71 research outputs found

    Metafounders are related to F st fixation indices and reduce bias in single-step genomic evaluations.

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    International audienceAbstractBackground Metafounders are pseudo-individuals that encapsulate genetic heterozygosity and relationships within and across base pedigree populations, i.e. ancestral populations. This work addresses the estimation and usefulness of metafounder relationships in single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP).ResultsWe show that ancestral relationship parameters are proportional to standardized covariances of base allelic frequencies across populations, such as Fst\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy}\usepackage{mathrsfs}\usepackage{upgreek}\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\begin{document}FstF_{\text{st}}\end{document} fixation indexes. These covariances of base allelic frequencies can be estimated from marker genotypes of related recent individuals and pedigree. Simple methods for their estimation include naïve computation of allele frequencies from marker genotypes or a method of moments that equates average pedigree-based and marker-based relationships. Complex methods include generalized least squares (best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE)) or maximum likelihood based on pedigree relationships. To our knowledge, methods to infer Fst\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy}\usepackage{mathrsfs}\usepackage{upgreek}\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\begin{document}FstF_{\text{st}}\end{document} coefficients from marker data have not been developed for related individuals. We derived a genomic relationship matrix, compatible with pedigree relationships, that is constructed as a cross-product of {−1,0,1} codes and that is equivalent (apart from scale factors) to an identity-by-state relationship matrix at genome-wide markers. Using a simulation with a single population under selection in which only males and youngest animals are genotyped, we observed that generalized least squares or maximum likelihood gave accurate and unbiased estimates of the ancestral relationship parameter (true value: 0.40) whereas the naïve method and the method of moments were biased (average estimates of 0.43 and 0.35). We also observed that genomic evaluation by ssGBLUP using metafounders was less biased in terms of estimates of genetic trend (bias of 0.01 instead of 0.12), resulted in less overdispersed (0.94 instead of 0.99) and as accurate (0.74) estimates of breeding values than ssGBLUP without metafounders and provided consistent estimates of heritability.ConclusionsEstimation of metafounder relationships can be achieved using BLUP-like methods with pedigree and markers. Inclusion of metafounder relationships reduces bias of genomic predictions with no loss in accuracy

    Accounting for genomic pre-selection in national BLUP evaluations in dairy cattle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In future Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) evaluations of dairy cattle, genomic selection of young sires will cause evaluation biases and loss of accuracy once the selected ones get progeny.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To avoid such bias in the estimation of breeding values, we propose to include information on all genotyped bulls, including the culled ones, in BLUP evaluations. Estimated breeding values based on genomic information were converted into genomic pseudo-performances and then analyzed simultaneously with actual performances. Using simulations based on actual data from the French Holstein population, bias and accuracy of BLUP evaluations were computed for young sires undergoing progeny testing or genomic pre-selection. For bulls pre-selected based on their genomic profile, three different types of information can be included in the BLUP evaluations: (1) data from pre-selected genotyped candidate bulls with actual performances on their daughters, (2) data from bulls with both actual and genomic pseudo-performances, or (3) data from all the genotyped candidates with genomic pseudo-performances. The effects of different levels of heritability, genomic pre-selection intensity and accuracy of genomic evaluation were considered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Including information from all the genotyped candidates, i.e. genomic pseudo-performances for both selected and culled candidates, removed bias from genetic evaluation and increased accuracy. This approach was effective regardless of the magnitude of the initial bias and as long as the accuracy of the genomic evaluations was sufficiently high.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed method can be easily and quickly implemented in BLUP evaluations at the national level, although some improvement is necessary to more accurately propagate genomic information from genotyped to non-genotyped animals. In addition, it is a convenient method to combine direct genomic, phenotypic and pedigree-based information in a multiple-step procedure.</p

    SUP: an extension to SLINK to allow a larger number of marker loci to be simulated in pedigrees conditional on trait values

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    BACKGROUND: With the recent advances in high-throughput genotyping technologies that allow for large-scale association mapping of human complex traits, promising statistical designs and methods have been emerging. Efficient simulation software are key elements for the evaluation of the properties of new statistical tests. SLINK is a flexible simulation tool that has been widely used to generate the segregation and recombination processes of markers linked to, and possibly associated with, a trait locus, conditional on trait values in arbitrary pedigrees. In practice, its most serious limitation is the small number of loci that can be simulated, since the complexity of the algorithm scales exponentially with this number. RESULTS: I describe the implementation of a two-step algorithm to be used in conjunction with SLINK to enable the simulation of a large number of marker loci linked to a trait locus and conditional on trait values in families, with the possibility for the loci to be in linkage disequilibrium. SLINK is used in the first step to simulate genotypes at the trait locus conditional on the observed trait values, and also to generate an indicator of the descent path of the simulated alleles. In the second step, marker alleles or haplotypes are generated in the founders, conditional on the trait locus genotypes simulated in the first step. Then the recombination process between the marker loci takes place conditionally on the descent path and on the trait locus genotypes. This two-step implementation is often computationally faster than other software that are designed to generate marker data linked to, and possibly associated with, a trait locus. CONCLUSION: Because the proposed method uses SLINK to simulate the segregation process, it benefits from its flexibility: the trait may be qualitative with the possibility of defining different liability classes (which allows for the simulation of gene-environment interactions or even the simulation of multi-locus effects between unlinked susceptibility regions) or it may be quantitative and normally distributed. In particular, this implementation is the only one available that can generate a large number of marker loci conditional on the set of observed quantitative trait values in pedigrees

