7 research outputs found

    Localized application maps of inputs and techniques for family agriculture

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    In Brazil, family farming is an activity that has emerged during the Portuguese empire, and had a major expansion later, with the arrival of immigrants in the nineteenth century. During the recession caused by the 1929 crisis, which led many farmers to bankruptcy, these immigrants bought small plots of land, thus increasing the number of these establishments. Nevertheless, Brazil still maintains a history of agricultural production on farms. So, historically, family farms got in the background, receiving less encouragement and direction from public policy, which brings about great technological backwardness compared to large producers. In this sense, it is now known that by using rudimentary techniques many small farmers are unable to compete in the market. Thus, this project was proposed in order to meet family farmers seeking for support and instructions for handling their properties economically viable and environmentally sustainable, based on assumptions of precision agriculture. This action also tries to ensure the permanence of these farmers in the field, both for preserving natural resources and also for reducing their spending on inputs by applying appropriate localized doses and preparing soil tillage according to the need. The objective was to create physical and chemical soil maps of their properties, aiming at providing information needed for input and technique applications most appropriately and accurately


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    No Brasil, a agricultura familiar é uma atividade que surgiu ainda no império, e teve posteriormente, com a chegada dos imigrantes no século XIX, uma importante ampliação. Estes imigrantes, durante a recessão provocada pela crise de 1929, que levou inúmeros cafeicultores a falência, adquiriram pequenos lotes de terra, aumentando assim, o número destes estabelecimentos. Apesar disto, o Brasil, mantém ainda um histórico de produção agrícola em latifúndios. Esta situação fez com que historicamente a agricultura familiar ficasse em segundo plano, recebendo menor incentivo e direcionamento de políticas públicas, o que trouxe como consequência grande atraso tecnológico em relação aos grandes produtores. Neste sentido, verifica-se hoje que muitos pequenos agricultores não tem condições de competição no mercado por produzir utilizando técnicas rudimentares. Nestas circunstâncias, propôs-se este projeto, que visa a formação de um núcleo de atendimento, que possa fornecer aos agricultores familiares apoio e instruções para manusear suas propriedades de maneira economicamente viável e ambientalmente sustentável, baseado nas premissas da agricultura de precisão. Essa ação busca ainda ajudar a garantir a permanência desses agricultores no campo, tanto pela preservação dos recursos naturais como pela redução dos seus gastos com insumos, a partir da aplicação localizada de doses adequadas, e de preparo do solo de acordo com a necessidade. O projeto visa a elaboração de mapas de características físicas, químicas e de densidade dos solos das suas propriedades, com o objetivo de oferecer aos proprietários, as informações necessárias para as aplicações adequadas. Esta técnica é denominada de agricultura de precisão, já bastante difundida nas grandes propriedades do país.In Brazil, family farming is an activity that has emerged during the Portuguese empire, and had a major expansion later, with the arrival of immigrants in the nineteenth century. During the recession caused by the 1929 crisis, which led many farmers to bankruptcy, these immigrants bought small plots of land, thus increasing the number of these establishments. Nevertheless, Brazil still maintains a history of agricultural production on farms. So, historically, family farms got in the background, receiving less encouragement and direction from public policy, which brings about great technological backwardness compared to large producers. In this sense, it is now known that by using rudimentary techniques many small farmers are unable to compete in the market. Thus, this project was proposed in order to meet family farmers seeking for support and instructions for handling their properties economically viable and environmentally sustainable, based on assumptions of precision agriculture. This action also tries to ensure the permanence of these farmers in the field, both for preserving natural resources and also for reducing their spending on inputs by applying appropriate localized doses and preparing soil tillage according to the need. The objective was to create physical and chemical soil maps of their properties, aiming at providing information needed for input and technique applications most appropriately and accurately.En Brasil, la agricultura familiar es una actividad que surgió durante el imperio, y tuvo más tarde, con la llegada de inmigrantes en el siglo XIX, una gran expansión. Estos inmigrantes, durante la recesión provocada por la crisis de 1929 que llevó muchos agricultores a la bancarrota, consiguieron comprar pequeñas parcelas de tierra, lo que aumentó el número de estos establecimientos. Sin embargo, Brasil todavía mantiene un historia de producción agrícola latifundiaria. Esto hace que históricamente las explotaciones familiares permaneciera en segundo plano, recibiendo menos apoyo y orientación de las políticas públicas, lo que provoca un gran atraso tecnológico en comparación con los grandes productores. En este sentido, se sabe ahora que muchos pequeños agricultores no tienen condiciones de competir en el mercado debido a su producción de técnicas rudimentarias. Debido a esto, se propone reunir a los agricultores familiares dando apoyo e instrucciones para el manejo de sus propiedades en una base económicamente viable y ambientalmente sostenible, apoyados en los supuestos de agricultura de precisión. Esta acción también busca ayudar a asegurar la permanencia de los agricultores en el campo, tanto por la preservación de los recursos naturales y la reducción de sus gastos en insumos gracias a la aplicación de dosis adecuadas y la labranza del suelo de acuerdo con la necesidad. El objetivo era crear a continuación, mapas de suelo físico y químico de sus propiedades, con el objetivo de proporcionar información necesaria para las aplicaciones de los insumos y de técnicas más adecuadas y precisas

