85 research outputs found
Evolution and biogeography of mammals
U ovom radu sam pisala o biogeografiji i o novim saznanjima na području evolucije sisavaca. Znanstvenici su dali mnoge odgovore ali je ostalo još dosta bitnih i neriješenih pitanja vezanih za njihovu evoluciju. Podaci dobiveni iz njihovog razvojnog niza možemo koristiti kao model za razvoj filogenetski stabala drugih skupina kao i za evoluciju samog čovjeka.In this article I wrote about the biogeography and new conclusions in the evolution of mammals. Scientists have given many answers, but there remains a lot of important and unresolved issues related to their evolution. informations obtained from their development can be used as a model for the development of phylogenetic tree of other groups, as well as the evolution of people
Purpose: This paper examines the philosophy behind multinational companies’ global knowledge flows, highlighting links between external actors’ knowledge and expatriate managers’ actions. Applying philosophical pragmatism as a theoretical background, expatriate managers’ perception of external actors’ knowledge is presented as a tool enabling successful knowledge transfer. Design/methodology/approach: Data obtained via a survey on a sample of expatriate managers in Croatia is used. Using a partial least square structural equation modeling method, the correlations between external actors’ impact and subsidiary investment and headquarter benefits are explored. Findings and implications: Expatriate managers believe that headquarters benefit from a stronger impact of external actors on subsidiaries and an increase in subsidiaries’ internal investment. Our findings direct managers towards the harmonization of their priorities, highlighting the importance of inter- and intra-organizational agreements, suggesting that financial means should be directed towards widening internal knowledge bases and exploiting the potential of external knowledge. Limitations: Expats relevance perception priorities may be disrupted when headquarters impose performance evaluation criteria. This paper is also subject to expatriate managers’ experience limitations, which decreases their likelihood of recognizing relevant knowledge. Originality/value: Focusing on the psychology of expatriate managers, this paper introduces philosophical pragmatism as a theoretical framework underpinning successful knowledge transfer actions. Originating from pragmatism, successful actions are made through a manager’s perception of relevant knowledge. Expatriate managers’ actions are thus not passive reflections of their reality, but rather the result of their
perception of relevant knowledge.Svrha: Ovaj rad istražuje filozofiju globalnih tokova znanja multinacionalnih
kompanija, fokusirajući se na adsorpciju znanja od vanjskih aktera te aktivnosti
ekspatrijata. Primjenjujući filozofski pragmatizam kao teorijsku pozadinu, percepcija
ekspatrijata predstavljena je kao alat koji omogućava uspješan prijenos znanja.
Dizajn/Metodologija/Pristup: Korišteni su podaci prikupljeni anketnim
upitnikom na uzorku ekspatrijata u Republici Hrvatskoj. Za izračun korelacije vanjskih
aktera, odnosno investicija podružnice i koristi središnjice, primijenjena je metoda
parcijalnih strukturnih jednadžbi.
Rezultati i implikacije: Ekspatrijati smatraju kako koristi za središnjicu
multinacionalne kompanije dolaze od snažnijeg utjecaja vanjskih aktera na podružnicu
te rasta investicija podružnica. Rezultati upućuju na nužnost harmonizacije prioriteta
podružnice i središnjice. Također, naglašava važnost proširivanja inter-organizacijske
ali i intra-organizacijske suradnje ulaganjem u rast interne baze znanja.
Ograničenja: Ovaj rad oslanja se na istraživanje percepcije ekspatrijata o
relevantnosti znanja s kojim se susreću, međutim, uvođenjem evaluacijskih kriterija od
strane središnjice, prioriteti expatrijata mogu biti nametnuti, te njihova percepcija može
izgubiti na važnosti. Također, limitirano iskustvo ekspatrijata može utjecati sposobnost
fokusiranja na važno znanje.
Originalnost rada: Fokusirajući se na psihološku komponentu expatriajata, ovaj
rad uvodi filozofski pragmatizam kao teoretski okvir za uspješan transfer znanja.
