304 research outputs found

    STRATEGY AND INNOVATION IN ORDER TO BE COMPETITIVE IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD; an evolutionary analysis of the emerging wine sector pole of São Francisco Valley (Brazil).

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    Globalized and fragmented, the wine production sector reconfigures itself. The New World Wine Producers innovate in wine sector management by means of industrial production logics. Brazil faces the challenge of reaching a wider global insertion. The emerging pole of Vale do São Francisco, through a comparative and exploratory multiple case study (2006 to 2010), shows an evolutionary phenomenology with some innovative features. The objective is to analyze the regional innovative strategic positioning and to present proposals to accrued innovative competitiveness


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    The wine sector is currently facing a transformation all over the world. Facing a surplus, it rebuilds itself. In Brazil, firms assist to the decline of their market share (but reflecting a tendency to protectionism) to imported wines although per capita consumption begins to overcome discreetly an historical stagnation with perspectives of sustainable growth. Thus, it is of utmost importance to look for new capabilities in order to achieve greater integration in a globally fragmented market and with low attractiveness rates. The wine pole of Vale do São Francisco (VSF), though emergent, already needs to find a new strategic innovative positioning. However, it reveals some innovative features. This study has as its main objectives (a) to analyze the strategic and innovative adaptations of local firms; (b) to propose innovative additional lines of strategic action; and (c) to perspective their success possibilities in the new globalized competitive environment. The methodological positioning is set out through the study of multiple and exploratory cases

    Business planning in nonprofit: laying the ground for customer relationship management in Instituto de Empreendedorismo Social

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsWith a growing scope of business, IES felt the need to better structure its internal information and processes so a one-on-one communication strategy with its stakeholders, a key competitive advantage, could be maintained. This work project intends to lay the ground for CRM implementation in IES, reviewing the literature on relationship marketing and analyzing the environment and context in which the institute functions and its day-today operations. The results suggest that IES could benefit from the implementation of the Salesforce.com CRM cloud-based software, creating interrelated databases for its three main groups of stakeholders – social entrepreneurs, social initiatives and entities

    On multifractals: a non-linear study of actigraphy data

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    This work aimed, to determine the characteristics of activity series from fractal geometry concepts application, in addition to evaluate the possibility of identifying individuals with fibromyalgia. Activity level data were collected from 27 healthy subjects and 27 fibromyalgia patients, with the use of clock-like devices equipped with accelerometers, for about four weeks, all day long. The activity series were evaluated through fractal and multifractal methods. Hurst exponent analysis exhibited values according to other studies (H>0.5H>0.5) for both groups (H=0.98±0.04H=0.98\pm0.04 for healthy subjects and H=0.97±0.03H=0.97\pm0.03 for fibromyalgia patients), however, it is not possible to distinguish between the two groups by such analysis. Activity time series also exhibited a multifractal pattern. A paired analysis of the spectra indices for the sleep and awake states revealed differences between healthy subjects and fibromyalgia patients. The individuals feature differences between awake and sleep states, having statistically significant differences for αqα0\alpha_{q-} - \alpha_{0} in healthy subjects (p=0.014p = 0.014) and D0D_{0} for patients with fibromyalgia (p=0.013p = 0.013). The approach has proven to be an option on the characterisation of such kind of signals and was able to differ between both healthy and fibromyalgia groups. This outcome suggests changes in the physiologic mechanisms of movement control.Comment: Preprint accepted for publication at Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application

    Beyond Econometrics: Using Google Trends and Social Media Data to Forecast Unemployment - OECD analysis of accuracy gains and robustness of predictions

