603 research outputs found

    Northern Forum Annual Report 2021

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    Predictors of coronary artery disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, primary Sjogren syndrome, systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erhytematosus

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    Kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB) predstavljaju vodeći uzrok mortaliteta u svetu i najčešći vid komorbiditeta kod bolesnika sa sistemskim eritemskim lupusom (SLE), primarnim Sjögrenovim sindromom (SjS), sistemskom sklerozom (SSc) i reumatoidnim artritisom (RA). Hronična inflamacija u reumatskim bolestima može uticati na ubrzani razvoj KVB. Iako su faktori rizika za razvoj KVB u opštoj populaciji detaljno ispitivani i danas dobro poznati, kod pacijenata sa hroničnim reumatskim bolestima do sada nisu precizirani specifični faktori rizika za razvoj KVB, kao i njihova veza sa tradicionalnim faktorima rizika, čime bi se objasnila povećana incidenca KVB kod ovih bolesnika...Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in the world and the most common type of comorbidity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren's syndrome (SjS), systemic sclerosis (SSc), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Chronic inflammation in systemic rheumatic diseases can contribute to the development of CVD. Although risk factors for the CVD in the general population are well known, in patients with chronic rheumatic diseases risk factors for the CVD have not been specified as well as their connection with traditional risk factors, which would explain the increased incidence of CVD in these patients..

    Management of acromegaly

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    Acromegaly is caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone and resultant overproduction of insulin-like growth factor-1 and is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Successful treatment modalities have been developed and are used in a multistep approach allowing normal life expectancy as well as improved quality of life in an increasing number of patients

    Quality control of highly specialized works during construction

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    The article is devoted to the organization of quality control of highly specialized work on construction sites. The need to use new methods of quality control during construction is identified and justified. Special attention is paid to the shortcomings of the existing methods and tools of quality control. The main advantage of the new control method is the simplicity of organizing quality control of highly specialized works

    Clinical and genetic aspects of familial isolated pituitary adenomas

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    Pituitary adenomas represent a group of functionally diverse neoplasms with relatively high prevalence in the general population. Most occur sporadically, but inherited genetic predisposing factors are increasingly recognized. Familial isolated pituitary adenoma is a recently defined clinical entity, and is characterized by hereditary presentation of pituitary adenomas in the absence of clinical and genetic features of syndromic disease such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and Carney complex. Familial isolated pituitary adenoma is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and accounted for approximately 2–3% of pituitary tumors in some series. Germline mutations in the aryl-hydrocarbon interacting protein gene are identified in around 25% of familial isolated pituitary adenoma kindreds. Pituitary adenomas with mutations of the aryl-hydrocarbon interacting protein gene are predominantly somatotropinomas and prolactinomas, but non-functioning adenomas, Cushing disease, and thyrotropinoma may also occur. These tumors may present as macroadenomas in young patients and are often relatively difficult to control. Furthermore, recent evidence indicates that aryl-hydrocarbon interacting protein gene mutations occur in >10% of patients with sporadic macroadenomas that occur before 30 years of age, and in >20% of children with macroadenomas. Genetic screening for aryl-hydrocarbon interacting protein gene mutations is warranted in selected high-risk patients who may benefit from early recognition and follow-up

    The role of information and information technology in the management control function

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    A study of socio-economic nature of control is discussed in the article. There are revealed behavioral and managerial aspects of the control function of management in the scientific work. It contains the author's approach to the analysis of control as part of improving information flows of the company. A table comparing the role of information systems are made for the management of the company as a whole and for the control functions in particular. There are presented potential of information technologies to improve the efficiency of the control in the organization

    FusionFrames: Efficient Architectural Aspects for Text-to-Video Generation Pipeline

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    Multimedia generation approaches occupy a prominent place in artificial intelligence research. Text-to-image models achieved high-quality results over the last few years. However, video synthesis methods recently started to develop. This paper presents a new two-stage latent diffusion text-to-video generation architecture based on the text-to-image diffusion model. The first stage concerns keyframes synthesis to figure the storyline of a video, while the second one is devoted to interpolation frames generation to make movements of the scene and objects smooth. We compare several temporal conditioning approaches for keyframes generation. The results show the advantage of using separate temporal blocks over temporal layers in terms of metrics reflecting video generation quality aspects and human preference. The design of our interpolation model significantly reduces computational costs compared to other masked frame interpolation approaches. Furthermore, we evaluate different configurations of MoVQ-based video decoding scheme to improve consistency and achieve higher PSNR, SSIM, MSE, and LPIPS scores. Finally, we compare our pipeline with existing solutions and achieve top-2 scores overall and top-1 among open-source solutions: CLIPSIM = 0.2976 and FVD = 433.054. Project page: https://ai-forever.github.io/kandinsky-video/Comment: Project page: https://ai-forever.github.io/kandinsky-video

