33 research outputs found

    Chronic pulmonary fibrosis alters the functioning of the respiratory neural network

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    Some patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis present impaired ventilatory variables characterised by low forced vital capacity values associated with an increase in respiratory rate and a decrease in tidal volume which could be related to the increased pulmonary stiffness. The lung stiffness observed in pulmonary fibrosis may also have an effect on the functioning of the brainstem respiratory neural network, which could ultimately reinforce or accentuate ventilatory alterations. To this end, we sought to uncover the consequences of pulmonary fibrosis on ventilatory variables and how the modification of pulmonary rigidity could influence the functioning of the respiratory neuronal network. In a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis obtained by 6 repeated intratracheal instillations of bleomycin (BLM), we first observed an increase in minute ventilation characterised by an increase in respiratory rate and tidal volume, a desaturation and a decrease in lung compliance. The changes in these ventilatory variables were correlated with the severity of the lung injury. The impact of lung fibrosis was also evaluated on the functioning of the medullary areas involved in the elaboration of the central respiratory drive. Thus, BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis led to a change in the long-term activity of the medullary neuronal respiratory network, especially at the level of the nucleus of the solitary tract, the first central relay of the peripheral afferents, and the Pre-Bötzinger complex, the inspiratory rhythm generator. Our results showed that pulmonary fibrosis induced modifications not only of pulmonary architecture but also of central control of the respiratory neural network

    Fluoxetine treatment abolishes the in vitro respiratory response to acidosis in neonatal mice

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: To secure pH homeostasis, the central respiratory network must permanently adapt its rhythmic motor drive to environment and behaviour. In neonates, it is commonly admitted that the retrotrapezoid/parafacial respiratory group of neurons of the ventral medulla plays the primary role in the respiratory response to acidosis, although the serotonergic system may also contribute to this response.METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using en bloc medullary preparations from neonatal mice, we have shown for the first time that the respiratory response to acidosis is abolished after pre-treatment with the serotonin-transporter blocker fluoxetine (25-50 µM, 20 min), a commonly used antidepressant. Using mRNA in situ hybridization and immunohistology, we have also shown the expression of the serotonin transporter mRNA and serotonin-containing neurons in the vicinity of the RTN/pFRG of neonatal mice.CONCLUSIONS: These results reveal that the serotonergic system plays a pivotal role in pH homeostasis. Although obtained in vitro in neonatal mice, they suggest that drugs targeting the serotonergic system should be used with caution in infants, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers

    Ventilatory and Autonomic Regulation in Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Potential Protective Role for Erythropoietin?

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep disordered breathing and is associated with wide array of cardiovascular morbidities. It has been proposed that during OSA, the respiratory control center (RCC) is affected by exaggerated afferent signals coming from peripheral/central chemoreceptors which leads to ventilatory instability and may perpetuate apnea generation. Treatments focused on decreasing hyperactivity of peripheral/central chemoreceptors may be useful to improving ventilatory instability in OSA patients. Previous studies indicate that oxidative stress and inflammation are key players in the increased peripheral/central chemoreflex drive associated with OSA. Recent data suggest that erythropoietin (Epo) could also be involved in modulating chemoreflex activity as functional Epo receptors are constitutively expressed in peripheral and central chemoreceptors cells. Additionally, there is some evidence that Epo has anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory effects. Accordingly, we propose that Epo treatment during OSA may reduce enhanced peripheral/central chemoreflex drive and normalize the activity of the RCC which in turn may help to abrogate ventilatory instability. In this perspective article we discuss the potential beneficial effects of Epo administration on ventilatory regulation in the setting of OSA

    Analyse fonctionnelle du réseau neuronal impliqué dans l'adaptation respiratoire à l'hypoxie de la souris et du rat nouveau-nés (approches électrophysiologique, immunohistochimique et génétique in vivo et in vitro)

