64 research outputs found

    Fuzzy and Position Particle Swarm Optimized Routing in VANET

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    In Intelligent Transport Systems, traffic management and providing stable routing paths between vehicles using vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET\u27s) is critical. Lots of research and several routing techniques providing a long path lifetime have been presented to resolve this issue. However, the routing algorithms suffer excessive overhead or collisions when solving complex optimization problems. In order to improve the routing efficiency and performance in the existing schemes, a Position Particle Swarm Optimization based on Fuzzy Logic (PPSO-FL) method is presented for VANET that provides a high-quality path for communication between nodes. The PPSO-FL has two main steps. The first step is selecting candidate nodes through collectively coordinated metrics using the fuzzy logic technique, improving packet delivery fraction, and minimizing end-to-end delay. The second step is the construction of an optimized routing model. The optimized routing model establishes an optimal route through the candidate nodes using position-based particle swarm optimization. The proposed work is simulated using an NS2 simulator. Simulation results demonstrate that the method outperforms the standard routing algorithms in packet delivery fraction, end-to-end delay and execution time for routing in VANET scenarios

    Epiphreatic caves in Niah karst tower (NW Borneo): occurrence, morphology and hydrogeochemistry

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    Epiphreatic caves develop close to the water table at the boundary between vadose and phreatic karst zones. The recognition of their former existence and position in uplifted limestone regions can inform on phases of uplift, base level lowering and rate of vertical deepening of the karst. Hence, epiphreatic caves and the karst processes that form them are of specific interest. Although the large and spectacular caves of Niah have been subject of much research and interest, the existence of small epiphreatic caves at the foot of the karst towers has not previously been documented in this region of NW Borneo. The study documents and reports an epiphreatic cave passage at water table elevation in the Painted Cave karst tower where several large caves are also known. The semi-flooded passage is over 480 m long and traverses the tower from east to west, intersecting other much larger vadose caves. The epiphreatic flow path is characterized by a number of sinking streams and resurgences as well as several sharp bends in the passage indicating joint control. As an initial attempt this study was undertaken to correlate the water chemistry along the cave path to understand the geomorphological controls. A preliminary campaign of water sampling was carried out with samples collected at ten locations along the path of the cave stream and analyzed for pH, EC, TDS, DO, Eh, major ions, nutrients and trace metals. The results show that dissolution of host rock and leaching of organic matter are the dominant controlling factors for the geochemistry of surface water along the cave stream passage. During dry conditions the water was under-saturated for carbonate minerals but not aggressive suggesting that most dissolution and erosion occurs during flood conditions. This is supported by the morphology of the passages and features of the rock wall both inside the caves and at the foot of the karst tower. Key words: Karst, Niah cave, Epiphreatic, Hydrogeochemistry, water table.Jame epifreatične cone v kraškem stolpu Niah (severozahodni Borneo): pojavnost, morfologija in hidrogeokemija Epifratične jame nastajajo na meji med vadozno in freatično cono. Prepoznavanje epifreatičnih elementov v bloku dvignjenega masiva nam omogoča razbrati faze dvigovanja masiva oz. spuščanja erozijske baze, zato so epifreatične jame in procesi še posebno zanimivi. Čeprav so o jamah stolpa Niah opravili številne študije, nobena od teh ne obravnava epifreatičnih jam ob vznožju kraškega stolpa. Ta študija obravnava epifreatične rove na ravni vodne gladine v stolpu Painted Cave v severozahodnem Borneu, kjer sicer poznamo več velikih jam. Delno potopljen rov je dolg več kot 480 m in preči stolp od vzhoda proti zahodu ter pri tem seka še več drugih, veliko večjih vadoznih jam. Epifreatični tok je povezan z več ponikalnicami in izviri, zanj so značilne nagle spremembe smeri, ki sledi vodilnim razpokam. Namen študije je povezati kemijo vode vzdolž toka in aktivne geomorfološke dejavnike. Vzorčenje in analize vode na desetih lokacijah so dali podatke o pH, električni prevodnosti, skupni raztopljeni snovi (TDS), raztopljenem kisiku, Eh ter o koncentraciji glavnih ionov, hranil in kovin v sledeh. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta raztapljanje matične kamnine in izpiranje organskih snovi prevladujoča dejavnika geokemije vode v kanalu. V sušnem obdobju je voda rahlo nenasičena na kalcit, a je agresivnost majhna, kar kaže na to, da glavna faza razvoja poteka v poplavnih obdobjih. To potrjujejo tudi morfologija rova in jamske skalne oblike v jami in ob vznožju kraškega stolpa.Ključne besede: kras, jama Niah, epifreatična cona, hidrogeokemija, vodna površina.

    Virus-like particles derived from Pichia pastoris-expressed dengue virus type 1 glycoprotein elicit homotypic virus-neutralizing envelope domain III-directed antibodies

