12 research outputs found

    QUALINET white paper on definitions of Immersive Media Experience (IMEx)

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    With the coming of age of virtual/augmented reality and interactive media, numerous definitions, frameworks, and models of immersion have emerged across different fields ranging from computer graphics to literary works. Immersion is oftentimes used interchangeably with presence as both concepts are closely related. However, there are noticeable interdisciplinary differences regarding definitions, scope, and constituents that are required to be addressed so that a coherent understanding of the concepts can be achieved. Such consensus is vital for paving the directionality of the future of immersive media experiences (IMEx) and all related matters. The aim of this white paper is to provide a survey of definitions of immersion and presence which leads to a definition of immersive media experience (IMEx). The Quality of Experience (QoE) for immersive media is described by establishing a relationship between the concepts of QoE and IMEx followed by application areas of immersive media experience. Influencing factors on immersive media experience are elaborated as well as the assessment of immersive media experience. Finally, standardization activities related to IMEx are highlighted and the white paper is concluded with an outlook related to future developments

    Procjena iskustvene kvalitete igara u virtualnoj stvarnosti

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    Over the last decade, numerous consumer-grade VR systems have emerged on the market, offering affordable prices with the promise of providing a highly immersive experience. However, consumers have remained reluctant to invest in personal VR devices. The issue of inadequate user satisfaction with currently available systems and services highlights the need for further research in the field of Quality of Experience (QoE) for immersive media such as VR. To better understand the ways in which QoE for VR differs from QoE for non-immersive platforms, it is necessary to consider the defining characteristics of this technology - from its multimodal interactivity to its obtrusiveness. This thesis proposes a three-tier set of models illustrating the possible relationships between QoE influence factors, QoE features, QoE constituents, and the overall QoE for VR gaming. Using subjective and objective measures, selected relationships proposed in the models were investigated over the course of multiple user studies, with a focus on the negative consequences of VR gaming, the quality of interaction mechanics in terms of fun, comfort, and workload, as well as the impact of network degradation and social context on the overall experience. In addition to presenting research outcomes, this thesis introduces a taxonomy of VR interaction mechanics, provides guidelines for their implementation and evaluation, and addresses the challenges encountered when conducting multiplayer user studies.Tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća na tržištu su se pojavili brojni sustavi za virtualnu stvarnost (VR), predstavljeni po pristupačnim cijenama uz obećanje visokog stupnja imerzije, odnosno percepcije uronjenosti u virtualni svijet. Međutim, do danas, potrošači još uvijek oklijevaju s ulaganjem u osobne VR uređaje. Problematika nezadovoljstva korisnika trenutno dostupnim sustavima i uslugama naglašava potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjem u području iskustvene kvalitete (engl. Quality of Experience, skraćeno QoE) za imerzivne medije poput VR-a. Kako bismo bolje razumjeli načine na koje se QoE za VR razlikuje od QoE-a za neimerzivne platforme, potrebno je razmotriti definirajuće karakteristike ove tehnologije - od multimodalne interaktivnosti do nametljivosti. Ova disertacija predlaže troslojni skup modela koji ilustriraju moguće odnose između ukupne iskustvene kvalitete te njezinih sastavnica, značajki i čimbenika, specifično za uslugu igranja u VR-u. Korištenjem subjektivnih i objektivnih mjera, odabrane veze predložene u modelima istražene su višestrukim korisničkim studijama, s fokusom na negativne posljedice igranja u VR-u, kvalitetu interakcijskih mehanika obzirom na zabavu, ugodu i radno opterećenje, te učinak mrežne degradacije i društvenog konteksta na ukupno iskustvo. Uz rezultate korisničkih studija, u disertaciji je predstavljena i kategorizacija interakcijskih mehanika u VR-u, osmišljene smjernice za njihovu implementaciju i evaluaciju, te analizirani izazovi pri provođenju korisničkih studija s više istovremenih igrača

