69 research outputs found
Design of clamping fixture for ultrasonic welding of plastics
Práca predkladá návrh prípravku pre ultrazvukové zváranie - sonotródy. Na základe literárnej štúdie a výpočtov bol stanovený približný tvar prípravku, ktorý bol vytvorený v 3D programe a následne testovaný metódou konečných prvkov. Pomocou lineárnej statickej analýzy boli zistené modálne tvary sonotródy. Cieľom simulácií je nájsť modálne tvary analyzovanej štruktúry, ktoré by mohli poškodiť nástroj, alebo celé zariadenie. Analýza ukazuje reálny tvar kmitania nástroja, ktoré musí byť vždy pozdĺž jednej osi. Následnou korekciou rozmerov a tvaru bola nájdená požadovaná frekvencia v pracovnom rozsahu zváracieho zariadenia. Vyhovujúci tvar sonotródy bol spracovaný do výkresovej dokumentácie. Materiál, z ktorého je vyrobená sonotróda, je titánová zliatina TiAlMo74.The project elaborated design of clamping fixture for ultrasonic welding – horn. In pursuance of literary studies and calculations there was created approximate shape of clamping fixture, which was created in 3D programme and tested by finite element analysis. Using the linear static analysis there were found some modal shapes of the horn. The purpose of simulations is to find modal shapes of analysed structure, which can cause damage of the horn or equipment. Analysis shows the real shape of vibrations of the tool, which can be always in one axis. With the help of correction of dimensions and shape there was found required frequency in working range of ultrasonic equipment. Suitable shape of the horn was processed into drawings. The material, from which is horn made of, is a titanium alloy TiAlMo74.
Valuation of a Company in the Automotive Sector under the Risk Terms
Import 05/08/2014Cílem diplomové práce je stanovení rozdělení pravděpodobnosti hodnot a střední hodnoty vybrané automobilové společnosti za podmínek rizika. Dále bude stanovena směrodatná odchylka hodnot společnosti a budou porovnány hodnoty společnosti při použití tržní struktury kapitálu a původní, výchozí struktury kapitálu, stanovené v rámci finančního plánu, při výpočtu celkových nákladů na kapitál. První část práce obsahuje teoretické vymezení pojmů při oceňování podniku, vybrané postupy při oceňování podniku a jednotlivé metody, pomocí nichž se podnik oceňuje. Další část je zaměřena na aplikaci teorie v praxi. Praktická část je zaměřená na stanovení tržní hodnoty společnosti k datu 1.1 2014. Celková hodnota společnosti při nezohlednění tržní struktury kapitálu činí 118 351 728 000 Kč a celková hodnota společnosti při zohlednění tržní struktury kapitálu činí 121 217 387 000 Kč. V závěru práce je provedená citlivostní analýza, která měří vliv tempa růstu peněžních toků a vliv nákladu na kapitál na celkovou hodnotu společnosti.The main goal of this thesis is to determine the probability of distribution of values and the mean value of selected automotive company under conditions of risk. It will also set the standard deviation values of the company and will be compared to the company's value using market capital structure and the original default capital structure established in the financial plan, while calculating the total cost of capital. The first part of the thesis contains the theoretical foundations in the business valuation, selected procedures for valuation and various methods through which the company is valued. The next part focuses on the application of theory in practice. The practical part is focused on determining the market value at the date of 1.1 2014. The total value of the company's disregarding the market structure capital is 118 351 728 000 CZK and the total value of the company taking into account of the market structure of capital is 121 217 387 000 CZK. In the conclusion there is a sensitivity analysis, which measures the effect of the growth rate of cash flows and the impact of the cost of capital to the total value of the company.154 - Katedra financívýborn
Dlhodobí dobrovoľníci AIESEC Praha: Vnímanie dobrovoľníctva a dôvody pre zotrvávanie v organizácií
Katedra studií občanské společnostiDepartment of Civil Society StudiesFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi
Techno-economical comparison of the fusing and flame method of laser cutting of steel sheets with a solid-state laser
