760 research outputs found

    Timing of Resource Availability Drives Divergent Social Systems and Home Range Dynamics in Ecologically Similar Tree Squirrels

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    Intraspecific variation in home range size has important implications for the distribution of animals across landscapes and the spatial structuring of population, community, and ecosystem processes. Among species of similar trophic guild and body mass, differences in home range size can reflect extrinsic variables that exert divergent selective forces upon spacing behavior and social organization. We tested predictions about how resource availability and timing influence social system, home range size, and territoriality in two tree squirrel species of similar size and ecological niches but that differ in foraging strategy and social organization. We estimated home range size and intraspecific home range core overlap in the Mt. Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus fremonti grahamensis; Arizona USA; MGRS) and the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris; Alps, Italy; ERS) as functions of species, sex, season, and individual's body mass. However, body mass did not explain differences found between the two species. We found MGRS home ranges being three times smaller with higher core area exclusivity compared to ERS in all seasons. In fact, territorial MGRS evolved in a system of brief resource pulses and are larder hoarders, whereas ERS experience prolonged resource availability and are non-territorial. Only male MGRSs increased their home range during the breeding season, reflecting interspecific differences in social organization and mating behavior. Male ERS home ranges always overlap with several females to enhance mating success although male and female MGRS maintain nearly exclusive territories throughout the year. Only during spring and summer do males temporarily leave their food-based territory to increase mating opportunities with neighboring estrus females. Home range comparisons between ecologically similar species emphasize the importance of divergent extrinsic factors in shaping variability in body size–home range size scaling relationships. Timing in resource availability influenced the social structure and space use in tree squirrels of similar body size, highlighting how the coevolution of arboreal squirrels with conifer tree species has shaped their natural history

    Amides and formamidines with antinociceptive activity: note II

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    Forty amides, formamidines and trifluoromethylsulfonylamides bearing on the nitrogen a cyclohexyl residue, eventually 2-substituted, were prepared and tested for analgesic activity against a chemical stimulus. Good activity was exhibited by amides 9, 11 and 28, by formamidine 34, as well as by triflyamide 40. Eleven additional compounds exhibited a moderate activity

    Gut-Derived Serum Lipopolysaccharide is Associated With Enhanced Risk of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Atrial Fibrillation: Effect of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet

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    Gut microbiota is emerging as a novel risk factor for atherothrombosis, but the predictive role of gut-derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is unknown. We analyzed (1) the association between LPS and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in atrial fibrillation (AF) and (2) its relationship with adherence to a Mediterranean diet (Med-diet)

    Space: Exploring NATO’s Final Frontier

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    Space has become increasingly vital to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region, as acknowledged by 2022 NATO Strategic Concept, presenting the international community with new challenges as it grows more contested, congested and competitive. Allies must enhance cooperation to address these evolving challenges, particularly those arising from potential military activities in space. A cooperation to focus on three critical areas: the multi-purpose applications of space, the increasing number of actors and systems, and the increasingly rapid technological advancements. NATO must strategically evaluate how to sustain its advantage in space, paralleling its strengths in other operational domains. A more united approach would help to deter adversaries, protect allied space assets, and secure an operational edge. This publication explores three key issues: the global space environment and NATO’s strategic posture, the Alliance’s space capabilities and decision-making processes, and the implications of space threats for NATO’s deterrence and defence

    Viral Respiratory Infections in Hematological Patients

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    Viral infections of the respiratory system represent one of the most important complications in hematological patients in terms of both the severity of the clinical picture and its related impact on the duration of hospitalization, and of mortality. The most implicated viruses are those that commonly cause community-based respiratory diseases: respiratory syncytial virus, Influenza virus and rhinovirus. However, in some cases the clinical picture may be triggered by first infection with or reactivation of pathogens normally not responsible for clinically relevant diseases in immunocompetent subjects. This issue is currently being taken into greater consideration within the scientific community. However, the strong heterogeneity in the epidemiology and clinical expression of these infections and the lack of adequate therapeutic options imply that there is currently no uniform consensus on the best management of these patients. The main purpose of this review is to highlight which viruses are currently most implicated in the onset of these infections, what is their incidence in so heterogeneous and fragile patients and the factors that lead to disease's onset and evolution. Possible or available clinical management options, diagnostic and therapeutic tools, and preventive and prophylaxis measures are also discussed

    Digoxin and platelet activation in patients with atrial fibrillation: In vivo and in vitro study

