14 research outputs found

    Increase efficiency heating systems target building

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    There is keen interest in the use of amorphous WO3 thin films as cathodic electrodes in transmittance-modulating electrochromic devices1–4. However, these films suer from ion-trapping-induced degradation of optical modulation and reversibility on extended LiC-ion exchange. Here,we demonstrate that ion-trapping-induced degradation, which is commonly believed to be irreversible, can be successfully eliminatedby constant-current-driven de-trapping; that is, WO3 films can be rejuvenated and regain their initial highly reversible electrochromic performance. Pronounced ion trapping occurs when x exceeds 0.65 in LixWO3 during ion insertion. We find two main kinds of Li+-ion-trapping site (intermediate and deep) in WO3, where the intermediate ones are most prevalent. Li+ ions can be completely removed from intermediate traps but are irreversibly bound in deep traps. Our results provide a general framework for developing and designing superior electrochromic materials and devices

    Methodological aspects of aeronautical system upgrade

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    This article is devoted to the methodological aspects of upgrading aircraft, including the complex of mathematical methods, algorithms and criteria which allow the objective of the assigned research problem to be met. Santrauka Šiame straipsnyje nagrinejami metodologiniai orlaiviu modernizavimo aspektai, iskaitant matematiniu metodu, algoritmu ir kriteriju kompleksa, kuris leidžia priimti tam tikra mokslini sprendima. First Publish Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: aviacijos sistemos, imuninis algoritmas, klonu imuninis algoritmas, Bajeso tinklai, projektu valdymas, efektyvumas, kokybe ir skrydžiu saugos kriterijai, sprendimu priemimo ir optimizavimo metoda


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    The importance of keeping public finances at the appropriate level to ensure a high competitive status of countries and regions is shown in the article. According to experts methodological researches provided by Institute of Management (IMD - Lausanne, Switzerland) the author's offers his own approach to the assessment of public finances as a factor in the international competitiveness of the country and its regions. The method of assessment of the competitive potential of public finances is recommended. The authors define an assessment of the international competitiveness of Ukraine and its regions by significant indicators of public finances (deficit / surplus of the state budget, implementation of state and local budgets amount of intergovernmental transfers, public debt, the level of tax expenditures and social foundations of public administration). The strategic direction of increasing the international competitiveness of Ukraine's and its regions is determined through the improvement of public finances.Показана важность поддержания состояния государственных финансов на должном уровне для обеспечения высокого конкурентного статуса стран и регионов. Согласно методологическими установками специалистов Института развития менеджмента (ИРМ - Лозанна, Швейцария) представлен авторский подход к оценке государственных финансов как фактора международной конкурентоспособности страны и ее регионов. Предложена методика оценки конкурентного потенциала государственных финансов. Приведена оценка международной конкурентоспособности Украины и ее регионов по весомыми индикаторами состояния государственных финансов (дефицит / профицит государственного бюджета, выполнение доходов государственного и местных бюджетов, объем межбюджетных трансфертов, государственный долг, уровень уплаты налогов, расходы социальных фондов и системы государственного управления). Определены стратегические направления повышения международной конкурентоспособности Украины и ее регионов на основе улучшения состояния государственных финансов.Показано важливість підтримання стану державних фінансів на належному рівні для забезпечення високого конкурентного статусу країн і регіонів. Згідно з методологічними установками фахівців Інституту розвитку менеджменту (ІРМ – Лозанна, Швейцарія) представлено авторський підхід до оцінювання державних фінансів як чинника міжнародної конкурентоспроможності країни та її регіонів. Запропоновано методику оцінювання конкурентного потенціалу державних фінансів. Наведено оцінку міжнародної конкурентоспроможності України та її регіонів за вагомими індикаторами стану державних фінансів (дефіцит / профіцит державного бюджету, виконання доходів державного і місцевих бюджетів, обсяг міжбюджетних трансфертів, державний борг, рівень сплати податків, видатки соціальних фондів і системи державного управління). Визначено стратегічні напрями підвищення міжнародної конкурентоспроможності України та її регіонів на основі покращення стану державних фінансів

