28 research outputs found

    The Web That Wasn't: Xanadu and alternative approaches to hypertext

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    Projekt Xanadu je komplexní hypertextový systém předcházející World Wide Web, který doposud nebyl v plném rozsahu realizován. Cílem této práce je popsat vlastnosti systému Xanadu a kriticky zhodnotit možnosti, přínosy a limitace jejich přenesení do kontextu současného Webu. Po představení historického kontextu hypertextových systémů práce analyzuje projekt Xanadu ze dvou úhlů: jako soubor abstraktních návrhů a jako sérii dílčích softwarových prototypů. Práce definuje hlavní vlastnosti a cíle systému Xanadu, které jsou následně přeneseny do kontextu současného Webu s využitím nových webových standardů a technologií. Z dílčích navržených řešení je syntetizován návrh, který realizuje vlastnosti Xanadu v prostředí Webu.Project Xanadu is a complex hypertext system, a predecessor of the World Wide Web, which has not been implemented in its full potential. The goal of the thesis is to describe features of Xanadu and to critically evaluate implementation options of these features in the current Web with benefits and limitations of this approach. The thesis introduces a historical context of hypertext systems and analyzes Project Xanadu from two viewpoints: as a set of abstract designs and as a series of software prototypes. The thesis defines main features and goals of Xanadu and recontextualizes them for the current Web using new web standards and technologies. Based on the proposed solutions a new design is conceived which implements features of Xanadu in the context of the Web.Ústav informačních studií - studia nových médiíInstitute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Photorealistic Rendering of 3D Scenes

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    Tato práce navrhuje nový koncept vzorkování, zejména do metody sledování cest, za účelem rychlejší konvergence scény, pomocí lokální aproximace rozložení světla ve scéně, s využitím hemisférických harmonických funkcí, jenž umožňuje efektivnější směrování paprsků na daném povrchu. V první části jsou popsány základní principy fotorealistického zobrazování spolu s často používanými algoritmy pro syntézu obrazu. Druhá část popisuje matematický aparát, který je posléze využit v návrhu metody vzorkování. Následně jsou představeny již existující řešení v této oblasti. Další část shrnuje současný stav tomto odvětví. Poslední dvě části se již plně věnují návrhu a implementaci ověření již zmíněného rozšíření s využitím CPU.This thesis proposes a concept of sampling, especially for path tracing like algorithms, for faster convergence of the scene, using a local radiance approximation in the scene with hemispherical harmonics, which allows more effective way of ray casting on the given surface. In the first part, the basics of photorealistic rendering are introduced together with commonly used algorithms for image synthesis. The mathematical apparatus used in this thesis is defined in the second part of the thesis. Subsequently, existing solutions in this area are presented. The following chapter summarizes state-of-the-art methods in this branch. The rest of this thesis is focused on proposal and implementation of already mentioned extension.

    Dependence of Selected Water Quality Parameters on Flow Rates at River Sites in the Czech Republic

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    The paper analyses dependence of water quality parameters on flow rates at several sites in the Vltava River catchment in the Czech Republic. The presented results indicate that at the monitored sites, concentrations of nitrates, suspended solids and dissolved oxygen are in direct relation to flow rate. Temperature has an inverse relationship to flow rate. Other parameters show various relationships to flow rate at individual monitored sites or do not show any statistically significant relations

    Photorealistic Rendering

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    Tato práce popisuje návrh a implementaci metody řešení globálního osvětlení pomocí obousměrného sledování cesty s použitím techniky multiple importance sampling. V první části jsou uvedeny základní informace a postupy potřebné pro fotorealistické zobrazování a rovněž jsou zde představeny často používané metody v této problematice. Další část shrnuje současný stav v tomto odvětví. Poslední dvě části se věnují již konkrétně metodě sledování cesty, kde v první půlce je ukázáno matematické odvození a druhá část popisuje přímo implementaci s využitím CPU.This thesis describes proposal and implementation of a novel global illumination technique using  bidirectional path tracing with multiple importance sampling. In the first part, basic informations and techniques are described to explain photorealistic graphic principles. Also, often used methods solving global illumination are shown. The following part summarizes current state of development. Last two parts are focused on mathematical derivation of the bidirectional path tracing and implementation itself using the CPU.

