234 research outputs found

    Experimental and Theoretical Study Of UV-Vis Spectra of Schiff Bases

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    The UV-Vis properties of ten Schiff bases were systematically investigated. The time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) approach in combination with the B3LYP functional was used for simulation of UV-Vis spectra of examined compounds. The shapes of the Kohn-Sham molecular orbitals involved in electronic transitions were misleading. To provide better understanding of distribution of electron density natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis was used. NLMO clusters were constructed and they represent a part of a molecule characterized with eminent electron density. The TDDFT and NBO theories are complementary, and the results from these two approaches are combined to interpret the UV-Vis spectra


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    My paper begins with a briefsurvey ofthe history and the archaeological remains of the Roman settlement at Remesiana (east Moesia Superior, later Dada Mediterranea). Remesiana was situated on the military road that connected Naissus and Serdica and led further to Byzantium - Constantinople. As such itfigures in the Itinerarium Antonini and the Tabula Peutingeriana. Remesianá became an important bishopric in the early 5th century A.D., thanks to the activities of the famous bishop Niceta (366-414 A.D.). Indeed, lhe site itself has unearthed notable traces of Christian life. Surprisingly enough, a late pagan inscription (a [?] funerary slab, h. 52cm, w. J 29 em, th. 3 cm) has been recently discovered at Remesiana. 1treads: Taurinianus ex tri /bunis et martialis sa(cerdos) / cum Iovinio or -iano) (bito) filio. Epigraphic features (the absence of gentilicia; the abbreviation; n the expression ex tribunis; forms of A and L) indicate a late dating, probably in the second half of the fourth century. 011 the other hand, the inscription must have been erected by a pagan; Taurinianus ' til/e of Mars' sacerdos (1.2 excludes, practically speaking, the altemative of qualifying MARTIALIS as the cognomen of another dedicatory) is eloquent, and the omission ofthe cross at the beginning of the text points in the same direction. With regard to Taurinianus ' military post, and the "martial" nature of his sacerdotium, this does not necessari/y imply a period during which paganism was widely tolerated. However, it is tempting to date the new monument to the reign of Julian, during which the publication of the pagan inscriptions was permitted again, after Constantius II´s contrary practice

    Entwurfsmethodologie für höchst zuverlässige digitale ASIC-Designs angewandt auf Network-Centric System Middleware Switch Prozessor

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    The sensitivity of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) to single event effects (SEE) can lead to failures of subsystems which are exposed to increased radiation levels in space and on the ground. The work described in this thesis presents a design methodology for a fully fault-tolerant ASIC that is immune to single event upset effects (SEU) in sequential logic, single event transient effects (SET) in combinatorial logic, and single event latchup effects (SEL). Redundant circuits combined with SEL power switches (SPS) are the basis for a design methodology which achieves this goal. Within the standard ASIC design flow enhancements were made in order to incorporate redundancy and SPS cells and, consequently, enable protection against SEU, SET, and SEL. In order to validate the resulting fault-tolerant circuits a fault-injection environment with carefully designed fault models was developed. The moments of fault occurrence and their durations are modeled according to the real effects in actual hardware. The proposed design methodology was applied to an innovative space craft area network (SCAN) central processor unit, known as middleware switch processor. The measurement results presented in this thesis prove the correct functionality of DMR and SPS circuits, as well as the high fault-tolerance of the implemented ASICs along with moderate overhead with respect to power consumption and occupied silicon area. Irradiation measurements demonstrated the correct design and successful implementation of the SPS cell.Die Empfindlichkeit von anwendungsspezifischen integrierten Schaltungen (ASICs) zu den einzelnen Ereigniseffekten (SEE), kann zu Ausfällen von Subsystemen führen, die erhöhten Strahlungspegeln im Raum und auf dem Boden ausgesetzt werden. Die Arbeit, die in dieser Thesis beschrieben wird, stellt eine Entwurfsmethodologie vor um fehlertolerante ASICs zu entwerfen, welche die immun gegen singuläre Störung Effekte (SEU) in sequentielle Logik ist, einzelne Ereignis vorübergehende Effekte (SET) in der kombinatorischen Logik und einzelnes Ereignis Latchup-Effekte (SEL). Modulare Redundanz und SEL-Schalter (SPS) sind die Basis für eine Design-Methodik, die volle fehlertolerante ASIC liefert. Der Standard ASIC-Designflow ist erweitert worden, um Redundanz mit SPS-Schalter zu enthalten und Schutz gegen SEU, SET und SEL zu ermöglichen. Um die fehlertoleranten Stromkreise zu validieren ist eine Fault-Injektion Umgebung mit Fault Modellen entwickelt worden. Die Momente des Auftretens und der Dauer der injizierten Fehler werden entsprechend den realen Effekten in die Hardware modelliert. Die Methodologie des vorgeschlagenen Entwurfs ist an einem innovativen Space Craft Area Network (SCAN) Schaltkreis angewendet worden, bekannt als Middleware Switch Prozessor. Die Messergebnisse, die in dieser These dargestellt werden, haben die korrekte Funktionalität von Redundanz- und SPS-Stromkreisen sowie die hohe Fehler-Toleranz der resultierende ASICs zusammen mit mäßigen Unkosten in Bezug auf Leistungsaufnahme und besetzten Silikonfläche nachgewiesen. Die Strahlungsmessungen haben das korrekte Design und die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der SPS-Zelle bewiesen

