70 research outputs found

    Tension thickening, molecular shape, and flow birefringence of an H-shaped polymer melt in steady shear and planar extension

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    Despite recent advances in the design of extensional rheometers optimized for strain and stress controlled operation in steady, dynamic, and transient modes, obtaining reliable steady-state elongational data for macromolecular systems is still a formidable task, limiting today's approach to trial-and-error efforts rather than based on a deep understanding of the deformation processes occurring under elongation. Guided, in particular, by the need to understand the special rheology of branched polymers, we studied a model, unentangled H-shaped polyethylene melt using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations based on a recently developed rigorous statistical mechanics algorithm. The melt has been simulated under steady shear and steady planar extension, over a wide range of deformation rates. In shear, the steady-state shear viscosity is observed to decrease monotonically as the shear rate increases; furthermore, the degree of shear thinning of the viscosity and of the first- and second-normal stress coefficients is observed to be similar to that of a linear analog of the same total chain length. By contrast, in planar extension, the primary steady-state elongational viscosity ??1 is observed to exhibit a tension-thickening behavior as the elongation rate ?? increases, which we analyze here in terms of (a) perturbations in the instantaneous intrinsic chain shape and (b) differences in the stress distribution along chain contour. The maximum in the plot of ??1 with ?? occurs when the arm-stretching mode becomes active and is followed by a rather abrupt tension-thinning behavior. In contrast, the second elongational viscosity ??2 shows only a tension-thinning behavior. As an interesting point, the simulations predict the same value for the stress optical coefficient in the two flows, revealing an important rheo-optical characteristic. In agreement with experimental indications on significantly longer systems, our results confirm the importance of chain branching on the unique rheological properties of polymer melts in extension.open5

    Monte Carlo algorithm based on internal bridging moves for the atomistic simulation of thiophene oligomers and polymers

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    We introduce a powerful Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm for the atomistic simulation of bulk models of oligo- and poly-thiophenes by redesigning MC moves originally developed for considerably simpler polymer structures and architectures, such as linear and branched polyethylene, to account for the ring structure of the thiophene monomer. Elementary MC moves implemented include bias reptation of an end thiophene ring, flip of an internal thiophene ring, rotation of an end thiophene ring, concerted rotation of three thiophene rings, rigid translation of an entire molecule, rotation of an entire molecule and volume fluctuation. In the implementation of all moves we assume that thiophene ring atoms remain rigid and strictly co-planar; on the other hand, inter-ring torsion and bond bending angles remain fully flexible subject to suitable potential energy functions. Test simulations with the new algorithm of an important thiophene oligomer, {\alpha}-sexithiophene ({\alpha}-6T), at a high enough temperature (above its isotropic-to-nematic phase transition) using a new united atom model specifically developed for the purpose of this work provide predictions for the volumetric, conformational and structural properties that are remarkably close to those obtained from detailed atomistic Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations using an all-atom model. The new algorithm is particularly promising for exploring the rich (and largely unexplored) phase behavior and nanoscale ordering of very long (also more complex) thiophene-based polymers which cannot be addressed by conventional MD methods due to the extremely long relaxation times characterizing chain dynamics in these systems

    Effect of Polymer Concentration on the Structure and Dynamics of Short Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) in Aqueous Solution:A Combined Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study

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    A combined experimental and molecular dynamics (MD) study is performed to investigate the effect of polymer concentration on the zero shear rate viscosity η0 of a salt-free aqueous solution of poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA), a flexible thermoresponsive weak polyelectrolyte with a bulky 3-methyl-1,1-diphenylpentyl unit as the terminal group. The study is carried out at room temperature (T = 298 K) with relatively short PDMAEMA chains (each containing N = 20 monomers or repeat units) at a fixed degree of ionization (α+ = 100%). For the MD simulations, a thorough validation of several molecular mechanics force fields is first undertaken for assessing their capability to accurately reproduce the experimental observations and established theoretical laws. The generalized Amber force field in combination with the restrained electrostatic potential charge fitting method is eventually adopted. Three characteristic concentration regimes are considered: the dilute (from 5 to 10 wt %), the semidilute (from 10 to 20 wt %), and the concentrated (from 20 to 29 wt %); the latter two are characterized by polymer concentrations cp higher than the characteristic overlap concentration cp*. The structural behavior of the PDMAEMA chains in the solution is assessed by calculating the square root of their mean-square radius of gyration «Rg 2»0.5, the square root of the average square chain end-to-end distance «Ree 2»0.5, the ratio «Ree 2»/«Rg 2», and the persistence length Lp. It is observed that at low polymer concentrations, PDMAEMA chains adopt a stiffer and slightly extended conformation because of excluded-volume effects (a good solvent is considered in this study) and electrostatic repulsions within the polymer chains. As the polymer concentration increases above 20 wt %, the PDMAEMA chains adopt more flexible conformations, as the excluded-volume effects seize and the charge repulsion within the polymer chains subsides. The effect of total polymer concentration on PDMAEMA chain dynamics in the solution is assessed by calculating the orientational relaxation time τc of the chain, the center-of-mass diffusion coefficient D, and the zero shear rate viscosity η0; the latter is also measured experimentally here and found to be in excellent agreement with the MD predictions.</p

