32 research outputs found

    Osservazioni sulla semantica delle clausole generali

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    In legal practise it is not clear what is the meaning of the expression “general clause”. It seems possibile to find a strong core of meaning referring to the presence of evaluative terms. This way of bounding the notion at issue is very profitable to understand many concepts related to general clause and involved in the practice of legal dogmatics like “evaluative integration”. To reach the aim is necessary to spend some words about some concepts belonging to philosophy of language and moral philosophy

    To whom does the law speak? Canvassing a neglected picture of law’s interpretive field

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    Among the most common strategies underlying the so-called indeterminacy thesis is the following two-step argument: (1) that law is an interpretive practice, and that evidently legal actors more generally hold different (and competing) theories of meaning, which lead to disagreements as to what the law says (that is, as to what the law is); (2) and that, as there is no way to establish the prevalence of one particular theory of meaning over the other, indeterminacy is pervasive in law. In this paper I offer some reflections to resist this trend. In particular I claim that a proper understanding of law as an authoritative communicative enterprise sheds new light on the relation between the functioning of the law and our theories of interpretation, leading to what can be considered a neglected conclusion: the centrality of the linguistic criterion of meaning in our juridical interpretive practices. In the first part of the chapter I discuss speech-act theory in the study of law, assessing its relevance between alternative options. Then I tackle the ‘to whom does the law speak?’ question, highlighting the centrality of lay-people for our juridical practices. Lastly, I examine the consequences of this neglected fact for our interpretive theories

    F. Viola, G. Zaccaria, Le ragioni del diritto

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    Alcune considerazioni su ragionamento analogico e diritto positivo

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    Si esaminano alcune questioni realtive al ragionamento analogico nel diritt

    Chiassoni, La giurisprudenza civile

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    Interpretazione sistematica e prassi giurisprudenziale

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    Dottorato di ricerca in filosofia analitica e teoria generale del diritto. 11. ciclo. Coordinatore Giuseppe GavazziConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Sul rapporto tra diritto e linguaggio

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    La Cassazione respinge l'interpretazione sistematica "indefinita" proposta dall'Amministrazione finanziaria

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    Si esamina una decisione della Corte di Cassazione in cui i giudici di legittimitĂ  censurano la proposta di interpretazione sistematica avanzata dall'Agenzia delle Entrate

    La distinzione tra analogia giuridica e interpretazione estensiva

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    Si propone, dopo aver passato in sintetica rassegna le tesi in campo, un criterio di disitnzione tra nalogia giuridica e interpretazione estensiv