    Određivanje Co-vrednosti kao pokazatelja hranljive vrednosti paštete sterilisane uobičajenim i optimizovanim postupkom

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    Introduction. Heat treatment of food provides appropriate shelf life and safety, as well as adequate sensory properties and better digestibility, but excessive thermal processing leads to the loss of nutritive value. In practice, sterilised meat products are usually overheated, which leads to a loss of nutritive value. Therefore, it is necessary to find the optimum between the preservative effect of heat treatment and maintenance of the nutritive value of food. Control of the sterilisation efficiency is based on the Fo value, an indicator of the lethal effect of heat treatment, while the cooking (Co) value indicates a reduction of the nutritive value of heat treated products. Materials and Methods. During pâté sterilisation processes, two working heat treatment regimes were used: the regime used in regular, commercial production and an optimised regime. Heat treatment measurements were carried out using six thermocouple probes placed in the geothermal centres of six chosen cans. For each heat treatment, schematic diagrams were produced. Fo values were determined using Ellab software, and Co values by the graphic method in a semi-logarithmic Thermal Death Time diagram. Results and Conclusions. During pâté sterilisation, where the effective time was 55 minutes (regular regime) at 114 °C and 3.2 bar pressure, an average Fo value of 7.90±0.43 was achieved. By reducing the effective sterilisation time to 45 minutes (optimised regime), an average Fo value of 3.81±0.5 was achieved. Both regimes were sufficient to ensure product safety (Fo >3). The average Co value for the regular sterilisation regime was 109.83±1.33 minutes, while for the optimised regime, it was 88.67±4.27 minutes, i.e., an average reduction of 19.26%. This corresponds to a proportionally higher nutritional value of the product treated using the optimised regime. Data on the Fo and Co values achieved during the sterilisation process can make a significant contribution to obtaining products with a better nutritional value through an optimised sterilisation process, without jeopardising product safety.Uvod. Toplotna obrda obzbeđuje održivost i bezbednost kao i adekvatna senzorna svojstva i bolju svarljivost hrane, ali suviše intenzivna topltona obrada dovodi do gubitka hranljive vrednosti. U redovnoj proizvodnji, sterilisani proizvodi od mesa se uobičajeno obrađuju suviše intenzivnim postupkom toplotne obrade, što dovodi do većeg dubitka hranljive vrednosti. Iz tog razloga, neophodno je da se pronađe optimum između konzervišućeg efekta toplotne obrade i očuvanja hranljive vrednosti hrane. Kontrola efkasnosti sterilizacije se bazira na određivanju Fo vrednsoti kao pokazatelja letalnog efekta toplotne obrade, dok Co vrednost (Cooking value) pokazuje smanjenje hranljive vrednosti toplotom obrađenih proizvoda. Materijal i metode. Za vreme sterilizacije paštete, primenjena su dva radna modela: postupak 'A' koji se koristi u redovnoj proizvodnji (uobičajeni režim) i postupak 'B' (optimizovani režim). Merenja su sprovedena pomoću 6 termopar sondi, koje su smeštene u geotermalnom centru 6 odabranih konzervi. Za svaki od toplotnih tretmana, iscrtani su dijagrami. Fo vrednost je određena Ellab softverom, a Co vrednost grafčkom metodom na polulogaritamskom TDT dijagramu. Rezultati i zaključak. Rezultati su pokazali da za vreme sterilizacije paštete, gde je efektivno vreme sterilizacije trajalo 55 min (uobičajeni režim), pri 114oC i pritisku od 3,2 bara, prosečna Fo vrednost iznosila 7,90 ± 0,43. Redukovanjem efektinog vremena sterilizacije na 45 minuta (optimizovani režim), postignuta je Fo vrednsot od 3,81 ± 0,5, pri čemu su oba režima bila dovoljna da osiguraju bezbednost proizvoda (Fo> 3). Co vrednost za uobičajeni režim sterilzacije je iznosila 109,83 ± 1,33 min, a za optimizovani režim 88.67 ± 4.27 min, pri čemu je ostvaren stepen redukcije od 19,26%, što odgovara proporcijonalno većoj hranljivoj vrednosti proizvoda tretiranog redukovanim režimom. Podaci o ostvarnim Fo i Co vrednostima za vreme postupka sterilizacije mogu da daju značajan doprinos u dobijanju proizvoda sa boljom hranljivom vrednosti kroz blaže postupke sterilizacije, a da se pri tome ne ugrozi bezbednost proizvoda