    Heterogeneity of variance components for preweaning growth in Romane sheep due to the number of lambs reared

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pre-weaning growth rate of lambs, an important component of meat market production, is affected by maternal and direct genetic effects. The French genetic evaluation model takes into account the number of lambs suckled by applying a multiplicative factor (1 for a lamb reared as a single, 0.7 for twin-reared lambs) to the maternal genetic effect, in addition to including the birth*rearing type combination as a fixed effect, which acts on the mean. However, little evidence has been provided to justify the use of this multiplicative model. The two main objectives of the present study were to determine, by comparing models of analysis, 1) whether pre-weaning growth is the same trait in single- and twin-reared lambs and 2) whether the multiplicative coefficient represents a good approach for taking this possible difference into account.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on the pre-weaning growth rate, defined as the average daily gain from birth to 45 days of age on 29,612 Romane lambs born between 1987 and 2009 at the experimental farm of La Sapinière (INRA-France) were used to compare eight models that account for the number of lambs per dam reared in various ways. Models were compared using the Akaike information criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The model that best fitted the data assumed that 1) direct (maternal) effects correspond to the same trait regardless of the number of lambs reared, 2) the permanent environmental effects and variances associated with the dam depend on the number of lambs reared and 3) the residual variance depends on the number of lambs reared. Even though this model fitted the data better than a model that included a multiplicative coefficient, little difference was found between EBV from the different models (the correlation between EBV varied from 0.979 to 0.999).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on experimental data, the current genetic evaluation model can be improved to better take into account the number of lambs reared. Thus, it would be of interest to evaluate this model on field data and update the genetic evaluation model based on the results obtained.</p

    Lambs with Scrapie Susceptible Genotypes Have Higher Postnatal Survival

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    BACKGROUND: Prion protein (PrP) alleles associated with scrapie susceptibility persist in many sheep populations even with high frequencies despite centuries of selection against them. This suggests that scrapie susceptibility alleles have a pleiotropic effect or are associated with fitness or other traits that have been subject to selection. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We genotyped all lambs in two scrapie-free Scottish Blackface sheep flocks for polymorphisms at codons 136, 154 and 171 of the PrP gene. We tested potential associations of the PrP genotype with lamb viability at birth and postnatal survival using a complementary log-log link function and a Weibull proportional hazard model, respectively. Here we show there is an association between PrP genotype, as defined by polymorphisms at codons 154 ad 171, and postnatal lamb survival in the absence of scrapie. Sheep carrying the wild-type ARQ allele have higher postnatal survival rates than sheep carrying the more scrapie-resistant alleles (ARR or AHQ). CONCLUSION: The PrP genotypes associated with higher susceptibility to scrapie are associated with improved postnatal survival in the absence of the disease. This association helps to explain the existence, and in many instances the high frequency, of the ARQ allele in sheep populations

    A phasing and imputation method for pedigreed populations that results in a single-stage genomic evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Efficient, robust, and accurate genotype imputation algorithms make large-scale application of genomic selection cost effective. An algorithm that imputes alleles or allele probabilities for all animals in the pedigree and for all genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) provides a framework to combine all pedigree, genomic, and phenotypic information into a single-stage genomic evaluation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An algorithm was developed for imputation of genotypes in pedigreed populations that allows imputation for completely ungenotyped animals and for low-density genotyped animals, accommodates a wide variety of pedigree structures for genotyped animals, imputes unmapped SNP, and works for large datasets. The method involves simple phasing rules, long-range phasing and haplotype library imputation and segregation analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Imputation accuracy was high and computational cost was feasible for datasets with pedigrees of up to 25 000 animals. The resulting single-stage genomic evaluation increased the accuracy of estimated genomic breeding values compared to a scenario in which phenotypes on relatives that were not genotyped were ignored.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The developed imputation algorithm and software and the resulting single-stage genomic evaluation method provide powerful new ways to exploit imputation and to obtain more accurate genetic evaluations.</p

    Polymorphisms of the prion protein gene and their effects on litter size and risk evaluation for scrapie in Chinese Hu sheep

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    It is well known that scrapie is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease in sheep and goat, which belongs to the group of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases. It has been confirmed that the polymorphisms of prion protein gene (PRNP) at codons 136, 154, and 171 have strong relationship with scrapie in sheep. In the present study, nine polymorphisms of PRNP at codons 136, 154, and 171 and other six loci (at codons 101, 112, 127, 137, 138, and 152) were detected in 180 Chinese Hu sheep. All the alleles at codons 136, 154, and 171 have been identified and resulted in three new genotypes. The frequencies of predominant alleles were 85% (A136), 99.40% (R154), and 37.78% (Q171), respectively. The predominant haplotype ARQ has a relatively high frequency of 57.77%. The frequencies of dominant genotypes of ARR/ARQ and ARQ/ARQ were 30 and 26.67%, respectively. Three new found genotypes named ARQ/TRK, ARQ/TRR, and TRR/TRQ had the same lower frequencies (0.56%). The relationship of PRNP genotype with scrapie risk and litter size showed that the predominant genotypes are corresponded to the risk score of R1 (1.67%), R2 (32.22%), and R3 (42.22%). Just at the first parity, the individuals with ARH/ARH genotype had significantly larger litter size than the mean value and those with ARQ/ARQ and ARR/ARQ genotypes. In short, this study provided preliminary information about alleles and genotypes of PRNP in Chinese Hu sheep. It could be concluded that Hu sheep has a low susceptibility to natural scrapie, and the predominant PRNP genotype at least has no significant effect on litter size