86 research outputs found

    Magyar cirkusztörténet

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    A magyar cirkusztörténeti kutatás mindmáig mostohagyermeke maradt mind a magyar színháztörténetnek, mind a magyar művelődéstörténetnek, így az oktatás sem hasznosíthatja a benne rejlő lehetőségeket

    Tulajdonnevek a magyar népmesékben

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    Apáczai Csere János magyar szemiotikája

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    Zur Semiotik Einiger Musikinstrumente (Vorläufige Problemstellung)

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    In spite of the promising recent development of comparative musicology (also including the study of musical instruments) and of semiotics (also including musical semiotics), there is no summarizing attempt to describe and analyze the “signs on musical instruments” phenomena, i.e. carved or painted parts of the instruments. The zoomorphic and anthropomorphic construction and forms of musical instruments, and of their parts, is a wide-ranging field of study. The paper shows some examples of ancient and folk music instruments, by using the common (Peircian) terminology in describing their signs in the proper sense of the word. Animal shells used as bodies of instruments, snake- and dragon-formed instruments, amorous heads on string instruments, human heads and devilish forms of bagpipes, paintings on piano’s wooden cases, emblems or coats of arms of the builders of the instruments — just there are some cases of signs of musical instruments. There are further allusions to musical signs as well

    Précis of Hungarian Paremiography and Paremiology

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    This is a review essay on the rich accomplishments of Hungarian paremiography and paremiology. There exists a long history of Hungarian proverb collections, and while many of them deal primarily with national or regional Hungarian proverbs, there are also numerous collections that include comparative materials from other European languages. It is shown that many aspects of culture, ethnography, folklore, and history are contained in the proverbial materials. The article also includes comments on genre issues, the classification system used in the collections, and their use for educational purposes. Of course, issues of linguistics and semantics are also discussed. An important bibliography of the accomplishments of Hungarian proverb research is attached as well

    A magyar folklór szövegek tematikus chrestomathiája = Treasury of Hungarian folklore texts

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    A kutatás eredményei A magyar folklór első, filológiailag pontos, több műfajra kiterjedő antológiájának elkészítése (Voigt Vilmos szerk.: Magyar folklór szöveggyűjtemény. Budapest, 2005. Osiris Kiadó, 845 lap, illusztrációkkal - az "Osiris tankönyvek" sorozatban). A könyv a magyar folklorisztika legfontosabb kiadványcsoportjait veszi alapul, a XIX. század elejétől napjainkig. Teljes, fontos szövegeket közöl, bevezetőkkel és kommentárokkal. Ezek kitérnek a szövegek folklór műfajok textológiájára. A kötet az egyetemi oktatás számára készült. Hasonló méretű és pontosságú folklór antológiát Európában sem készítettek. | Results of the research project After many years of the research the very first anthology of Hungarian folklore texts was published: Voigt, Vilmos (ed.) : Magyar folklór szöveggyűjtemény. Budapest, 2005. Osiris Publishers, 845 p., with illustrations. In the textbook series 'Osiris tankönyvek', published for universities, teaching folklore, Hungarian language, and literature. Its text selection covers the years from 1800 until today. Folk songs, ballads, tales, ritual poetry are the major genres included, and there is also a rich collection of folk music, with references to dances and childrens' games. In a separate chapter texts by famous Hungarian writers are included, which refer to Hungarian folklore as well. All the published texts are full, carefully edited, and with necessary philological notes added. The book has no parallels in Hungary or abroad. There is no similar anthology in European folklore research, both for its size, complexity and textual treatment. The research led to new methods and considerations in actual folklore textology in Hungary


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    Précis of Hungarian Paremiography and Paremiology

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    This is a review essay on the rich accomplishments of Hungarian paremiography and paremiology. There exists a long history of Hungarian proverb collections, and while many of them deal primarily with national or regional Hungarian proverbs, there are also numerous collections that include comparative materials from other European languages. It is shown that many aspects of culture, ethnography, folklore, and history are contained in the proverbial materials. The article also includes comments on genre issues, the classification system used in the collections, and their use for educational purposes. Of course, issues of linguistics and semantics are also discussed. An important bibliography of the accomplishments of Hungarian proverb research is attached as well
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