28 research outputs found

    GestiĂł de negoci : BAROGESTIĂ“N

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    La finalitat d'aquest projecte és la construcció d'una aplicació online per poder gestionar completament una empresa. Per a la seva realització s'ha desenvolupat un sistema en PHP sota Codeigniter adaptat per a ordinadors i dispositius mòbils. Es podrà genera factures, controlar les despeses, gestionar els teus contactes i obtenir estadístiques on vulguis i quan vulguis.La finalidad de este proyecto es la construcción de una aplicación online para poder gestionar completamente una empresa. Para su realización se ha desarrollado un sistema en PHP bajo Codeigniter adaptado para ordenadores y dispositivos móviles. Se podrán generar facturas, controlar los gastos, gestionar tus contactos y obtener estadísticas donde quieras y cuando quieras.The purpose of this project is to build an online application to fully manage a company. This system was developed in PHP under Codeigniter adapted to computers and mobile devices. It will generate invoices, track expenses, manage your contacts and get statistics anywhere and anytime

    Venda de kiwis online : www.prosmokiwi.com

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    Avui en dia la venda de productes, mitjançant les possibilitats que ens ofereix Internet, es troba en ple creixement. Aquest projecte pretén posar en funcionament una pàgina Web dedicada a la venda de fruita, concretament kiwis. Des de fa un temps, la població comença a ser conscient del desequilibri entre l'agent productor i l'agent comercial. Com passa també en altres sectors, el productor ven a un preu molt inferior respecte al que després es ficarà de cara al comprador final. En el cas de la fruita, el client acaba comprant un producte més car i normalment de menys qualitat. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és promoure la venda online a partir d'una mercaderia de qualitat i més econòmica, aconseguint un major benefici tant per part del productor com del client.La venta de productos, utilizando las posibilidades que Internet nos ofrece, es, hoy en día, un campo en pleno auge. Este proyecto pretende poner en funcionamiento una página Web dedicada a la venta de fruta, concretamente kiwis. Desde hace un tiempo, la población empieza a ser consciente del desequilibrio existente entre los productores i los comerciantes. Como pasa también en otros sectores, los productores venden a un precio muy inferior, respecto al que se pondrá de cara al comprador final. En el caso de la fruta, el cliente acaba comprando un producto más caro y normalmente de menor calidad. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es promover la venta online a partir de una mercancía de calidad y más económica, logrando un mayor beneficio por parte del productor y también por parte del cliente.The sale of products using the benefits of Internet is today at its very peak. This project aims to put into operation a Web page to sell fruits, specifically kiwis. Nowadays, the population starts to be aware of the imbalance between producers and merchants. As in other sectors, producers are selling with a price much lower than the final price for the last buyer. In the case of the fruits, at the end, the coustomer buys a more expensive product with a lower quality. The main objective of this project is to promove the e-commerce with a high quality and cheaper products, getting a higher benefit for the producer and for the coustomer

    Education in ethical values: a pedagogical proposal for the training of ICT professionals

