532 research outputs found

    Sweet instigator. Choosing increases the susceptibility to affective product features.

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    The present research demonstrates that repeated active choice-making increases the susceptibility of consumers to salient affective product features. We show that affective features influence product choice more after a series of active product choices than after a series of compliances with purchase instructions. The combined results of three experiments suggest that repeated choice gradually depletes the mental capacity required for critical evaluation of choice alternatives, while ruling out alternative explanations. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for theory and management of impulse purchasing.Affective product features; Choice; Cognitive product features; Consumer decision making; Evaluation; Implications;

    Sicherungsverwahrte (§66 StGB): Merkmale der TĂ€ter und ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr die Erfolgsaussichten eines therapeutischen Vollzugs

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: In einem Urteil vom 04.05.2011 erklĂ€rte das Bundesverfassungsgericht die Regelungen zur Sicherungsverwahrung (SV) fĂŒr verfassungswidrig und forderte den Gesetzgeber zur Erarbeitung eines freiheitsorientierten und "therapiegerichteten" Gesamtkonzeptes auf. Mit der therapeutischen Ausrichtung der SV wird die Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie in die Pflicht genommen. Jedoch besteht aktuell ein Mangel an Informationen ĂŒber diese zukĂŒnftige Zielgruppe und ĂŒber therapeutische Interventionen. Material und Methoden: Zwischen Februar 2009 und August 2010 wurden 32 Strafgefangene im Regelvollzug und 26 Sicherungsverwahrte sowie eine Kontrollgruppe aus 29 Probanden aus der nicht straffĂ€lligen Normalbevölkerung untersucht. Ergebnisse: Fortgeschrittenes Alter, antisoziale PersönlichkeitszĂŒge bzw. -störungen, "Psychopathy"-Merkmale, Substanzmissbrauch, AggressivitĂ€t, eine hohe Anzahl von Vorstrafen und Haftjahren, mangelnde Schul- und Berufsausbildung und ein hohes RĂŒckfallrisiko zeichnen die Gruppe der Sicherungsverwahrten aus. Schlussfolgerung: Bei den Sicherungsverwahrten handelt es sich um eine Gruppe therapeutisch schwer erreichbarer WiederholungstĂ€te

    Understanding early inhibitory development : distinguishing two ways that children use inhibitory control

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    Inhibitory control is the capacity to suppress inappropriate responses. It is regarded as a unitary construct, central to executive function and effortful control, as well as many aspects of child development. There are, nevertheless, significant gaps in our understanding of inhibition’s early development, and several robust findings that remain hard to explain. These findings are outlined, and a new perspective on inhibitory control presented, which explains them by distinguishing between two ways that inhibitory control is used. According to the ‘strength/endurance account’, responses which are highly prepotent tax inhibitory strength; whereas, those which remain active for a long time tax inhibitory endurance. The review considers when and how these aspects of inhibition mature, before discussing their impact on development

    GewaltstraftÀter mit und ohne Antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung: Ein Vergleich

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Die diagnostische Wertigkeit von wiederholten GesetzesĂŒbertretungen im Kontext der Antisozialen Persönlichkeitsstörung (ASPD) wird seit lĂ€ngerem kritisch diskutiert. Um festzustellen, ob sich Probanden mit einer ASPD auch abseits straffĂ€lligen Verhaltens von StraftĂ€tern unterscheiden, wurden inhaftierte StraftĂ€ter mit und ohne diese Diagnose untersucht. Material und Methoden: Sechsunddreißig inhaftierte GewalttĂ€ter mit der Diagnose einer ASPD sowie 29 GewaltstraftĂ€ter ohne ASPD der Justizvollzugsanstalt Straubing nahmen an der Studie teil. Die 28 strafrechtlich unauffĂ€lligen Kontrollprobanden wurden aus der deutschen Normalbevölkerung rekrutiert. Alle Probanden wurden hinsichtlich soziodemographischer, kriminologischer und klinischer Eigenschaften mit dem SKID-I und SKID-II, dem GAF, BIS-11, K-FAF und EPI untersucht. Ergebnisse: GewaltstraftĂ€ter mit ASPD unterscheiden sich bezĂŒglich folgender Parameter von Delinquenten ohne diese Diagnose: erhöhte Erregbarkeit, niedriges psychosoziales Funktionsniveau, gehĂ€ufte "Broken-home-Merkmale" und antisoziales Verhalten vor dem 11.Lebensjahr ("early starters"). Schlussfolgerung: Es konnten Merkmale identifiziert werden, die zwischen GewaltstraftĂ€tern mit und ohne ASPD unterscheiden. In der Gesamtschau scheint allerdings weniger eine kategoriale als vielmehr eine dimensionale, d.h. am AusprĂ€gungsgrad der AuffĂ€lligkeiten ausgerichtete Unterscheidung zwischen GewaltstraftĂ€tern mit und ohne ASPD sinnvoll zu sei

    Anxiety and Depression as Comorbid Factors in Drinking Behaviors of Undergraduate College Students Attending an Urban Private University in the Northeastern United States

