25 research outputs found

    In Memoriam Josep Clusa Matinero (1934-2013)

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    Memoria y fotografía. Producción pictórica

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    ¿Puedes recordar lo que hiciste el verano en que tenías seis años, el regalo de tu octavo cumpleaños o como sonaba tu risa a los quince? Algunas cosas se nos olvidan, hay detalles de nuestra vida que somos incapaces de mantener para siempre, ni siquiera algunos de los que creíamos inmóviles. Desde esta idea, el trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre nuestra visión de aquellos momentos desde el presente. Partiendo desde la fotografía entendida como un recuerdo cotidiano de un momento del pasado, se indaga, a través de la pintura, en cómo el paso del tiempo y la acumulación de recuerdos afectaría a las imágenes que intentamos visualizar en nuestra memoria. Se trata de revisar aquello que ya ha pasado, aquello que se va apagando poco a poco, e introducirnos y aproximarnos al estado en el que se podrían encontrar los recuerdos que no hemos conseguido mantener. Estas ideas fluyen a lo largo del trabajo, combinando elementos muchas veces divergentes: pasado y presente, olvido y memoria, pintura y fotografía. Desde un punto de vista personal, el trabajo no trata específicamente de transmitir felicidad, tristeza o melancolía, al retomar aquello que se había olvidado o formaba ya parte del pasado. A partir de la certeza de que esto ocurre, se intentan transmitir sensaciones de diversa índole. Es un trabajo sobre las situaciones en las que he estado y mis propios pensamientos sobre todo ello, con la intención de que el espectador pueda sentirse identificado de alguna forma o simplemente haga sus propias reflexiones e interpretaciones sobre lo observado.Can you remember what you did in the summer when you were six years old? A gift from your eighth birthday? How your laugh sounded when you were fifteen? There are some things, some details in our lives that we forget and we cannot remember them forever, even which give us the sensation that they are going to remain forever. From this idea, the work tries to reflect on our vision of those moments from the present. Setting off from the photo understood like a daily memory of a moment of the past, it is investigated, across the painting, in how the passage of time and the memories accumulation would affect to the images that we try to visualize in our memory. It is a question of checking what it has already happened, what is going out little by little, of introducing us and of coming closer the state in which there might be the memories that we have nor managed to maintain. These ideas flow along the work, combining elements often divergent: past and present, forgetting and memory, painting and photography. From a personal point of view, the work does not try to transmit specially happiness, sadness or melancholy, on having recaptured what had forgotten or already was part of the past. From the certainty of which this happens, they try to transmit sensations of diverse nature. It is a work on the situations in which I have been and my own thoughts about it, with the intention of which the spectator could feel identified of some form or simply it does its own reflections and interpretations on the observed.Salvador Vives, À. (2014). Memoria y fotografía. Producción pictórica. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52484.Archivo delegad

    Entorn de suport per al disseny d’activitats formatives basades en l’ús de sistemes de resposta interactiva a les Escoles del Campus Nord

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    Les tres escoles del Campus Nord utilitzen els comandaments TurningPoint en algunes assignatures, sobretot de la fase inicial. La disponibilitat d’un nombre reduït de comandaments i la necessitat de repartir-los i recollir-los a cada classe limiten l’extensió d’aquesta metodologia. En aquest projecte s’ha desenvolupat un mòdul de Moodle i un conjunt d’aplicacions que permeten integrar els qüestionaris interactius a Atenea i utilitzar els telèfons intel•ligents (smartphones) o els portàtils de l’estudiantat com a comandaments.Peer Reviewe

    Estimating the HIV undiagnosed population in Catalonia, Spain: descriptive and comparative data analysis to identify differences in MSM stratified by migrant and Spanish-born population