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    Aquest treball de recerca investiga la formació en valors ètics dels professionals de les TIC amb l’objectiu de destacar un marc educatiu on portar a terme el procés d’aprenentatge dins de les escoles d’enginyeria. Aquest marc educatiu s’estudia a través de tres eixos principals: quin paper juga l’ètica dins del context de les TIC; quines implicacions morals té l’ètica professional; quins són els requeriments educatius essencials necessaris per tal que els professionals de les TIC puguin desenvolupar un perfil ètic adequat. Conseqüentment, les principals contribucions d’aquest treball són dues. En primer lloc, detectar les implicacions morals de la tecnologia i com aquestes configuren i influencien l’exercici pràctic diari del professional de les TIC. En segon lloc, proveir els estudiants de les escoles d’enginyeria d’una ètica professional, la qual és implementada mitjançant un conjunt de recursos metodològics i pedagògics, per tal d’ensenyar-los a treballar d’acord amb els valors socials conjunturals, els quals són la base per a un ensenyament ètic adient. Els enfocaments de recerca sobre els quals basem aquest estudi són tres: l’hermenèutica, l’ètica discursiva i l’ètica de la virtut, aplicades a l’àmbit de l’ètica professional. Aquests mitjans busquen suscitar i representar els diferents punts de vista i experiències dels estudiants quan s’enfronten a dilemes morals. Per això, aquests plantejaments de recerca, conjuntament amb les eines d’aprenentatge corresponents permeten als estudiants augmentar la seva consciència respecte les qüestions ètiques relacionades amb la seva construcció moral, alhora que desenvolupen l’expertesa tècnica pròpia de la titulació d’enginyeria. Així doncs, la proposta presentada proporciona un marc de treball que consta d’un conjunt educatiu de recursos basats en eines d’aprenentatge que permeten la reflexió de qüestions ètiques i l’assoliment d’un ensenyament centrat en la millora pràctica de l’estudiant d’enginyeria. Els resultats d’aquest estudi culminen amb les conclusions següents: 1. La necessitat d’emfatitzar que el comportament ètic és sempre necessari en l’exercici d’una professió social com l’enginyeria, però no només quan les coses van malament. 2. La incorporació d’una dimensió ètica que ens permeti analitzar les accions, les conseqüències i les responsabilitats respecte a la relació existent entre la tecnologia i la professió de l’enginyeria tenint en compte el context social on es desplega. 3. La cerca d’una ètica amb característiques pròpies implementada a través de mètodes, eines d’aprenentatge i recursos tecnològics. Tot això amb la mirada posada a realitzar bones pràctiques que potenciïn la sensibilitat ètica entre els estudiants d’enginyeria. Basant-nos en els resultats anteriors, el professorat i l’alumnat dels graus d’enginyeria, on les tecnologies de les TIC tenen un paper rellevant i de lideratge, haurien de ser capaços d’avaluar com aborden l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge ètic professional, si apunten per promoure una professió de qualitat i d’un evident vincle social, basada en una plena consciència de l’ètica dins de l’actual món professional de les TIC.This study investigates the training in ethical values of ICT professionals with a view to highlighting an educative framework from which to carry out the learning process within engineering schools. This educative framework is explored through the following central points: what is the role of ethics within the context of ICT; what moral implications professional ethics has; what are the essential educative requirements that ICT professionals need to develop an appropriate ethical profile Consequently, the study’s principal contributions are twofold. On one hand, identifying moral involved with technology and how these shape the daily practical exercise in the scope of ICT professionals. On the other hand, providing the students of engineering schools with professional ethics by means of a set of methodological and pedagogical resources, in order to train students to work in accord with the relevant social values on which suitable ethics instruction is based. The research approaches employed in this study are three: the hermeneutic approach, the discursive ethics and the virtue ethics, applied within the field of professional ethics. These methods seek to elicit and represent the different perspectives and experiences of the students when facing ethical dilemmas. Thus, this research work approaches jointly the corresponding set of learning tools that allow students to raise their awareness regarding the ethical issues related to their moral construction, at the same time as they develop the technical expertise typical of an engineering degree. So this proposal provides a framework that consists of a set of educational resources based on learning tools that allow the deliberation of ethical issues, and the fulfilment of a training process aimed at the experiential improvement of the student of engineering. The study’s findings culminate in the following remarks: 1. The necessity of emphasizing that ethical behaviour is always appropriate in the exercise of a social profession such as engineering, not only when things goes wrong. 2. The incorporation of an ethical dimension that allows us to analyse the actions, outcomes and responsibilities with regard to the existing relationship between technology and the engineering profession taking into account the social context in which it is deployed. 3. The search for an ethics with typical features implemented through appropriate methods, learning tools, and technological resources. All of this with the aim of achieving good practice which strengthens ethical sensitivity among the students of engineering. Based on the preceding results, teaching staff and the student body of engineering degrees, where ICT technologies have an prominent and leading role, should be able to evaluate how they approach ethical professional training and learning, if they aim to promote a profession of quality and of clear social connectivity, based on a full awareness of the ethics within the current ICT professional world

    Einen Beitrag zum Studium der Pasten

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    Einen Beitrag zur Bestimmung der Polybromide

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    Engineering ethics beyond engineers' ethics

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    Engineering ethics is usually focused on engineers' ethics, engineers acting as individuals. Certainly, these professionals play a central role in the matter, but engineers are not a singularity inside engineering; they exist and operate as a part of a complex network of mutual relationships between many other people, organizations and groups. When engineering ethics and engineers' ethics are taken as one and the same thing the paradigm of the ethical engineer which prevails is that of the heroic engineer, a certain model of the ideal engineer: someone both quite individualistic and strong enough to deal with all the moral challenges that could arise. We argue that this is not the best approach, at least today in our interrelated world. We have achieved a high degree of independence from nature by means of technology. In exchange for this autonomy we have become increasingly tied up with very complex systems to which we constantly delegate new tasks and powers. Concerns about safety keep growing everywhere due to the fact that now we have a sensitive awareness of the huge amount of power we are both consuming and deploying, thus, new forms of dialogue and consensus have to be incorporated at different levels, in different forums and at different times. Within these democratic channels of participation not just the needs and interests, but also the responsibilities and mutual commitments of all parties should be taken into account