    La voie romaine du limes Danubien en Mésie Supérieure: La station Ad Scrofulas / Scrofulae

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    La station Ad Scrofulas, jusqu’à présent pas exactement localisée, se trouvait entre les forteresses de Novae (Čezava) et Taliata (Donji Milanovac), sur la route romaine Singidunum – Viminacium – Ratiaria. Elle est mentionnée dans la Table de Peutinger et dans la géographie de l’Anonyme de Ravenne sous le nom Scrofulas, mais elle ne figure pas dans l’Itinéraire d’Antonin qui note les relais de la même voie. Ad Scrofulas devrait être identifié à la tour de guet près de Gospodjin Vir, construite à la fin du Ier s. p.C. et utilisée jusqu’au IVe s. Cette hypothèse est étayée par le nom du toponyme qui indique l’existence d’un passage du navigation étroit ou d’un détroit, qui existait en effet près de Gospodjin Vir, ainsi que par la présence de deux tables de Tibère, une de Claude et deux de Domitien, gravées sur un rocher escarpé, directement sur le tracé de la route romaine, à proximité de la tour de guet. Le même texte des deux tables de Domitien de Gospodjin Vir utilise clairement iter Scorfularum lors de la description de l’itinéraire de la voie romaine

    Adaptive modeling of the femtosecond inscription in silica

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    We present an adaptive mesh approach to high performance comprehensive investigation of dynamics of light and plasma pattens during the process of direct laser inscription. The results reveal extreme variations of spatial and temporal scales and tremendous complexity of these patterns which was not feasible to study previously

    Dental Tissue — New Source for Stem Cells

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    Stem cells have been isolated from many tissues and organs, including dental tissue. Five types of dental stem cells have been established: dental pulp stem cells, stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth, stem cells from apical papilla, periodontal ligament stem cells, and dental follicle progenitor cells. The main characteristics of dental stem cells are their potential for multilineage differentiation and self-renewal capacity. Dental stem cells can differentiate into odontoblasts, adipocytes, neuronal-like cells, glial cells, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, melanocytes, myotubes, and endothelial cells. Possible application of these cells in various fields of medicine makes them good candidates for future research as a new, powerful tool for therapy. Although the possible use of these cells in therapeutic purposes and tooth tissue engineering is still in the beginning stages, the results are promising. The efforts made in the research of dental stem cells have clarified many mechanisms underlying the biological processes in which these cells are involved. This review will focus on the new findings in the field of dental stem cell research and on their potential use in the therapy of various disorders

    Грађевина са октогоном у Градском пољу, Ниш : извештај о археолошким истраживањима у 2016. години

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    У раду су представљени прелиминарни резултати сондажних билатералних истраживања перистила луксузног домуса у оквиру утврђеног града Наисуса, на локалитету Пешачка стаза

    Dental tissue - new source for stem cells.

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    Project Managers’ Emotional Intelligence – A Ticket to Success

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to introduce recent research on correlation between project managers’ emotional intelligence and their professional success. The implications of this research are important to both project managers who wish to improve their performance and success rate and organizations in their human resource policy. Theoreti- cal considerations discussed potential impact of emotional intelligence on project managers’ success through review on concept and dimensions of emotional intelligence, findings of numbered empirical studies and leadership theories. Complementing these theoretical considerations with research study showed significant correlation between project managers’ emotional intelligence and professional success. Research was conducted on representative sample consi- sted of 75 project managers from top 10 Serbian companies. Data collection instrument was questionnaire consisted of self-descriptive emotional intelligence test and data on respondent's position in organizational hierarchy and edu- cational level. The empirical research reveals that there is a very high positive correlation between emotional intelli- gence and professional success and these findings should have a number of implications for project managers’ pra- ctice. Firstly, project managers should be aware of the concept, their level and way of improving different dimensions of emotional intelligence. Further, the human resource management departments of project oriented organizations should consider concept of emotional intelligence when recruiting staff to the position of project managers but also when deciding on human resources development programs. In order to help good project managers to become excel- lent there is a need for further investigations on methods for development of emotional intelligence competencies