Predmetom diplomovej práce je porovnanie tavného a oxidačného spôsobu laserového delenia plechu pre firmu ACO Industries k. s., kde bola realizovaná aj experimentálna časť. Po dohovore bola práca rozšírená o dáta vzoriek rezaných stlačeným vzduchom pre porovnanie kvality rezu s ostatnými dvoma procesnými plynmi. Návrh optimalizácie rezných parametrov bol vytvorený Taguchiho metódou. Následne bolo prevedené meranie drsnosti vzoriek. Na základe hodnôt parametru Ra a Rz5 boli vzorky graficky zaradené do tried presnosti, ktoré určuje norma ISO 9013.Výsledky ukázali, že tavný spôsob rezania laserom je vhodnejší, najmä kvalitou reznej hrany, ktorá nepodlieha tvorbe oxidickej vrstvy. Tavný spôsob rezania sa vykonáva reznými rýchlosťami, ktoré sú až dvojnásobne vyššie oproti oxidačnému spôsobu, čo vedie k zníženiu časovej a finančnej náročnosti procesu, a to aj napriek jeho vyššej hodinovej sadzbe. V prípade delenia materiálu stlačeným vzduchom nie je kvalita rezu v porovnaní s tavným a oxidačným spôsobom dostačujúca.The aim of diploma thesis is a comparison of flame and fusion laser cutting of thin metal sheets for ACO Industries k. s. company, where the experimental part was also realized. After consultation with company, the thesis was extended by data samples, which were cut by compressed air for comparison with other two gases. The optimization design of cutting parameters was created by Taguchi method. Afterwards the surface roughness of samples was measured. Based on Ra and Rz5 parameters, the samples were classified to classes based on their accuracy according to ISO 9013 standard. According to results the fusion method of laser cutting is more suitable method, especially for its good quality of cutting edge, which is not affected by the oxidic layer. Fusion method uses cutting speed two times higher than the flame method, which leads to decrease of time and financial consumption of the process despite of its higher hourly rate. In case of laser cutting of material by compressed air the quality of cut is insufficient in comparison with fusion or flame cutting method.
Občanská participace žen, které nakupují eticky
The diploma thesis focuses on ethical consumerism and its impact on the civic engagement of young women. Ethical consumerism, which includes, for example, boycott and buycott of products and services, is gaining momentum in the downfall of formal civic engagement. Citizens move to the market where they apply their ethical principles of noneconomic character. Their consumer choices are motivated by publicly beneficial motives. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis defines both civic society and its civic participation, and ethical consumerism. The theory of ethical consumerism addresses the definitions of basic concepts, the change in the political climate, which has allowed the expansion of ethical consumerism and the gender aspect of this phenomenon. The research focuses specifically on young women who live in Prague and regularly shop ethically, and their participation in civic engagement before and after becoming ethical consumers. From the data gathered, it was found out upon which products the informants exercised their ethical consumption, the representation of socio-economical, environmental and political motives and how they formally and informally engage in civil society. Choosing products is just like casting a vote. The consumer choice gives citizens a sense of who they are, it is...Diplomová práca sa venuje etickej spotrebe a jej vplyve na občiansku angažovanosť mladých žien. Etická spotreba, do ktorej patrí napríklad bojkot a buycott produktov a služieb, získava v dobe upadajúceho formálneho občianskeho zapojenia na význame. Občania sa presúvajú na trh, kde aplikujú svoje etické zásady neekonomického charakteru. Ich spotrebné voľby sú motivované verejne prospešnými motívmi. Teoretická časť diplomovej práce definuje okrem občianskej spoločnosti a občianskej participácie aj základné pojmy etickej spotreby. Ďalej sa venuje premene politickej klímy, ktorá umožnila rozšírenie etickej spotreby, a genderovému aspektu etického nakupovania. Práca sa zameriava konkrétne na mladé ženy, ktoré žijú v Prahe a pravidelne eticky nakupujú, a to, ako sa občiansky zapájali pred a po tom, čo sa stali etickými spotrebiteľkami. Zo získaných dát sa zistilo na aké produkty informátorky uplatňujú etickú spotrebu, v akom zastúpení je socioekonomický, ekologický a politický motív a ako sa formálne a neformálne angažujú v občianskej spoločnosti. Spotrebnou voľbou dávajú občianky najavo kým sú, je to prejav ich identity.Department of Civil Society StudiesKatedra studií občanské společnostiFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie
Křesťanský světový názor v díle Stefana Andrese
