172 research outputs found

    First fully ab initio potential energy surface of methane with a spectroscopic accuracy

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    Full 9-dimensional ab initio potential energy surfaces for the methane molecule are constructed using extended electronic structure coupled-cluster calculations with various series of basis sets following increasing X cardinal numbers: cc-pVXZ (X = 3, 4, 5, 6), aug-cc-ACVXZ (X = 3, 4, 5), and cc-pCVXZ-F12 (X = 3, 4). High-order dynamic electron correlations including triple and quadrupole excitations as well as relativistic and diagonal Born-Oppenheimer breakdown corrections were accounted for. Analytical potential functions are parametrized as non-polynomial expansions in internal coordinates in irreducible tensor representation. Vibrational energy levels are reported using global variational nuclear motion calculations with exact kinetic energy operator and a full account of the tetrahedral symmetry of CH4. Our best ab initio surface including above-mentioned contributions provides the rms (obs.-calc.) errors of less than 0.11 cm−1 for vibrational band centers below 4700 cm−1, and ∼0.3 cm−1 for all 229 assigned experimentally determined vibrational levels up to the Icosad range <7900 cm−1 without empirically adjusted parameters. These results improve the accuracy of ab initio methane vibrational predictions by more than an order of magnitude with respect to previous works. This is an unprecedented accuracy of first-principles calculations of a five-atomic molecule for such a large data set. New ab initio potential results in significantly better band center predictions even in comparison with best available empirically corrected potential energy surfaces. The issues related to the basis set extrapolation and an additivity of various corrections at this level of accuracy are discussed

    An efficient method for energy levels calculation using full symmetry and exact kinetic energy operator: Tetrahedral molecules

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    A simultaneous use of the full molecular symmetry and of an exact kinetic energy operator (KEO) is of key importance for accurate predictions of vibrational levels at a high energy range from a potential energy surface (PES). An efficient method that permits a fast convergence of variational calculations would allow iterative optimization of the PES parameters using experimental data. In this work, we propose such a method applied to tetrahedral AB4 molecules for which a use of high symmetry is crucial for vibrational calculations. A symmetry-adapted contracted angular basis set for six redundant angles is introduced. Simple formulas using this basis set for explicit calculation of the angular matrix elements of KEO and PES are reported. The symmetric form (six redundant angles) of vibrational KEO without the sin(q)−2 type singularity is derived. The efficient recursive algorithm based on the tensorial formalism is used for the calculation of vibrational matrix elements. A good basis set convergence for the calculations of vibrational levels of the CH4 molecule is demonstrated

    Theoretical hot methane line lists up to T=2000 K for astrophysical applications

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    The paper describes the construction of complete sets of hot methane lines based on accurate ab initio potential and dipole moment surfaces and extensive first-principle calculations. Four line lists spanning the [0–5000] cm−1 infrared region were built at T = 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 K. For each of these four temperatures, we have constructed two versions of line lists: a version for high-resolution applications containing strong and medium lines and a full version appropriate for low-resolution opacity calculations. A comparison with available empirical databases is discussed in detail for both cold and hot bands giving a very good agreement for line positions, typically 10−29 cm mol−1. These new lists are expected to be quantitatively accurate with respect to the precision of available and currently planned observations of astrophysical objects with improved spectral resolution

    First theoretical global line lists of ethylene (12C2H4) spectra for the temperature range 50-700 K in the far-infrared for quantification of absorption and emission in planetary atmospheres

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    We present the construction of complete and comprehensive ethylene line lists for the temperatures 50−700 K based on accurate ab initio potential and dipole moment surfaces and extensive first-principle calculations. Three lists spanning the [0−6400] cm-1 infrared region were built at T = 80, 160, and 296 K, and two lists in the range [0−5200] cm-1 were built at 500 and 700 K. For each of these five temperatures, we considered possible convergence problems to ensure reliable opacity calculations. Our final list at 700 K was computed up to J = 71 and contains almost 60 million lines for intensities I > 5 × 10-27 cm/molecule. Comparisons with experimental spectra carried out in this study showed that for the most active infrared bands, the accuracy of band centers in our theoretical lists is better on average than 0.3 cm-1, and the integrated absorbance errors in the intervals relevant for spectral analyses are about 1−3%. These lists can be applied to simulations of absorption and emission spectra, radiative and non-LTE processes, and opacity calculations for planetary and astrophysical applications