172 research outputs found

    Biotransformation of copper oxide nanoparticles by the pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea

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    The effects of copper (Cu) on microorganisms have been studied for decades due to its strong antimicrobial activity. Nowadays, emerging technologies are developing new antimicrobial compounds such as CuO and Cu nanoparticles (NPs), or products with their inclusions. In this study two plant pathogenic fungi, Alternaria alternata and Botrytis cinerea, were exposed to Cu in either ionic (Cu2+) or microparticle (MP, CuO) or nanoparticle (NP, Cu or CuO) form, in solid and liquid culturing media. B. cinerea proved to be resistant to CuO and Cu NPs and CuO MPs in comparison to A. alternata as shown by pronounced growth and lower levels of lipid peroxidation. B. cinerea grown in the presence of CuO and Cu NPs and CuO MPs on solid medium formed a blue compound at the fungal/ culturing medium interface, followed by a Cu depletion zone. The blue compound was characterized as Cu-oxalate by Cu-K EXAFS. In B. cinerea, pronounced activity of catechol-type siderophores and/or organic acid secretion apparently induces leaching and mobilization of Cu ions from the CuO MPs, CuO and Cu NPs and their further complexation with extracellularly secreted oxalic acid. As such, the pathogenic fungus B. cinerea may be used for copper extraction and/or purification and synthesis of different materials

    Can we discover truffle’s true identity?

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    This study used elemental and stable isotope composition to characterize Slovenian truffles and used multi-variate statistical analysis to classify truffles according to species and geographical origin. Despite the fact that the Slovenian truffles shared some similar characteristics with the samples originating from other countries, differences in the element concentrations suggest that respective truffle species may respond selectively to nutrients from a certain soil type under environmental and soil conditions. Cross-validation resulted in a 77% correct classification rate for determining the geographical origin and a 74% correct classification rate to discriminate between species. The critical parameters for geographical origin discriminations were Sr, Ba, V, Pb, Ni, Cr, Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios, while from stable isotopes δ18O and δ13C values are the most important. The key variables that distinguish T. magnatum from other species are the levels of V and Zn and δ15N values. Tuber aestivum can be separated based on the levels of Ni, Cr, Mn, Mg, As, and Cu. This preliminary study indicates the possibility to differentiate truffles according to their variety and geographical origin and suggests widening the scope to include stable strontium isotope

    Response of Vicia faba L. to metal toxicity on mine tailing substrate:Geochemical and morphological changes in leaf and root

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    Vicia faba L. seeds were grown in a pot experiment on soil, mine tailings, and a mixture of both to mimic field situations in cultivated contaminated areas near mining sites. Metals in the substrates and their translocation in root, stem and leaf tissues were investigated, including morphological responses of plants growing on mine tailings. Metal concentration � and generally bioaccumulation � was in the order: roots > leaves > stems, except Pb and Cd. Translocation was most significant for Zn and Cd, but limited for Pb. Metal concentration in root and leaf was not proportional to that in the substrates, unexpectedly the minimum being observed in the mixed substrate whilst plant growth was retarded by 20% (38% on tailings). Calcium, pH, organic matter and phosphorus were the main influencing factors for metal translocation. The ultrastructure of V. faba L. cells changed a lot in the mine tailings group: root cell walls were thickened with electron dense Pb, Zn and C particles; in chloroplasts, the number of plastoglobuli increased, whereas the thylakoids were swollen and their number decreased in grana. Finally, needle-shaped crystalline concretions made of Ca and P, with Zn content, were formed in the apoplast of the plants. The stratagems of V. faba L. undergoing high concentrations of toxic metals in carbonate substrate, suggest root cell wall thickening to decrease uptake of toxic metals, a possible control of metal transport from roots to leaves by synthesizing phytochelators�toxic metal complexes, and finally a control of exceeded Ca and metal concentration in leaves by crystal P formation as ultimate response to stress defense. The geochemical factors influencing metal availability, guaranty a reduction of metal content in plant growing on mixed tailing/soil substrate as far as carbonate are not completely dissolved

    An IAEA Multi-technique X-ray Spectrometry End-station at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste: Benchmarking Results and Interdisciplinary Applications

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    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) jointly with the Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste (EST) operates a multipurpose X-ray spectrometry endstation at the X-ray Fluorescence beamline (10.1L). The facility has been available to external users since the beginning of 2015 through the peer-review process of EST. Using this collaboration framework, the IAEA supports and promotes synchrotron-radiation-based research and training activities for various research groups from the IAEA Member States, especially those who have limited previous experience and resources to access a synchrotron radiation facility. This paper aims to provide a broad overview about various analytical capabilities, intrinsic features and performance figures of the IAEA X-ray spectrometry endstation through the measured results. The IAEA-EST endstation works with monochromatic X-rays in the energy range 3.7-14keV for the Elettra storage ring operating at 2.0 or 2.4GeV electron energy. It offers a combination of different advanced analytical probes, e.g. X-ray reflectivity, X-ray absorption fine-structure measurements, grazing-incidence X-ray fluorescence measurements, using different excitation and detection geometries, and thereby supports a comprehensive characterization for different kinds of nanostructured and bulk materials.A broad overview of the various analytical capabilities, intrinsic features and performance figures of the IAEA X-ray spectrometry endstation operated at the X-ray Fluorescence beamline of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is given, and different applications are demonstrated to familiarize the user community with the applicable intersdisciplinary research.Fil: Karydas, A.. International Atomic Energy Agency; Austria. National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos"; GreciaFil: Czyzycki, M.. International Atomic Energy Agency; Austria. AGH University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science ; PoloniaFil: Leani, Juan Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Migliori, A.. International Atomic Energy Agency; Austria. Nuclear Spectrometry And Appications Lab, Iaea. Onu; AustriaFil: Osán, J.. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research; Hungría. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Bogovac, M.. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Wrobel, P.. AGH University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science ; PoloniaFil: Vakula, N.. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Padilla Alvarez, R.. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Menk, Ralf Hendrik. Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA di Interesse Nazionale; Italia. University of Saskatchewan; CanadáFil: Gol, M. G.. Iranian Light Source Facility; IránFil: Antonelli, M.. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; Italia. Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA di Interesse Nazionale; ItaliaFil: Tiwari, M. K.. Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology; IndiaFil: Caliri, C.. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; ItaliaFil: Vogel Mikuš, K.. Jozef Stefan Institute; Eslovenia. University of Ljubljana; EsloveniaFil: Darby, I.. Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA di Interesse Nazionale; Italia. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Kaiser, R.. International Atomic Energy Agency; Austri