Stefan Andres (1906 - 1970) byl nemecký prozaik, básník a dramatik, tvorící od tricátých let dvacátého století nepretržite až do své smrti. Pocet a rozsah jeho del je úctyhodný, i když jsou dnešnímu ctenári málo známá. Za svého života ctený a populární autor upadl pozdeji v zapomnení nejenom mezi ctenári, ale také mezi germanisty a studenty germanistiky. Zámerem práce je tedy predevším predstavit život a dílo Stefana Andrese se zamerením na jeho trilogii Die Sintflut (Potopa). Die Sintflut, ale i jiná Andresova díla, je výpovedí nejen umeleckou a lidskou, ale také politickou. Tím se dostáváme k další oblasti Andresovy cinnosti, jeho politické angažovanosti. Stavel se do opozice vuci nacismu i vuci poválecnýmnemeckým pomerum. Práce dospela k záveru, že Andresova politická cinnost, která se promítla do jeho díla, je motivována krestanským presvedcením a vychází z nej . I ze strucného pohledu na Andresovy romány, novely a povídky lze jasne usoudit, že myšlenkovým stredem jeho díla je krestanská víra. Právem bývá razen mezi krestanské, konzervativní, nebo prímo katolické autory, i když tady je nutno ríci, že byl katolíkem znacne netradicním. Novely, které jsou stále ješte cteny, anebo alespon pripomínány (príznacné je, že se obe odehrávají v prostredí katolické církve), jsou El Greco malt den Großinquisitor (El...Stefan Andres (1906 - 1970), a German prosaist, poet and playwriter was continuously writing from the thirties of the twentieth century until his death. The number and the extent of his works is considerable even though they are scarcely known to the current reader. In his lifetime, he was a well-read and popular author, but he slowly fell into oblivion not only among readers but also among germanists and students of germanistics. The aim of the thesis is to consequently present life and work of Stefan Andres focusing on his trilogy Die Sintflut (Flood). Die Sintflut, as well as other Andres' works, is an artistic, human but also politic testimony. This leads to other domain of Andres' activities - his political involvement. He disapproved of nacism and German postwar situation. The thesis comes to the conclusion that Andres' political agenda, mirrored in his works, emanates from and is motivated by his Christian conviction. Even a brief glance at Andres' novels, novellas and short stories allows to form a judgment that the meeting point of Andres' thoughts is Christian faith. He is rightfully categorized amongst Christian, conservative or directly among catholic authors even though he was a very unorthodox Christian. Novellas, which are still read, or at least evoked (their distinctive trait is that they...Institute of Germanic StudiesÚstav germánských studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult
Effect of cocoa fat content on wetting and surface energy of chocolate
The aim of this study was the quantification of the effect of the cocoa fat content on the wetting characteristics and surface free energy of different chocolate compositions. On the market, there are many different types of chocolate products which differ both in the sensory and physico-chemical properties together with their raw material compositions and the contents of the individual components. This paper focuses on differences in the use of different types of fats - cocoa butter, milk fat, equivalents or cocoa butter substitutes in chocolate products. Studied samples (prepared at Carla, Ltd. Company) were followed by static contact angles of wetting measurements and by calculated surface free energies. There were investigated the effects of fat content and used fat types of the chocolate products on their final wettabilities and resulting surface free energies. There was found a linear dependence between total fat content and the surface free energy, which was gradually increasing with increasing fat content. Additionally, there were performed TG DTG and NIR spectrometry measurements of the tested materials with the aim to determine the melting point of studied fats used, as well as to determine and identify individual fat components of chocolate products which may affect the resulting value of surface free energy. © 2017 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Using fuzzy logic to analyze the spatial distribution of pottery in unstratified archaeological sites: The case of the pobedim hillfort (Slovakia)