Potječući iz pragmatizma, uspješni potezi rezultat su percepciju relevantnog znanja
menadžera. Postupci ekspatrijata nisu pasivni odraz njihove stvarnosti, već rezultat
percepcije relevantnog znanja
Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost tjelovježbe, sagorijevanja na poslu i mentalnog zdravlja te ispitati mogućnost predviđanja mentalnog zdravlja na temelju tjelovježbe i sagorijevanja na poslu kod učitelja koji su zaposleni u osnovnoj školi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 138 sudionika dobi od 24 do 64 godine. Utvrđeni rezultati pokazuju kako učitelji koji imaju nižu razinu mentalnog zdravlja ujedno izvještavaju o značajno većem doživljaju sagorijevanja na poslu (dimenzije psihološke iscrpljenosti i otuđenosti) te su manje skloni tjelovježbi
Evolution and biogeography of mammals
U ovom radu sam pisala o biogeografiji i o novim saznanjima na području evolucije sisavaca. Znanstvenici su dali mnoge odgovore ali je ostalo još dosta bitnih i neriješenih pitanja vezanih za njihovu evoluciju. Podaci dobiveni iz njihovog razvojnog niza možemo koristiti kao model za razvoj filogenetski stabala drugih skupina kao i za evoluciju samog čovjeka.In this article I wrote about the biogeography and new conclusions in the evolution of mammals. Scientists have given many answers, but there remains a lot of important and unresolved issues related to their evolution. informations obtained from their development can be used as a model for the development of phylogenetic tree of other groups, as well as the evolution of people
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Introduction to the open innovation paradigm
This chapter introduces the teacher and the student to the open innovation paradigm. It points out the rationale for open innovation from the historical point of view and describes the differences between closed and open innovation. As open innovation has been observed in numerous contexts, this chapter addresses theories related to open innovation on one side and practical implications on the other. We discuss the incentives for firms to engage in open innovation, as well as the shortcomings from engaging in it.
Competitiveness results from generating value propositions that differ from competitors’ value propositions. Innovation increases the customers’ value propositions and generates revenues for innovators or owners of innovation (Schumpeter, 1934). Innovation also generates value to the society, even if the innovator does not capture the majority of its profits (Teece, 1986). This chapter first defines innovation and then explains how open innovation helps firms to innovate easier and faster.
Section 3.1.1. “Why open innovation?” defines innovation and describes how firms innovate. It augments the historical perspectives on innovation by depicting the differences between linear technology-driven innovation, linear market-driven innovation and the chain link model of innovation, thereby portraying the rationale for the theory of open innovation.. Section 3.1.2. “What is open innovation?” defines open innovation by presenting the differences between open and closed innovation on one side, and inbound, coupled and outbound innovation on the other side. Section 3.1.3. “Main incentives for open innovation” explains how firms benefit from engaging in open innovation, as well as the conditions that need to be satisfied for firms to extract value from open innovation. Section 3.1.4. “Open innovation in a broader context” describes theories that adopt or can be associated with open innovation. Section 3.1.5. “Critique to open innovation theory” exemplifies the drawbacks of the open innovation theory by explaining theoretical shortcomings and managerial implications
Evolution and biogeography of mammals
U ovom radu sam pisala o biogeografiji i o novim saznanjima na području evolucije sisavaca. Znanstvenici su dali mnoge odgovore ali je ostalo još dosta bitnih i neriješenih pitanja vezanih za njihovu evoluciju. Podaci dobiveni iz njihovog razvojnog niza možemo koristiti kao model za razvoj filogenetski stabala drugih skupina kao i za evoluciju samog čovjeka.In this article I wrote about the biogeography and new conclusions in the evolution of mammals. Scientists have given many answers, but there remains a lot of important and unresolved issues related to their evolution. informations obtained from their development can be used as a model for the development of phylogenetic tree of other groups, as well as the evolution of people
MPLS VPN Network Simulation Using Program Application GNS3
U diplomskom radu opisat će se trendovi jezgrenih mreža pružatelja Internet usluga (engl. Internet Service Provider, kratica ISP), karakteristike i funkcije MPLS-a (engl. MultiProtocol Label Switching) te aplikacijska proširenja (traffic engineering, MPLS - Transport Profile i dr.) na temelju MPLS tehnologije. Za potrebe izrade simulacija napravit će se virtualna konfiguracija MPLS okosnice u emulatoru GNS3. Analizirat će se mogućnosti planiranja i primjene MPLS mreže pomoću emulatora odnosno grafičkog mrežnog simulatora GNS3. Potrebno je provesti istraživanje performansi i mogućnosti primjene u funkciji planiranja MPLS VPN mreže na temelju različitih scenarija korištenjem emulatora/grafičkog mrežnog simulatora GNS3. U završnoj fazi rada očekuje se analiza mrežnog prometa pomoću mrežnog analizatora WireShark.In this work will be described the trends of packet core inInternet Service Providers environment, then characteristics and functions of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) and application extensions (traffic engineering, MPLS - Transport Profile and others) based on MPLS technology. For the purposes of the network planning will be made configuration of MPLS backbone in the network simulator. There will be analyzed of possibilities for planning and implementation of MPLS VPN networks using an emulator called GNS3. In the function of planning MPLS VPN networks based on different scenarios will be also used GNS3. In the final phase of work is expected to analyze network traffic using a network analyzer Wireshark
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