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    High-risk drinking is the number one public health concern on college campuses (Berkowitz, 2003; Kapner, 2003; Wechsler, 2002). To date, high-risk drinking prevention programs have met with limited success (Kapner, 2003). This study examined differences among four drinking behavior groups: non-drinkers [(ND), (n = 128)], low-risk drinkers [(LRD), (n = 252)], high-risk drinkers [(HRD), (n = 272)], and frequent high-risk drinkers [(FHRD), (n = 290)] with respect to anxiety and depression for male (n = 457) and female (n = 485) undergraduates (N = 942) attending an urban private university in the northeastern United States; and, the perceptions of two undergraduate focus groups (N = 10) and one faculty/staff group (N = 14) for why undergraduates engage in high-risk drinking and actions to reduce this behavior. Volunteer participants completed a demographic questionnaire, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, and the Beck Depression Inventory. An ANOVA indicated differences among the groups with respect to anxiety (F = 6.49, p \u3c .001), but not with respect to depression. The FHRD group had higher anxiety (M = .68) than the ND group (M = .33) and the LRD group (M = .44). A t-test indicated differences (p \u3c .01) in the level of anxiety between HRD females (M = .69) and HRD males (M = .40), with no differences for depression. A chi-square analysis indicated differences between males and females with respect to drinking behavior group classification (χÂČ = 22.40, df = 3, p = .001). Focus group results suggested several reasons why students engage in high-risk drinking: it is the norm, easy access to alcohol, low accountability for drinking, cope with anxiety, relieve boredom, lift depression, cope with anger, family history of alcohol use, alcohol dependence, and poor self-esteem. Implications for educators are discussed

    PdZnAl Catalysts for the Reactions of Water-Gas-Shift, Methanol Steam Reforming, and Reverse-Water-Gas-Shift

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    Pd/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts were studied for water-gas-shift (WGS), methanol steam reforming, and reverse-water-gas-shift (RWGS) reactions. WGS activity was found to be dependent on the Pd:Zn ratio with a maximum activity obtained at approximately 0.50, which was comparable to that of a commercial Pt-based catalyst. The catalyst stability was demonstrated for 100 hours time-on-stream at a temperature of 360ÂșC without evidence of metal sintering. WGS reaction rates were approximately 1st order with respect to CO concentration, and kinetic parameters were determined to be Ea = 58.3 kJ mol-1 and k0 = 6.1x107 min-1. During methanol steam reforming, the CO selectivities were observed to be lower than the calculated equilibrium values over a range of temperatures and steam/carbon ratios studied while the reaction rate constants were approximately of the same magnitude for both WGS and methanol steam reforming. These results indicate that although Pd/ZnO/Al2O3 are active WGS catalysts, WGS is not involved in methanol steam reforming. RWGS rate constants are on the order of about 20 times lower than that of methanol steam reforming, suggesting that RWGS reaction could be one of the sources for small amount of CO formation in methanol steam reforming

    Managers’ resources for authentic leadership – A multi-study exploration of positive psychological capacities and ethical organizational climates

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    While authentic leadership is highly valued in today’s business world, managers do not necessarily have the resources to attain it. Building on conservation of resources theory, we propose a conceptual model to address how personal and contextual resources predict authentic leadership. Study 1 analyzes the day-to-day variability in managers’ positive psychological capacities as personal resources in relation to changes in authentic leadership. In addition, it tests ethical organizational climates as stable, contextual resources for authentic leadership. In Study 2, we replicate our results on the between-person level and extend the research model by exploring promotion focus as a link in the relationship between personal resources and authentic leadership. Evidence from an experience sampling study with 89 managers surveyed daily on 10 consecutive work days (Study 1) and a field survey of 130 managers at two points in time (Study 2) supports the hypothesized role of personal resources and promotion focus for authentic leadership. In both studies, only principled but not benevolent ethical organizational climates emerged as a contextual resource for authentic leadership. We discuss the implications for current management research and practice

    Experimental and theoretical investigation of ligand effects on the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles

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    ZnO nanoparticles with highly controllable particle sizes(less than 10 nm) were synthesized using organic capping ligands in Zn(Ac)2 ethanolic solution. The molecular structure of the ligands was found to have significant influence on the particle size. The multi-functional molecule tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane (THMA) favoured smaller particle distributions compared with ligands possessing long hydrocarbon chains that are more frequently employed. The adsorption of capping ligands on ZnnOn crystal nuclei (where n = 4 or 18 molecular clusters of(0001) ZnO surfaces) was modelled by ab initio methods at the density functional theory (DFT) level. For the molecules examined, chemisorption proceeded via the formation of Zn...O, Zn...N, or Zn...S chemical bonds between the ligands and active Zn2+ sites on ZnO surfaces. The DFT results indicated that THMA binds more strongly to the ZnO surface than other ligands, suggesting that this molecule is very effective at stabilizing ZnO nanoparticle surfaces. This study, therefore, provides new insight into the correlation between the molecular structure of capping ligands and the morphology of metal oxide nanostructures formed in their presence