    Quality of Experience Evaluation of Multiplayer Virtual Reality Based Games

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    U ovom su radu analizirani izazovi koji se pojavljuju prilikom razvoja umreženih višekorisničkih igara u virtualnoj stvarnosti te su proučene najčešće mrežne arhitekture i protokoli za prijenos podataka korišteni prilikom njihova razvoja. Na temelju snimljenog mrežnog prometa analizirana je mrežna arhitektura postojeće umrežene višekorisničke aplikacije u virtualnoj stvarnosti. U alatu Unity razvijena su dva prototipa višekorisničke umrežene igre u virtualnoj stvarnosti: kooperativni prototip i prototip igrač protiv igrača. Kooperativni prototip temelji se na međusobnoj suradnji igrača koji zajednički rješavaju jednostavni matematički zadatak. Prototip igrač protiv igrača temelji se na međusobnoj borbi igrača koji pokušavaju poraziti jedan drugoga gađajući se objektima. Za umrežavanje izrađenih aplikacija korišten je paket Photon Unity Networking. Osmišljeno je i provedeno ispitivanje čiji je cilj utvrditi kako mrežno kašnjenje kod višekorisničkih umreženih igara temeljenih na virtualnoj stvarnosti utječe na iskustvenu kvalitetu korisnika i njegovu želju za nastavkom ili prekidom igre, te na vrijeme trajanja i ishod igre. Ispitivanje je provedeno na primjeru igre Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, a u njemu su sudjelovale 24 osobe.This thesis analyzes the challenging aspects of developing a networked multiplayer game in Virtual Reality (VR) and explores the most commonly used network architectures and networking protocols. An existing networked multiplayer VR game has been analyzed based on the captured network traffic. Two networked multiplayer VR game prototypes were created based on different types of gameplay: cooperative and Player vs. Player. The cooperative prototype requires players to work together to solve a simple mathematic problem. The Player vs. Player prototype requires players to fight against each other by aiming objects at each other’s avatars. The game prototypes were made in Unity, using the Photon Unity Networking package. A study was designed to assess the effects of networking delay on the quality of experience for networked multiplayer VR games. The participants were asked to rate their perceived quality of experience and decide whether they would continue playing the game under the given circumstances. The duration and the outcome of the game were also noted. The study was conducted on 24 participants using the game Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope

    Application for the vizualization of network link state with support for display on the Oculus Rift platform

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    U ovom radu analizirane su mane tradicionalnih metoda učenja u odnosu na metode učenja osnovane na elementima igara. Objašnjeni su koncepti gamifikacije i učenja baziranog na igrama. S ciljem olakšavanja učenja studentima kolegija Komunikacijske mreže napravljeno je idejno rješenje u kojemu je razrađen koncept i osmišljen dizajn obrazovne aplikacije za vizualizaciju stanja mrežne poveznice. Objašnjene su karakteristike slojevitih mrežnih arhitektura, a osobito TCP/IP referentnog modela na kojem se bazira aplikacija. Pomoću razvojnog okruženja Unity implementiran je prototip obrazovne aplikacije, prilagođen platformi Oculus Rift. Kako bi studentu približila apstraktan koncept informacija koje putuju slojevima interneta, izrađena je trodimenzionalna interaktivna vizualizacija inspirirana prijevozom poštanskih paketa. Aplikacija omogućava korisniku orijentaciju i kretanje na tri scene koje predstavljaju vizualni prikaz tri različita sloja mreže te pregled podataka o pojedinačnim jedinicama podataka, prikazanim kao fizički paketi koji putuju na pokretnim trakama između različitih adresa.This thesis analyzes the disadvantages of traditional learning methods in respect to learning methods based on the elements of games. It explains the concepts of gamification and game-based learning. To facilitate learning to students of the Communication Networks course at FER, the preliminary design has been made, including the concept and design o an educational application for the visualization of network link state. The characteristics of a layered network architecture have been explained, especially the TCP/IP reference model on which the application is based. Using the Unity development environment, a prototype of the educational application has been implemented, tailored to the Oculus Rift platform. In order to explain to students the abstract concept of information traveling through the layers of the Internet, a three-dimensional interactive visualization inspired by the transportation of postalpackages is presented. The application allows the user orientation and movement within three scenes and gives a visual representation of three different network layers and information about individual units of data, represented as physical packets that travel on conveyor belts between different addresses