    Baseflow and water resilience variability in two water management units in southeastern Brazil

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    Changes in climate and water demand in densely populated regions increasingly affect hydrological systems, and, in turn, impact socioeconomic conditions. In this case study, we identify how the hydrogeological frameworks of two water resource management units, Tietê-Jacaré (TJ) and Piracicaba-Capivari-Jundiaí (PCJ) in Sao Paulo state (Brazil), control the baseflow processes and resilience in the face of streamflow fluctuations in response to anthropogenic activities and climate variation. The results reveal between 40% and 75% contributions of baseflow to total streamflow in basins overlying crystalline and sedimentary aquifers. The basins in PCJ which mostly overly crystalline aquifers, have shorter water residence times and greater dependence on surface water. Therefore, streamflow in the PCJ basins is vulnerable during the drought period and the management model affected the water resilience of the basins (transfer of water to Cantareira System). The TJ basins have greater streamflow contributions from aquifer discharge linked to the presence of important sedimentary aquifers, which improves resilience under changing rainfall patterns, these basins present a more stable situation of resilience. Ultimately, the two management units require different planning strategies with adaptive and dynamic actions to mitigate the social, economic, and environmental effects caused by the variability and reduction of water sources

    Stable isotopes reveal groundwater to river connectivity in a mesoscale subtropical watershed

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    The Corumbataí River basin (São Paulo, Brazil) has a critical situation regarding water availability due to the intensive use to support agriculture and urbanization, requiring scientific information to face water demand. The aim of this study is to present a hydrological characterization based on the analysis of seasonal isotope variations (rainfall, groundwater, and surface water) and hydrometric data. Results indicate that baseflow contribution varies from 50 % to 70 % of the total flow, and water isotopic composition denotes a seasonal regime marked by the mixing of surface and groundwater in the wet period and groundwater discharge during the dry season. The results presented indicated the strong seasonal connection between atmospheric inputs and water movement across the basin, which poses an urgent need to diversify monitoring methods and create feasible regional and political regulations to control the effects on basin water resilience in the face of climate change and growing demand.La cuenca del río Corumbataí (São Paulo, Brasil) tiene una situación crítica en cuanto a la disponibilidad de agua debido al uso intensivo para apoyar la agricultura y la urbanización, requiriendo información científica para hacer frente a la demanda de agua. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar una caracterización hidrológica basada en el análisis de variaciones isotópicas estacionales (precipitaciones, aguas subterráneas y superficiales) y datos hidrométricos. Los resultados indican que la contribución del caudal base varía del 50% al 70% del caudal total, y la composición isotópica del agua denota un régimen estacional marcado por la mezcla de aguas superficiales y subterráneas en el período húmedo y la descarga de aguas subterráneas durante la estación seca. Los resultados presentados indicaron la fuerte conexión estacional entre los aportes atmosféricos y el movimiento del agua a través de la cuenca, lo que plantea una necesidad urgente de diversificar los métodos de monitoreo y crear regulaciones regionales y políticas viables para controlar los efectos sobre la resiliencia del agua de la cuenca frente al cambio climático y el crecimiento. demanda.Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.Universidad Estatal de Sao Paulo, Brasil.Escuela de Químic