51 research outputs found

    Exploration fonctionnelle de la réponse au stress chez des micro-organismes d'intérêt technologique : dynamique de la réponse membranaire suite au stress éthanolique chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The study of membrane response induced by ethanol stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae aims to understand mechanisms involved in the survival of eukaryotic cells submitted to high ethanol concentrations. The cell membrane by its position between the intra- and extracellular environment is the first target of ethanolic perturbations. Experiments performed in this study aimed to characterize the maintain of the functional integrity of the membrane in relation to the sterol composition in the yeast S. cerevisiae submitted to different types of ethanolic disturbances: increasing concentrations of ethanol in the growth medium; ethanolic shocks of increasing magnitude; shock 20% ethanol for 15 minutes and then return in a medium without ethanol ("pulse" 20% ethanol)). Our results demonstrate the importance of ergosterol in maintaining membrane integrity and also support the hypothesis of the vector role of ethanol in cell oxidation, whose effectiveness is dependent on the nature of sterols at the membrane level. In addition, our results analyzing the kinetics of transcription of genes involved in oxidative stress response suggest an increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by ethanol in the Δerg6 mutant, affected in the biosynthetic pathway of ergosterol.L’étude de la réponse membranaire suite au stress éthanolique chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae vise à comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans la survie des eucaryotes aux concentrations en éthanol élevées. La membrane cellulaire, par sa position entre l’environnement intra et extracellulaire, est la première cible des perturbations éthanoliques. Les expérimentations effectuées dans cette étude visent à caractériser le maintien de l’intégrité fonctionnelle en relation avec la composition en stérols membranaires chez la levure S. cerevisiae soumise à différents types de perturbations éthanoliques (augmentation de la concentrations en éthanol dans le milieu de croissance, chocs éthanoliques d’amplitude croissante et suivi au cours du temps ; choc à 20% pendant 15 minutes puis suivi au cours du temps après retour dans un milieu sans éthanol (« pulse » 20% d’éthanol)). Les résultats obtenus démontrent l’importance de l’ergostérol dans le maintien de l’intégrité membranaire et supportent également l’hypothèse du rôle « vecteur » de l’éthanol vis à vis d’une oxydation, dont l’efficacité serait dépendante de la nature des stérols présents au niveau membranaire. Les premiers résultats analysant la cinétique de transcription de gènes impliqués dans la réponse au stress oxydatif suggèrent une formation plus importante de formes réactives de l’oxygène (ROS), induite par le choc éthanol chez un mutant Δerg6, affecté dans la voie de biosynthèse de l’ergostérol

    Evaluating the effect of self-interference on the performance of full-duplex two-way relaying communication with energy harvesting

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    In this paper, we study the throughput and outage probability (OP) of two-way relaying (TWR) communication system with energy harvesting (EH). The system model consists two source nodes and a relay node which operates in full-duplex (FD) mode. The effect of self-interference (SI) due to the FD operation on the system performance is evaluated for both one-way full duplex (OWFD) and two-way full duplex (TWFD) diagrams where the amplify-and-forward (AF) relay node collects energy harvesting with the time switching (TS) scheme. We first propose an individual OP expression for each specific source. Then, we derive the exact closed-form overall OP expression for the OWFD diagram. For the TWFD diagram, we propose an approximate closed-form expression for the overall OP. The overall OP comparison among hybrid systems (Two-Way Half-Duplex (TWHD), OWFD, TWFD) are also discussed.  Finally, the numerical/simulated results are presented for Rayleigh fading channels to demonstrate the correction of the proposed analysis

    On The Performance of Underlay Relay Cognitive Networks

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    The bit error rate (BER) performance of underlay relay cognitive networks in the presence of Rayleigh fading is thoroughly analyzed in this paper. New exact and asymptotic analytic expressions under consideration of both interference power constraint and maximum transmit power constraint are derived in closed-form and are extensively corroborated by Monte-Carlo simulations. These expressions facilitate in evaluating effectively the network performance behaviour in key operation parameters as well as in optimizing system parameters. A multitude of analytical results expose that underlay relay cognitive networks experience the performance saturation phenomena while their performance considerably depends on the number of hops for the linear network model. Additionally, optimum relay position is significantly dependent of maximum transmit power, maximum interference power, and licensee location. Moreover, the appropriate order of locating unlicensees with different maximum transmit power levels can dramatically improve the network performance

    Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using curcumin against the bovine mastitis bacteria

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    Bovine mastitis is the most common disease and has greatly affected economies around the world. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial ability of bovine mastitis by curcumin - silver nanoparticles (Cur-AgNPs). The study included experiments on presenting a new process for synthesizing silver nanoparticles using curcumin from fresh turmeric as a reducing agent and stabilizer. UV visible spectroscopy of the samples revealed the localized surface plasmon resonance absorbance of the dispersion of silver nanoparticles at 430 nm. The prepared Cur-AgNPs has a spherical shape with an average size of 30 nm and a size distribution of 15–47 nm. FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) measurements of the samples showed that silver nanopartilces has been encapsulated well by curcumin. Cur-AgNPs with a concentration of 50-200 μg/mL has very effect to Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing bovine mastitis in vitro. The maximum inhibition zone formed was 15 ± 0.85 mm for Staphylococcus aureus and 14 ± 0.56 mm for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Plant materials mediating for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles have relatively rapid, less expensive, and widespread applications for antimicrobial therapy in the livestock sector

    Comparison of dispersion characteristics of hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled with aromatic compounds

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    In this paper, hollow-core photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) infiltrated with benzene and nitrobenzene are designed and investigated. Their dispersion characteristics are numerically simulated. The results show that using the aromatic-compounds-filled hollow core of PCFs makes dispersion curves flat. In addition, the dispersion curves approach the zero-dispersion line closer than previously published dispersion curves of PCFs with toluene, thus significantly improving the supercontinuum generation to create the ultra-flat spectrum expansion

    Neuromuscular Blockade Agents Reversal with Sugammadex Compared to Neostigmine in the Living Kidney Donors

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    Backround: The reversation of NMBA (neuromuscular blocking agents) prevents numerous postoperative complications, increases quality of recovery and decreases the time, expenditure spending in hospital. The choice of medicine used to reverse NMBA depends  considered as a key fators to gain the best outcome and to avoid the side effects. Aim: To evaluate the postoperative effect on muscle relaxation reversal and side effects of sugammadex 2 mg/kg versus the combination of  neostigmine and atropine sulfate in the living kidney donors. MethodS: A randomised controlled trial on 70 patients undergoing living kidney donation surgery were allocated to 2 groups. Patients in group I (SUGA) were reversed with sugammadex 2 mg/kg and in group II (NEO/ATR) with the combination of neostigmine and atropine sulfat. Results: With 35 patients in each group, the study results showed that after 3 mintutes of reversal patients reaching TOF value ≥ 0.9 in group SUGA is 91.4%, after 5 minutes 100% of patients in group SUGA reached TOF value ≥ 0.9 . In group NEO/ATR after 3 minutes 28.6% patients reached TOF ≥ 0.9 and 40% patients reached TOF≥ 0.9 after 5 minutes. The difference in percentage of patients reaching TOF ≥ 0.9 after 3 minutes, 5 minutes of reversal between two groups is significant (p<0.05). After 10 minutes, 100% patients in both group got TOF ≥ 0.9. Time to exutubation of group SUGA was 249.43 ± 81.75 seconds and it was 456.29 ± 146.45 seconds in group NEO/ATR. Nausea, bradycardia, and increased phlegm production in group NEO/ATR was 22.9%; 28.5%; 25.7% respectively; while those side effects were not met in group SUGA, the difference was significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: The muscle relaxation reversal effect of sugammadex was faster than that of neostigmine, the duration TOF ≥ 0.9 and the time to extubation was significantly faster. Sugammadex did not cause hemodynamic changes before and after muscle relaxation reversal, neostigmine resulted in the bradycardia, increased phlegm secreting and other side effects. The renal function after 24 hours postoperatively of two groups was similar

    Network Coding with Multimedia Transmission and Cognitive Networking: An Implementation based on Software-Defined Radio