    Quality of Experience Evaluation of Multiplayer Virtual Reality Based Games

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    U ovom su radu analizirani izazovi koji se pojavljuju prilikom razvoja umreženih višekorisničkih igara u virtualnoj stvarnosti te su proučene najčešće mrežne arhitekture i protokoli za prijenos podataka korišteni prilikom njihova razvoja. Na temelju snimljenog mrežnog prometa analizirana je mrežna arhitektura postojeće umrežene višekorisničke aplikacije u virtualnoj stvarnosti. U alatu Unity razvijena su dva prototipa višekorisničke umrežene igre u virtualnoj stvarnosti: kooperativni prototip i prototip igrač protiv igrača. Kooperativni prototip temelji se na međusobnoj suradnji igrača koji zajednički rješavaju jednostavni matematički zadatak. Prototip igrač protiv igrača temelji se na međusobnoj borbi igrača koji pokušavaju poraziti jedan drugoga gađajući se objektima. Za umrežavanje izrađenih aplikacija korišten je paket Photon Unity Networking. Osmišljeno je i provedeno ispitivanje čiji je cilj utvrditi kako mrežno kašnjenje kod višekorisničkih umreženih igara temeljenih na virtualnoj stvarnosti utječe na iskustvenu kvalitetu korisnika i njegovu želju za nastavkom ili prekidom igre, te na vrijeme trajanja i ishod igre. Ispitivanje je provedeno na primjeru igre Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, a u njemu su sudjelovale 24 osobe.This thesis analyzes the challenging aspects of developing a networked multiplayer game in Virtual Reality (VR) and explores the most commonly used network architectures and networking protocols. An existing networked multiplayer VR game has been analyzed based on the captured network traffic. Two networked multiplayer VR game prototypes were created based on different types of gameplay: cooperative and Player vs. Player. The cooperative prototype requires players to work together to solve a simple mathematic problem. The Player vs. Player prototype requires players to fight against each other by aiming objects at each other’s avatars. The game prototypes were made in Unity, using the Photon Unity Networking package. A study was designed to assess the effects of networking delay on the quality of experience for networked multiplayer VR games. The participants were asked to rate their perceived quality of experience and decide whether they would continue playing the game under the given circumstances. The duration and the outcome of the game were also noted. The study was conducted on 24 participants using the game Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope

    Application for the vizualization of network link state with support for display on the Oculus Rift platform

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    U ovom radu analizirane su mane tradicionalnih metoda učenja u odnosu na metode učenja osnovane na elementima igara. Objašnjeni su koncepti gamifikacije i učenja baziranog na igrama. S ciljem olakšavanja učenja studentima kolegija Komunikacijske mreže napravljeno je idejno rješenje u kojemu je razrađen koncept i osmišljen dizajn obrazovne aplikacije za vizualizaciju stanja mrežne poveznice. Objašnjene su karakteristike slojevitih mrežnih arhitektura, a osobito TCP/IP referentnog modela na kojem se bazira aplikacija. Pomoću razvojnog okruženja Unity implementiran je prototip obrazovne aplikacije, prilagođen platformi Oculus Rift. Kako bi studentu približila apstraktan koncept informacija koje putuju slojevima interneta, izrađena je trodimenzionalna interaktivna vizualizacija inspirirana prijevozom poštanskih paketa. Aplikacija omogućava korisniku orijentaciju i kretanje na tri scene koje predstavljaju vizualni prikaz tri različita sloja mreže te pregled podataka o pojedinačnim jedinicama podataka, prikazanim kao fizički paketi koji putuju na pokretnim trakama između različitih adresa.This thesis analyzes the disadvantages of traditional learning methods in respect to learning methods based on the elements of games. It explains the concepts of gamification and game-based learning. To facilitate learning to students of the Communication Networks course at FER, the preliminary design has been made, including the concept and design o an educational application for the visualization of network link state. The characteristics of a layered network architecture have been explained, especially the TCP/IP reference model on which the application is based. Using the Unity development environment, a prototype of the educational application has been implemented, tailored to the Oculus Rift platform. In order to explain to students the abstract concept of information traveling through the layers of the Internet, a three-dimensional interactive visualization inspired by the transportation of postalpackages is presented. The application allows the user orientation and movement within three scenes and gives a visual representation of three different network layers and information about individual units of data, represented as physical packets that travel on conveyor belts between different addresses

    Application for the vizualization of network link state with support for display on the Oculus Rift platform

