasis is placed on the analysis of opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths of the present and new system of education in the Czech Republic. The part of this thesis deals with the comparison of the Czech Republic with selected states of the European Union and the description of the practices of those countries with the implementation of the school fee

    Faktory ovlivňující darování fyzických osob.

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    Fenomén ?darování? je z hlediska své podstaty poměrně složitá struktura, v níž se kombinují hluboké antropologické a psychologické aspekty s kulturními tradicemi a zvyklostmi. A proto si osobně myslím, že bude zajímavé a užitečné zkoumat faktory ovlivňující darování fyzických osob neziskovým organizacím. Cílem mé bakalářské práce je popsat význam dárcovství a zanalyzovat faktory ovlivňující darování fyzických osob neziskovým organizacím,jimiž jsou altruistické chovaní, image neziskových organizací, daňové úlevy, osobní charakteristiky dárce a fundraising

    Спосаб прэзентацыі ключавых слоў як частка камунікацыйнай сістэмы бібліяграфічнай базы iSybislaw

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    Referat wygłoszony na konferencji z okazji jubileuszu dr Zofii Rudnik-Karwatowej "Wokół systemów informacyjno-wyszukiwawczych i słowotwórstwa" (Warszawa, 8 września 2017 r.). Organizator: Instytut Slawistyki PAN

    Беларуская мовазнаўчая славістычная бібліяграфія: гісторыя, напрамкі, перспектывы ў агульнаславянскім кантэксце

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    Rozszerzony abstrakt referatu przygotowanego na posiedzenie bloku tematycznego Komisji Bibliografii Lingwistycznej przy Międzynarodowym Komitecie Slawistów nt. "Bibliografia językoznawstwa slawistycznego w przestrzeni cyfrowej" podczas XVI Międzynarodowego Kongresu Slawistów (Belgrad, 20-27.08.2018)