    Gamification experience in secondary education on learning of digital systems

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    El uso del juego, utilizado siempre en edades tempranas para motivar el aprendizaje, ha sido frecuentemente estigmatizado en edades más avanzadas al considerarse una pérdida de tiempo. Sin embargo, en los últimos años el fenómeno de la gamificación se ha convertido en una tendencia metodológica con una gran presencia en las aulas. En este artículo, además de realizar un estudio del estado del arte en gamificación en primaria y secundaria y estudios universitarios, se describe, también, la experiencia llevada a cabo en un instituto de Barcelona donde se ha utilizado una aplicación implementada ad hoc para enseñar, de una forma lúdica, contenidos de sistemas digitales en el contexto de la asignatura de Tecnología Industrial del bachillerato. Los resultados de la experiencia y opiniones de los estudiantes que han sido positivas se recogen en este artículo.Games have always been used in order to motivate learning at early ages. Nevertheless, during teen years, playing games have often been stigmatized as a waste of time. Thus, the phenomenon of gamification has become recently a methodological trend with a relevant presence in the classroom. In this paper, an analysis of previous work in gamification is performed in primary and secondary education. Next, the experience carried out at a secondary school in Barcelona is described where a program has been implemented ad hoc to teach, in a playful way, contents of digital systems in the context of the Industrial Technology course in secondary school. The results of the experience and the students' opinion that have been positive are summarized in this paper

    Gamification Experience in Secondary Education on Learning of Digital Systems

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    Games have always been used in order to motivate learning at early ages. Nevertheless, during teen years, playing games have often been stigmatized as a waste of time. Thus, the phenomenon of gamification has become recently a methodological trend with a relevant presence in the classroom. In this paper, an analysis of previous work in gamification is performed in primary and secondary education. Next, the experience carried out at a secondary school in Barcelona is described where a program has been implemented ad hoc to teach, in a playful way, contents of digital systems in the context of the Industrial Technology course in secondary school. The results of the experience and the students’ opinion that have been positive are summarized in this paper

    Gamification Experience in Secondary Education on Learning of Digital Systems

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    Games have always been used in order to motivate learning at early ages. Nevertheless, during teen years, playing games have often been stigmatized as a waste of time. Thus, the phenomenon of gamification has become recently a methodological trend with a relevant presence in the classroom. In this paper, an analysis of previous work in gamification is performed in primary and secondary education. Next, the experience carried out at a secondary school in Barcelona is described where a program has been implemented ad hoc to teach, in a playful way, contents of digital systems in the context of the Industrial Technology course in secondary school. The results of the experience and the students’ opinion that have been positive are summarized in this paper.El uso del juego, utilizado siempre en edades tempranas para motivar el aprendizaje, ha sido frecuentemente estigmatizado en edades más avanzadas al considerarse una pérdida de tiempo. Sin embargo, en los últimos años el fenómeno de la gamificación se ha convertido en una tendencia metodológica con una gran presencia en las aulas. En este artículo, además de realizar un estudio del estado del arte en gamificación en primaria y secundaria y estudios universitarios, se describe, también, la experiencia llevada a cabo en un instituto de Barcelona donde se ha utilizado una aplicación implementada ad hoc para enseñar, de una forma lúdica, contenidos de sistemas digitales en el contexto de la asignatura de Tecnología Industrial del bachillerato. Los resultados de la experiencia y opiniones de los estudiantes que han sido positivas se recogen en este artículo

    Experiences in digital circuit design courses: a self-study platform for learning support

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    The synthesis of digital circuits is a basic skill in all the bachelor programmes around the ICT area of knowledge, such as Computer Science, Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical Engineering. An important hindrance in the learning process of this skill is that the existing educational tools for the design of circuits do not allow the student to validate if his design satisfies the specification. Furthermore, an automatic feedback is essential in order to help students to fix incorrect designs. In this paper, we propose an online platform where the students can design and verify their circuits with an individual and automatic feedback. The technical aspects of the platform and the designed verification tool are presented. The impact of the platform on the learning process of the students is illustrated by analyzing the student performance on the course where the platform has been used. Results on the utilization of the platform versus the success rate and marks in the final exam are presented and compared with previous semesters