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    OBJECTIVE: Undiagnosed HIV continues to be a hindrance to efforts aimed at reducing incidence of HIV. The objective of this study was to provide an estimate of the HIV undiagnosed population in Catalonia and compare the HIV care cascade with this step included between high-risk populations. METHODS: To estimate HIV incidence, time between infection and diagnosis and the undiagnosed population stratified by CD4 count, we used the ECDC HIV Modelling Tool V.1.2.2. This model uses data on new HIV and AIDS diagnoses from the Catalan HIV/AIDS surveillance system from 2001 to 2013. Data used to estimate the proportion of people enrolled, on ART and virally suppressed in the HIV care cascade were derived from the PISCIS cohort. RESULTS: The total number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Catalonia in 2013 was 34 729 (32 740 to 36 827), with 12.3% (11.8 to 18.1) of whom were undiagnosed. By 2013, there were 8458 (8101 to 9079) Spanish-born men who have sex with men (MSM) and 2538 (2334 to 2918) migrant MSM living with HIV in Catalonia. A greater proportion of migrant MSM than local MSM was undiagnosed (32% vs 22%). In the subsequent steps of the HIV care cascade, migrants MSM experience greater losses than the Spanish-born MSM: in retention in care (74% vs 55%), in the proportion on combination antiretroviral treatment (70% vs 50%) and virally suppressed (65% vs 46%). CONCLUSIONS: By the end of 2013, there were an estimated 34 729 PLHIV in Catalonia, of whom 4271 were still undiagnosed. This study shows that the Catalan epidemic of HIV has continued to expand with the key group sustaining HIV transmission being MSM living with undiagnosed HIV

    Assessment of an intervention to optimise antenatal management of women admitted with preterm labour and intact membranes using amniocentesis-based predictive risk models : Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (OPTIM-PTL Study)

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    Introduction The majority of women admitted with threatened preterm labour (PTL) do not delivery prematurely. While those with microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (MIAC) represent the highest risk group, this is a condition that is not routinely ruled out since it requires amniocentesis. Identification of low-risk or high-risk cases might allow individualisation of care, that is, reducing overtreatment with corticosteroids and shorten hospital stay in low-risk women, while allowing early antibiotic therapy in those with MIAC. Benefits versus risks of amniocentesis-based predictor models of spontaneous delivery within 7 days and/or MIAC have not been evaluated. Methods and analysis This will be a Spanish randomised, multicentre clinical trial in singleton pregnancies (23.0-34.6 weeks) with PTL, conducted in 13 tertiary centres. The intervention arm will consist in the use of amniocentesis-based predictor models: if low risk, hospital discharge within 24 hours of results with no further medication will be recommended. If high risk, antibiotics will be added to standard management. The control group will be managed according to standard institutional protocols, without performing amniocentesis for this indication. The primary outcome will be total antenatal doses of corticosteroids, and secondary outcomes will be days of maternal stay and the occurrence of clinical chorioamnionitis. A cost analysis will be undertaken. To observe a reduction from 90% to 70% in corticosteroid doses, a reduction in 1 day of hospital stay (SD of 2) and a reduction from 24% to 12% of clinical chorioamnionitis, a total of 340 eligible patients randomised 1 to 1 to each study arm is required (power of 80%, with type I error α=0.05 and two-sided test, considering a dropout rate of 20%). Randomisation will be stratified by gestational age and centre. Ethics and dissemination Prior to receiving approval from the Ethics Committee (HCB/2020/1356) and the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) (identification number: 2020-005-202-26), the trial was registered in the European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials database (2020-005202-26). AEMPS approved the trial as a low-intervention trial. All participants will be required to provide written informed consent. Findings will be disseminated through workshops, peer-reviewed publications and national/international conferences. Protocol version V.4 10 May 2021. Trial registration numbers NCT04831086 and Eudract number 2020-005202-26

    Prediction of neonatal respiratory morbidity by quantitative ultrasound lung texture analysis: a multicenter study.