    Histamin u ribi dostupnoj na tržištu Srbije u 2018. godini

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    Histamine is a biogen amin, which is formed by decarboxylation of the histidine amino acid, under the action of the L-histidine-decarboxylase enzyme. High level of free histidine in fish meat, bacterial histidin decarboxylase activity and high temperature of storage elevate the level of histamine. Among the most important factors that can affect the level of histamine in fish meat are the type of fish and the method of its preservation. In order to determine this dependence, 1030 samples of frozen fish (tuna, mackerel, sardines and sprat) and 167 samples of canned fish (tuna, sardines and mackerel) were monitored for histamine content by ELISA method. It was determined a lower concentration of histamine in frozen fish (from 5.71 mg/kg to 18.03 mg/kg) compared to canned fish (from 15.03 mg/kg to 110.6 mg/kg). The highest histamine concentrations were found in the mackerel samples, regardless of the preservation method (110.6 mg/kg in canned mackerel and 18.03 mg/kg in frozen mackerel), which were significantly higher compared to the histamine levels found in cans of tuna and sardines (p ˂0.0001). Of the total number of samples, three samples (two samples of canned sardines and one sample of canned mackerel) were declared unsafe for human health. In most of the analyzed samples, the level of determined histamine was relatively low, which confirms adequate implementation of control protocols and efficant surveillance of products placed on the Serbian market.Histamin je bioaktivni amin, koji nastaje u reakciji dekarboksilacije aminokiseline histidina, pod dejstvom enzima Lhistidin dekarboksilaze. Visok nivo slobodnog histidina u mesu ribe, aktivnost enzim produkujućih bakterija i visoke temperature skladištenja deluju predisponirajuće na sintezu histamina. Među najznačajnije faktore koji utiču na koncentraciju histamina u mesu ribe jesu vrsta ribe i metod njenog konzervisanja. U cilju utvrđivanja ove zavisnosti, uzorci zamrznute ribe (tune, skuše, sardine i papaline) i ribe u konzervi (tune, sardine i skuše) su analizirani ELISA metodom. Utvrđene su niže koncentracije histamina u uzorcima zamrznute ribe (od 5.71 mg/kg do 18.03 mg/kg) u poređenju sa konzervama od ribe (od 15.03 mg/kg do 110.6 mg/kg). Najviše koncentracije histamina su ustanovljene u uzorcima skuše, bez obzira na metod konzervisanja (110.6 mg/kg u konzervama od skuše i 18.03 mg/kg u zamrznutoj skuši), koje su bile i statistički značajno veće u odnosu na konzerve tune i konzerve sardine (p ˂0.0001). Od ukupnog broja uzoraka, samo tri uzorka (dva uzorka sardine u konzervi i jedan uzorak skuše u konzervi) su proglašeni nebezbednim za zdravlje ljudi. U najvećem broju ispitanih uzoraka izmerene su relativno niske koncentracije histamina, što ukazuje na adekvatno sprovođenje kontrole i nadzora nad proizvodima koji se plasiraju u promet na srpskom tržištu

    Development of Digital University Model in Modern Conditions: Institutional Approach

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    Currently, special attention is paid to the development of digital technologies. In the context of the pandemic, the remote, distance, digital format of work has become top requested. Those events coincided with the general trend towards total digitalization of all spheres of life, including education. New concepts have emerged and taken hold - digital education and digital university. However, a mechanism for the development of a digital university has not yet been proposed. In the present study, an institutional approach was used to analyze the problems of the development of a digital university. The research scheme was used: institutions - motivation - control. The results of the empirical study (questionnaire and survey of university entries and its partners) made it possible to identify the existing contradictions between the participants in university activities and the external environment in terms of assessing aspects of the digital development of the university, to highlight the most effective institutions, conditions of positive motivation and control mechanisms for successful digital transformation of a university. The authors propose their own version of the concept for the development of a digital university, introducing as the core of it a new scientific concept - infrastructure logic. They lay a foundation for the principles of infrastructure logic, formation mechanisms and approaches to the use of indicators of digital development based on infrastructure logic, directions for improving the strategy of digital development of the university 4.0. The conclusions and recommendations formulated in this study can be used by other educational systems and universities