147 research outputs found

    Merilni sistem za vrednotenje živčno-mišičnih funkcij trupa

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    Bolečina v križu (BVK) je najpogostejši zdravstveni problem gibalnega aparata današnje populacije. Pri osebah z BVK je opaziti številne spremembe v živčno-mišičnih funkcijah trupa. Kljub temu da je etiologija BVK zelo kompleksna in pogosto tudi psihosomatsko pogojena, je za uspešno preventivo/rehabilitacijo potrebno razumevanje biomehanskih značilnosti, ki sepogosto pojavljajo pri osebah z BVK. Objektivno vrednotenje gibalnih funkcijtrupa omogoča prepoznavo sprememb, ki so lahko vzrok in/ali posledica BVK. Kljub številnim študijam, ki dokazujejo spremembe v različnih gibalnih funkcijah trupa, je objektivno vrednotenje teh pogosto le v raziskovalnih študijah, ne pa v klinični praksi. Namen tega članka je predstaviti tehnične lastnosti celostnega integriranega merilnega sistema za veljavno in objektivno vrednotenje živčno-mišičnih funkcij trupa, ki je bil razvit v sklopu aplikativnega raziskovalnega projekta, ki predstavlja vzoren primer sodelovanja med univerzo in gospodarstvom. Dodatno je empirično in grafično predstavljena študija primera ene celotne meritve na mladi zdravi osebi. Na koncu članka so predlagane praktične rešitve za zdravstvene in vadbene ustanove pri obravnavi bolnikov z BVK.Low back pain is one of the most common health problems nowadays. In the individuals with low back pain numerous alterations in neuromuscular functions of the trunk can be observed. Aetiology of low back pain is complex and often depends on psychosomatic status. Therefore, it is important to understand the biomechanical characteristics, which are altered in low back pain patients. Objective assessment of these alterations allows detection of acause or a consequence of low back pain. Even though studies demonstrated changes in neuromuscular functions of the trunk in low back pain patients, is this kind of assessment limited to the research and is not used in a clinical practice. The purpose of this paper is to present the technical characteristics of the integrated measurement system for valid and objective assessment of the trunk neuromuscular functions, which was developed as part of the research project carried out between the university and the industry. We also empirically and graphically present a case study of one whole measurement on a young healthy person. At the end of the paper we discuss practical solutions for health and sport institutions when treating low back pain patients

    Marina Operator Liability Insurance in Croatian and Slovenian Law and Practice

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    The paper deals with marina operator liability insurance (hereinafter: MOLI) in the context of Croatian and Slovenian insurance law and business practice. The authors analyse, discuss and compare the salient features of MOLI contracts, their standard terms and conditions, scope of coverage and exclusions in Croatian and Slovenian law. The paper describes the relevant business practice in the two Adriatic countries. The analysis is based on the comparative study of the relevant national legislation and private regulation, as well as on the data and documentation gathered by field research, consisting of written questionnaires and live interviews with the representatives of insurance companies and marina operators. Our thesis is that the legal framework in the two observed jurisdictions, as well as the insurers’ private regulation in Croatia and Slovenia are very similar. The aim is to establish the common features of MOLI contracts and of the related practices of marina operators and their insurers in the respective countries and explain the background that has led to the formation of a MOLI product specific for the eastern Adriatic marina industry. Suggestions are given for the improvement of the relevant business practices and administrative requirements regarding the minimum insurance standards imposed on marina operators by the concessioning process

    Growth Characteristics and Ergosterol Content of Grifola frondosa in Various Solid-state Substrates

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    Growth characteristics of medicinal mushroom Grifola frondosa mycelia were studied in solid-state cultivation on various solid-state substrates in different setups. The mycelial growth rate was determined in racing tubes by the measurement of ergosterol content. The fastest growth rate of 3.76 mm d–1 and the highest biomass amount of 54 mg g–1 were achieved. The results were scaled-up in a horizontal stirred bioreactor, where higher amounts of biomass (53.2 mg g–1 in 42 days) were achieved. These results represent an available platform for large-scale production of medicinal fungi biomass in bioreactors