The aim of this article is to analyze the spatial clustering of pottery finds based on their occurrence at different depths in the Pobedim hillfort archaeological site (Western Slovakia), without reference to stratigraphic data. Two fuzzy sets methods (fuzzy linear function and fuzzy gamma operator) were used to analyze the distribution of Slavic pottery from the 9th century AD at six sectors (I–VI) located at the acropolis of the Pobedim hillfort in terms of their occurrence at different depths, their quantity at different depths, and the number of excavation pits. Using the mentioned fuzzy set methods, significant clusters of pottery were found in two sectors of the Pobedim site (sectors I and II). The results were compared with those obtained in previous research at this site, where the method of spatial autocorrelation was used. It was found that the most significant squares identified with the use of fuzzy set theory coincide with 14 squares where auto-correlation also found significant concentrations of pottery. However, the most significant squares identified by fuzzy methods (in the range 0.7–1) in all sectors of the Pobedim hillfort were 16% less than those identified by the positive spatial autocorrelation. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Slovak Research and Development AgencySlovak Research and Development Agency [APVV-18-0185]; VEGA agency (Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic); (Slovak Academy of Sciences) [1/0934/17]Slovenská Akadémia Vied, SAV: 1/0934/17; Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky; Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja, APVV: APVV-18-0185; Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV, VEG
GIS distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic (students’ perception)
The paper deals with distance learning of geographic information systems (GIS) at the Department of Geography and Regional Development FNS CPU in Nitra using various educational materials and the JitsiMeet application during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students of bachelor study had GIS lessons in face-to-face instruction in a computer room for half of a semester. In the middle of the semester, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Slovakia and the face-to-face instruction had to be reoriented to the distance form of learning. The first month of distance learning took place with the help of textbooks and video tutorials, which were sent to students. The task of the students that month was to study a new subject, then students were sent a questionnaire where they had to express their opinion on learning GIS using video tutorials and textbooks, but also indicate whether they had facilities for online learning (PC, audio and video outputs, Internet) as well as to express their views and experiences with online learning as such. Although after evaluating the questionnaire, up to 71% of students answered that they had learned a new subject from the video tutorials and 57% also from GIS textbooks, several percent of students were still unfit for this form of learning. That is why we went to lessons with the free JitsyMeet app, which allows for video conferencing, screen sharing, chat, and more. The aim of the paper is to point out the perception of distance GIS learning by university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Operational Programme Human Resources; grant project entitled "IT Academy-Education for the 21st Century" [ITMS: 312011F057
ECMWF short-term prediction accuracy improvement by deep learning
This paper aims to describe and evaluate the proposed calibration model based on a neural network for post-processing of two essential meteorological parameters, namely near-surface air temperature (2 m) and 24 h accumulated precipitation. The main idea behind this work is to improve short-term (up to 3 days) forecasts delivered by a global numerical weather prediction (NWP) model called ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). In comparison to the existing local weather models that typically provide weather forecasts for limited geographic areas (e.g., within one country but they are more accurate), ECMWF offers a prediction of the weather phenomena across the world. Another significant benefit of this global NWP model includes the fact, that by using it in several well-known online applications, forecasts are freely available while local models outputs are often paid. Our proposed ECMWF-enhancing model uses a combination of raw ECMWF data and additional input parameters we have identified as useful for ECMWF error estimation and its subsequent correction. The ground truth data used for the training phase of our model consists of real observations from weather stations located in 10 cities across two European countries. The results obtained from cross-validation indicate that our parametric model outperforms the accuracy of a standard ECMWF prediction and gets closer to the forecast precision of the local NWP models.Web of Science121art. no. 789
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