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    Background-Digoxin use was shown to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events in atrial fibrillation (AF). We hypothesized that digoxin may affect cardiovascular risk by increasing platelet activation. Methods and Results-Post hoc analysis of a prospective study of anticoagulated patients with AF. Patients were divided into 2 groups balanced for age, sex, and cardiovascular risk factors: digoxin users (n=132) and nonusers (n=388). Urinary excretion of 11‐dehydro‐thromboxane B2 (TxB2), a marker of platelet activation, and serum digoxin concentration (SDC) were measured. In vitro experiments were performed on platelets from healthy subjects and AF patients, which were incubated with scalar doses of digoxin (0.6-2.4 ng/mL) with or without prestimulation with a sub‐threshold of collagen. Median 11‐dehydro‐TxB2 was 105.0 (interquartile range, 60.0-190.0) ng/mg creatinine, and median SDC was 0.65 (interquartile range, 0.40-1.00) ng/mL. Urinary 11‐dehydro‐TxB2 and SDC were correlated (rs=0.350, P<0.001). Patients in the upper tertile of SDC showed higher 11‐dehydro‐TxB2 compared with non-digoxin users (P=0.019). In vitro study showed an increased basal platelet activation in patients with AF compared with healthy subjects. Digoxin (2.4 ng/mL) induced calcium mobilization, PAC‐1 (procaspase‐activating compound 1) and platelet aggregation in AF patients but not in healthy subjects. After pretreatment with a sub‐threshold of collagen, digoxin dose‐dependent induced calcium mobilization, arachidonic acid release, TxB2 biosynthesis, PAC‐1 and soluble platelet selectin expression, and platelet aggregation, which were inhibited by antibody against digoxin. Conclusions-We found a significant in vivo correlation between SDC and platelet activation. Supratherapeutic SDC increased in vitro platelet aggregation via calcium‐related phospholipase A2 phosphorylation. Our findings may have clinical implications for AF patients treated with digoxin

    Evaluation and review of preventive measures applied during COVID-19 pandemic: strategies adopted by European countries

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly jeopardized the European continent and the spread of SARS-COV-2 has led European countries to implement a series of preventive interventions aimed at decreasing the incidence rate of the disease, in consideration of the lack of specific therapies and of a vaccine. Each European country has behaved in different ways and timing accordingly to the epidemiological trend and to different political strategies. The main purpose of preventive measures is to lower the incidence rate of the disease, avoiding the collapse of health systems and limiting the total number of severe cases and deaths. All these targets should fit with needs that go beyond scientific evidence such as economic interests, decisions of neighboring countries and specific socio-political factors for each country. The objective of this research is to clarify which preventive measures have been recommended and applied in different European countries

    When management meets science: adaptive analysis for the optimization of the eradication of the Northern raccoon ( Procyon lotor )

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    AbstractThe EU Regulation no.1143/2014 on invasive species requires the EU Member States to respond promptly and efficiently in eradicating the invasive alien species listed as species of Union concern. The Northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) was introduced in Northern Italy along the river Adda and we carried out its eradication campaign between 2016 and 2019. We used an integrated approach of camera traps and live traps. A standardized approach to the camera trap survey (2904 camera trap-nights) revealed that the detectability of raccoons (0.27 ± 0.07 SD) increased in the proximity of the river and their occupancy (0.15 ± 0.09 SD) was higher in urban areas. These results allowed us to increase the trapping success whilst reducing the effort. During the captures, systematic collection of catch and effort data allowed to estimate population size (65 ± 7.8 raccoons) and thus to have a continuous update on how far the campaign was from the complete eradication of the species, allowing to adjust the trapping effort accordingly. We captured 69 raccoons (7279 cage trap nights) thanks to both systematic trapping and opportunistic activation of traps following stakeholders' reports. Stakeholders supported the campaign and some of them played an important role in reporting sightings, signs, and allowing access to their private land. Camera trap data also allowed us to make a Rapid Eradication Assessment that estimated an eradication probability of 99% after 6 months without detections. We finally give indications for future control campaigns on the species to increase removal success, reducing the effort

    A “pay-how-you-drive” car insurance approach through cluster analysis

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    As discussed in the recent literature, several innovative car insurance concepts are proposed in order to gain advantages both for insurance companies and for drivers. In this context, the “pay-how-you-drive” paradigm is emerging, but it is not thoroughly discussed and much less implemented. In this paper, we propose an approach in order to identify the driver behavior exploring the usage of unsupervised machine learning techniques. A real-world case study is performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution. Furthermore, we discuss how the proposed model can be adopted as risk indicator for car insurance companies