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    Network coding (NC) is considered a breakthrough to improve throughput, robustness, and security of wireless networks. Although the theoretical aspects of NC have been extensively investigated, there have been only few experiments with pure NC schematics. This paper presents an implementation of NC under a two-way relay model and extends it to two\ua0non-straightforward scenarios: (i) multimedia transmission with layered coding and multiple-description coding, and (ii) cognitive radio with Vandermonde frequency division multiplexing (VFDM). The implementation is in real time and based on software-defined radio (SDR). The experimental results show that, by combining NC and source coding, we can control the quality of the received multimedia content in an on-demand manner. Whereas in the VFDM-based cognitive radio, the quality of the received content in the primary receiver is low (due to imperfect channel estimation) yet retrievable. Our implementation results serve as a proof for the practicability of network coding in relevant applications

    Network Coding with Multimedia Transmission and Cognitive Networking: An Implementation based on Software-Defined Radio

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    Network coding (NC) is considered a breakthrough to improve throughput, robustness, and security of wireless networks. Although the theoretical aspects of NC have been extensively investigated, there have been only few experiments with pure NC schematics. This paper presents an implementation of NC under a two-way relay model and extends it to two non-straightforward scenarios: (i) multimedia transmission with layered coding and multiple-description coding, and (ii) cognitive radio with Vandermonde frequency division multiplexing (VFDM). The implementation is in real time and based on software-defined radio (SDR). The experimental results show that, by combining NC and source coding, we can control the quality of the received multimedia content in an on-demand manner. Whereas in the VFDM-based cognitive radio, the quality of the received content in the primary receiver is low (due to imperfect channel estimation) yet retrievable. Our implementation results serve as a proof for the practicability of network coding in relevant applications

    Ball Balancing on 3-RRS Parallel Manipulator Using PD and LQR Control

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    Ball and plate system (BPS) is known as a nonlinear multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system that has been usually used to investigate and develop control algorithms. In this paper the study deals with a 3-RRS parallel manipulator which has a metal ball, three DC motors with linkage mechanism to a fixed base that can be a resistive touch screen . The moving base has two rotational movements, it can be rotated around the x-axis and y-axis and translated along the z-axis. The main purpose of this study is obtaining dynamics equations of motions and designing PD and LQR controllers. Through simulation and experiment, both control algorithms are proved to work well on this model


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    In this study, we use the aqueous extract of Robusta plant leaves as a reducing agent and alginate as a surfactant to synthesize silver nanoparticles from silver nitrate (AgNO3). The influence of extraction time and the solid-liquid ratio, the concentration of AgNO3, the volume ratio between silver nitrate solution and the extract of Robusta leaves, and the reaction time on the synthesis were investigated. The optimal conditions are as follows: 15 g of leaves/200 mL, silver nitrate concentration 4 mM, Vextract/VAgNO3 4:100, 1% sodium alginate solution, and reaction time 45 minutes. The obtained solution of silver nanoparticles has a yellow-brown color. The TEM, XRD, and FT-IR measurements of the samples show that the silver nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized. The particles are spherical with an even size and 19.0-26.6 nm in diameter.Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi trình bày phương pháp điều chế dung dịch nano bạc (Ag) từ bạc nitrate (AgNO3) sử dụng dịch chiết lá vối làm tác nhân khử và alginate là chất hoạt động bề mặt. Chúng tôi khảo sát ảnh hưởng của nồng độ AgNO3, tỷ lệ thể tích giữa AgNO3 và dịch chiết lá vối và thời gian phản ứng đến quá trình tạo nano Ag. Điều kiện tối ưu để tổng hợp nano Ag sử dụng dịch chiết lá vối gồm nồng độ AgNO3 4 mM, tỷ lệ thể tích Vdịch chiết /VAgNO3 = 4:100, nồng độ alginate 1%, thời gian phản ứng 45 phút tại nhiệt độ phòng. Dung dịch nano Ag thu được có màu vàng nâu đồng nhất. Kết quả đo TEM, SEM, XRD và FT-IR của các mẫu cho thấy nano Ag đã được tổng hợp thành công; hạt nano có dạng hình cầu, cấu trúc đồng đều với kích thước hạt khoảng 19,0–26,6 nm