124 research outputs found

    A method for assessing exposure of terrestrial wildlife to environmental radon ( 222 Rn) and thoron ( 220 Rn)

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    A method is presented to calculate radiation dose rates arising from radon, thoron and their progeny to non-human biota in the terrestrial environment. The method improves on existing methodologies for the assessment of radon to biota by using a generalised allometric approach to model respiration, calculating dose coefficients for the ICRP reference animals and plants, and extending the approach to cover thoron in addition to radon-derived isotopes. The method is applicable to a range of environmental situations involving these radionuclides in wildlife, with an envisaged application being to study the impact of human activities, which bring NORM radionuclides to the biosphere. Consequently, there is a need to determine whether there is an impact on non-human biota from exposure to anthropogenically enhanced radionuclides

    Measuring the radiation exposure of Norwegian reindeer under field conditions

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    Models and approaches have been developed to predict radiation exposure of wildlife under field conditions. However, there have been few attempts to directly measure radiation exposure of wildlife in the field and confirm the doses predicted by models. This is a potential issue for stakeholder acceptance of modelling-based assessments. Here is presented a comprehensive study comparing the results of different dosimeters fitted to free-ranging reindeer inhabiting an area that received comparatively high radiocaesium deposition from the 1986 Chernobyl accident. The external dose of reindeer was measured using the four dosimeter types in aluminium box mounted on the GPS collar. The measurements were compared with two model predictions: (i) external dose to reindeer across the entire range area of the herd; and (ii) external doses of individual reindeer predicted using GPS tracking data to determine locations. It was found that although significant differences between the estimates of the various dosimeters were found these were small with no practical implication. Also, the mean predicted external doses using the GPS tracking data were not significantly different to estimates from two of the four passive dosimeter results. The average external dose predicted across the herd area was significantly lower than doses recorded by the dosimeters and also estimates using GPS data to determine reindeer location (and hence exposure). For 137Cs the average external dose from the GPS tracking data was about twice that predicted across the herd area, because collared animals favoured the more contaminated area of the study site. This suggests that in some circumstances the assumption of averaging contamination over an assumed home range within assessments may be inadequate though this would need to be balanced against other uncertainties. Natural radiation was the greatest contribution to reindeer exposure and a function of the high altitude

    Radiocaesium transfer and radiation exposure of frogs in Fukushima Prefecture

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    The International Commission on Radiological Protection has proposed an environmental assessment framework. This includes ionising radiation exposure assessment for different frog life-stages, but radiocaesium transfer parameters are unavailable. We collate data from the Fukushima Prefecture (contaminated by the Fukushima accident) and estimate radiocaesium concentration ratio (CR ) values for tadpoles and adult frogs, presenting the largest available amphibian CR dataset. In total, 513 adult frogs and 2540 tadpoles were analysed in 62 and 59 composite samples respectively. Results suggest that equilibrium was reached between water and amphibian radiocaesium activity concentrations circa one-year after the accident. Radiocaesium transfer to tadpoles was higher than to adult frogs. Dose rates were estimated for different life-stages and species in both the aquatic and terrestrial environment. Estimated dose rates to adults and tadpoles were typically similar because external exposure dominated for both organisms; frogspawn dose rates were estimated to be orders of magnitude lower than other life-stages. For the two sites assessed, which were outside of the most contaminated areas of the Fukushima Prefecture, estimated dose rates were below those anticipated to present a risk to wildlife populations; it is likely that dose rates in more contaminated areas were in excess of some effects benchmark values

    Radionuclide biological half-life values for terrestrial and aquatic wildlife

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    The equilibrium concentration ratio is typically the parameter used to estimate organism activity concentrations within wildlife dose assessment tools. Whilst this is assumed to be fit for purpose, there are scenarios such as accidental or irregular, fluctuating, releases from licensed facilities when this might not be the case. In such circumstances, the concentration ratio approach may under- or over-estimate radiation exposure depending upon the time since the release. To carrying out assessments for such releases, a dynamic approach is needed. The simplest and most practical option is representing the uptake and turnover processes by first-order kinetics, for which organism- and element-specific biological half-life data are required. In this paper we describe the development of a freely available international database of radionuclide biological half-life values. The database includes 1907 entries for terrestrial, freshwater, riparian and marine organisms. Biological half-life values are reported for 52 elements across a range of wildlife groups (marine = 9, freshwater = 10, terrestrial = 7 and riparian = 3 groups). Potential applications and limitations of the database are discussed

    Marine radioecology after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident : are we better positioned to understand the impact of radionuclides in marine ecosystems?

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science of The Total Environment 618 (2017): 80-92, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.005.This paper focuses on how a community of researchers under the COMET (CO-ordination and iMplementation of a pan European projecT for radioecology) project has improved the capacity of marine radioecology to understand at the process level the behaviour of radionuclides in the marine environment, uptake by organisms and the resulting doses after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident occurred in 2011. We present new radioecological understanding of the processes involved, such as the interaction of waterborne radionuclides with suspended particles and sediments or the biological uptake and turnover of radionuclides, which have been better quantified and mathematically described. We demonstrate that biokinetic models can better represent radionuclide transfer to biota in non-equilibrium situations, bringing more realism to predictions, especially when combining physical, chemical and biological interactions that occur in such an open and dynamic environment as the ocean. As a result, we are readier now than we were before the FDNPP accident in terms of having models that can be applied to dynamic situations. The paper concludes with our vision for marine radioecology as a fundamental research discipline and we present a strategy for our discipline at the European and international levels. The lessons learned are presented along with their possible applicability to assess/reduce the environmental consequences of future accidents to the marine environment and guidance for future research, as well as to assure sustainability of marine radioecology in Europe and globally. This guidance necessarily reflects on why and where further research funding is needed, signalling the way for future investigations.The research leading to this paper has received funding from the European Union's seventh Framework programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. is 604974 (Projects within COMET: Marine Initial Research Activity and The impact of recent releases from the Fukushima nucleaR Accident on the Marine Environment - FRAME). Sampling off Japan has been supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Deerbrook Charitable Trust and contributions to the WHOI Centre for Marine and Environmental Radioactivity. We acknowledge the JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas Grant No. 24110005 for supporting in part the activities during the research cruises to the FDNPP area