    Effects of foam rolling on hamstrings stiffness in damaged and non-damaged muscle states

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of foam rolling (FR) on hamstring muscles stiffness in both non-damaged and exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) states, using shear wave ultrasound elastography to measure changes in shear modulus.Methods: Fourteen healthy adults (25.5 ± 4.7 years) participated in a within-participant repeated measures design, with a 2-minute FR intervention applied on one leg and contralateral leg serving as a control. The damaging protocol encompassed maximal eccentric knee extensions performed on an isokinetic dynamometer and the Nordic hamstring exercise, consisting of 3 sets of 10 and 6 repetitions, respectively. Measurement were taken at baseline and then 1 h, 24 h and 48 h after the damaging protocol.Results: The results indicated no significant time × leg interaction for shear modulus in biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles in both non-damaged and damaged states. Notably, there was a significant increase in biceps femoris (p = 0.001; η2 = 0.36) and semitendinosus (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.44) shear modulus after EIMD, but no significant differences were found between the FR and control leg, which was also the case for muscle soreness, range of motion, and passive resistive torque (p = 0.239–0.999 for interactions).Discussion: The absence of significant changes post-FR intervention suggests a limited role of short-duration FR in altering muscle stiffness during recovery from EIMD. These findings contribute to the understanding of FR’s role in muscle recovery. Although this was not directly investigated, our results suggest a predominance of central mechanisms rather than direct mechanical modifications in muscle properties. This research highlights the necessity for additional investigations to explore how FR interventions influence muscles in different states and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these influences

    The comparative analysis of nonverbal communication of the daily news program anchor women

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    V diplomskem delu smo predstavili primerjalno analizo dveh voditeljic televizijskih dnevno- informativnih oddaj. Analizirali smo neverbalno komunikacijo voditeljice oddaje Dnevnik Televizije Slovenije Elen Batista Štader ter voditeljice oddaje 24UR na POP TV Darje Zgonc. Zanimalo nas je, kakšna so stičišča in razlike neverbalne komunikacije med omenjenima voditeljicama. S pomočjo analize mimike, očesnega stika, zunanjega videza, gestikulacije in proksemike smo ugotovili, da voditeljici pri vodenju oddaje uporabljata podobno neverbalno komunikacijo. Obe z obrazno mimiko sledita povedanemu, skoraj neprestano ohranjata očesni stik s kamero, oblečeni sta v elegantna oblačila, premiki rok niso pretirani, premikanja po prostoru pa je zaznati le malo. Pridobljeni rezultati lahko slu ijo raziskovalcem, ki bi jih v prihodnosti zanimal vpliv neverbalne komunikacije voditeljev, ne samo dnevno-informativnih oddaj, temveč tudi oddaj drugih anrov, saj bodo rezultati naše raziskave lahko osnova za raziskovanje neverbalne komunikacije v drugih oddajah.In this diploma thesis we presented a comparative analysis of two TV daily news program anchorwomen. We analyzed the nonverbal communication of the anchorwomen of Dnevnik Televizija Slovenije Elen Batista Štader and the anchorwomen of 24UR on POP TV Darja Zgonc. We were interested in what are the junctions and differences in non-verbal communication between the mentioned anchorwomen. Using the analysis of mimics, eye contact, external appearance, gestures and proxemics, we found that the anchorwomen of the daily news use similar non-verbal communication. Both follow their facial expressions with spoken words, they almost always keep their eye contact with the camera, they are dressed in elegant clothes, the movements of the hands are not excessive and little movement is detected around the room. The obtained results can serve researchers, who would in the future be interested in the influence of non-verbal communication of anchors, not only on daily news programs, but also anchors of other genres, as the results of our research can be the basis for exploring non-verbal communication in other programs