    The European 2015 drought from a hydrological perspective

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    In 2015 large parts of Europe were affected by drought. In this paper, we analyze the hydrological footprint (dynamic development over space and time) of the drought of 2015 in terms of both severity (magnitude) and spatial extent and compare it to the extreme drought of 2003. Analyses are based on a range of low flow and hydrological drought indices derived for about 800 streamflow records across Europe, collected in a community effort based on a common protocol. We compare the hydrological footprints of both events with the meteorological footprints, in order to learn from similarities and differences of both perspectives and to draw conclusions for drought management. The region affected by hydrological drought in 2015 differed somewhat from the drought of 2003, with its center located more towards eastern Europe. In terms of low flow magnitude, a region surrounding the Czech Republic was the most affected, with summer low flows that exhibited return intervals of 100 years and more. In terms of deficit volumes, the geographical center of the event was in southern Germany, where the drought lasted a particularly long time. A detailed spatial and temporal assessment of the 2015 event showed that the particular behavior in these regions was partly a result of diverging wetness preconditions in the studied catchments. Extreme droughts emerged where preconditions were particularly dry. In regions with wet preconditions, low flow events developed later and tended to be less severe. For both the 2003 and 2015 events, the onset of the hydrological drought was well correlated with the lowest flow recorded during the event (low flow magnitude), pointing towards a potential for early warning of the severity of streamflow drought. Time series of monthly drought indices (both streamflow- and climate-based indices) showed that meteorological and hydrological events developed differently in space and time, both in terms of extent and severity (magnitude). These results emphasize that drought is a hazard which leaves different footprints on the various components of the water cycle at different spatial and temporal scales. The difference in the dynamic development of meteorological and hydrological drought also implies that impacts on various water-use sectors and river ecology cannot be informed by climate indices alone. Thus, an assessment of drought impacts on water resources requires hydrological data in addition to drought indices based solely on climate data. The transboundary scale of the event also suggests that additional efforts need to be undertaken to make timely pan-European hydrological assessments more operational in the future

    Modern cameras in digital cinematography

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    The bachelor thesis will focus on a comparison of the digital cameras currently most widely used both in professional cinema and in the area of low-budget projects

    The Image of Woman in the Old and New Testaments

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    he diploma thesis called "P r e s e n t a t i o n o f F e m a l e C h a r a c t e r s i n t he O l d a n d N e w T e s t a m e n t s " endeavours to examine the depiction of female characters in the texts of the Old and New Testaments. The deuterocanonical books and addictions to Esther and Daniel are taken into account too. A list of the female characters and the interpretation of their names proves not only that there are many of them but also their importance. The classification suggested by this thesis is based on women's role in the story of our salvation and representative examples of these characters show their typical features as well as the personal ones. The characters are further described by means of the theological and historical context. Conclusions of these analyses are confronted with the commonly shared views and stereotypes in particular because of their claim that the Bible strongly promotes the patriarchal life concept. The author has concluded that the female characters in the Bible are much more important than people commonly think. Biblical authors naturally shared the patriarchal view of the world, in spite of it we can assume that they didn't belittle the importance of women.

    Modern cameras in digital cinematography

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    Obsahem bakalářské práce je porovnání nejpoužívanějších digitálních kamer současnosti v oblasti profesionální kinematografie, ale i v oblasti nízkorozpočtových projektů. Nebudou ale pouze popisovány technické rozdílnosti a parametry jednotlivých typů, jakými jsou rozlišení, velikost senzoru nebo rychlost snímání. Hlavním těžištěm práce budou praktické kvalitativní testy parametrů, které bývaj