    Immunity of coherent stroboscopic processing system of ultra wideband signals during synchronous mode

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    Analyze of the radio pulse stroboscopic schema work in “synchronous” mode was made at clock interval synchronization by the second harmonic of intermediate frequency. It’s introduced relationships describing the input radio signal’s amplitude relationship during the phase modulation transforming in time during work the converter in synchronous mode. The results of semi natural modeling of the radio pulse gating system qualitative agreement with theoretical calculations

    Scheme features of radio pulse gating for radar measurements

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    The model of a radio pulse stroboscopic converter consisting of a mixer and a narrowband filter tuned to the difference frequency of the carrier signals is considered. We demonstrate that the measurement of the phase structure of the input signals can be made at low frequency by amplitude methods by changing the phase both in the channel of the gating radio pulses and in the low frequency channel. The radio-pulse gating scheme goes into a phase-sensitive mode when the system clock frequency is synchronized with the second harmonic of the difference frequency, however, in this case, a parasitic phase modulation occurs in the converted signal, which does not depend on the transformation coefficient of the spectrum and is determined only by the duty cycle of the input signal. To eliminate parasitic modulation, which distorts the envelope of the output signal of the converter in a phase-sensitive mode, it is proposed to use an auto-shift circuit with a falling “slow” sawtooth voltage when generating gating radio pulses

    Best Approximation of the Fractional Semi-Derivative Operator by Exponential Series

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    A significant reduction in the time required to obtain an estimate of the mean frequency of the spectrum of Doppler signals when seeking to measure the instantaneous velocity of dangerous near-Earth cosmic objects (NEO) is an important task being developed to counter the threat from asteroids. Spectral analysis methods have shown that the coordinate of the centroid of the Doppler signal spectrum can be found by using operations in the time domain without spectral processing. At the same time, an increase in the speed of resolving the algorithm for estimating the mean frequency of the spectrum is achieved by using fractional differentiation without spectral processing. Thus, an accurate estimate of location of the centroid for the spectrum of Doppler signals can be obtained in the time domain as the signal arrives. This paper considers the implementation of a fractional-differentiating filter of the order of ½ by a set of automation astatic transfer elements, which greatly simplifies practical implementation. Real technical devices have the ultimate time delay, albeit small in comparison with the duration of the signal. As a result, the real filter will process the signal with some error. In accordance with this, this paper introduces and uses the concept of a “pre-derivative” of ½ of magnitude. An optimal algorithm for realizing the structure of the filter is proposed based on the criterion of minimum mean square error. Relations are obtained for the quadrature coefficients that determine the structure of the filter

    Corporate real estate management during the transition in Russia

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    The article reviews corporate real estate management problems during the transitional period of the Russian society between 1991 and the present time. There are interconnected processes of forming and developing the market legislative base for a real estate market, corporative structures, and real estate management. It illustrates the strategic and operational interaction between the corporation management system and its real estate subsystem, and the functions of the corporate real estate department and managers in the top management of corporations, showing the importance of good quality information about real estate assets. Imbalance between the three results in serious problems and these have been a feature of the corporative development during this period.transition period, corporate development, legislative base, real estate management

    Project management of aeronautical system upgrade in uncertain conditions / Aeronautikos sistemų atnaujinimo projektų valdymas nepastoviomis sąlygomis

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    The article researches the project management upgrade of an aeronautical system in conditions of uncertainty. An approach based on artificial immune systems and Bayesian networks is suggested. Santrauka Straipsnyje tiriamas aeronautikos sistemų atnaujinimo projektų valdymas nepastoviomis sąlygomis. Siūloma naudoti dirbtines atsparias sistemas ir Bajeso tinklus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: aeronautikos sistema, atsparus algoritmas, klonavimui atsparus algoritmas, saugūs Bajeso tinklai, projektų valdymas, efektyvumo, kokybiniai ir skrydžių saugos kriterijai, sprendimų priėmimo ir optimizacijos metoda