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    Ce travail concerne les mécanismes centraux impliqués dans l adaptation de la commande centrale respiratoire (CCR) à l hypoxie chez le nouveau-né. Celle-ci se caractérise par une hyperventilation dépendant des chémorécepteurs périphériques et de l hypothalamus suivie d une dépression (DRH) impliquant la surface ventrale du bulbe rachidien (VMS). Nous avons précisé le rôle des structures hypothalamiques dans l adaptation de la CCR à l hypoxie chez le rat puis identifié les neurones chémosensibles à l O2 de la VMS : dans le noyau rétrotrapézoïde (RTN) et le groupe respiratoire parafacial (pFRG) chez le rat et dans le RTN chez la souris. Ces structures semblent exercer un contrôle facilitateur sur la CCR. Le groupe parapyramidal dépourvu de neurones chémosensibles à l O2 semble impliqué dans la DRH. Afin de caractériser la mise en place du réseau neuronal responsable de l adaptation de la CCR à l hypoxie, nous avons utilisé des souris mutantes pour le gène kreisler. Ce travail souligne le rôle crucial des rhombomères r5 et r6 dans l établissement des propriétés de chémosensibilité à l O2 de la VMS. Les souris Kreisler-/- qui ne possèdent pas r5 et présentent des perturbations au niveau de r6, n ont pas de neurones chémosensibles à l O2 et manifestent une réponse précoce à l hypoxie altérée. Le contrôle facilitateur de la CCR n est plus présent chez les Kreisler-/- et les Kreisler+/- ce qui confirme l hypothèse selon laquelle le pFRG dérive de r4 sous le contrôle de r3. Les résultats obtenus au cours de ce doctorat permettent ainsi de cibler des structures pouvant être impliquées dans des pathologies respiratoires comme les syndromes d Ondine et de mort subite du nouveau-né.AMIENS-BU Santé (800212102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Physiological definition of upper airway obstructions in mouse model for Rett syndrome.

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    International audienceRett syndrome is a neuro-developmental disease accompanied by breathing symptoms including breath-hold events, and is caused by mutation of the transcriptional repressor methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2). Males of Mecp2-deficient mice (Mecp2(-/y)) also develop breathing symptoms, with erratic rhythm and life-threatening apnoeas from postnatal day 30 (P30), leading to respiratory distress and premature death at around P60. We investigated the respiratory function of conscious Mecp2(-/y) mice at P40-P60 using conventional whole-body plethysmography, double-chamber plethysmography and chest EMG recordings. Double-chamber plethysmography revealed a persistent increase in respiratory work-load with enlarged chest movements, but no subsequent increase of tidal volume thus revealing a mismatch between airflow and muscle work-load. Apnoeas occurred with cessation of both chest movements and ventilation, but some (40%) developed with persisting rhythmic chest EMG discharges or chest movements without respiratory airflow, suggesting respiratory efforts against obstructed airways. Airway obstruction was maintained even when the respiratory drive increased significantly, triggering large chest EMG discharges and movements. Whole-body plethysmography of Mecp2(-/y) mice revealed significant increases of spirograms, reflecting forced chest movements against partially obstructed airways. The persisting chest EMG discharges and rhythmic chest movements without respiratory airflow suggest that Mecp2 inactivation alters neural circuits controlling the upper airway dilator muscles. The observed breath-hold events in Mecp2(-/y) mice might imply disturbance of neural circuits attached to voluntary control of breathing

    Early breathing defects after moderate hypoxia or hypercapnia in a mouse model of Rett syndrome.

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    International audienceRett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disease caused by mutations in the transcriptional repressor methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) and accompanied by complex symptoms, including erratic breathing and life-threatening apnoeas. In Mecp2-deficient male mice (Mecp2(-/y)), breathing is normal at birth but becomes altered after postnatal day 30 (P30), with erratic rhythm and apnoeas aggravating until death at around P60. Using plethysmography, we analyzed breathing of unrestrained wild type mice and Mecp2(-/y) at P15, P25 and P30 under air and under short-lasting exposure to moderate hypoxia or hypercapnia. In Mecp2(-/y) with normal resting ventilation, we report exacerbated respiratory responses to hypoxia at P30 and transient apnoeas with erratic rhythm after hypoxia and hypercapnia at P30, P25 and occasionally P15. Then environmental factors may induce breathing defects well before than expected in Mecp2(-/y) and possibly in RTT patients. We therefore suggest avoiding exposure of young RTT patients to environmental situations where they may encounter moderate hypoxia or hypercapnia

    Exercising in Hypoxia and Other Stimuli: Heart Rate Variability and Ventilatory Oscillations

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    Periodic breathing is a respiratory phenomenon frequently observed in patients with heart failure and in normal subjects sleeping at high altitude. However, until recently, periodic breathing has not been studied in wakefulness and during exercise. This review relates the latest findings describing this ventilatory disorder when a healthy subject is submitted to simultaneous physiological (exercise) and environmental (hypoxia, hyperoxia, hypercapnia) or pharmacological (acetazolamide) stimuli. Preliminary studies have unveiled fundamental physiological mechanisms related to the genesis of periodic breathing characterized by a shorter period than those observed in patients (11~12 vs. 30~60 s). A mathematical model of the respiratory system functioning under the aforementioned stressors corroborated these data and pointed out other parameters, such as dead space, later confirmed in further research protocols. Finally, a cardiorespiratory interdependence between ventilatory oscillations and heart rate variability in the low frequency band may partly explain the origin of the augmented sympathetic activation at exercise in hypoxia. These nonlinear instabilities highlight the intrinsic “homeodynamic” system that allows any living organism to adapt, to a certain extent, to permanent environmental and internal perturbations