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    BACKGROUND: Prediction of neonatal respiratory morbidity may be useful to plan delivery in complicated pregnancies. The limited predictive performance of the current diagnostic tests together with the risks of an invasive procedure restricts the use of fetal lung maturity assessment. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of quantitative ultrasound texture analysis of the fetal lung (quantusFLM) to predict neonatal respiratory morbidity in preterm and early-term (<39.0 weeks) deliveries. STUDY DESIGN: This was a prospective multicenter study conducted in 20 centers worldwide. Fetal lung ultrasound images were obtained at 25.0-38.6 weeks of gestation within 48 hours of delivery, stored in Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine format, and analyzed with quantusFLM. Physicians were blinded to the analysis. At delivery, perinatal outcomes and the occurrence of neonatal respiratory morbidity, defined as either respiratory distress syndrome or transient tachypnea of the newborn, were registered. The performance of the ultrasound texture analysis test to predict neonatal respiratory morbidity was evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 883 images were collected, but 17.3% were discarded because of poor image quality or exclusion criteria, leaving 730 observations for the final analysis. The prevalence of neonatal respiratory morbidity was 13.8% (101 of 730). The quantusFLM predicted neonatal respiratory morbidity with a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 74.3% (75 of 101), 88.6% (557 of 629), 51.0% (75 of 147), and 95.5% (557 of 583), respectively. Accuracy was 86.5% (632 of 730) and positive and negative likelihood ratios were 6.5 and 0.3, respectively. CONCLUSION: The quantusFLM predicted neonatal respiratory morbidity with an accuracy similar to that previously reported for other tests with the advantage of being a noninvasive technique

    Estudi de l’accessibilitat lligada al gènere i a la tercera edat en espais verds

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    [CA] El present treball final de grau es basa en l’avaluació de l’accessibilitat d’espais verds per a qualsevol classe de persona amb o sense discapacitat, amb especial atenció al gènere i l’edat. Es parteix d’uns estudis anteriors en els quals s’analitzava l’accessibilitat des d’una perspectiva tècnica però que presenten importants mancances des del punt de vista de les característiques de la població i de la persona usuària; on s’ha de definir bé tot tipus de particularitats, dificultats i mancances que en els treballs anteriors no s’arribaven a profunditzar. Així doncs, en aquest treball es busca realitzar un estudi de l’art al respecte dels accidents en espais verds de dones i persones de la tercera edat amb discapacitat o multi-discapacitat per poder discernir si una accessibilitat deficient està influint amb l’increment d’aquests. Després es procedirà a la recerca d’estudis de camp que permeten donar solucions a les problemàtiques trobades aplicant la perspectiva de l’enginyeria, de la sociologia i de la medicina.[ES] El presente trabajo final de grado se basa en la evaluación de la accesibilidad de espacios verdes para cualquier clase de persona con o sin discapacidad, con especial atención al género y la edad. Se parte de unos estudios anteriores en el que se analizaba la accesibilidad desde una perspectiva técnica pero que presentan importantes carencias desde el punto de vista del análisis de la población y de la persona usuaria; donde se debe definir bien todo tipo de particularidades, dificultades y carencias que en los análisis anteriores no se llegaban a profundizar. Así pues, en este trabajo se busca realizar un estudio del arte en relación con los accidentes en espacios verdes de mujeres y personas de la tercera edad con discapacidad o multi-discapacidad para poder discernir si una accesibilidad deficiente está influyendo con el incremento de estos. Después se procederá a la búsqueda de estudios de campo que permiten dar soluciones a las problemáticas encontradas aplicando la perspectiva de la ingeniería, de la sociología y de la medicina.[EN] The present dissertation is based on the assessment of green spaces accessibility for any type of person with or without a disability, with special attention to gender and age. It is based on previous analyzes in which accessibility was analyzed from a technical point of view but with significant shortcomings from the point of view of the population and the user analysis; where all kinds of particularities, difficulties and shortcomings have to be defined, which in the previous analyzes could not be deepened. Thus, in this work we are looking for a study of the art in respect of accidents in green spaces of women and people of the elderly with disabilities or multi-disability to be able to discern if deficient accessibility is influencing the increase of these ones Next, it will proceed to the search of field studies that allow to solve the problematic encounter applying the perspective of the engineering, sociological and medical.Grimalt Vives, À. (2019). Estudi de l’accessibilitat lligada al gènere i a la tercera edat en espais verds. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/126404TFG