    Dynamic Heterogeneity in Ring-Linear Polymer Blends

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    We present results from a direct statistical analysis of long molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories for the orientational relaxation of individual ring molecules in blends with equivalent linear chains. Our analysis reveals a very broad distribution of ring relaxation times whose width increases with increasing ring/linear molecular length and increasing concentration of the blend in linear chains. Dynamic heterogeneity is also observed in the pure ring melts but to a lesser extent. The enhanced degree of dynamic heterogeneity in the blends arises from the substantial increase in the intrinsic timescales of a large subpopulation of ring molecules due to their involvement in strong threading events with a certain population of the linear chains present in the blend. Our analysis suggests that the relaxation dynamics of the rings are controlled by the different states of their threading by linear chains. Unthreaded or singly-threaded rings exhibit terminal relaxation very similar to that in their own melt, but multiply-threaded rings relax much slower due to the long lifetimes of the corresponding topological interactions. By further analyzing the MD data for ring molecule terminal relaxation in terms of the sum of simple exponential functions we have been able to quantify the characteristic relaxation times of the corresponding mechanisms contributing to ring relaxation both in their pure melts and in the blends, and their relative importance. The extra contribution due to ring-linear threadings in the blends becomes immediately apparent through such an analysis

    Quantifying chain reptation in entangled polymer melts: Topological and dynamical mapping of atomistic simulation results onto the tube model

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    The topological state of entangled polymers has been analyzed recently in terms of primitive paths which allowed obtaining reliable predictions of the static (statistical) properties of the underlying entanglement network for a number of polymer melts. Through a systematic methodology that first maps atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories onto time trajectories of primitive chains and then documents primitive chain motion in terms of a curvilinear diffusion in a tubelike region around the coarse-grained chain contour, we are extending these static approaches here even further by computing the most fundamental function of the reptation theory, namely, the probability ?? (s,t) that a segment s of the primitive chain remains inside the initial tube after time t, accounting directly for contour length fluctuations and constraint release. The effective diameter of the tube is independently evaluated by observing tube constraints either on atomistic displacements or on the displacement of primitive chain segments orthogonal to the initial primitive path. Having computed the tube diameter, the tube itself around each primitive path is constructed by visiting each entanglement strand along the primitive path one after the other and approximating it by the space of a small cylinder having the same axis as the entanglement strand itself and a diameter equal to the estimated effective tube diameter. Reptation of the primitive chain longitudinally inside the effective constraining tube as well as local transverse fluctuations of the chain driven mainly from constraint release and regeneration mechanisms are evident in the simulation results; the latter causes parts of the chains to venture outside their average tube surface for certain periods of time. The computed ?? (s,t) curves account directly for both of these phenomena, as well as for contour length fluctuations, since all of them are automatically captured in the atomistic simulations. Linear viscoelastic properties such as the zero shear rate viscosity and the spectra of storage and loss moduli obtained on the basis of the obtained ?? (s,t) curves for three different polymer melts (polyethylene, cis-1,4-polybutadiene, and trans-1,4-polybutadiene) are consistent with experimental rheological data and in qualitative agreement with the double reptation and dual constraint models. The new methodology is general and can be routinely applied to analyze primitive path dynamics and chain reptation in atomistic trajectories (accumulated through long MD simulations) of other model polymers or polymeric systems (e.g., bidisperse, branched, grafted, etc.); it is thus believed to be particularly useful in the future in evaluating proposed tube models and developing more accurate theories for entangled systems.open342

    Multiscale simulation of polymer melt viscoelasticity: Expanded-ensemble Monte Carlo coupled with atomistic nonequilibrium molecular dynamics