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    Background: Four antigenically distinct serotypes (1–4) of Dengue Viruses (DENVs) cause dengue disease. Antibodies to any one DENV serotype have the potential to predispose an individual to more severe disease upon infection with a different DENV serotype. A dengue vaccine must elicit homotypic neutralizing antibodies to all four DENV serotypes to avoid the risk of such antibody-dependent enhancement in the vaccine recipient. This is a formidable challenge as evident from the lack of protective efficacy against DENV-2 by a tetravalent live attenuated dengue vaccine that has completed phase III trials recently. These trial data underscore the need to explore non-replicating subunit vaccine alternatives. Recently, using the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris, we showed that DENV-2 and DENV-3 envelope (E) glycoproteins, expressed in absence of prM, implicated in causing severe dengue disease, self-assemble into Virus-like Particles (VLPs), which elicit predominantly virus-neutralizing antibodies and confer significant protection against lethal DENV challenge in an animal model. The current study extends this work to a third DENV serotype. Results: We cloned and expressed DENV-1 E antigen in P. pastoris and purified it to near homogeneity. Recombinant DENV-1 E underwent post-translational processing, namely, signal peptide cleavage and glycosylation. Purified DENV-1 E self-assembled into stable VLPs, based on electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering analysis. Epitope mapping with monoclonal antibodies revealed that the VLPs retained the overall antigenic integrity of the virion particles despite the absence of prM. Subtle changes accompanied the efficient display of E domain III (EDIII), which contains type-specific neutralizing epitopes. These VLPs were immunogenic, eliciting predominantly homotypic EDIII-directed DENV-1-specific neutralizing antibodies. Conclusions: This work demonstrates the inherent potential of P. pastoris-expressed DENV-1 E glycoprotein to self-assemble into VLPs eliciting predominantly homotypic neutralizing antibodies. This work justifies an investigation of the last remaining serotype, namely, DENV-4, to assess if it also shares the desirable vaccine potential manifested by the remaining three DENV serotypes. Such efforts could make it possible to envisage the development of a tetravalent dengue vaccine based on VLPs of P. pastoris-expressed E glycoproteins of the four DENV serotypes

    Metal concentrations in sediments from tourist beaches of Miri City, Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo Island)

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    Forty-three sediment samples were collected from the beaches of Miri City, Sarawak, Malaysia to identify the enrichment of partially leached trace metals (PLTMs) from six different tourist beaches. The samples were analyzed for PLTMs Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn. The concentration pattern suggest that the southern side of the study area is enriched with Fe (1821–6097 μg g−1), Mn (11.57–90.22 μg g−1), Cr (51.50–311 μg g−1), Ni (18–51 μg g−1), Pb (8.81–84.05 μg g−1), Sr (25.95–140.49 μg g−1) and Zn (12.46–35.04 μg g−1). Compared to the eco-toxicological values, Cr > Effects range low (ERL), Lowest effect level (LEL), Severe effect level (SEL); Cu > Unpolluted sediments, ERL, LEL; Pb > Unpolluted sediments and Ni > ERL and LEL. Comparative results with other regions indicate that Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn are higher, indicating an external input rather than natural process

    Deep Learning for Enhanced Fault Diagnosis of Monoblock Centrifugal Pumps: Spectrogram-Based Analysis

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    Abstract The reliable operation of monoblock centrifugal pumps (MCP) is crucial in various industrial applications. Achieving optimal performance and minimizing costly downtime requires effectively detecting and diagnosing faults in critical pump components. This study proposes an innovative approach that leverages deep transfer learning techniques. An accelerometer was adopted to capture vibration signals emitted by the pump. These signals are then converted into spectrogram images which serve as the input for a sophisticated classification system based on deep learning. This enables the accurate identification and diagnosis of pump faults. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, 15 pre-trained networks including ResNet-50, InceptionV3, GoogLeNet, DenseNet-201, ShuffleNet, VGG-19, MobileNet-v2, InceptionResNetV2, VGG-16, NasNetmobile, EfficientNetb0, AlexNet, ResNet-18, Xception, ResNet101 and ResNet-18 were employed. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach with AlexNet exhibiting the highest level of accuracy among the pre-trained networks. Additionally, a meticulous evaluation of the execution time of the classification process was performed. AlexNet achieved 100.00% accuracy with an impressive execution (training) time of 17 s. This research provides invaluable insights into applying deep transfer learning for fault detection and diagnosis in MCP. Using pre-trained networks offers an efficient and precise solution for this task. The findings of this study have the potential to significantly enhance the reliability and maintenance practices of MCP in various industrial settings

    Exploitation of Herpesvirus Immune Evasion Strategies to Modify the Immunogenicity of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplants

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    BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells residing in the connective tissue of many organs and holding great potential for tissue repair. In culture, human MSCs (hMSCs) are capable of extensive proliferation without showing chromosomal aberrations. Large numbers of hMSCs can thus be acquired from small samples of easily obtainable tissues like fat and bone marrow. MSCs can contribute to regeneration indirectly by secretion of cytokines or directly by differentiation into specialized cell types. The latter mechanism requires their long-term acceptance by the recipient. Although MSCs do not elicit immune responses in vitro, animal studies have revealed that allogeneic and xenogeneic MSCs are rejected. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We aim to overcome MSC immune rejection through permanent down-regulation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I proteins on the surface of these MHC class II-negative cells through the use of viral immune evasion proteins. Transduction of hMSCs with a retroviral vector encoding the human cytomegalovirus US11 protein resulted in strong inhibition of MHC class I surface expression. When transplanted into immunocompetent mice, persistence of the US11-expressing and HLA-ABC-negative hMSCs at levels resembling those found in immunodeficient (i.e., NOD/SCID) mice could be attained provided that recipients' natural killer (NK) cells were depleted prior to cell transplantation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings demonstrate the potential utility of herpesviral immunoevasins to prevent rejection of xenogeneic MSCs. The observation that down-regulation of MHC class I surface expression renders hMSCs vulnerable to NK cell recognition and cytolysis implies that multiple viral immune evasion proteins are likely required to make hMSCs non-immunogenic and thereby universally transplantable

    Titanium dioxide is Preferred for Photo-catalytic and PEC Applications: Why?

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    Titanium dioxide-based systems are the preferred photo-catalytic materials. Among this the commercial P25 has been consistently employed for Photo-catalytic and PEC applications. This system ( ~20% Rutile and ~80% anatase) possibly crystallizes in a core shell configuration and the relevance of this. patterning for the observed photo-catalytic or Photo-electrochemical (PEC) activity is examined