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    U ovom radu analizirane su mane tradicionalnih metoda učenja u odnosu na metode učenja osnovane na elementima igara. Objašnjeni su koncepti gamifikacije i učenja baziranog na igrama. S ciljem olakšavanja učenja studentima kolegija Komunikacijske mreže napravljeno je idejno rješenje u kojemu je razrađen koncept i osmišljen dizajn obrazovne aplikacije za vizualizaciju stanja mrežne poveznice. Objašnjene su karakteristike slojevitih mrežnih arhitektura, a osobito TCP/IP referentnog modela na kojem se bazira aplikacija. Pomoću razvojnog okruženja Unity implementiran je prototip obrazovne aplikacije, prilagođen platformi Oculus Rift. Kako bi studentu približila apstraktan koncept informacija koje putuju slojevima interneta, izrađena je trodimenzionalna interaktivna vizualizacija inspirirana prijevozom poštanskih paketa. Aplikacija omogućava korisniku orijentaciju i kretanje na tri scene koje predstavljaju vizualni prikaz tri različita sloja mreže te pregled podataka o pojedinačnim jedinicama podataka, prikazanim kao fizički paketi koji putuju na pokretnim trakama između različitih adresa.This thesis analyzes the disadvantages of traditional learning methods in respect to learning methods based on the elements of games. It explains the concepts of gamification and game-based learning. To facilitate learning to students of the Communication Networks course at FER, the preliminary design has been made, including the concept and design o an educational application for the visualization of network link state. The characteristics of a layered network architecture have been explained, especially the TCP/IP reference model on which the application is based. Using the Unity development environment, a prototype of the educational application has been implemented, tailored to the Oculus Rift platform. In order to explain to students the abstract concept of information traveling through the layers of the Internet, a three-dimensional interactive visualization inspired by the transportation of postalpackages is presented. The application allows the user orientation and movement within three scenes and gives a visual representation of three different network layers and information about individual units of data, represented as physical packets that travel on conveyor belts between different addresses

    The Impact of Network Latency on Gaming QoE for an FPS VR Game

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    In this paper we present the results of two user studies aimed at exploring the effects of network latency on user experience in a First Person Shooter Virtual Reality multiplayer game. In both studies we observed the following metrics: Quality of Experience (QoE), willingness to continue playing in given network conditions, and the final outcome of the game (survival/ death). After conducting the first study, we concluded that test methodology and contextual factors (e.g., social context, level of difficulty, weapon choice) may have had a strong influence on perceived QoE, subsequently causing inconclusive results. Therefore, we aimed to mitigate those factors through different methodology choices in the second study, which led to more conclusive, statistically significant results, indicating that user experience for the chosen game begins to suffer in cases of latency greater than approx. 100 ms (round trip time between client and server). In addition to the analysis of acquired results, we discuss the significance of methodology and context when conducting studies exploring gaming QoE in multiplayer environments

    The Impact of Network Latency on Gaming QoE for an FPS VR Game

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    In this paper we present the results of two user studies aimed at exploring the effects of network latency on user experience in a First Person Shooter Virtual Reality multiplayer game. In both studies we observed the following metrics: Quality of Experience (QoE), willingness to continue playing in given network conditions, and the final outcome of the game (survival/ death). After conducting the first study, we concluded that test methodology and contextual factors (e.g., social context, level of difficulty, weapon choice) may have had a strong influence on perceived QoE, subsequently causing inconclusive results. Therefore, we aimed to mitigate those factors through different methodology choices in the second study, which led to more conclusive, statistically significant results, indicating that user experience for the chosen game begins to suffer in cases of latency greater than approx. 100 ms (round trip time between client and server). In addition to the analysis of acquired results, we discuss the significance of methodology and context when conducting studies exploring gaming QoE in multiplayer environments

    Direct glyphosate soil monitoring at the triazine-based covalent organic framework with the theoretical study of sensing principle

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    Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are emerging as promising sensing materials due to their controllable structure and function properties, as well as excellent physicochemical characteristics. Here, specific interactions between a triazine-based COF and a mass-used herbicide – glyphosate (GLY) have been utilized to design a disposable sensing platform for GLY detection. This herbicide has been extensively used for decades, however, its harmful environmental impact and toxicity to humans have been recently proven, conditioning the necessity for the strict control and monitoring of its use and its presence in soil, water, and food. Glyphosate is an organophosphorus compound, and its detection in complex matrices usually requires laborious pretreatment. Here, we developed a direct, miniaturized, robust, and green approach for disposable electrochemical sensing of glyphosate, utilizing COF’s ability to selectively capture and concentrate negatively charged glyphosate molecules inside its nanopores. This process generates the concentration gradient of GLY, accelerating its diffusion towards the electrode surface. Simultaneously, specific COF-glyphosate binding catalyses the oxidative cleavage of the C–P bond and, together with pore nanoconfinement, enables sensitive glyphosate detection. Detailed sensing principles and selectiveness were scrutinized using DFT-based modelling. The proposed electrochemical method has a linear working range from 0.1 μM to 10 μM, a low limit of detection of 96 nM, and a limit of quantification of 320 nM. The elaborated sensing approach is viable for use in real sample matrices and tested for GLY determination in soil and water samples, without pretreatment, preparation, or purification. The results showed the practical usefulness of the sensor in the real sample analysis and suggested its suitability for possible out-oflaboratory sensing