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    We present a powerful framework for computing the viscoelastic properties of polymer melts based on an efficient coupling of two different atomistic models: the first is represented by the nonequilibrium molecular dynamics method and is considered as the microscale model. The second is represented by a Monte Carlo (MC) method in an expanded statistical ensemble and is free from any long time scale constraints. Guided by recent developments in nonequilibrium thermodynamics, the expanded ensemble incorporates appropriately defined "field" variables driving the corresponding structural variables to beyond equilibrium steady states. The expanded MC is considered as the macroscale solver for the family of all viscoelastic models built on the given structural variable(s). The explicit form of the macroscopic model is not needed; only its structure in the context of the general equation for the nonequilibrium reversible irreversible coupling or generalized bracket formalisms of nonequilibrium thermodynamics is required. We illustrate the method here for the case of unentangled linear polymer melts, for which the appropriate structural variable to consider is the conformation tensor c???. The corresponding Lagrange multiplier is a tensorial field ??. We have been able to compute model-independent values of the tensor ??, which for a wide range of strain rates (covering both the linear and the nonlinear viscoelastic regimes) bring results for the overall polymer conformation from the two models (microscale and macroscale) on top of each other. In a second step, by comparing the computed values of ?? with those suggested by the macroscopic model addressed by the chosen structural variable(s), we can identify shortcomings in the building blocks of the model. How to modify the macroscopic model in order to be consistent with the results of the coupled micro-macro simulations is also discussed. From a theoretical point of view, the present multiscale modeling approach provides a solid framework for the design of improved, more accurate macroscopic models for polymer melts.open151

    Relativistic hydrodynamics from the single-generator bracket formalism of nonequilibrium thermodynamics

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    We employ the generalized bracket formalism of nonequilibrium thermodynamics by Beris and Edwards to derive Lorentz-covariant time-evolution equations for an imperfect fluid with viscosity, dilatational viscosity, and thermal conductivity. Following closely the analysis presented by Öttinger (Physica A, 259, 1998, 24–42; Physica A, 254, 1998, 433–450) to the same problem but for the GENERIC formalism, we include in the set of hydrodynamic variables a covariant vector playing the role of a generalized thermal force and a covariant tensor closely related to the velocity gradient tensor. In our work here, we derive first the nonrelativistic equations and then we proceed to obtain the relativistic ones by elevating the thermal variable to a four-vector, the mechanical force variable to a four-by-four tensor, and by representing the Hamiltonian of the system with the time component of the energy-momentum tensor. For the Poisson and dissipation brackets we assume the same general structure as in the nonrelativistic case, but with the phenomenological coefficients in the dissipation bracket describing friction to heat and viscous effects being properly constrained for the resulting dynamic equations to be manifest Lorentz-covariant. The final relativistic equations are identical to those derived by Öttinger but the present approach seems to be more general in the sense that one could think of alternative forms of the phenomenological coefficients describing friction that could ensure Lorentz-covariance.ISSN:0340-0204ISSN:1437-435

    Using Monte Carlo to Simulate Complex Polymer Systems: Recent Progress and Outlook

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    Metropolis Monte Carlo has been employed with remarkable success over the years to simulate the dense phases of polymer systems. Owing, in particular, to the freedom it provides to accelerate sampling in phase space through the clever design and proper implementation of even unphysical moves that take the system completely away from its natural trajectory, and despite that it cannot provide any direct information about dynamics, it has turned to a powerful simulation tool today, often viewed as an excellent alternative to the other, most popular method of Molecular Dynamics. In the last years, Monte Carlo has advanced considerably thanks to the design of new moves or to the efficient implementation of existing ones to considerably more complex systems than those for which these were originally proposed. In this short review, we highlight recent progress in the field (with a clear emphasis in the last 10 years or so) by presenting examples from applications of the method to several systems in Soft Matter, such as polymer nanocomposites, soft nanostructured materials, confined polymers, polymer rings and knots, hydrogels and networks, crystalline polymers, and many others. We highlight, in particular, extensions of the method to non-equilibrium systems (e.g., polymers under steady shear flow) guided by non-equilibrium thermodynamics and emphasize the importance of hybrid modeling schemes (e.g., coupled Monte Carlo simulations with field theoretic calculations). We also include a short section discussing some key remaining challenges plus interesting future opportunities.ISSN:2296-424