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsGoogle Trends has been used for less than two decades in academia to forecast outcomes, using various techniques. While most research has focused on developed countries, there are clear information gaps that have not been fully addressed. Previous studies in this field indicate that non-linear algorithms with feature set selection while using a large set of queries can yield better results across more countries. However, it is unlikely that these methods will be widely and rapidly adopted given the skills required. Therefore, the objective of this research is to explore whether the abundance of digital data sources, specifically Google searches, can aid agents as institutions and policy makers in their modeling efforts. The aim is to fill the gap in analysis for less influential countries and explore whether the use of Google searches data can be extended to multiple countries using a simple and agile methodology based on a widely used statistics-based modeling approach (ARIMAX). For this use we selected unemployment rate as the variable of interest. However, our findings show that only 30% of countries had promising results using Google-augmented ARIMAs. Thus, more computationally intensive empirical strategies would be needed to extract more predictive power out of Google queries information pool for unemployment rate modelling

    Integrating Knowledge Management in a Business Strategy Process Operationalized using Process Management Approach

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    This paper proposes an integrated approach applied in a business environment, using three organisational layers materialized in the institutional, middle and operational levels. Is suggested a combination of Business Strategy, Knowledge Management and Business Process Management in order to support the clarification of the organisational strategy and the definition of business operations. The work in progress developed uses a theoretical framework based in emergent theories of strategy management combining two types of strategy intended or deliberate and emergent, clarifying important constructs like mission, vision, strategic objectives, stakeholders, business capabilities and knowledge objects, interpreted as a business context that facilitates the following steps of analysis and provides priorities of improvement. The priorities identify targets to improved using Business Process Management (BPM) approaches combined with the knowledge concepts in BPM models. The proposed approach was applied in a public organisation that develops its activities in the areas of Olympic preparation, swimming performance and sport facilities. The outcomes of the work develop, were the systematization of the business processes related to the structured work and the use of knowledge management concepts in the exception handling of the processes. The representation of the unstructured work or the modelling of complex processes was combined with the use knowledge constructs, properly contextualized in business strategy axioms. The research findings identify advantages in the use of knowledge concepts in complex process model, exception handling and in classifying the knowledge used in decisions. This could facilitate the definition of training actions articulated with the organisation real needs.N/

    Global Competitive Dynamics and Innovation in the Brazilian Wine Sector: Analysis of Vale do São Francisco Pole

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    O setor do vinho está atualmente a enfrentar transformações mundiais. Está-se reconstruindo. No Brasil, as empresas assistem ao declínio de seus market-share (mas refletindo uma tendência ao protecionismo) para os vinhos importados, enquanto o consumo per capita continua a superar discretamente uma estagnação histórica com perspectivas de crescimento sustentável. Assim, é de extrema importância olhar para novas capacidades, a fim de alcançar uma maior integração num mercado fragmentado globalmente e com baixas taxas de atratividade. O pólo de vinhos do Vale do São Francisco (VSF), embora emergente, já precisa encontrar um posicionamento estratégico inovador. No entanto, ele já revela algumas características inovadoras. Este estudo tem como principais objetivos (a) analisar as adaptações estratégicas e inovadoras das empresas locais; (b) propor linhas adicionais inovadoras de ação estratégica; e (c) mostrar as suas possibilidades de sucesso no novo ambiente competitivo globalizado. O posicionamento metodológico é estabelecido através do estudo de vários casos exploratórios

    The chroniclers of the mainland (II)

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    Coincidió el descubrimiento del nuevo mundo, con el altísimo grado de vigor religioso que había alcanzado la nación española en los finales del siglo XV.The discovery of the new world coincided with the high degree of religious vigor that the Spanish nation had reached at the end of the fifteenth century

    SOS Server Deployment for Sharing Environmental Sensor Data Through the OTALEX-C Spatial Data Infrastructure

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.OTALEX Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) project is funded by the INTERREG III European Programme and its main objective is to study and show the reality of the territory composed by the regions Alentejo in Portugal and Extremadura region in Spain. The current project phase is called OTALEX C and it is focused on showing the results of environmental studies through the OTALEX SDI. For that goal, it is necessary to catalogue, standardize, geoprocess and publish data from environmental sensors, as well as publish thematic contour and continuous maps derived from the interpolation of these sensors data. The first part of the project was the development of the processes to load a heterogeneous group of data from different types of sensors into a central repository using open source and self-developed Extract Transform and Load tools (ETL)